Regimental RosterSecond North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment, May to November 1898
The following Regimental roster is sorted by company and rank; please keep in mind when searching for names that the spellings of some names have changed or been misspelled in the original records, and as the record was transcribed also take into account human error. If you have any additional information, photo's, artifacts that you would like to share please contact the Webmaster.
Field & Staff
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Colonel W.H.S. Burgwyn | Major B.F. Dixon |
Burgwyn, William Hyslop Sumner: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company H of the 35th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on September 3rd, 1861, for the duration of the war; promoted to First Lieutenant on July 4th, 1862; promoted to Captain in 1863; submitted his resignation on June 17th, 1863, however it was declined; appointed as an Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Brigadier General Thomas L. Clingman, P.A.C.S., on January 12th, 1864; served as the Acting Assistant Inspector General of Clingman�s Brigade to September of 1864; wounded in action on May 31st, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Virginia; wounded in action and captured on September 29th, 1864, at Fort Harrison, Virginia; sent to Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, on October 1st, 1864; transferred to the Old Capital Prison in Washington, D.C., on October 6th, 1864; transferred to Fort Delaware, Delaware, on October 21st, 1864; paroled and forwarded to City Point, Virginia, for exchange on February 27th, 1865; never exchanged, sent home on furlough, no further record. Enrolled on May 7th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Colonel of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on July 23rd, 1845, at Jamaica Plains near Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Henry King (1811-1877) and Ann Greenough Burgwyn (1817-1887); raised at Thornbury Plantation in Northampton County, North Carolina, to 1854; educated at the Chestnut Hill Academy in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1854 to 1857; attended Georgetown College in Washington, District of Columbia, from 1857 to 1860; attended, and graduated from, the University of North Carolina from 1860 to 1861, and again from 1866 to June of 1868; attended the Hillsboro Military Academy at Hillsboro, North Carolina, in 1861; graduated from the Law School of Harvard University in Harvard, Massachusetts, in 1870; admitted to the Maryland State Bar in 1870, and opened a law office in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1870 to 1882; attended the Washington Medical University of Baltimore, Maryland, from 1874, to 1876, graduating with a Doctorate of Medicine; married Miss Margaret Carlisle Dunlop (1848-1941) on November 21st, 1876; served in the Maryland National Guard (as Lieutenant Colonel of the 5th Regiment of Infantry, no date; promoted to Colonel in 1880); moved to Henderson, North Carolina, in 1882; owned and operated the W.H.S. Burgwyn & Co. Bank in Henderson, North Carolina, from 1882 to 1884, when it became the Bank of Henderson, of which he served as the President from 1884 to 1893; served as the President of the Henderson Female College in Henderson, North Carolina, from 1886 to 1891; appointed as a Trustee of the University of North Carolina in 1883; served as a representative from North Carolina at the Southern Interstate Convention in 1887 (Atlanta, Georgia), 1888 (Montgomery, Alabama), and 1889 (Asheville, North Carolina); served as the National Bank Examiner for the Southern States from 1893 to 1901; moved to Weldon, North Carolina, in 1901, and opened the First National Bank of Weldon, serving as its President from 1901; died on January 3rd, 1913, at Richmond, Virginia; buried at the Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.]
[The uniform of Colonel W.H.S. Burgywn in the Collection of the North Carolina Museum of History. Uniform.]
Cowles, Andrew Duval (Duvall): Of Statesville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 7th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Lieutenant Colonel of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. Enrolled on December 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company I of the 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on December 3rd, 1898, at Savannah, Georgia; mustered out of service with the Company on April 22nd, 1899, at Savannah, Georgia. [Born on July 31st, 1856, in Elkville, North Carolina, the son of Calvin Josiah and Martha Temperance Duvall Cowles; educated at the Guilford College and the Carolina Military Institute, no dates; employed as a Storekeeper for the Internal Revenue Service in Charlotte, North Carolina, from March 29th, 1876; served as the Captain of the �Iredell Blues� of Statesville, North Carolina, in the 1880�s; employed as the Postmaster of Statesville, North Carolina, from 1889 to March of 1893; admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1897, and opened a law office in Statesville, North Carolina; served as the Adjutant General of the State from February 10th, 1897, to December of 1898; died on November 18th, 1899, at Statesville, North Carolina.]
Cotten (Cotton), John Whitaker: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A of the 3rd North Carolina Volunteer Artillery Regiment (40th North Carolina State Troops) on October 8th, 1863, at Walker, North Carolina, for the duration of the war; on detached service with the Signal Corps from March 10th, 1864; no further record. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Major of the regiment on May 27th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on August 11th, 1845, in Raleigh, North Carolina, the son of John Whitaker (1812-1845) and Laura Placidia Clarke Cotton (1816-1864); married Miss Elizabeth Bartlett Frick (1849-1879), no date; served with the North Carolina State Guard from 1877 to 1896 (as Captain of the Edgecombe Guards, Company F, 1st Regiment of Infantry, on May 1st, 1877; as Lieutenant Colonel of the 1st Regiment of Infantry on January 10th, 1878; promoted to Colonel of the 1st Regiment of Infantry on December 7th, 1882; appointed as a Brigadier General on January 27th, 1891); re-married to Miss Alice Pender (1853-1924) in 1880; served as the Chief of Police of Tarboro, North Carolina, from 1889; awarded an A.B. from the University of North Carolina, in 1911, to date from 1865; member of the A.F. & A.M., from 1868 to 1922, during which time he served as the Master of the Concord Lodge No. 58 of Tarboro, North Carolina, from 1876 to 1877 and again from 1881 to 1883, and as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina from 1893 to 1895; died on October 1st, 1922, at Tarboro, North Carolina; buried at the Calvary Church Cemetery in Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina.]
Dixon, Benjamin Franklin: Of Shelby, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G of the 49th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on February 25th, 1863, at Shelby, North Carolina, for three years or the war at the age of 18; promoted to Third Lieutenant (Junior Second Lieutenant) on June 9th, 1863; promoted to Second Lieutenant on February 29th, 1864; wounded in action on May 16th, 1864, at Drewry�s Bluff, Virginia; admitted to the Chimborazo Hospital No. 4 in Richmond, Virginia, on May 16th, 1864, with a gunshot wound in the right forearm; furloughed from the hospital on May 27th, 1864; admitted to the General Hospital No. 11 in Charlotte, North Carolina, on June 4th, 1864; furlough was extended for seven days on June 15th, 1864; furloughed from the hospital on June 23rd, 1864; promoted to Captain on January 1st, 1865; captured in action on April 1st, 1865, at Dinwiddie Courthouse (Battle of Five Forks), Virginia; transferred to the Old Capital Prison in Washington, D.C., on April 5th, 1865; transferred to Johnson�s Island near Sandusky, Ohio, on April 11th, 1865; released on taking the Oath of Allegiance on June 18th, 1865. Enrolled on May 8th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Major of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on March 27th, 1846, in Cleveland County, North Carolina, the son of Thomas and Mary Ann Winter Dixon; employed as a teacher in Cleveland County, North Carolina, from 1866 to 1868; admitted as a member of the South Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1868; as the Pastor of a Methodist Church in Sumter, South Carolina, from 1868 to 1869; as the Pastor of a Methodist Church in Monroe, North Carolina, from 1869 to 1871; as the Pastor of the Shelby Circuit, North Carolina, in 1871; graduated from the Medical College of the University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1874; opened a medical practice in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, from 1874 to 1884; married Mrs. Nora Catherine Leonora Tracy Durham (1845-1933) on July 7th, 1877, and the couple had three children (Pearl, Benjamin Franklin Jr., and Wright Tracy); as the Superintendent of the Masonic Orphan Asylum in Oxford, North Carolina, from 1884 to 1890; as the President of the Greensboro Female College in Greensboro, North Carolina, from September of 1890 to 1894, and again from 1900 to 1910; elected to the North Carolina State House of Representatives from Cleveland County in 1896, serving from January of 1897; elected, and served, as the State Auditor of North Carolina from 1900 to 1910; died of angina pectoris on September 26th, 1910, at the Rex Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina; buried at the Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.]
Wilder, William Toliver: Of the U.S. Army. Appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, from the State of North Carolina; entered the Military Academy as a Cadet on September 1st, 1883; left the Military Academy on January 16th, 1884; re-admitted to the Military Academy as a Cadet on June 15th, 1884; graduated 34th in his class from the Military Academy on June 11th, 1888, and was appointed as a Second Lieutenant of Infantry with the 19th United States Infantry Regiment. Served on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Texas, from September 29th, 1888, to September 24th, 1889; at San Antonio, Texas, no dates; at Fort Wayne, Michigan, to July of 1895; promoted to First Lieutenant of Infantry with the 25th Infantry Regiment on July 5th, 1895; at Fort Buford, South Dakota, to October 1st, 1895; at Fort Assinniboine, Montana, to April 10th, 1898; at Camp George H. Thomas at Chickamauga Park, Georgia, to May 4th, 1898; at Tampa, Florida, to May 14th, 1898. Enrolled on May 7th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Major of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; at Raleigh, North Carolina, and Tybee Island, Georgia, to November 25th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. At Fort Wingate, New Mexico, from January 6th to June 30th, 1899; promoted to Captain of Infantry with the 11th Infantry Regiment on March 31st, 1899; at Ponce, Porto Rico, to August 11th, 1900; at Mayaguez and Aguadetta, Porto Rico, to November 20th, 1900; on recruiting service, attached at the St. Paul, Minnesota, office, to October 1st, 1901; at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, to April 3rd, 1902; in the Philippine Islands, at Manila, Malabang and Jolo, to February 15th, 1904; at Fort D.A. Russell, Wyoming, to November 1st, 1905; at Fort Slocum, New York, to July 3rd, 1907; at Holguin, Cuba, to February 1st, 1909; detailed as a Paymaster from February 3rd, 1909, to March 10th, 1911; at Omaha, Nebraska, to November 11th, 1911; promoted to Major of Infantry on March 11th, 1911; detailed as a Paymaster from May 23rd, 1911, to March 23rd, 1913; at St. Paul, Minnesota, to January 2nd, 1913; assigned to the 22nd Infantry Regiment on March 24th, 1913; at Fort Lincoln, North Dakota, to September 7th, 1913; at Texas City, Texas, to September 17th, 1914; at Vera Cruz, Mexico, with the 28th Infantry Regiment, to November 17th, 1914; at Texas City, Texas, to December 17th, 1914; at Douglas, Arizona, to August 17th, 1915; transferred to the 27th Infantry Regiment on September 1st, 1915; at Camp Gaillard in the Panama Canal Zone, to January 29th, 1916; at Manila, Philippine Islands, to November 17th, 1917; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry on July 1st, 1916; promoted to Colonel of Infantry on May 15th, 1917; transferred to the 15th Infantry Regiment on November 7th, 1917; commanding the China Expedition and the 15th Infantry Regiment at Tientsin, China, from November 25th, 1917, to June 11th, 1919; unassigned on May 7th, 1919; at Governor's Island, New York Harbor, from August 29th, 1919, to July 31st, 1920; retired at his own request on July 31st, 1920, after over thirty-six years of service. [Born on March 20th, 1865, in North Carolina; died on July 19th, 1957; buried at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.]
ADJUTANT (CAPTAIN)MacRae, Samuel Hinsdale: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain & Regimental Adjutant on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on August 4th, 1868, at Fayetteville, North Carolina, the son of James Cameron and Frances Broadfoot MacRae; raised and educated in Fayetteville, North Carolina, attending the Donaldson Academy, to 1882; attended Horner�s Military School in Oxford, North Carolina, from 1882 to 1883; attended the University of North Carolina from 1884 to 1885; attended the Commercial College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1886; employed as a Civil Engineer in Western North Carolina and Tennessee, to 1892; married Miss Evelyn Bell Clayton (died 1892) on December 12th, 1890, at Bedford, Virginia; attended the Law School at the University Summer Law School in 1892; admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1892; employed in the law offices of MacRae and Day, with his father, from 1892 to December of 1893; opened the firm of J.C. & S.H. MacRae in Fayetteville, North Carolina, from January of 1894 to July of 1907; married Miss May Marceline Broadfoot (1875-1947) on October 18th, 1899, and the couple had four children; served as a referee in bankruptcy for the Eastern District Court of North Carolina from 1900 to 1907; died on July 6th, 1907, at Fayetteville, North Carolina; buried at the Cross Creek Cemetery No. 2 in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina.]
