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Abbreviations and Symbols used in Genealogy


+ Symbolic of an Episcopal or Catholic Priest.
1C - first cousin (2c, second cousin, etc.)
1R - once removed (2r, twice removed, etc.)
ACW - American Civil War
Admon. - Letters of Administration (British wills)
AFRA - American Family Records Association
Ag. Lab. - Agricultural Labourer (British censuses)
AGLL- American Genealogical Lending Library
AGRA - Association of Genealogists and Record Agents (Professional)
AIF - Australian Imperial Forces
AMINDEX - Index of emigrants from British Isles to USA and West Indies
APG - Association of Proferssional Genealogists, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - type of file on a computer that is usually     readable / writable by most word processors
AIS - Accelerated Indexing System
b - born
BACSA - British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
BALH - British Association for Local History
bap - baptized
bapt - baptized
BBS - Bulletin Board System Phone dial up connection for PC's.
BK - Brother's Keeper, a genealogy program
BL - British Library
BMD - Births, Marriages and Deaths
BMP - Bit Mapped Picture - file format of a computer disk file
Bp - Bishop
BT - Bishop's Transcript (British parish registers)
BTW - By The Way (electronic communication, in general)
bur - buried
C18 - Eighteenth century (etc.)
ca - circa, about, (as in ca. 1840.)
CANINDEX - Index of emigrants from British Isles to Canada and Newfoundland
CC - County Court (USA)
CD - Compact Disk - An optical disk used with some PC's to store lots of data.
CFI - Computer File Index (precursor of IGI)
chr - Christened.
CIG - Computer Interest Group (electronic communication, in general)
CPAFUG - a BBS operated by the Capital Personal Ancestral File Users Group strictly genealogy
CRO - County Record Office (British)
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube - usually the incorrect reference to a computer video display terminal.
CW - Civil War (specifically in the USA, 1861-1865).
d - died.
DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution
DBF - Data Base Files (specifically for dBASE III and dBase IV)
    DC - District Court (USA)
DOCS - Documents / Documentations
DOS - Disk Operating System - Supervisory program on computers that execute different computer     commands usually typed in from the keyboard
div - divorced.
DRO - Diocesan Record Office (British)
d.s.p. - died without issue (from Latin: decessit sine prole)
EBCDIC - Type of file on a computer disk or tape that is most often for IBM mainframes. Distinct and     different from ASCII.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FE - Family Edge genealogy software program
FFHS - Federation of Family History Societies (British) Benson Room,Birmingham & Midland Institute,Margaret Street Birmingham,B3 3BS,UK
FFV - First Families of Virginia
FGRA - Family Group Record Archives
FGS - ancestral charts or "Family Group Sheets"
FHC - Family History Center (LDS satellite centers)
FHL - Family History Library (LDS main library in Utah)
FHLC - Family History Library Catalog
FHS - Family History Society also Family History System, a program by Phillip E. Brown
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
FTM - Family Tree Maker, a genealogy program from Banner Blue Software
FTP - File Transfer Protocol (networking, technical)
FWIW - For What It's Worth (electronic communication in general)
FYI - For Your Information (electronic communication,in general)
GR&D - Grinning, running and ducking
geb - Born (From German, geboren)
GED - Extension of GEDCOM filesk also a program by Dollarhide Systems for indexing sources.
GEDCOM - GEnealogical Data COMmunications
GENEALOG - Genealogy storage of textual help files on ROOTS-L
gest - died (from German, gestorben)
GIF - A format to hold images on a computer disk file
GIM - Genealogical Information Manager
GOONS - Guild Of One Name Studies
GRD - Genealogical Research Directory
GRO - General Registry Office (St Catherine's House, British)
GRB - General Reference Book
GSDS - Genealogy Software Distribution System
HMSO - Her Majesty's Stationery Office (British)
HTML - Hypertext markup language, normally used in ediding web pages.
IAE - In any event
IGI - International Genealogical Index
IGS - Irish Genealogical Society
IHGS - Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies
ILL - Inter-Library Loan
IMO - In my opinion
IMCO - I mymconsidered opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion ( electronic communication, in general)
