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Interpretations, Gatherings Historical Sites & SubjectsTypes Compiled by: Paul M. Kankula NN8NN (non-copyrighted) |
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17 Jun 2017
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General Information
WebPage Consideration:
Older county and local histories for most parts of South Carolina - - including numbers of ones being produced fairly late into the twentieth century - - were the product of individuals with the time, money, or inclination to prepare them. Unfortunately, numbers of these publications were not the result of intense research and rigorous scholarship. Instead, such efforts are far too often collections of gathered, hearsay information various genealogical materials (sometimes correct/ at times in error) and small groups of material on an array of topics that does blend into a coherent whole or provide any interpretation of the information. Some of this WebPage information falls into this "Gathered" category.
The serious researcher needs, when possible, to know something about the qualifications of a writer making a particular presentation. Certainly, the researcher should look for (1) books with many footnotes that document the sources for specific statements (2) materials written by people who are noted for their expertise in specific areas of research (3) published primary materials (such as census records).
There are thesis and there are dissertations and there are booklets and there are books. Just because something is a thesis or a dissertation or a booklet or a book (No matter who publishes it!) does not in any way attest to its quality.
History Records are the real materials (letters, diaries, census records, and so on -- records stating something happening at the time) - - not works like the following. While most of the materials appearing in newspapers are classed as "History Records," the materials appearing in newspapers telling of something that happened 50 years past are not "History Records." These works are merely collections or interpretations of historical data. Obviously, some works are going to be more accurate than others.
The Northwest Section of South Carolina was at one time a part of Georgia. The
line was the Seneca river west to the Tugaloo River, then north to the North
Carolina line.
Intermittent warfare between the Whites and the Cherokees were frequent. The few
Pioneers who settled in this section were not sufficient to develop and protect
themselves before the treaty of 1777. At the end of the Revolution, Andrew
Pickens, Col. Ben Hawkins who was the Indian Agent for North Carolina, Joseph
Martin of Tennessee, Locklear McIntosh of Georgia and Old Tassel Chief of the
Cherokees, with Nancy Ward (who was a friend to the Whites and was the first
White woman to make a public address in America). They all met at Due West South
Carolina on May 20, 1777 and signed the Treaty of Hopewell. This opened up a
whole new section for the Whites. The Cherokees ceded one third of North
Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee to the Whites in this Treaty.
Large numbers of families from Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and some
from the South Part of South Carolina came to the new territory and settled.
Some large land grants were made to Revolutionary soldiers, who divided it out
and sold to smaller settlers. This section was settled at such rapid rate that
the Capitol was moved from Charleston to Columbia in 1790.
Benjamin Cleveland, a patriot from Wilkes county North Carolina and hero of
Kings Mountain, came from Culpepper county, Virginia with his wife Mary Graves
in 1775 to Wilkes county was granted 3,000 acres on the Tugaloo River for his
part in the Revolution as a soldier.
In 1790 Pendleton village was organized and in the census of 1790 Pendleton
District had 10,000 people. In 1778, lands were set aside between the Keowee and
Tugaloo rivers for Revolutionary soldiers and the land rush was on. Some
squatters had come before the revolution and some came to avoid the Revolution.
Benjamin Cleveland, Bolin, David and Edward Clark, Edward Vandiver, Joshua Dyer,
William Jackson, Andrew Pickens, John Miller, William Holbert, Henry Clarke, Jim
Moffett, Robert Anderson were some of the first land owners in the District.
Elisha Dyer, son of James Dyer of Granville county North Carolina, came to
settle here before going on to Hart County Georgia, where he died at the age of
90. His descendants came to Walker County, GA. Edwin Dyer was a very prominent
Baptist preacher in this section.
John Miller a printer from London England who published the corruption of the
public officers of the day in his newspaper was a part owner of the London
Evening Post. He was not very popular with the Government officials of England
after publishing their corruption and was expelled from the country and came to
America. He was induced to come to South Carolina and then to Pendleton district
where he published a newspaper the first in the district call "The Millers
Weekly Messenger."