Clark, David: See Captain of Company M
Gray, Robert L.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K of the 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 4th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; honorably discharged on May 9th, 1898, to accept a commission. Enrolled on May 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant & Battalion Adjutant of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on November 7th, 1877, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, the son of Robert Terelius and Caroline Lilly Gray; attended the University of North Carolina from 1892 to 1894; graduated from the Law Department of the University of North Carolina in 1898; admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1897, and opened a law practice in Raleigh, North Carolina; served as the Editor of the �Evening Visitor� and �News and Observer� of Raleigh, North Carolina, no dates; married Miss Mary Shackleford MacRae (1872-1940) on January 15th, 1901, at Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the couple had five children; died on October 19th, 1945, in Augusta, Georgia; buried at the Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.]
Wootten (Wooten), Bradley Jewett: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant & Battalion Adjutant of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. Appointed as a First Lieutenant & Battalion Adjutant with the 28th United States Volunteer Infantry Regiment on July 5th, 1899; accepted the appointment on September 1st, 1899; mustered out of service with the regiment on May 1st, 1901, at San Francisco, California. Appointed as a Second Lieutenant of Cavalry with the 7th United States Cavalry Regiment on February 2nd, 1901; accepted the appointment in August of 1901; died on December 15th, 1901, at Havana, Cuba. [Born on October 12th, 1876, at Woodville, North Carolina, the son of Edward and Eliza Yonge Jewett Wooten; graduated with a B.S. from the North Carolina Agriculture & Mechanical College in 1897; served as a Military Instructor at North Carolina Agriculture & Mechanical College from January to July of 1899; married Miss Nesfield Green Cotchett on August 1st, 1901, in Wilmington, North Carolina; died of appendicitis on December 15th, 1901, at the Columbia Barracks in Havana, Cuba; buried at the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina.]
QUARTERMASTER (CAPTAIN)Davis, Robert Burns: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in (1st) Company G of the 14th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment on April 24th, 1861, at News Ferry, Virginia, for the duration of the war; promoted to First Lieutenant on August 27th, 1861; transferred with the company as Company G of the 1st Virginia Volunteer Artillery Regiment on May 1st, 1862; the company is redesignated as (3rd) Company C of the 1st (3rd) Virginia Volunteer Artillery Regiment in November of 1862; the company is reorganized as Company C of the 1st Virginia Light Artillery Battalion on September 2nd, 1864; no further record. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain & Regimental Quartermaster of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 20th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on November 24th, 1834, in Halifax County, Virginia; married Miss Cornelia Jones Nixon (1843-1931), no date; died on June 19th, 1918, at Wilmington, North Carolina; buried at the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina.]
SURGEON (MAJOR)Stockard, James Kivette: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Major & Regimental Surgeon of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. Appointed as a Captain & Assistant Surgeon of United States Volunteers on February 18th, 1901; honorably discharged from the volunteer service on December 9th, 1902. [Born in North Carolina; attended the University of North Carolina from 1879 to 1880; graduated from Vanderbilt University in North Carolina, in 1894; served as a Contract Surgeon with the United States Army at Fort Revere, Massachusetts, in 1906; died on March 23rd, 1923, at Greensboro, North Carolina; buried at the Green Hill Cemetery in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina.]
ASSISTANT SURGEON (FIRST LIEUTENANT)Brevard, Ephriam M.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain & Assistant Surgeon of the regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
ASSISTANT SURGEON (SECOND LIEUTENANT)Brooks, William Hastings: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant & Assistant Surgeon of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 28th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. Appointed as a First Lieutenant & Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army on June 29th, 1901; accepted the appointment on August 1st, 1901; promoted to Captain in the Medical Corps on January 1st, 1906; promoted to Major in the Medical Corps on January 1st, 1910; retired from active service on July 1st, 1913, due to disability incurred in the line of duty; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on the retired list on July 9th, 1918. [Born on May 7th, 1868, in North Carolina; graduated from the Baltimore Medical College in Baltimore, Maryland, with a Medical Degree in 1889; married Miss Frances Chinn (1882-1943), no date; died on May 21st, 1925, at Fort Douglas, Utah; buried at the National Cemetery in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California.]
CHAPLAIN (CAPTAIN)Osborne, Edwin Augustus Young: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company C of the 4th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 16th, 1861, at Iredell County, North Carolina, at the age of 21; promoted to Captain of Company H on July 15th, 1861, with rank from May 16th, 1861; absent, on detached (recruiting) service, in North Carolina, from August 29th to September 28th, 1861; wounded in action (thigh) on May 31st, 1862 at Seven Pines, Virginia; wounded in action and captured on September 17th, 1862 at Sharpsburg, Maryland; paroled on September 30th, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland; exchanged at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, in December of 1862; promoted to Major on December 23rd, 1862; wounded in action (hand, two fingers amputated) on May 19th, 1864 at Spotsylvania Courthouse, Virginia; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on May 19th, 1864; admitted to the General Hospital No. 4 in Richmond, Virginia, on May 23rd, 1864, with gunshot wound to the right hand; transferred to the General Hospital on May 24th, 1864; admitted to the General Hospital No. 11 in Charlotte, North Carolina, on June 24th, 1864, and was furloughed on June 30th, 1864; promoted to Colonel on July 18th, 1864; admitted to the General Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, on October 3rd, 1864, following the amputation of his middle and right finger; on a leave of absence from October 6th, 1864; arrived at the Receiving and Wayside Hospital (General Hospital No. 9) in Richmond, Virginia, on February 25th, 1865; transferred to the Stuart Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, on February 26th, 1865, with debility from old wound; transferred to Salisbury, North Carolina, on March 1st, 1865; transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps on April 1st, 1865; paroled on May 13th, 1865, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain & Regimental Chaplain of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on May 6th, 1837, in Moulton, Alabama, the son of Ephraim Brevard (1787-1875) and Nancy Smith Osborne (1801-1895); moved with his family to Hill County, Texas, in 1855; moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1858; attended the Statesville Military Academy at Statesville, North Carolina, from 1859 to 1861; married Miss Frances Swann Moore (1840-1925) on March 15th, 1865, in Charlotte, North Carolina; admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1866, and opened a law practice in Charlotte, North Carolina; appointed, and served, as the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, from 1867 to 1877; entered the Episcopal Ministry in 1877, and was ordained as a Deacon of that church on June 3rd, 1877, and as a Priest on May 29th, 1881; served as the rector of the Calvary Church in Fletcher, North Carolina, from 1877 to 1881; as the minister of St. Mark�s and St. Paul�s Episcopal missions Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, from 1884 to 1910; founded and served as the superintendent of the Thompson Orphanage and Training Institution from May 10th, 1887, to April of 1898; served as the Secretary of the Executive Missionary Committee of North Carolina in 1899; served as the Archdeacon of the Diocese of North Carolina from 1899 to 1902; as the archdeacon of the Charlotte Convocation to 1907; served as a deputy to the General Convention of the Church from 1907 to 1910; appointed as the Chaplain to the Bishop of the Church and attended the Pan Anglican Congress in London, England, in 1908; died on October 12th, 1926, at Charlotte, North Carolina; buried at Elmwood Cemetery in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.]
SERGEANT MAJORDavis, Thomas W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Regimental Sergeant Major on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Howell, Logan D.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on August 22nd, 1898, at St. Simons Island, Georgia.
Stronach, Van Dalen: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant, no date; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Conyers, Zebulon V.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Hospital Steward on June 7th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Green, Walter S.: Of Pea Ridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Hospital Steward of the regiment on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thrash, George: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Hospital Steward of the regiment on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged per orders on August 9th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Webb, William J.: Of Roxboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Regimental Hospital Steward, no date; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
CHIEF MUSICIANGuth, Jacob: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and is mustered into service as Chief Musician of the regiment on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jopling, Thomas: Of Germyn, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Principal Musician of the regiment on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Whalers, Theobold: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Principal Musician of the regiment on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Beck, Justice A.: Of Archbald, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bell, Hinton E.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Farrell, Joseph P.: Of Archbald, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hudson, Arthur: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jones, Albert: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jones, Walter P.: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Klopfer, Edward H.: Of Archbald, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lane, John F.: Of Archbald, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McAllister, Willis P.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McGettrick, William P.: Of Priseburg, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McKinnon, Murdock H.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 11th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Mehl, John: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Mehren, Gustus A.: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Powlak, Michael: Of Mayfield, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sater, Henry: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on July 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Schweiling, Max: Of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Stockard, Casper W.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Tunlin, John J.: Of Archbald, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in the Regimental Band on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Regiment on November 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
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Surgeon J.K. Stockard | Chaplain E.A. Osborne | Btn. Adjt. B.J. Wootten |
Company A - Fayetteville Light Infantry - Cumberland County
The �Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry� was first organized on August 23rd, 1793, in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina. From that point forward it�s members took part in the conflicts in Mexican in the 1840�s, and the American Civil War of the 1860�s. At the start of 1898 the company was serving as an unattached (and independent) company of the North Carolina State Guard.
With the calling up of volunteer for service in the War with Spain the company offered its services to the Governor, who accepted them and instructed them to report to Raleigh, North Carolina. Work began on recruiting up the necessary numbers for the company, and on May 26th, 1898, the company was mustered into United States service as Company A of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Benjamin R. Huske.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
CAPTAINHuske, Benjamin R.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina.Enrolled on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
FIRST LIEUTENANTHollingsworth, James G.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company A on May 26th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTTillinghast, John B.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company A on May 26th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTMcGeachy, Neil H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTMcKeithan, William M.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Anderson, John H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Brown, John A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Haigh, William H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Elliot, Henry P.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Gorham, John C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hale, Frederick T.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Johnson, Edward: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Johnson, Thomas C.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina. [Buried at Springwood Cemetery in Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina.]
Jones, Landon C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Jones, Robert G.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Ledbetter, John H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Makepeace, John F.: Of Sanford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
St. Clair, Patrick H.: Of Sanford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Watson, John C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Weiseger, Jesse W.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Williams, Ambrose R.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERJordan, Wiley E.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
WAGONERMcDuffy, David L.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Otterbourg, John L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sykes, Ernest E.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Adams, Jesse: Of Penland, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Atkinson, Henry C.: Of Ham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Atkinson, Hiram S.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Atkinson, Robert W.: Of Sand Bluff, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bennett, Daniel C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bentley, Charlie S.: Of Vashti, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bizzell, John D.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Blue, Neil C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bradley, William H.: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Brent, William C.: Of Winnie, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Brown, Leonard C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bullard, William L.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Byrd, Walter P.: Of Poes, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Cain, Walter C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Campbell, John A.: Of Allentown, Tennessee. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Chason, David T.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Clark, John M.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Colvin, Livious Z.: Of Atkinson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Curtis, Charles W.: Of Manister, Michigan. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on August 9th, 1898, at Tybee, Georgia.
Dyer, John C.: Of Harmon, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Edwards, George D.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hall, Charles H.: Of Stedman, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Haney, Charles M.: Of Fannie, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hare, Edward: Of Spout Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Haywood, William E.: O Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hester, Graham R.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Holland, Sylvester: Of Rowsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Holmes, Clarence: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Jackson, Anderson B.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Johnson, Daniel H.: Of Rosendale, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Jones, George C.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Jones, William A.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharge by orders on September 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jordan, Dillon: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Kelly, Charles W.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Kelly, George W.: Of Bladenboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Keyton, William T.: Of Dothan, Alabama. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Kinlaw, Aubry: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Kinlaw, Charles A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Klapp, Willie B.R.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Koy, Andrew: Of Kinston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 21st, 1898, for two years service; deserted on August 9th, 1898, at Tybee, Georgia.