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion ( electronic communication, in general)
INAL- I am not a Lawyer
IOOF - Independent Order of Odd Fellows
IOW - I other words
IRAD - Illinois Regional Archive Depository
IRC - International Reply Coupon
ISBN - International Standard Book Number
ISO - In Search Of
ISSN - International Standard Serial Number
IVRH - International Vital Records Handbook
LAN - Local Area Network - group of computers connected in a network
LC - Library of Congress
LCCN - Library of Congress Card Number
LDS - Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
LL - LifeLines, a genealogy program for UNIX
LOC - Location (rarely, Library of Congress)
LOCIS - Library of Congress Information System
MARC-AMC - A labeling convention for on-line library catalogs
    MG - Minister of the Gospel
MI- Monumental (or Memorial) Inscription
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - A protocol for internet email that enables the transmission
     of nontextual data such as graphics, audio, video and other binary types of files.
NARA - National Archives and Records Administration
NATF - National Archives Trust Fund
NEHGS - New England Historical Genealogy Society
NGC - National Genealogical Conference
NGS - National Geographical Society
NGS/CIG a BBS operated by the National Genealogical Society's Computer Interest Group strictly     genealogy
NLW - National Library of Wales
NRN - No reply necessary
obit. - died
OCLC - Online Computer Library Center
OLUC - OnLine Union Catalog
OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogs
OPCS - Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (British)
OPR - Old Parochial Records (for Scotland, kept in the Scottish Registry office)
o.t.p. - of this parish (British records)
OTOH - On the other hand
PAC - Public Access Catalog - same as OPAC.
PAF - Personal Ancestry File, genealogy program of the Mormon Church (LDS)
PCC - Prerogative Court of Canterbury (English wills)
PCX - A format to hold image information on a computer disk file
PCY - Prerogative Court of York (English wills)
PILI - (Filby's) Passenger Lists and Immigration Index
PRO - Public Record Office (British)
PRONI - Public Records Office of Northern Ireland
REUNION - Genealogy program
RIII - Roots III (ROOTS3) genealogy software program (TM) (Comsoft, Inc)
ROOTS-L - a mailing list of subscribers who are interested in genealogy
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
RSL - Karen's Roots Surname List
RSN - Real Soon Now
RTF - Rich text format. A microsoft format not easily digested by other programs
RTM - Read the manual
RUC - Royal Ulster Constabulary
RW - Revolutionary War (USA)
SAE - Stamped, Addressed Envelope (British)
SAR - Sons of the American Revolution
SASE - Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope (USA)
SC - Superior Court (USA)
SGCF - Societe Genealogique Canadienne-francaise
SITD - Still in the dark
SLC - Salt Lake City
soc.roots - a Usenet newsgroup for people interested in genealogy
SOG - Society of Genealogists (British)
SOUNDEX - A method of translating a name to a one letter code followed by three numerical digits. The aim     of the translation is to render all names which sound alike (or sufficiently similar) to the same code.
SIMTEL20 - Archival storage area for files
SoG - Society of Genealogists (British)
SPAM - To send identical and irrelevent postings to many different newsgroups or mailing lists.
SVPAFUG - Silicaon Valley Personal Ancestral File Users Group
SYSOP - SYStem OPerator - Person that maintains a BBS
TAG - The American Genealogist, a magazine.
TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TFE - The Family Edge, a genealogy program
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIB - Temple Index Bureau file.
TIC - Tongue in cheek
TIFF - A format to hold image data picture on a computer disk file
TMG - The Master Genealogist, a genealogy program.
TMS - Tiny Tafels Software genealogy program also Tafel Matching System
TSR - computer program that is run and then Terminated and Stays Resident in the memory of the computer     till it is turned off
TT - Tiny-Tafel
USIA - U.S. Information Agency
vCARD - One of two data interchange formats (the other is vCalendar) The vCard format describes personal
information typically found on a business card.
VDT - a computer video display terminal.
WRT - With regard to
WW1 - World War One
WW2 - World War Two

:-) - I am happy
;-) - I am happy and winking
:-( - I am sad

Your English Ancestry: A Guide for North Americans
Your English Ancestry: A Guide for North Americans