This part of the piedmont South Carolina is very beautiful country and as one
goes on north toward the North Carolina line, mountains are found to be very
steep and rugged. Around the Keowee river section are now lakes and very thinly
settled. One wonders where the first settlers made a living there does not seem
to be very much cultivable land. This is where the Dyers, Joshua and Elisha
lived. It is now Pickens and Oconee counties of South Carolina.
This article was taken from W.B. Dyer's book "Dyer Family History, England to
America, 1600-1980", copied with permission from author.
African American Life in SC's Upper Piedmont, 1780-1900 - by Dr. W.J. Megginson, h-50.txt
Jerry L. Alexander's Books:- Box 1233, Seneca, SC 29679, 864-882-9326, [email protected] 864-882-9326. Since retiring in 2002, the veteran Pickens County publisher has authored 7 books. All are about local history or genealogy.
Alexander Families of Upper SC - family became apparent in the second generation: son Micajah had eleven children, Thomas had twelve and William had ten. More than three hundred pages are dedicated to Micajah's offspring alone. The male lines are followed as far as possible, and the female lines are followed for two generations. At the end of each family group is a list of sources from which the information on that family was obtained. Newest book, no. 7, ALEXANDERS Family Legacy in Oconee, Greenville, Pickens and Anderson Counties, Sc. huge, 350 pages Slam full of births, wills, plats, deeds, letters, graves, probate records, tax receipts, just about everything but the sink. Loaded with photos of early family patriarchs, slews of our in-laws too! Hundreds of old photos, drawings by author Alexander of sailing on ship from Ireland, by covered wagons on the Great Wagon Rd. from Pennsylvania, Clearing the wilderness in young Carolina while cabins rose. lists the 3 original brothers and their early offspring in separate sections with names at top of page making finding your ancestors easy! Carefully and lovingly compiled, this impressive work is illustrated with family photographs, tombstones, maps and original artwork. It contains a brief historical narrative, bibliography and index. Monumental in size, it is an indispensable Alexander family resource.
Antebellum Old Pickens District SC - The much heralded peopling of Backcountry SC, between the Rev. War and Civil War. Settlers poured here by the thousands, building homes, churches, roads, and raising younguns in big batches. A jumping off spot for folks settling the Deep South and West. Many family names, photos, genealogical wealth in 210 pages, 419 photos/ illustrations. 8 x 10 in size. One for family researchers to cherish for years to come!
Barely Living From Payday To Payday - The SC Cateechee Mill Story, h-48.txt - “Barely Living from Payday to Payday” on a southern cotton mill village. A lifestyle now gone. Hundreds of thousands of workers were driven off their jobs forever. A unique history to remember, 200 photos, 200 pgs.
Where Have All Our Moonshiners Gone? - Tells where White Lightning is being made and where not. Readers are absorbing every word about this new American folklore icon. Book is selling like candy, in its fifth printing already! Both a funny but serious history of moonshine, 200 photographs of raids, stills, arrests, even some rare comical moonshiners, actual Fed indictments of an illegal distiller shown and more!
Blood Red Runs The Sacred Keowee - Cherokees fought valiantly to save their lands from encroaching settlers across their Appalachian Mountain homeland. The tragic 1700s era, pitting desperate Indians against encroaching whites, comes vividly alive. Despite two wars of fierce defense, Indians eventually lost in treaty after treaty. Many Indian villages were burned and thousands of people left to starve in freezing, winter-clad mountains. The Lower Cherokee Nation capital “Keowee” and Fort Prince George on Keowee River were at the epicenter of this horrible, four-state war. 8 ½ x 11, 200 pg, 200 illust. hard cover.
Hopping Billy - Billy was an ordinary dirt farmer who decided to add other venues after being crippled at mid-life. He bred and raised “fine” horses for sale to folks wanting the best animals for pulling their buggies to church and festivities, much like our BMWs or Cadillacs today. Using a practical but ingenuous bartering method involving little or no cash, he amassed a fortune in land over his lifetime. He also fathered three well-known families.