Langford, Pleasant J.: Of Flat Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by orders on June 30th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lee, Enoch L.: Of Dunn, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Mashburn, John R.: Of Sanford, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Maultsby, Charles McD.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Maultsby, William D.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharge by orders on June 4th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McDonald, Walter D.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McFayden, John L.: Of Raeford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McIver, James A.: Of Jonesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McKay, William W.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McLauchlin, Neil H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McLeod, Julius A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 22nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Mercher, John W.: Of Yorkville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Newman, Rufus H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Oliver, John: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Reaves, Hartwell T.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rick, Newton: Of Blalock, Georgia.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rivers, George E.: Of Goldston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rose, Duncan: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Russ, David P.: Of Ham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Setzer, Cephas: Of Monbo, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Smith, Sidney A.: Of Bentonsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Smith, William N.H.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Strickland, John W.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Story, John A.: Of Aho, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Stowe, Jasper A.: Of Lowell, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Stubbs, Noah: Of Rowland, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sutton, Daniel M.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sutton, David B.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; dishonorably discharged on August 31st, 1898, at Tybee, Georgia.
Sutton, John M.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sutton, Wiley A.: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Taylor, Henry A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on July 20th, 1898, at Savannah, Georgia.
Taylor, Robert H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Taylor, Swofford M.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Taylor, Vance: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Utley, Egbert G.: Of Millwood, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 4th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Wade, John W.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Walls, James W.: Of Moretz Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Weatherly, Thomas J.: Of Rowland, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Whaley, George H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
White, Oscar: Of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
William, George E.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Williams, Dick: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Williams, Walter B.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina. [Born on May 20th, 1876; died on April 8th, 1903; buried at the Cross Creek Cemetery No. 1 in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina.]
Williford, Daniel H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company A on May 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Williford, Thomas H.: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on June 22nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Wishart, Augustus S.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company A on July 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Company B - Rutherford County
The company was organized with volunteers from Rutherfordton (Rutherford County), North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company B of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 16th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain William T.R. Bell.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Captain William T.R. Bell |
CAPTAINBell, William Terrell Reilly: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted as a Private in Company I of the 59th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment on June 1st, 1861, at Accomac Courthouse, Virginia, for the duration of the war; elected as Third Lieutenant of Company I of the 59th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, no date; captured in action on February 8th, 1862, at Roanoke Island, Virginia; paroled on February 21st, 1862, at Elizabeth City, North Carolina; exchanged on September 12th, 1862, near the James River, Virginia; promoted to Second Lieutenant and Drill Master on October 22nd, 1862; assigned to temporary duty commanding Company I of the 9th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment from January to August of 1864; detailed to duty as an Enrolling Officer, with the rank of Second Lieutenant, in Fluvanna County, Virginia, from December 31st, 1864; no further record. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company B of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on September 1st, 1843, in Accomac County, Virginia, the son of George H. and Margaret Welch Bell; married Miss Nannie Hill (1849-1915), no date; served as the Principal of the Bell Military Institute in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, in the 1880�s; as the Superintendent of Schools for Rutherford County, North Carolina, no dates; as the Principal of the Cherryville Academy in Cherryville, North Carolina, from 1899 to 1900; died on May 31st, 1917, at Rutherfordton, North Carolina; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
FIRST LIEUTENANTJustice, Butler Alexander: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born in 1870; died on May 4th, 1917; buried in the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
SECOND LIEUTENANTRowland, John T.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTWhittin, William T.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTBrown, Alfred V.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Erwin, Oliver Carson: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born in 1873; died in 1942; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Smith, Harry J.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Stroups, William A.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Walker, Lundy W.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wood Jr., William H.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Bell, Charles D.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Eaves, Hoyt H.: Of Forest City, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Elliott, Madison L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Forney, Lewis [Louis] Bergner: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on January 7th, 1878; died on June 22nd, 1945; buried at the Sunset Cemetery in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina.]
Justice, Gaston B.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on May 9th, 1878, in Rutherford County, North Carolina, the son of Michael Hoke (1844-1919) and Margaret Leah Smith Justice (1847-1893); married Miss Grayce May Neal (1880-1922) in 1904; married Miss Clara Viola Giles (1903-1983) in 1928; died on November 3rd, 1951, at Marion, North Carolina; buried at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina.]
Long, Thomas T.: Of Gambles Store, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 8th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Miller Sr., John Boyce: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on September 1st, 1879; died on November 22nd, 1951; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Millis, Lawrence H.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Sorrells, William W.T.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Toms, Herbert L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on July 10th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on November 13th, 1878; died on January 28th, 1951; buried at the Sunset Cemetery in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina.]
Walker, Clarence J.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Walker, Reuben J.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wilkins, Thomas A.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERFowler, Humphrey Miller
WAGONERGeer, Adam Hampton: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on January 20th, 1863, in Rutherford County, North Carolina, the son of John and Elizabeth Jane Bradley Geer; died on June 8th, 1931, at Rutherfordton, North Carolina; buried at the Mountain Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Fowler, Edward G.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Smith, John R.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Barber [Baber], William A.: Of Logan�s Store, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company B, no date; deserted on June 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Benfield, Walter L.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Bennett, Julius W.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Blanton, Thomas L.: Of Casslim, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on July 17th, 1867, in Cleveland County, North Carolina, the son of George W. (1830-1906) and Betty Elizabeth Hamrick Blanton (1829-1919); married Miss Arrie Jane Holland (1877-1960), no date; died on December 14th, 1937; buried at the Cliffside Cemetery in Cliffside, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Brown, Hugh B.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company B, no date; died on October 1st, 1898, at Marion, North Carolina.
Callahan, Lonnie [Lonny] C.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on August 20th, 1878; died on February 19th, 1958; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Callahan, Robert Anderson: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia. [Born in 1852 in Rutherford County, North Carolina; married Miss Sarah Melinda Keeter (1845-1931), no date; died on July 1st, 1929, in Rutherfordton, North Carolina; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Chapman, James J.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Clanton, William W.: Of Henrietta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born in 1880 in North Carolina, the son of William Drury (1854-1897) and Mary McCorkle Clanton; married Miss Zennie Taylor (1881-1954), no date; died on March 3rd, 1911, in North Carolina; buried at the Knob Baptist Church Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Collins, Julius E.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Davis, Charles Daniel: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Davis, Clyde M.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Davis, Samuel M.: Of Granville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Devinney, Dubb: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Devinney, Robert: Of Thermal City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Duncan, George W.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Dyton, John N.: Of Boonsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Edwards, Cicero E.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Buried at the Beam Family Cemetery in Ellenboro, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Elliott, Marion M.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
England, Joseph C.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company B, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Fisher, Clifton G.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Flynn, Harvey P.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Freeman, Albert Gallatin: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted as a Private in Company I of the 56th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on October 3rd, 1864, at Rutherford Courthouse North Carolina, for the duration of the war; captured in action on April 2nd, 1865, at Five Forks, Virginia; held as a prisoner of war at Point Lookout, Maryland, from April to June of 1865; released on taking the Oath of Allegiance on June 26th, 1865, at Point Lookout, Maryland. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Fuiley, Mills A.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Gallian [Gallion], Thomas K.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Goforth, Frank L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Good [Goode], James R.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Gray, David Samuel: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on March 13th, 1870, in North Carolina, the son of David Jasper (1819-1904) and Sophie Caroline Wilkins Gray (1831-1898); married Miss Orrah Callahan (1888-1969), no date; died on November 4th, 1949, in North Carolina; buried at the Gray�s Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Gregg, Guthrie: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Harrill [Hariel], Barney [Booney] D.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on February 3rd, 1879; died on May 30th, 1932; buried at the Cool Springs Cemetery in Forest City, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Hariel, Charles: Of Furguson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hilton, William L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Honneycutt, Malley: Of Dey Brook, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hughes, Robert F.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hunneseer, Daniel L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
James, Milliard F.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Jamison, Hugh C.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Jamison, John C.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Johnston, Hunt M.: Of Littleton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Johnston, Walter C.: Of Littleton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Jones, Benjamin F.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Keeter, Horace: Of Cuba, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 3rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kibley, Robert L.: Of Durham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kinlaw, Alfred L.: Of Durham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kizer, Elwood: Of Twitty, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kizer, Hicks O.: Of Twitty, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Lollar, David Archie: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born in 1874, the son of Lewis Dickey (1825-1907) and M. Louisa Littlejohn Lollar; married Miss Mattie Beatrice Stimson (1883-1975), no date; died in 1957; buried at the Union Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford, North Carolina.]
Long, Rufus W.: Of Franklinton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Lynch, Oscar Andrew: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina.Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on December 14th, 1873, in Kansas, the son of Montreville King (1849-1919) and L. Jane Lynch (1848-1874); married Miss Ruby Harrill (1889-1943), no date; died on January 5th, 1944, at St. Petersburg, Florida; buried at the Concord Baptist Church Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Marks, William L.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Massenburg, Edward P.: Of Louisburg, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
McCracken, James S.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; died on September 28th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McCullum, Archibald T.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
McCurry, Joseph F.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
McMahan, James Lester: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on January 3rd, 1877; died on October 12th, 1944; buried at the Rutherfordton City Cemetery in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Miller, John V.: Of Mt. Gould, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Mode [Mobe], Zebulon �Zeb� V.: Of Gamble�s Store, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born in 1877 in North Carolina; died on April 13th, 1933, in Columbia, South Carolina; buried at the Sunset Cemetery in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina.]
Nosman, George B.: Of Parmelee, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Perry, Thomas H.: Of Banner Elk, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Phillips, Jerry M.: Of Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Pirie, John H.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Prince, Charles H.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Proctor, Jasper P.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on November 29th, 1876; died on June 30th, 1967; buried at the Chapel Hill Cemetery in Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina.]
Pyatt, William A.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Ray, Charles W.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Reed, Virgil: Of Banner Elk, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Rigdon, William T.: Of Clabwhee, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Scoggins, Louis: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 12th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Short, John Palmer: Of Carolina, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. Later service with Company F of the 29th United States Volunteer Infantry Regiment. [Born on May 8th, 1879, in Belwood, North Carolina; married Miss Laura Cornelia Lutz (1881-1959), no date; died on July 17th, 1940, at Johnson, City, Tennessee; buried at the Bessemer City Memorial Cemetery in Bessemer City, Gaston County, North Carolina.]
Smith, Frank M.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Smith, Stanley T.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Sorrell, Charles O.: Of Neilsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Sprouse, Erastus Wade Hampton: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on May 5th, 1876; died on March 25th, 1957; buried at the Rutherford County Memorial Cemetery in Forest City, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Stewart, Robert A.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Tober, Robert E.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 10th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Tucker, Lawson [Lewson] Jack: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 10th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia. [Born on March 10th, 1873, in North Carolina; died on January 17th, 1954, at Forest City, North Carolina; buried at the Pleasant Grove Methodist Church Cemetery near Forest City, Rutherford County, North Carolina.]
Vance, Samuel T.: Of Mica, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Buried at the Oak Creek Cemetery in Oak Creek, Routt County, Colorado.]
Weaver, Clifton H.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
White, Samuel H.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wilkins, Samuel A.: Of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wilson, Zeb V.: Of Mars Hill, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company B on July 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Company C - Burke & Caldwell Counties
The company was organized with volunteers from Morganton (Burke County) and Lenoir (Caldwell County), North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company C of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 15th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Edmund Jones.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
CAPTAINJones, Edmund: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Served as a Private in Company F of the 3rd North Carolina Volunteer Cavalry Regiment (41st North Carolina State Troops) from 1864 to 1865. Enrolled on May 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company C of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on My 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina. [Born on April 15th, 1848, at Clover Hill Plantation near Lenoir, North Carolina, the son of Edmund Walter (1811-1876) and Sophia Caroline Davenport Jones (1812-1860); educated at the Finley High School and the Bingham Military School, no dates; attended the University of North Carolina to 1864, graduating with the class of 1868; attended the law department of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, Virginia, from 1868 to 1869; married Miss Eugenia Lewis (died in 1897) on October 29th, 1872, in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the couple had four children (Augustus, Edmund, Eugene Patterson, and Sarah D.); worked at his Clover Hill Plantation near Lenoir, North Carolina, to 1881; admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1881, and opened a law office in Lenoir, North Carolina; served as the Mayor of Lenoir, North Carolina, no dates; served in the North Carolina State Legislature as a Representative from Caldwell County from 1870 to 1874, 1879 to 1880, and 1893 to 1894; employed as the Chief of Customs in the officer of the Commissioner of Customs, United States Treasury Department, in Washington, D.C., from 1885 to 1889; served as a Trustee of the University of North Carolina from 1893 to 1901; married Miss Martha Snell Scott in 1907; died on February 25th, 1920, at Lenoir, North Carolina; buried at the Chapel of Rest Cemetery in Happy Valley, Caldwell County, North Carolina.]
