Kershaw County SC Genealogy
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Welcome to Kershaw County! We are excited to have you visit our site, and we hope that we have been of some help by the time you leave.

Kershaw -- a district in the N.E., central part of South Carolina, has an area of 756 square miles. It is intersected by the Wateree river, bounded on the E. by Lynche's creek, and also drained by Little Lynche's, Rice, and Pinetree creeks. The surface is moderately hilly, the soil in some parts productive. Cotton, Indian corn, oats, and sweet potatoes are the staples. In 1850 this district produced 9015 bales of cotton; 362,165 bushels of corn; 23,510 of oats, and 54,880 of sweet potatoes. There were 4 tanneries, 1 cotton factory, 1 grist, and 2 saw and planing mills. It contained 13 churches, 1 newspaper office, 340 pupiles attending public schools, and 735 attending academies or other schools. The Wateree river is navigable by steamboats in the S. part of the district. A railroad has lately been made from Camden to the Columbia Branch railroad. Named in honor of Colonel Joseph Kershaw, of South Carolina. Capital, Camden. Population, 14473; of whome 4895 were free, and 9578, slaves. [page 565]

Baldwin, Thomas and J. Thomas, M.D. New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Grambo, & Co., 1854

What's New This Month

Ever wonder what it was like growing up in the 1880s? Read the diary of Frank McNair Wooten for a little glimpse of that time! We've also added a number of obituaries, and a few other records as well.  

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Last updated Tuesday, 09-Dec-2014 00:05:33 MST