Alexander's - Our Family Legacy in the Blue Ridge Mountains An ingenuous collection of many long ago, laboriously penned signatures by our Alexanders and related ancestors now deceased that were gleaned from official court documents and family letters. The names of your earliest ancestors surely may be penned here. Also, a rare photo of Jacob Alexander and his wife, Amanda Wrouten Alexander, relaxing on the porch of their log cabin loving their babies, graces this front page. (This cabin still stands) The 360- page work stresses those early years now long gone forever, lived by our struggling ancestors and kinfolks of many different family names.
Amateur Historians Blaze Own Paths - by Lindsay Edmonds, Greenville News in 19-Aug-2006, h-56.txt
Black Blue Blood, Legacy of an African-American Plantation Owner - by
Blue Ridge Railroad - by Betty Plisco in 2003 (not on-line)
Early Religious Effort in Old Pendleton District 1785-1970 - by Annie Lee Boggs, h-54.txt
Historical Interpretations by G. Anne Sheriff
Black History in Pickens County Part I
Black History in Pickens County Part 2
Liberty SC 1876-1976 One Hundred Years
Pickensville - Easley History
Sketches of Cherokee Villages in South Carolina
Historic Sites by Frederick C. Holder
County Buildings
County Cage
Duke Power
Ellicott's Rock
Historical Newry
Historical Seneca,
Historical Structures
Hopewell Treaty of 28-Nov-1785 with the Cheroke
Long Creek Academy
Oconee County History
Oconee Station & Richards House
Old Pickens Presbyterian Church
Other Historical Sites
Pleasant Alexander's House
Saint John's Lutheran Church
State Parks
Stumphouse Mountain Tunnel
Tomassee Indians
Westminster Depot
Remembering & Preserving Our Past Heritage - by Paul M Kankula, h-42.txt
The Clemson Experimental Forrest It's First Fifty Years - by Robert T Sorrells
The Forgotten Society of the Keowee River Valley - by Johnny Hester, jvickery3@yahoo, in 2008
The Great Wagon Roads - Part-1, Part-2 by Charles Andrews
The Revolutionary War the Southern Campaign and the Battle of Cowpens - by Bob Royer in Oct-2004, h-43.txt
Where Our Paths Crossed - by Charles Andrews (The Old Edgefield District Settlement of Mount Willing SC)
Will Anyone Remember Me When I'm gone? - by Paul M Kankula, h-58.txt
Abbeville County
Anderson County
Anderson County and its county seat, Anderson,
were named for Revolutionary War General Robert Anderson (1741-1812). This
region was occupied by the Cherokee Indians until 1777, when it was ceded by
treaty to the State of South Carolina. This was due to a military expedition
which burned out all the Indians in this section of SC, GA and NC. Part of the
"Indian Land" became Pendleton County in 1789 a part of the 96th Judicial
District. In 1795 Pendleton County was split off from the 96th Judicial District
and placed in the Washington Judicial District until 1798. In 1799 the state
legislature changed all counties to district thus Pendleton District was formed.
The area was given its present name in 1826/7, when Pendleton District was split
into Anderson and Pickens Districts.
In 1868 the state legislature decided to change the districts to counties. Thus
the Anderson County we have today. All of the old Pendleton County and Pendleton
District records can be found in the SC Archives Columbia, SC.
by: SC Archive & History Center
Amelia Earhart Stops in Anderson, Nov 14,1931 - contributed by Cindy Chandler
Anderson County Genealogical Society's Archived 1988+ Newsletters
Anderson Election of Sep. 5, 1884 - contributed by Judy Ballard
Auto Tour comes to Downtown Anderson 1909 - contributed by Cindy Chandler
Chiquola Mill Uprising, 1934 - contributed by Cindy Chandler
Family Helps Search For Graveyards - contributed by Liz Carey of 10-Jul-2010 Independent Mail Newspaper, h-59.txt
History of Pendleton District - by ? (not on-line)
Elaine Hunt Books: [email protected], 864-710-2573
Pelzer Tales: This book is a compilation of stories shared by 69 different Pelzer residents about growing up in the mill town of Pelzer, South Carolina. Pelzer residents, both past and present, shared their stories of growing up on the mill hill on Face Book with other members contributing their memories. These added comments made this book a community effort. Historic photographs shared by Pelzer residents. Published summer 2012.