FIRST LIEUTENANTDavis, Frank B.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company C on My 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to First Lieutenant on October 15th, 1898, with rank from August 1st, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTAvery Jr., Alphonso C.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; resigned his commission on June 27th, 1898, at St. Augustine, Florida. Re-enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on August 1st, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Second Lieutenant on October 15th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTHoward, William B.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTColvard, Nathan N.: Of Boone, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Avery, Joseph W.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hallyburton, Hugh: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Jones Jr., Edmund: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Smith, William S.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Ballew, Julius R.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Biesecker, Harry F.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; died on October 4th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Butler, William S.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Gibbs, William C.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Gordon, Jervis E.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hallyburton, Horace G.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hester, Julian: Of Creedmore, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Otter, Charles M.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Sherrill, Fermun T.: Of Granite Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Shuffler, Lee B.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Tate, Junius C.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Triplett, Carlysle C.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Walton, William M.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERHodges, Thomas C.: Of Boone, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Artificer of Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
WAGONERAldridge, John S.: Of Boone, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Wagoner of Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kaylor, William M.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Musician in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Turner, Benjamin F.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Musician in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Aicarde, Robert S.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Allman, William T.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Austin, Samuel E.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Berry, Bartlett A.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Bowers, Grayson G.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Bradshaw, Master: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Branch, Robert: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Branch, William: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Brinkley, John H.: Of Petra, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 22nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Bush, Robert H.: Of Hudson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Campbell, James: Of Collettesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Carswell, William M.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Clark, Robert L.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Cline, Charles: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Cook, Azoe: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Cox, Richard: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Dawson, John: Of Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on July 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Deal, Julius M.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Ernest, Malcolm A.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Evans, Marshall A.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Finley, Charles A.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Floyd, Reuben H.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Foster, William: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Green, Romulus: Of Lenoir, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Green, Wade H.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hallyburton, Thomas D.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hawkins, Robert B.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hawn, Perry P.: Of Newton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hendricks, Thomas E.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hill, John W.: Of Hickory, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hinton, Ira D.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Hinton, Ireland H.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Holler, John H.: Of Boone, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Houston, Samuel: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on May 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Houston, William Sandey: Of Morganton, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on May 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Also listed as having been discharged by orders at Raleigh, North Carolina.]
Isenhower, David D.: Of Hickory, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Jones, Joseph O.: Of Hickory, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Kirby, Luther H.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Lail, Daniel H.: Of Newton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Lane, John E.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Martin, Benjamin E.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Massey, W. Dempsey: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on July 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
McGuire, Edgar L.: Of Boone, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
McKoy, George F.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Milton, Henry O.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Miller, Horace R.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Miller, Thomas G.: Of Hickory, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Morrison, James F.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Morrow, Charles: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Mull, George P.: Of Mull Grove, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Nelson, Augustus O.: Of Granite Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Payne, Charles R.: Of Granite Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Payne, Otto M.: Of Granite Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Pendleton, Horace L.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Piper, Charles H.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Pitts, Abel M.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Pruitt, John F.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged by orders on October 25th, 1898, at Lenoir, North Carolina.
Puett, Robert A.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Raby, Sidney A.: Of Collettesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 22nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Rich, John C.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Ross, Robert G.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Satterwhite, Charles J.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Setzer, Alonzo A.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Shell, Alden F.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Smith, Abner W.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Sudderth, John: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Talbert, Charles: Of Conover, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 2nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Talent, Joseph W.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Taylor, Porter D.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 2nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Teaguw, Calvin A.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Todd, Donald B.: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on July 7th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Triplett, Adolphus: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on July 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Triplett, Creed M.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Vickers, John W.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wacaster, Adolphus J.: Of Knob Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Wagner, Wade H.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Walsh, John W.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Walton Jr., Thomas: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Ward, Charles E.: Of Morganton, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Warlick, Eli S.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Watson, Arthur: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; died on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weathers, Clarence H.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Williams, Ambrose M.: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Williams, Rufus I.: Of Cooke, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; died on August 24th, 1898, at St. Augustine, Florida.
Yaunt, Jacob A.: Of Lenoir, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
York, Harvey: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 10th, 1898, at Morganton, North Carolina.
Company D - Guilford County
The company was organized with volunteers from Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company D of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 9th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Robert P. Gray.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
CAPTAINGray, Robert P.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
FIRST LIEUTENANTGilmer, Ellison L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTCator, John S.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTKendall, Clyde B.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTWheeler, Cyrus L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Conner, Charles A.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Forsythe, Alexander C.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Sampson, George W.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 11th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Corporal, no date; promoted to Sergeant, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Wellington, Harry J.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Bailey, Maurice D.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Deck, Thomas W.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Dowell, Charles H.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Finlator, John H.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Gretter, Michael C.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Spencer, Job S.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Strother, William C.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Tatty, Robert: Of Richmond, Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Thompson, Vines O.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Welbarr, John H.: Of Lexington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
York, James A.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
COMPANY COOK (CORPORAL)Bash, Randolph P.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Corporal & Company Cook of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERAnderson, John H.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Dillon, George A.: Of Salem, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 4th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Wagoner, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Maston, Charles M.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on August 4th, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina.
Bridges, Charles T.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Wise, Harry A.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Adams, Benjamin F.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Ballard, William G.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Barbee, John E.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Barber, Sample S.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on August 26th, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina. [Died on August 26th, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina; buried at the National Cemetery in Beaufort, Beaufort County, South Carolina.]
Barker, George A.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Baucom, Claudius M.: Of Apex, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Beard, Paul L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Belton, William A.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Bender, John: Of Muford, New York. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Blake, George H.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Branch, James G.: Of Parkton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 2nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Brooks, James A.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Buck, Jesse M.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Byassee, Thomas M.: Of Lynchburg, Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina. [Died on August 7th, 1936; buried at the National Cemetery in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.]
Caldar, John D.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Campbell, Hugh K.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Clodfuter, David H.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Coler, James E.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Copps, Gem W.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Craven, Branton W.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Crocker, Robert J.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Curlu, Clyde B.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Dassett, Alexander N.: Of Durham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 2nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Dickerson, Joseph B.: Of Lexington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Duggings, Jack: Of Danberry, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Eatman, Lloyd: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Edwards, Gillis N.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
English, Marvin O.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Epes, Norman: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Fered, Clarence J.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Fetter, William C.: Of Wadesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Fink, Victor H.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on July 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Forbes, William M.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Furse, Milledge A.: Of Atlanta, Georgia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Garrett, William E.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Gilmer, John A.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Goodman, Robert M.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Green, David R.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Gregson, William H.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Hagler, John W.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; died on July 26th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Heffsettler, Noah: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Hurley, Oron L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Hutchinson, Robert L.: Of Sandy Ridge, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Imbler, John R.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Isley, Ira B.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Jennings, Benjamin: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Jennings, Frederick: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Jones, John E.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Key, Thomas R.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
King, Albert P.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Laughran, W.F.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Love, Joseph C.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Lovelace, John W.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Lovings, William M.: Of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McBride, William J.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
McMillon, Joseph: Of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McQuay, John B.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Melvin, Henry T.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Miller, Benjamin C.: Of Lexington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Motes, John D.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Nance, Silas B.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
O�Conner, Gerald: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Orrell, Arthur S.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on June 10th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Osborne, Ellord L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Porter, Mock H.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Price, Leon E.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 4th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Priddy, William R.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Reid, George W.: Of Lexington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Reid, James W.: Of High Point, North Carolina.Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Robertson, David W.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Rodgers, Charles W.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Rope, John C.: Of Davidson College, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Rutherford, Harvey L.: Of Indianapolis, Indiana. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Shepherd, Joseph C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Simpson, John J.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Sink, Henry F.: Of Lexington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Smith, William H.O.: Of Brown Summit, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Snipes, James W.; Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 13th, 1898.
Stone, Elisha F.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Taylor, William M.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Thomas, Arthur S.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Vaughn, John W.: Of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Wagner, Julius E.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Webster, Aldean F.: Of High Point, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Weinard, Carlyle G.: Of East Bend, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Welch, Henry L.: Of Salem, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
West, Harvey L.: Of Walnut Cove, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 12th, 1898, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Company E - Pitt Rifles - Pitt County
The �Pitt Rifles� were organized on September 10th, 1892, in Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina. At the start of the War with Spain, the company was serving as Company H of the 1st Regiment of Infantry, North Carolina State Guard.
With the calling up of volunteers the company answered the call, however it was not strong enough at the time, and as a result a large number of recruits from various parts of the State were added to the company to complete its roll. The Company was mustered into United States service as Company E of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 27th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain James T. Smith.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
CAPTAINSmith, James T.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
FIRST LIEUTENANTAlbritton, James C.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cox, Edward V.: Of Coxville, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as Second Lieutenant on August 8th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Meadows, Roger L.: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Second Lieutenant on June 3rd, 1898; resigned his commission on July 28th, 1898. Re-enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on August 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Snuggs, Henry M.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enrolled as Second Lieutenant of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; was never commissioned as such, and was dropped from the rolls on June 3rd, 1898.
FIRST SERGEANTJohnston, John V.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTHosier, William P.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bowden, Charles J.: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on September 21st, 1898, at Savannah, Georgia.
Johnston, Ambrose D.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Windham, Junius McD.: Of Farmville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Wood, James R.: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Atkins, Brown F.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Blackley, Hewlett H.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Feville, Eugene T.: Of Hargrove, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Foines, Hinton C.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hicks, John R.: Of Williamsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Jordan, Morris M.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Moore, David S.: Of Ayden, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Parham, James H.: Of Watkins, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Perkins, William W.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Perry, Fred W.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Robey, John T.: Of Winterville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERDail, Robert L.: Of Ormondsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
WAGONERAnderson, John M.: Of Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Blow, Henry A.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 4th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company E on May 11th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cheek, John H.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Abrams, John D.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Adkinson (Adkisson), Isaac H.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Allen, Samuel T.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Anderson, Richard F.: Of Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Banner, Moulten C.: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bell, George M.: Of Sedalia, Missouri. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bodenhamer, George M.: Of Waughtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Boykin, Edwin T.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brown, Charles H.: Of Salisbury, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brown, Frank E.: Of Burgaw, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brownings, John H.: Of Winterville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bryson, Christopher C.: Of Jarrell, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bullis, John R.: Of Moravian Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Burrow, Frank: Of Ashboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cavanaugh, Thomas J.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina.Enlisted on April 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company E, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Church, George: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Clour, Robert L.: Of Rock Cut, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Coe, Edwards V.: Of Coxville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; discharged by order on September 21st, 1898, at Tybee, Georgia.
Dalton, John H.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Dancey, Charles O.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 2nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Daniel, William L.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
DeBoy, Alfred: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Duckett, William H.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Dula, Ralph B.: Of Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Edwards, Edward C.: Of Ayden, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Elmore, Charles D.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Ernul, Robert J.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Everitt, Sampson W.: Of Willis Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Faucett, Charles H.: Of Bullock, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Faulkner, Ralph: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gentry, Jacob H.: Of Black Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gentry, Rom C.: Of Black Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gragg (Gregg), Henry W.: Of Glove, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 23rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Green, Edward: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Green, Robert J.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Griswald, Thomas V.: Of Archer, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hall, John A.: Of McAdensville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harberson, Emanuel E.: Of St. George, South Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harrell, John B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harrington, Charles D.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harris, Tyre B.: Of Moravian Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Haskett, David V.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Henderson, James: Of Mailon, Tennessee. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hines, Walter: Of Morganton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hoover, John H.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hunsucker, Samuel G.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hutchinson, Adger: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Johnston, James B.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Jordan, George P.: Of Burgaw, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Keith, Thomas P.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on July 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Kelly, Nathaniel: Of Bushy Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Klinetop, Daniel W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on July 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Leggett, James F.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 4th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Long, Edwin A.: Of Franklinton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 6th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
McAden, Harvey L.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 25th 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
McCorkle, Oscar: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
McLean, Frank W.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
McLouchlin, William H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company E, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Meadows, Benjamin A.: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Miller, William H.: Of Falkland, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Mitchell, Robert: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 9th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Morrow, Daniel J.: Of Falkland, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Nobles, Thomas F.: Of Wintersville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Norker, Joseph L.: Of Mt. Holly, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Page, James E.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Pennington, Hasting T.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Perry, Malphus L.: Of Liberty, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Phelps, James A.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Pippin, Elijah P.: Of Farmville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Preddy, William F.: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Ray, William J.: Of Oakwood, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sanford, John P.: Of Clarksville, Virginia. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Simpson, Lawrence: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June16th, 1898, for two years service; discharged by order on July 23rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Starler, Benjamin F.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Stone, John T.: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company E, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Strusm, James H.: Of Clarksville, Virginia. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Suett, George R.: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Thalton (Tarlton), Walter: Of Hood, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company E on July 11th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tipton, Levi J.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tranthen, Melvin B.: Of Fairview, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tucker, Edward B.: Of Henderson, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Turner, Walter G.: Of Turlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company E on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Walsh, John: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Washington, John B.: Of Statesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Way, Walter W.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company E on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Company F - Lumber Bridge Light Infantry - Robeson County
The �Lumber Bridge Light Infantry� were organized on October 12th, 1847, in the Lumber Bridge area of Robeson County, North Carolina. The unit served as par of the North Carolina Militia until the end of the Civil War when it was discontinued along with all other units of the Militia in the state at the time. It did not take part in the Civil War as an organization, but members of the company went on to enlist in several other units and proved themselves as good and effective fighters.
Following the war the company was officially reorganized as part of the North Carolina State Guard on August 6th, 1887, and assigned as Company B of the 2nd Regiment of Infantry. It preformed the regular routine of duties between 1887 and 1898, taking part in various drills, memorials, parades, and other such events.
With the calling up for volunteers to service in the War with Spain the company voted unanimously to offer its services to the Governor, which offer was accepted. The company recruiting itself up to the required numbers and on May 13th, 1898, was mustered into service as Company F of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Stephen J. Cobb.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Captain Stephen J. Cobbca. 1863 |
CAPTAINCobb, Stephen Jorden: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company D of the 51st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on April 26th, 1862, at Crossroads, North Carolina, for the duration of the war; admitted to the General Military Hospital No. 4 in Wilmington, North Carolina, on January 30th, 1863, with �absescus,� and was returned to duty on March 11th, 1863; admitted to the General Military Hospital No. 4 in Wilmington, North Carolina, on December 3rd, 1863, with �debilitas,� and was returned to duty on March 31st, 1864; wounded in action on May 31st, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Virginia; admitted to the Receiving and Wayside Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, on June 3rd, 1864; absent, on wounded furlough, in Robeson County, North Carolina, from June of 1864; retired to the Invalid Corps of the Provisional Army of the Confederate States on November 29th, 1864, and assigned to duty at Raleigh, North Carolina; surrendered as part of the terms of April 26th, 1865, at Durham Station, North Carolina, between Generals Joseph E. Johnston and William T. Sherman. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company F of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina. [Born on October 21st, 1839, in Robeson County, North Carolina, the son of Jorden H. and Margaret J. Cobb; served in the North Carolina State Guard from 1858 to 1905 (as a Private in the Lumber Bridge Light Infantry in October of 1858; promoted to Sergeant, no date; as First Lieutenant on August 6th, 1887; promoted to Captain in October of 1892; as Colonel and Inspector of Small Arms Practice on January 24th, 1901; retired as a Brigadier General of the State Guard on January 12th, 1905); died of hypostatic pneumonia on May 6th, 1914; buried at the Parkton Cemetery in Parkton, Robeson County, North Carolina.]
FIRST LIEUTENANTHall, Edgar: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTCarrier, John A.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTMoore, William W.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTWatson, Eugene G.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Byrus, William O.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Cobb, John B.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McLeod, Alpheus H.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Slocum Jr., Albert H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Blake, Henry W.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Buie, Alexander: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Currie, Alexander R.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Holt, Benjamin B.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hughes, John R.: Of Richmond, Virginia. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Marsh, James: Of Aldermen, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on August 30th, 1898, at St. Simons, Georgia.
McInnis, Lochlin: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McMillan, John R.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Melvin, Thomas B.: Of Populi, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Proctor, Ross S.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Taylor, James D.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Watson, John M.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
White, Harrie P.: Of Mebane, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERGraham, John A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
WAGONERHines, Samuel A.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
MUSICIANMcLaughlin (McLauchin), Duncan (Daniel) B.: Of Antioch, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina. [Born on August 10th, 1871, in Marion, South Carolina, the son of Duncan B. and Annie Page McLaughlin; married Miss Margaret Harrelson, no date; died on April 17th, 1931, at Fairmont, North Carolina; buried at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in Hamer, Dillon County, South Carolina.]
Abrams, William J.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Austin, Earnest L.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Aydlott, William F.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Baker, James B.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Barfield, Hiram M.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Barr, Minford: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Barr, Robert P.: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; discharged due to disability on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simons, Georgia.
Battle, Edmund S.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on August 5th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bennett, Charles J.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bower, Gilbert S.: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Brock, Nathaniel: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Brown, Leighton: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Buckingham, Joseph H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bullard, Ray: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Bundy, Marion M.: Of Laurinburg, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Burns, James C.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Butler, Amy A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Canandy, Robert F.: Of Ashland, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Carpenter, Bergain E.: Of Crouse, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Carson, Charles P.: Of Jefferson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Council, Edgar M.: Of Councils, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Cox, Snowdy S.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on July 26th, 1898, at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta, Georgia.
Crooks, Silas M.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Dancy, Oscar C.: Of Mulberry, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Edwards, Charles R.: Of Bladenboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Fields, Leslie: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Fisher, Clarence F.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Fore, William G.: Of Hillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Gentle, Samuel: Of Moravian Falls, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 3rd, 1898, for two years service; died on October 5th, 1898, while home on furlough.
Glenn, _____: Of Durham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Halyburton, Robert H.: Of Stony Point, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Harden, Peter R.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Harden, Thomas R.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 5th, 1898, for two years service; discharged due to disability on August 18th, 1898, at St. Simons, Georgia.
Harden, William H.: Of Durham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Harris, Vance: Of Henderson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Haywood, Montgomery B.: Of Red Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hickman, James E.: Of Howellsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Hiries, Charles P.: Of Cedar Grove, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Huffine, Charles P.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Ingle, Conley (Connely) A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company D on May 9th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company F, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Johnston, John H.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Johnston, Thomas M.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Jones, Alexander H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Lee, John M.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Lindsey, Neil A.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Lockamay, James O.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Marrow, William P.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McKenzie, William B.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McKenzie, Person McY.: Of Maxton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McLauchlin, John J.: Of Howellsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on July 17th, 1898, at St. Simons, Georgia.
McLaughlin, Donald: Of Fontcoe, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McMillan, Edwin B.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
McQueen, Peter: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Mears, Charles B.: Of Leicester, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 6th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Melvin, William J.: Of Populi, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; discharged due to disability on August 30th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Mercer, Claude R.: Of Howellsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Mercer, Wade A.: Of Howellsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Meyers, Urich S.: Of Dehart, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Moore, Charles E.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Moore, John: Of Winston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Munes, William A.: Of Tar Hell, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Patterson, Alfred H.: Of Burgaw, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Prevatt, Forster F.: Of Lumberton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Ray, Archie G.: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Raynor, Marshall N.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rich, Joseph H.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Richardson, Thomas M.: Of Marshville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Richardson, William H.: Of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Ringstaff, William H.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Robbins, John F.: Of Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Self, William H.: Of Haw River, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Shaw, Jesse D.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sherrill, John M.: Of Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Stockard, Charles A.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Thompson, Thomas B.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Totten, John N.: Of Burlington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Townsend, Autren S.: Of Hilderbran, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Vaughan, Edwin H.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Widdifeild, William: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Williams, Arthur D.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Wishart, Charlie R.: Of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Womble, John H.: Of Graham, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Yarborough, Hiram M.: Of Hamlet, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company F on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Young, William D.: Of Populi, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company F on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 16th, 1898, at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Company G - Gaston & Mecklenburg Counties
The company was organized with volunteers from Gastonia (Gaston County) and Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company G of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 13th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Robert L. Durham.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
CAPTAINDurham, Robert Lee: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
FIRST LIEUTENANTDurham, Plato T.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTFarrior, Ernest N.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTBrem Jr., Walter V.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTWilson, Amme A.: Of Mt. Holly, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Isenhour, Charles M.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sanifer, George C.: Of Sandifer, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Shuford, Samuel S.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Wilson, Fred H.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Duke, William F.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Elmore, Robert P.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Horton, John W.: Of Washburn, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jenkins, Rufus Lee: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lewis, Augustus: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Miller, Henry M.: Of Athens, Georgia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; discharged for disability on August 21st, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina.
Otter, Hjulmar: Of New York, New York. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ray, William A.: Of McAdensville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Robinson, William M.: Of Lincolnton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Trotter, Thomas H.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Vincent, Joseph S.: Of Midlothian, Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Williams, William L.: Of Glenburnie, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Woodard, John W.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERHarris, Joseph F.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
WAGONERHargett, William C.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bryant, Thomas B.: Of Gaffney, South Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Savin, Albert S.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company G on May 27th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Alexander, Andrew W.: Of Huntersville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ball, James A.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Beaty, George W.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Belk, Erasmus A.: Of Waxhaw, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bell, William T.: Of Statesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Berrier, Samuel T.: Of Gaffney, South Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Biggins, Robert H.: Of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Black, Robert L.: Of McAdensville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bulwinkle, Frank C.: Of Dallas, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Byron, Louis J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Campbell, Zeb C.: Of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Clark, John T.: Of Griffin, Georgia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Condor, Fletch J.: Of Stouts, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Costner, Jacob S.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Craig, Eugene: Of Chitmar, Georgia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Craig, William B.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Crook, William W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Cummings, Decatur: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Cummings, William M.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Davis, Allen J.: Of Spray, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Davis, William A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Donaldson, William D.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Doughty, Lester D.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Douglas, James F.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Draughton, David D.: Of Mount Island, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 5th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Elms, John D.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Falls, William T.: Of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Finger, Noah F.: Of Salisbury, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Foard, John C.: Of Statesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Foil, Thomas A.: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ford, James E.C.: Of McAdensville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Forrest, Arthur: Of Concord, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Gattis, James A.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on September 4th, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina.
Green, Elisha: Of Swain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Grice, John M.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Gulledge, Henry M.: Of Morven, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Halsell, Hyrle: Of Newton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hampton, George W.: Of Sylva, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Harmon, George W.: Of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Haymie, Charlie: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Haywood, Joseph M.: Of Stouts, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Heath, John M.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hernden, John Joseph: Of Crocker, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hernden, Marion Pink: Of Grover, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hoffman, Robert Y.: Of Lowell, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Humphreys, Charles: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jackson, Clemens E.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jackson, Adolph L.: Of New York, New York. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jenkins, George A.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jones, Benjamin F.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Keller, Henry A.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Kennedy, Lawrence J.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on October 21st, 1898, at the Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lauber, Albert C.: Of Baltimore, Maryland. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lay, Jacob M.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lewis, Fred E.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Linder, Robert W.: Of Gastonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lindsey, Harrison L.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Lipkind, Daniel: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Massagee, Charles A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McClellan, Daniel C.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McGowan, James E.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Moore, Joseph D.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Nort, Henry Woodfin: Of Atlanta, Georgia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; discharged by order on September 4th, 1898, at Lands End, South Carolina.