Pelzer Tales: A Salute to Our Military Veterans: A detailed publication containing military service records of veterans who served from the Town of Pelzer, SC. Beginning in the early 1800s and going to 2015, the book highlights as many veterans and their service as shared by family members, historic records, and newspapers. Pelzer veterans served in all wars as well as in peacetime. Far too many failed to return. A complete reference book on local military service members. Published summer 2013
Pelzer South Carolina: The Town, The Mills, & The People: A complete history of the Town of Pelzer, SC. Includes information from the 1760s until 2015. The book includes many historic photographs and plenty of references. The book, written to be a reference, details the building of the town and the people who were part of the process. Published summer 2015.
Pelzer Tales Heritage Cookbook: A cookbook highlighting the heritage of mill hill cooks. The book includes information published in old Pelzer News newspapers that featured a Cook of the Month. Along with photographs of the cooks, this recipe collection comes from a time when three meals a day brought family and friends together around the dinner table. A true heritage book that assures old family recipes will not be lost or forgotten. Published summer 2015.
Journeys Into The Past - by Frank A. Dickson (not on-line)
Riverside Mill - Tornado of 1924 - contributed by Cindy Chandler
The Old Reformer - contributed by Linda Bratcher McGuire
Traditions and History of Anderson County - by Louise Ayer Vandiver (On-line at http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=30026)
The Days of the Indians
Formation of Anderson County and Beginning of the City
Some of the Pioneer People and Their Social Life
The Churches
The Revolutionary War
Newspapers and Writers
Some of the Early Industries
In Schoolroom Walls-The County
In Schoolroom Walls-The Town
Some of the Early Citizens and Homes
Some of the Forefathers
Andersonville and Some Early Settlers
Waters and Graveyards
War Between the States
War Time at Home
Reconstruction and the Aftermath
The Middle Years
Some Public Buildings
The Spanish War
Manufactories, Mills and Other Industries
Highways and Byways, People and Things
Later Times
Whiskey Dumping - contributed by Cindy Chandler
Oconee County
The area of present-day Oconee County was home to unknown groups of Indians as early as 300 A.D. About 1100, the Etowah Indians probably occupied the region. Muskogeans inhabited parts of the territory previously occupied by the Etowahs from approximately 1350-1600, and recent studies place the arrival of the Cherokee in present-day far eastern Georgia and extreme northwestern South Carolina after 1500. (This date is subject to change in the future as additional materials on the Cherokee are discovered and as the relationships between the Cherokee and other Indian people are redefined.) In 1760, a bitter war between South Carolina and the Cherokee resulted in the destruction of most of the Lower Cherokee villages, and the loss by the Cherokee of lands south and east of the present-day South Carolina counties of Anderson and Greenville. An attack by the Cherokee on the settled parts of South Carolina in 1776 resulted in one of the early campaigns of the Revolutionary War. The Lower Cherokee villages, most of which were in the area of present-day Oconee County, were destroyed, and all but a few of the Lower Cherokee moved out of the boundaries of present-day South Carolina. Norwood's Station, a guard post to warn of possible Indian attacks was erected along the Tugaloo River in the latter years of the Revolutionary War and apparently continued in operation for a number of years after 1783.