O�Byrne, Michael: Of Centralia, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Pace, Albert P.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Parrish, Walter L.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Patten, James: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Patten, James P.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Pearce, Henry L.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on July 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Pryer, James F.: Of Knoxville, Tennessee. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Reynolds, James O.: Of Roberdell, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Rhodes, John C.: Of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Richardson, James M.: Of Pacolet, South Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Richman, John B.: Of Tyron, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Russell, William E.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sample, Martin M.: Of Begonia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Savin, Charles E.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sharar, Wilson A.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on July 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Sims, Gipson R.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Smith, Eugene M.: Of Hopewell, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Smith, John North: Of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Steele, James P.H.: Of Lowell, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thomas, John B.: Of Sandifer, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ward, Edward W.: Of Lincolnton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company G on August 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Watkins, Thomas: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Wofford, Cad H.: Of Matthews, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Wood, John: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company G on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Company H - Buncombe County
The company was organized with volunteers from Asheville (Buncombe County), North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company H of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 24th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain John A. Wagner.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
CAPTAINWagner, John A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as Captain of Company H of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled on November 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company F of the 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on November 15th, 1898, at Savannah, Georgia; mustered out of service with the Company on April 22nd, 1899, at Savannah, Georgia.
FIRST LIEUTENANTSmith, Stephen O.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTAdams, John S.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTMoody, Harland M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTEdwards, William S.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Calais, John H.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fowle, Daniel G.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Reynolds, James H.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stradley, John R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ballinger, James E.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Blair, John M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Burnsides, Adger W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fletcher, John J.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Harris, Paul A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Haskett, Raymond F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Haynie, William V.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Holland, John W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Penland, Freemaster: Of Weaverville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rector, Robert G.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898; deserted on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Tallman, Darwin F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Woods, James C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wynne, Charles L.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERWhitaker, William R.: Of Fairview, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Artificer of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
WAGONERHollingsworth, Glover C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as Wagoner of Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Anderson, Henry: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Anderson, W.K.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Baker, James H.: Of Lee, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Barnes, Joseph W.: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged by order on July 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bence, William F.: Of Syracuse, New York. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Black, William: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Blankenshipp, James M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Blankenshipp, William R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bradburn, Major G.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Brown, James F.: Of Flat Rock, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bryant, William P.: Of Pine Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 8th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Burns, Thomas F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Burnsides, Eli R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Burton, Aaron F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cagle, David H.: Of Dana, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Carver, Robert: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; dishonorably discharged on July 20th, 1898, by orders dated June 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Cassida, John H.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cassida, Samuel E.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Claverings, Thomas A.: Of Utica, New York. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Coinwall, Robert R.: Of Hill Girt, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Davis, Mount: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Dills, Charles H.: Of Candler, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Dockery, Thomas M.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Drake, Edward L.: Of Hendersonville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Drake, Ernest L.: Of Hendersonville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ensley, Elias E.: Of Clyde, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Harrington, Alfred B.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Finch, Alonzo B.: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Finch, John W.: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fox, William M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Gentry, Elias E.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Gentry, John: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Gerkin, Alvin: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Gill, John H.: Of Clarksburg, West Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Godfrey, Martin A.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Goldsmith, William W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Graham, James W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Green, Nathan: Of Iron Duff, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Harris, George W.: Of Hot Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Harris, Tom: Of Biltmore, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Henderson, Elliott H.: Of Little Pine Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Henderson, Gray H.: Of Black Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 31st, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Henderson, William A.: Of Fairview, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on August 11th, 1898.
Henry, Zeb V.: Of Franklin, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hill, John L.: Of Upward, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Holmes, Robert P.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Howard, Charles: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Howell, Andie B.: Of Sioux, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Johnson, George W.: Of Bernard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Johnston, John: Of Sandy Bottom, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 18th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jones, A.O.: Of Dana, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Jones, Thomas T.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Justice, James C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Kinney, Mack: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Lane, Creed: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Long, Thomas A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Lunsford, Levi N.: Of Little Pine Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Marlow, Taylor: Of Barnard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
McDewitt, John B.: Of Bernard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Messer, George H.S.: Of Spring Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Metcalf, William W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Millsaps, Dunston L.: Of Vashti, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Misenheimer, Joseph C.: Of Salisbury, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mitchell, John H.: Of Newport News, Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Moody, Homer L.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mull, Frank R.: Of Leonard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mull, Sidney W.: Of Leonard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Muchant, Grant: Of Dana, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Muchant, Luther L.: Of Dana, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Norton, Henry A.: Of Leonard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Norton, Hezekiah K.: Of Leonard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Odum, John: Of Crabtree, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Philbin, Thomas: Of Richmond, Virginia. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rector, Elihu L.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Reeves, Ephriam W.: Of Barnard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Riley, Moses: Of Chester, Pennsylvania. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on August 5th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Roberts, Henry H.: Of Burnsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Roper, John B.: Of Hendersonville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; died on July 10th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Runion (Ronnion), Benny (Berry) E.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Buried at the Pacolet Methodist Church Cemetery in Pacolet, Spartanburg County, South Carolina.]
Runion, Jasper N.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Runion, William P.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ruth, Robert: Of Gypsie, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; died on August 8th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Sandlin, John T.: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 16th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Shelton, Christopher C.: Of Hot Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Shittle, Pinkney M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stradley, William T.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stroup, Tilden C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sumnee, Charles S.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Taylor, C. William: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Taylor, Oscar C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tweed, Nelson P.: Of Big Laurel, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wallon, John P.: Of Walnut Run, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 3rd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Warren, Herbert H.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
White, Elias (Ellis) P.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; transferred to Company H, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wright, William J.: Of Waynesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company H on May 24th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Company I - Edgecombe Guards - Edgecombe County
The �Edgecombe Guards� were organized on October 21st, 1892, in Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina; the original basis of the company being the formation of the �Edgecombe Guards� of 1861 who had served in the American Civil War, being part of the original 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment which fought at the Battle of Big Bethel, Virginia, in June of 1861. This company was later reorganized as Company G of the 3rd North Carolina Volunteer Artillery Regiment (40th North Carolina State Troops), and served throughout the war until surrendered on April 25th, 1865, at Durham, North Carolina. Following the War the members of the old company continued to assemble and drill together, however it was not until 1892 that the company once more appeared on the rolls of the North Carolina State Guard.
In 1898 the company was serving as Company A of the 1st Regiment of Infantry, North Carolina State Guard, when the call for volunteers was made for service in the War with Spain. The company quickly responded and began recruiting efforts, and on May 15th, 1898, the company was mustered into service as Company I of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain John W. Cotton.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 7th, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Jeffreys (Jeffries), Carl William: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as Captain of Company I on May 28th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; resigned his commission on September 5th, 1898, at St. Francis Barracks, Florida. [Born on August 3rd, 1860, at Burnt Court Plantation in North Carolina; died on February 9th, 1838, in Tarboro, North Carolina; buried at the National Cemetery in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.]
Jenkins, James F.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Captain on September 15th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
FIRST LIEUTENANTHoward, John: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to First Lieutenant on September 15th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTPatti, Harry: Of Rapidan, Virginia. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Second Lieutenant on September 15th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTBaker, William H.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTWarren, Joseph A.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gatling Jr., Thomas H.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Jenkins, Charles H.: Of Conetoe, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Simmons, Walter Lee: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Sugg, William C.: Of Old Sparta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brame, Charles P.: Of Henderson, North Carolina.Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harris, Perry A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hussey, Thomas: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 22nd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Laurence, James W.: Of Old Sparta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Laurence, William J.: Of Laurence, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Long, Benjamin F.: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
McDaniels, Robert A.: Of Aulander, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Mitchell, William: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Peters, Thomas H.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Ray, Joseph L.: Of Williamston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Smithson, George W.: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERHaynes, Wilford W.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
WAGONERPegram, Frank W.: Of Macon, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as Wagoner of Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
MUSICIANCherry, Charles G.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Musician in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Archer, John J.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Askew, Aaron O.: Of Aulander, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 21st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Askin, James E.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina.Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Badgett, Charlie: Of Mildred, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on October 14th, 1898, at St. Francis Barracks, Florida.
Bailey, Howard J.: Of Connor, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Baldwin, Robert T.: Of Columbia, South Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Barhain, Rosco L.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Barhain, William D.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Beal, James T.: Of Enfield, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bluther, Earnest L.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bollinger, Edward T.: Of Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brindell, Augustus F.: Of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Britt, Guss L.: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brown, Clayton H.: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Brown, William J.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Bunn, Joseph D.: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Burton, John R.: Of Black Ridge, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Carter, Edward: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Chancy, Isaac M.: Of Beaufort, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cherry, William F.: Of Williamston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Clark, William H.: Of Manly, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Collins, Benjamin A.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cosby, James E.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Cowning, John: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Davenport, Henry: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Davis, Frank W.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Deans, Michael W.: Of Aulander, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Dickson, John H.: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Downing, Thaddeus: Of Speed, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Fields, Annelius P.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Ford Jr., Robert H.: Of Warrenton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gabriel, Guion: Of Conetoe, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gardner, John M.: Of Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 25th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gibson, William: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Godley, John: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on July 18th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Griffin, Harry L.: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Gurkin, James E.: Of Greenville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 4th, 1898, at St. Francis Barracks, Florida.
Hall, Richard E.: Of Warrenton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harrell, Francis T.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Harrison, Thomas W.: Of Carthage, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hicks, Wyatt G.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
High, Miller B.: Of Connor, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Hooker, William T.: Of Hamilton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Johnson, Andrew D.: Of Heflin, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Johnson, Condary D.: Of Heflin, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on September 10th, 1898, at Charleston, South Carolina.
Johnson, Samuel F.: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on July 21st, 1898, in Edgecombe County, North Carolina.
Johnston, James L.: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Leggett, Henry L.: Of Leggetts, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Maupin, Lee: Of Glendover, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 30th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Mitchell, Samuel K.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged for disability on July 28th, 1898, at St. Francis Barracks, Florida.
Mitrick, Paul: Of Tarboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Moore, Cornelius E.: Of Okesko, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 14th, 1898, for two years service; deserted on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Moore, Fred B.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; discharged by order on August 25th, 1898, at St. Francis Barracks, Florida.
Moore, John W.: Of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Morgan, Joseph R.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Osborne, Thomas L.: Of Aciesville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Overby, Cain L.: Of Nashville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Padgett, George W.: Of Bath, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Parker, Joseph P.: Of Lewiston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Parker, William H.: Of Kelford, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Pender, Willie L.: Of Hamilton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Poytriss, William M.: Of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Pritchard, Samuel L.: Of Hamilton, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Rea, Robert C.: Of Falkland, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Rights, Lee: Of Salem, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Roberson, Claude H.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Rook, June W.: Of Pinetown, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Roy, Joseph P.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Russ, Edward C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Shonlars (Shoulars), Robert E.: Of Rich Square, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 22nd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Simmons, Seth B.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Smith, Charles: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Smith, Charles S.: Of Mosesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Taylor, Benjamin M.: Of Black Ridge, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on July 1st, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tennills, Benjamin F.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Thomas, James E.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tweed, Manley F.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Tyler, Claude: Of Egleston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Vaughn, Thomas H.: Of Aulander, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 19th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Venters, George F.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Waters, Richard: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Waters, Thomas L.: Of Washington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Wells, Charles S.: Of Hobgood, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Wheeler, Lee C.: Of Jackson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on June 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Williams, Samuel W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company I on May 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 23rd, 1898, at Tarboro, North Carolina.
Company K - Wilmington Light Infantry - New Hanover County
The �Wilmington Light Infantry� was organized on February 22nd, 1853, in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, with sixty-five volunteers. The company served as part of the North Carolina militia, on routine duty until April of 1861, when the State of North Carolina followed others and seceded from the United States.
They company was called out by the Governor in April and assigned to the 30th Regiment of Militia, being one of those commands that took part in the capture of Fort Caswell, near the mouth of the Cape Fear River, on April 15th, 1861; being at this time under the command of Captain William L. DeRossett. Afterwards they were sent to a camp near Battery Bolles on the Cape Fear River, where they were organized and mustered into Confederate service as Company G of the 8th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment under the command of Captain Henry B. Savage. In early 1862 the regiment underwent a slight reorganization and was redesignated as the 18th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the company retaining the designation of Company G. They joined the Army of Northern Virginia under General Robert E. Lee in 1862 on the Virginia Peninsula, and served with that army throughout is service, surrendered on April 9th, 1865, at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia.
Following the Civil War the company reorganized and performed the routine duties of a militia company, and in 1898 they were serving as Company C of the 2nd Regiment of Infantry of the North Carolina State Guard.
With the calling up of volunteers for service in the War with Spain, the Wilmington Light Infantry assembled, and quickly recruited the requisite number of members. Reporting at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, they underwent the necessary examinations, a number of men being rejected on physical grounds, however new recruits were quickly obtained and on May 13th, 1898, the company was mustered into service as Company K of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Donald MacRae.
The company served with the regiment at the camps in Raleigh, and then moved to St. Simons Island where they served the remainder of their service before being sent back to North Carolina to be mustered out of service. After receiving a thirty-day furlough, the men reassembled at the Wilmington Light Infantry Arsenal in Wilmington, North Carolina, and were mustered out of United States service on November 7th, 1898.
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Captain Donald MacRae | Armory of the Wilmington Light Infantry | 2nd Lieut. Robert H. Cowan |
CAPTAINMacRae, Donald: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina. [Born on May 3rd, 1861, in Wilmington, North Carolina, the son of Donald (1825-1892) and Julia Norton MacRae (1834-1867); married Miss Monimia Cary Davis (1876-1954), no date; died on March 23rd, 1928, at Wilmington, North Carolina; buried at the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina.]
FIRST LIEUTENANTWhite, Charles H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTCowan, Robert H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enrolled on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina. [Born on September 9th, 1870, in Wilmington, North Carolina, the son of John (1842-1900) and Margaret Anderson Walker Cowan (1845-1915); married Miss Blanche E. Chadwick (1879-1952), no date; died on June 3rd, 1927, at Wilmington, North Carolina; buried at the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina.]
Cronly, Douglas T.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 7th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Whitney, William A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to First Sergeant, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTHooper, James A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Bradley, Richard: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Martin, Cuthbert: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Myers, Charles D.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina.Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Windley, James B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Baldwin, Vernon: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Davis, Champion McD.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Forshee, Eugene: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Frazier, Hester E.: Of Whiteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Green, Charles F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Grotgen Jr., John H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Hunt, Edwin E.: Of Chadbourne, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Lewis, William G.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
McArthur, Charles W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Reilly, James O.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Springer, Horace D.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 7th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Turrentine, Hugh W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Woodward, Eugene J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
ARTIFICERQuelch, John C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
WAGONERRay, Milton: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Baldwin, George W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Craft, Frederick G.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Baldwin, Bartley D.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on August 9th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Barlow, Adrian E.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Boylan, Joseph E.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Branch, Paul: Of Wilson, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Breckinridge, John J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Brewer Jr., Charles N.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Brooks, George F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Brown, Charles F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Brown, Joseph O.: Of Hallsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; died on October 19th, 1898, at his home in Columbus County, North Carolina.
Bryant, Archie W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Burruss, Alonzo J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Butler, Levi M.: Of Goldsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Bryerly, Oscar K.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Capps, Joseph W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Clark, George B.: Of Chadbourne, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Clements, Robert L.: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Cooper, Frederick H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Crouch, Charles G.: Of Thomasville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Daggett, James S.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Dancy, Patrick E.: Of Fair Plain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 29th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Dudley, Edwin P.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Duke, George F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Edens, Eugene: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Farrow, Clayton G.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Gore Jr., John H.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on August 25th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Green, David W.: Of Hallsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Greer, Luther: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Hardee, Kary B.: Of Whiteville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Hardy, David G.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Heide, Thomas A.: Of Wilson, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Herring, James A.: Of Kenansville, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Hobbs, Thomas: Of Stump Sound, Onslow County, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Howard, Ashbel J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Johnson, Charles T.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Keith, William A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Latham, John D.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Leslie, Claude A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 10th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Lewis, Shroud McK.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 4th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Long, Joseph P.: Of Thomasville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Mangum, Corsie B.: Of Charlotte, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
McCartney, James F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
McKeithan, David C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
McKinney, Empie W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Meier, Joseph C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Millis, John O.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 11th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Mintz, William S.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Moffitt, Oliver: Of Whiteville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Moody, George W.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 28th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Morrison, Norman A.: Of Whiteville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Mulford, Charles W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Murrin, Edward J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Odham, John A.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Parker, Edward E.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 28th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Penton, Baron D.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pierce, Jay: Of Hallsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; died on July 28th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Pierce, Stephen W.: Of Hallsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pierce, William P.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Powell, John E.: Of Hallsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pridgen, Clarence E.: Of Keith, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pridgen, Robert C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Rivenbark, Matthew C.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Rominger, Robert: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Sellers, David B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Shaw, Robert: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Shepard, Edward: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Short, Charles E.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 18th, 1898, for two years service; discharged for disability on September 1st, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Silvy, George P.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 7th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Smith, John W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Stanley, Edward: Of Whiteville, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Swain, Joseph: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Sykes, Thomas J.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 19th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thees, George B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Tilley, John F.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Vernon, George W.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Waddill, James B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on June 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Walker, Colman G.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Watson, James H.: Of Montezuma, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on July 10th, 1898; , for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
White, James L.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company K on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Williams, Willie T.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Wilson, Ulysses G.: Of Rodgersville Junction, Tennessee. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged by order on August 28th, 1898, at St. Simons Island, Georgia.
Windley, William R.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Winn, George I.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Workman, Daniel B.: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted on April 27th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company K on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 18th, 1898, at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Company L - Buncombe County
The company was organized with volunteers from Asheville (Buncombe County), North Carolina, and was mustered into service as Company L of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 13th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain Joel L. Gibson.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
 |  |
Captain Joel L. Gibson | Private Wade H. Fowler |
CAPTAINGibson, Joel L.: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
[The uniforms of Captain Gibson in the Collection of the North Carolina Museum of History. Uniform 1. Uniform 2.]
FIRST LIEUTENANTMcAfee, Eldred T.: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
SECOND LIEUTENANTDeal, Lyman A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
FIRST SERGEANTBrown, George C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTFranks, Samuel T.: Of Almond, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fry, Frank E.: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hayes, Wade H.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Roby, George J.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Shuford, John F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ayers, Baker A.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Baker, Frederick W.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Black, Frank S.: Of Judson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Chauncey Jr., Samuel J.: Of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Colvard, John D.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Lovin, Horace T.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McLean, Frasier: Of Inanda, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mendenhall, James H.: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and is mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two year service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Payton, John: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, James W.: Of Andrews, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Price, Joseph S.: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Whitaker, Victor: Of Andrews, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wright, Charles C.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Zackery, Charles F.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Saunders, Willis E.: Of Franklin, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Vinegum, Henry L.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Redmond, George L.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Scott, Edward F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Able, James H.: Of Canton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Able, William A.: Of Canton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; died on July 10th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Allison, Rufus T.: Of Big Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Anderson, David: Of Alexander, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bailey, Joseph: Of Almond, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Barnes, John: Of Dizardville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bell, John A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Boone, Adolphus: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Boyd, John R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bradley, Pink T.: Of Oconalutty, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Branks, Ransom: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Brigman, Lee: Of Hominy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Brindle, William: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Bryson, Thomas F.: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Buckner, Jeter: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Carpenter, Oscar: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Caslite [Castile], Shephard: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on April 12th, 1877; Died on April 21st, 1962; buried at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri.]
Christopher, Joseph: Of Canton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Clavard, William J.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cline, Nathaniel: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cockran, Andy: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cole, Oscar: Of Marble, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cole, William: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Colly, Edward: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Conley, William P.: Of Franklin, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Conner, Henry: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Craig, Charley: Of Birdtown, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cunningham, John: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Davis, George: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Dills, Jasper N.: Of Rones Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ensley, Webb E.: Of Alexander, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Extine, George: Of Sylva, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fowler, Wade Hampton: Of West Mills, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on September 28th, 1876, in Oconee County, South Carolina, the son of Elijah William (1840-1919) and Eddie Malinda Corbin Fowler (1846-1896); moved to Texas, and then to Douglas, Wyoming, in 1899; owned and operated the Bates Sheep Company in Wyoming from 1903, and later the owner and Director of the Dixie Sheep Company; married Miss Maude Lee Kimbrough (1884-1977) on April 10th, 1906, at Madisonville, Tennessee; served as the Registrar of the United States Land Office in Douglas, Wyoming, from 1913 to 1917; served as the Converse County Assessor for two terms, no dates; served as a State Senator from Converse County, Wyoming, for two terms, no dates; member of the Lieutenant Caspar Collins Camp No. 1, Department of Wyoming, United Spanish War Veterans, no date; died on April 13th, 1958, at Cheyenne, Wyoming; buried at the Douglas Park Cemetery in Douglas, Converse County, Wyoming.]
Frisbee, Nat C.: Of Leicester, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Green, Thomas H.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hamby, Marion: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Henderson, Marion: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hendricks, Wilbur: Of Inanda, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Henry, Samuel B.: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hill, John: Of Johnson, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on August 1st, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Hill, Joseph: Of Johnston, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hill, William: Of Johnston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Holland, Thomas: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Holmes, William B.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on July 14th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hurst, Fid: Of Big Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hyatt, Thomas S.: Of Big Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Johnson, Zeb: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged for disability on July 28th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Key, Samuel: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
King, Charles: Of Bell, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Lakely, James R.: Of Flats, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Lindsay, Timothy T.: Of Needmore, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Lindsay, William R.: Of Needmore, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mason, James L.: Of Flats, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McLean, James: Of Mars Hill, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 26th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McMahan, Asbery: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McMahan, Robert H.: Of Nantahala, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Medlin, George: Of Stecoah, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Messer, John: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Morrison, Charles: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Myers, Jesse: Of Franklin, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Pastell, William J.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, Burton T.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, James S.: Of Almond, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, Robert: Of Almond, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, Victor: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Reagan, Bruce: Of Oconalufty, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Reeves, Herschel: Of Weaverville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Robinson, Samuel: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rogers, Benjamin: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Russell, Widden: Of Franklin, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Scott, Daniel: Of Sonoma, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Shelton, Erwin V.: Of Alleghany, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sluder, Sidney: Of Leicester, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Snyder, Charles A.: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stalcup, Jesse: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sutton, Benjamin: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sutton, Kinsey: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tate, Walter M.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company L, no date; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Thomas, Leslie B.: Of Bryson City, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Vance, William (Tillman) G.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; transferred to Company L on July 16th, 1898; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Later service with the 7th United States Cavalry Regiment.
Watson, Lewis S.: Of Harris, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on April 14th, 1877; married Miss Mary Elizabeth Holland (1888-1957), no date; died on September 4th, 1947; buried at the Mount Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina.]
Watts, Robert F.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
White, Marion: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wilson, Thomas Q.: Of Webster, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898, for two years service; discharged by order on June 30th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Wilkes, George: Of Sylva, North Carolina. Enlisted on June 13th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on June 15th, 1898; discharged per orders on July 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Woodard, William: Of Etna, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wright, Samuel R.: Of Whittier, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the Company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Company M - Statewide
The company was organized with volunteers from several counties in North Carolina, however a majority were recruited from Buncombe County, North Carolina, and were mustered into service as Company M of the 2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, United States Volunteers, on May 25th, 1898, at Camp Bryan Grimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, under the command of Captain James Cooper.
The company was mustered out of United States service on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Clark, David: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant with the Regiment on May 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; promoted to Captain of Company M on September 15th, 1898, with rank from September 6th, 1898; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cooper, James: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Captain of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; resigned his commission, no date.
Johnson, Harold E.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enrolled on May 23rd, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as First Lieutenant of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Conrad Jr., Holmes: Of Waynesville, North Carolina. Enrolled and was mustered into service as Second Lieutenant of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Landis, Leak Pearce: Of Oxford, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as First Sergeant of Company M on May 25th 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged per orders on September 8th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia. [Born on January 17th, 1876, the son of Augustine Jr. and Mary Emily Hamelin Landis; died on February 24th, 1920, at New Orleans, Louisiana; buried at Elmwood Cemetery in Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina.]