by: SC Archive & History Center
A Brief History of Courtenay Manufacturing Co. and the Village of Newry - by John L. Gaillard in Dec-1994
Andre Michaux's Journeys in Oconee County, South Carolina, in 1787 and 1788
Ann Rogers (of Walhalla) Story - by Paul M Kankula in 2003
Butts, The Legacy of Silas - by Nicholas B. Gambrell in 2003 (In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Arts History)
Cemetery Serves as Reminder of 'Self-Containment' - by Dede Norungolo, in MarcH-2005
Carroll Gambrell (of Walhalla) - Newspaper Articles & Books:
Historic Oconee/Pickens County Gatherings - by Mary Cherry Doyle in 1935
History of Mountain Rest - by Mountain Rest Community Club in 1984
Images of Oconee Station - by Scott Alexander in 2003, h-24.txt
Jocassee Valley - by Claudia Whitmire Hembree in 2003, 242 pages, 19 Fernwood Drive, Taylors, SC 29687-4919.
Jocassee Valley - by Mrs. E.F. Ellet, 1852?
Journeys Into The Past - by Frank A. Dickson (not on-line)
Lake Jocassee - by Debbie Fletcher in 2014
Looking Back! (Columns from The Keowee Courier SC Newspaper) - by: Ashton Hester
New Development to Preserve Old Cemetery - by Anna Simon, Greenville News in 10-Oct-2003, h-37.txt
Oconee County Overview - by Rev. George Shealy in 1995, h-19.txt
Oconee County Historical Society's Archived 1986-1994 Newsletters
Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society's Archived 1977-1999 Newsletters
Preserving Memories for the Future - by Mynra McKee, Seneca Dailey Journal in 21-Jun-2003, h-36.txt
Remember When? -- Columns From The Westminster News - by Jack L. Hunt
Salem: Twice a Town - by Joe Gauzens in 1993, 212 pgs
Seneca's Mineral Springs - by John Moore in 1966, h-29.txt
The Garden of the Gods - by Willie Howard Ballenger, h-33.txt
Wagner Monument Rededication, John A. - by Mayor William R Whitmire in 2000, h-31.txt
Walking Tour of Residential Seneca - by Donald D. Clayton
Westminster 1875-1983 History - by Sallie Mae Harbin / Sally Harbin-Long, Box 237, Westminster, SC 29693
Whippoorwill Farewell - Jocassee Remembered - by Debbie Fletcher, [email protected],
Pickens County
Pickens District, SC, and the subsequent Pickens County, in 1868, was named for General Andrew Pickens (1739-1817), a Revolutionary War hero. This area in the northwestern corner of the state was held by the Cherokee until 1777 when it was know as Indian Country. It later became part of Pendleton County in 1789 as part of 96th Judicial District. In 1795 and until 1799 Pendleton was removed from 96th Judicial District and placed in Washington Judicial District until 1798. In 1799 Pendleton County became Pendleton District when the SC legislators decided to change all counties to districts. In 1826/27 (effective 1828) Pendleton District was divided into two Districts, Pickens and Anderson. In 1868 the legislature decided to change the districts to counties. In 1868 the western portion of Pickens was later split off to form Oconee County. Pendleton District records are now in the custody of the SC Archives, Columbia, SC. The earliest European's in this region were explorers and Indian traders. The British built Fort Prince George around 1753 to protect the Cherokee Indians from advances being made by other groups such as the Creeks out of Georgia - and to keep relations between the Cherokee and South Carolina on something of an "even par." In fact, the Cherokee had requested the construction of such a fort for some years. The fort was the site of several battles in the Cherokee Wars in 1759, 60 & 61. The Cherokee town of Essennca (near Clemson), along with numbers of other Cherokee villages, was later destroyed by American troops in 1776. John C. Calhoun (1782-1850), United States vice president, senator, and cabinet member, made his home at the Fort Hill plantation in what became Pickens County. His son-in-law, Thomas Green Clemson (1807-1888), bequeathed the plantation to the state for use as an agricultural college, which led to the founding of Clemson University. In 1968, Oconee County lands that included Clemson College and areas extending southeast to the Anderson County line were annexed by Pickens County.