McKoy, Edwin Anderson: Of Wilmington, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on June 15th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to First Sergeant, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on April 15th, 1874, the son of Thomas Hall (1837-1902) and Margaret Anderson McKoy (1848-1917); married Miss Catherine Malcomson Gadsden (1889-1971), no date; died on June 4th, 1930, at Brunswick, Georgia; buried at the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina.]
Suddereth, George: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Evans, George W.: Of Hiawassee, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 6th, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Geer, John L.: Of Gilkey, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company B on May 16th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company M, no date; promoted to Sergeant, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rose, Samuel L.: Of Vest, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 5th, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Staley, Robert: Of Della Plains, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on July 2nd, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Taylor, James G.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tipton, Sidney C.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Sergeant in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Later service with Company D of the 3rd United States Artillery Regiment and Company G of the 16th United States Infantry Regiment. [Buried at the Henderson Cemetery in Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina.]
Cagle, Milton A.: Of Ecusta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cole, John D.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Burgess, Samuel L.: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 6th, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Ferguson, Joseph R.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Gardiner, Barney D.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Graham, Thomas J.: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Huey, Charles G.: Of Brevard, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Miller, Vernon T.: Of Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Praytor, Edward B.: Of Swannanoa, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rector, George: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rice, William H.: Of Jupiter, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Corporal in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Simmons, James A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Teague, Robert M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on June 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; promoted to Corporal, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Later service with Company E of the 28th United States Infantry Regiment.
Huffman, Joseph H.: Of Hickory, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Artificer of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tatham, Charles G. (P.): Of Andrews, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as Wagoner of Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Caudle, James R.: Of Obids, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Martin, Edward: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Musician in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Abernathy, Garrie W.: Of Hanging Dog, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Aldrich, Dexter: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; discharged due to disability on August 27th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Allen, George W.: Of Dillsboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on August 27th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Allen, John H.: Of Vest, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Alston, Harrie S.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Boyle, John F.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; discharged due to disability on August 29th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Bridges, John M.: Of Greenville, South Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Chastain, John L.: Of Piper, Tennessee. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Cook, John T.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Dalrymple, Thomas J.: Of Crawford, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Davidson, William E.: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Duckett, Jarias N.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 24th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Early, Benjamin T.: Of Weaverville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Fulbright, Samuel S.: Of Pine Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 8th, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Goodlake, George R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hampton, Luther R.: Of Unaka, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hanna, Robert: Of Grays, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Harwood, Garett A.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Howell, William E.: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company M, no date; discharged due to disability on September 11th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Hunter, Charles H.: Of Walnut River, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Hunter, Hiram V.: Of Walnut River, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Ingram, Andrew B.: Of Alexander, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
James, Charles N.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Jordon, Robert N.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Joyner, Carl S.: Of Weaverville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Kelly, Tom McP.: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
King, E. Bruce: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company M, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
King, James W.: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 11th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company L on May 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; transferred to Company M, no date; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Maiden, Amos F.: Of Gunnings Mill, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Manning, Charles A.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McBreary, Burton: Of Nina, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McDowell, Eugene E.: Of Greensboro, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McIntyre, Henry C.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
McKee, Claude: Of Swannanoa, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Medley, Hezekiah L.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Miller, F.A.: Of Gaston, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 15th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on September 10th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia.
Miller, William: Of Canton, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; deserted on June 3rd, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged per orders on July 13th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Miller, William M.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Mitchell, James R.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Montgomery, Alfred C.: Of Walnut Grove, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Moore, Gus S.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Morrow, Charles: Of Grapevine, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Nix, Charles L.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; discharged due to disability on June 23rd, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Patterson, George: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Patton, William Y.: Of Marion, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Payne, George: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Peercy, Herbert A.: Of Swannanoa, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Phillips, James H.: Of Andrews, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Prince, Andrew J.: Of Raleigh, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 10th, 1898, for two years service; discharged per orders on August 29th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina.
Quinn, Alonzo: Of Vest, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rector, Jerry: Of Marshall, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Roberts, Barrett A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Roberts, Robert S.: Of Flat Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rogers, George W.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rogers, James S.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rogers, Victor C.: Of Split Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; deserted on June 8th, 1898, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Rogers, William W.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Rose, James L.: Of Ogreeta, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sherrill, Ross Lloyd: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on August 30th, 1878; died on October 7th, 1953; buried at the Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park Cemetery in Seattle, King County, Washington.]
Sides, William H.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Simpkins, James L.: Of Bushnell, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Sinth, James R.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Slaughter, Charles B.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Smathers, Edward Earle: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged on September 17th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina. [Born on June 2nd, 1875, in North Carolina, the son of Jasper Lafayette (1849-1927) and Cornelia Earle Smathers (1853-1906); died on June 25th, 1901; buried at the Riverside Cemetery in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina.]
Snyder, Carl: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stephens, James M.: Of Grape Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Stowe, John R.: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Later Service with Company A of the 29th United States Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
Suttin (Sutton, Sutteon), William L.: Of Fines Creek, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tate, Walter M.: See Private with Company L
Tatham, John A.: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on January 30th, 1865, in Valleytown, North Carolina, the son of Pinkney Benton (1835-1926) and Arabella Cirkendal Wright Tatham (1839-1916); married Miss Stella Mae Dunlap (1881-1915), no date; died on June 25th, 1951, in Andrews, North Carolina; buried at the Valleytown Cemetery in Andrews, Cherokee County, North Carolina.]
Taylor, James M.: Of Letitia, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Later service with Company M of the 37th United States Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company K & the Casual Detachment of the 12th United States Infantry Regiment, and Company L of the 18th United States Infantry Regiment.
Thomas, John W. (H.): Of Cobbs, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Tucker, Duncan T.: Of Peak, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on July 10th, 1858; died on December 26th, 1930, at Big Lick, North Carolina; ; buried at the Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Big Lick, Stanly County, North Carolina.]
Turner, Guy H.: Of Hot Springs, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Vance, William (Tillman) G.: See Private with Company L
Vaylis (Voyales), Napoleon A.: Of Peachtree, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Vestal (Vester), Herbert (Hubert) P.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on June 1st, 1881; died on December 11th, 1962; buried at the Mountain View Cemetery in Deming, Luna County, New Mexico.]
Walker, William C.: Of Grainger, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Buried at the Walker Plantation Cemetery in Cherokee County, North Carolina.]
Warley (Worley), Charles: Of Robbinsville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Weaver, Joseph B.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
West, Andrew Crayton: Of Old Fort, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on October 24th, 1875, the son of Andrew (1846 to 1935) and Elizabeth West (1839-1933); died on February 10th, 1931, at Camden, North Carolina; buried at the Bethel Community Cemetery in Bethel, Haywood County, North Carolina.]
West, F. Omer: Of Murphy, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on July 17th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on November 28th, 1879; died on August 11th, 1901; buried at the Harshaw Chapel Cemetery in Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina.]
Whitaker, Edward A.: Of Asheville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M of the 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment on June 12th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. Served as a Private in Company A of the 11th United States Infantry Regiment from 1899 to 1902. Served as a Private in Company B of the 3rd United States Infantry Regiment from May of 1902 to 1905. Served as a Private in Company H of the 4th United States Infantry Regiment from 1905 to 1908. Served as a Private in Company G of the 11th United States Infantry Regiment in 1908. [Died on October 18th, 1929, at Washington, D.C.; buried at the United States Soldiers and Airmen�s Home Cemetery in Washington, District of Columbia.]
White, Elias (Ellis) P.: See Private with Company H
Williamson (Williams), William Lee: Of Black Mountain, North Carolina. Enlisted on May 20th, 1898, for two years service; mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina; discharged due to disability on September 18th, 1898, at St. Simon�s Island, Georgia. [Born on February 27th, 1872, in McDowell County, North Carolina, the son of John and Elizabeth Evans Williamson; married Ms. Cora Setzer (1889-1960), no dates; died on May 13th, 1952; buried at the Green Hills Cemetery in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina.]
Willis, Jerkins: Of Waynesville, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on May 25th, 1898, at Raleigh, North Carolina, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina.
Wyatt, James Zeb: Of Swannanoa, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Born on January 28th, 1880; married Ms. Eliza Rhymer (1883-1973), no date; died on January 24th, 1961; buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina.]
Wyatt, John R.: Of Swannanoa, North Carolina. Enlisted and was mustered into service as a Private in Company M on June 12th, 1898, for two years service; mustered out of service with the company on November 7th, 1898, at Asheville, North Carolina. [Buried at the Chambers Cemetery in Weaverville, Buncombe County, North Carolina.]
Books & Published Material
- Page 793, "The Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1898." D. Appleton & Company, New York, 1899.
- �Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of North Carolina for the Year 1898." Guy V. Barnes, Printer to Governor�s Council, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1899.
- �Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of North Carolina for the Year 1899." Edwards & Broughton & E.M. Uzzell, State Printers, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1900.
- �Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of North Carolina for the Year 1900." Edwards & Broughton & E.M. Uzzell, State Printers, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1901.
- �Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of North Carolina for the Year 1901." Edwards & Broughton & E.M. Uzzell, State Printers, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1902.
- �Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of North Carolina for the Year 1902." Edwards & Broughton, State Printers, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1903.
- Pages 202 to 208 (Portrait), Volume VI, "Biographical History of North Carolina. From Colonial Times to Present." Samuel A. Ashe; Charles L. Van Noppen, Publisher; Greensboro, North Carolina; 1907. (Major Benjamin F. Dixon, Field & Staff)
- Pages 18 to 19 (Portrait), "Biographical Sketches of the Members of the Legislature of North Carolina, Session 1897." D.C. Mangum; Edwards & Broughton, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, North Carolina; 1897. (Major Benjamin F. Dixon, Field & Staff)
- Page 609, "Correspondence relating to the War with Spain, and conditions growing out of the same, including the Insurrection in the Philippine Islands, and the China Relief Expedition, between the Adjutant-General of the Army and Military Commanders in the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, China, and the Philippine Islands, from April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902." Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1902.
- Pages 453 to 454, Volume II, "Cyclopedia of Eminent and Representative Men of the Carolinas of the Nineteenth Century." Brant & Fuller Printers, Madison, Wisconsin; 1892. (Major Benjamin F. Dixon, Field & Staff)
- Volume I, "Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903." Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1903.
- "Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65.� David Clark; E.M. Uzzell Printer, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1901. (Portrait of Colonel Burgwyn and Chaplain Osborne)
- Pages 318 to 319, �History of Edgecombe County, North Carolina.� J. Kelly Turner & John L. Bridgers Jr.; Edwards & Broughton Printing Company, Raleigh, North Carolina; 1920. (Information on Company I)
- Page 151, "A Military Album, Containing over One Thousand Portraits of Commissioned Officers Who Served in the Spanish-American War." L.R. Hamersly, New York City, New York, 1902. (Portrait of Battalion Adjutant Bradley J. Wootten)
- �North Carolinas Role in the Spanish American War." Joseph F. Steelman, 1975.
- "Officers of Volunteer Regiments Organized Under the Act of March 2, 1899." Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1899.
- Pages 213 to 217, "The Organized Militia of the United States." Government Printing Press, Washington, D.C., 1900.
- Volume I, �Report on the Origin and Spread of Typhoid Fever in U.S. Military Camps during the Spanish War of 1898.� Walter Reed, Victor C. Vaughan, Edward O. Shakespeare; Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1904.
- "Roster of North Carolina Volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898-1899." Adjutant General, Raleigh, NC: Broughton and E.M. Uzzell State Printers, 1900.
- "Statistical Exhibit of Strength of Volunteer Forces Called Into Service During the War With Spain; with Losses From All Causes." Adjutant Generals Office, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1899.
Documents, Papers & Non-Published Materials
- General Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who served During the War with Spain. Microfilm publication M871, 126 rolls. ARC ID: 654543; Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780s-1917, Record Group 94; The National Archives at Washington, D.C.
- Pension applications for service in the US Army between 1861 and 1900, grouped according to the units in which the veterans served. (NARA T289) National Archives & Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
Websites & Online Resources
- The Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Company.
- Find-A-Grave.
- Wilmington Light Infantry Armory Building.