by: SC Archive & History Center
Benjamin Hagood Family Heritage - by Margaret "Gary" Hagood-Brightwell
Clemson University Area Historical Sites - Will Hiott, Director of Historic Properties, [email protected]
Clemson University Historical & Cultural Resources Survey
Andrew Pickens Jr., Hopewell Plantation House, N34 39.196 x W82 50.355, Google Map
Andrew Pickens Jr., Hopewell Plantation Slave Quarters, in front of house near N34 39.196 x W82 50.355
Andrew Pickens Sr., Hopewell Plantation Slave Cemetery, N34 39.414 x W82 50.247, Google Map
Benjamin Lawrence, Family Cemetery, N34 43.085 x W82 50.821, Google Map
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Woodburn Summer Retreat House,
Cherry's Crossing, N34 39.300 x W82 50.113 (StreetAtlas mapping estimate), Google Map
Ezekiel Pickens House, in area of N34 38.691 x W82 49.424, Google Map
Fort Rutledge DAR Memorial Marker, N34 40.124 x W82 51.062, Google Map
General Andrew Pickens & Wife's Memorial Grave Marker, N34 39.837 x W82 48.923, Google Map
Hopewell-Keowee Presbyterian Church, N34 38.691 x W82 49.424 (StreetAtlas mapping estimate), Google Map
John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Plantation House,
John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Plantation Slave Cemetery, N34 40.558 x W82 50.566, Google Map
John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill/Cemetery Hill/Woodland Memorial Family Cemetery, N34 40.610 x W82 50.538, Google Map
John Ewing Colhoun, Family Cemetery, N34 42.264 x W82 51.376, Google Map
John Ewing Colhoun, Keowee Plantation House,
Old Stone Presbyterian Church, N34 39.868 x W82 48.912, Google Map
Treaty Oak DAR Memorial Marker, N34 39.345 x W82 50.552, Google Map
Development Threatens to Unearth Buried Dead - by Anna Simon, Greenville News in 24-Mar-2004, h-38.txt
Historic Pickens/Oconee County Gatherings - by Mary Cherry Doyle in 1935
Integration with Dignity (Harvey Gantt) - by Dr. H. Lewis Suggs
Legacy of a Southern Lady: Anna Calhoun Clemson, 1817-1875 - by Ann Ratliff Russell
Man tries to solve mystery of missing tombstone - by Jason Evans, Easley Progress in 29-Dec-2006, h-47.txt
Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society's Archived 1977-1999 Newsletters
Our Honoured Relation / John Ewing Colhoun
- by James Green, James Green at
[email protected], in 2009, this book chronicles
the lives of John Ewing Colhoun (1751-1802) and his wife FLoride Bonneau
(1765-1838) with emphaisa on Colhoun's multiple civic contributions to South
Carolina and the nation. Their legacy includes the enabling of John C. Calhoun,
Colhoun's first cousin and son-in-law. The full name index of over 400 surnames
includes the Calhoun/Colhoun and Bonneau immediate family, as well as relatives,
associates, clients, consituents and courtroom and political opponents, e.g.,
Boisseau, DeSaussure, Galphin, Gervais, Green, Kerr, Noble, Norris, Pickens,
Scarbrough, and others. The book relies to a great extent on unpublished
documents, particularly the Colhoun papers in the South Caroliniana Library. 371
Preserving Our History Preserves Who We Are
- by Karen Patterson,
Travelers Rest, Apr-2004, h-39.txt
Pickens Estate Slave Cemetery - by Anna Simon, Greenville News in 30-apr-2003, h-35.txt
Pickens Estate Slave Cemetery - by Chris Day, Seneca Dailey Journal in 19-Jun-2003, h-34 .txt
Prather's Covered Bridge - by Coy Bayne, h-28.txt
Remembering & Preserving Our Past Heritage (GenWeb Project) - by Easley Progress, 20-Aug-2004
Tales of Clemson, 1936-1940 - by Arthur V. Williams, M.D.
The Littlejohns Grill Story - Blues, Jazz and Rock 'n' Roll in Clemson, by Vince Jackson
Women & Clemson University - by Dr. Jerome V. Reel, Jr.