Cherokee County, SC part of the SCGenWeb

Cherokee County South Carolina Links

If you are hunting ancestors then this is the page to look at. Happy hunting. I know, an all inclusive table of links is nearly impossible.  Cyndi's List is pretty close to "all inclusive" though.  We've put here links to places that we thought you might find helpful and some links that you might otherwise not know about.  Hopefully you'll find them helpful. We will place a reciprocal link simply for the asking.  Just write to the webmaster at the email address in the footer. Interesting information...

Some useful genealogy terms and definitions are found at

Free online genealogy instruction is available from the LDS Church and BYU presents a good glossary of genealogical terms.

SK Publications makes copies of census records in print and CD

There is often good historical material on eBay.  Search for old maps, atlases, genealogy books, magazines & newspapers and church histories...  Be careful, some sellers have used products or poor photo-copies that are priced higher than presently available full retail.

Cherokee County Specific Links
SCGenWeb Archives - Cherokee County

SCGenWeb Tombstone Project - Cherokee County

The Cherokee Chronicle Newspaper

Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce

The Gaffney Ledger Newspaper Limestone College, Gaffney South Carolina

Related Genealogical Societies
National Genealogical Society

Association of Professional Genealogists

South Carolina Genealogical Society

North Carolina Genealogical Society

Broad River Genealogical Society, Shelby NC

York County Genealogical and Historical Society, Rock Hill SC

Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, Forest City NC
Pinckney District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1428 - Spartanburg, SC 29304

The Piedmont Historical Society, Upstate SC
Is there a Cherokee County South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Society that is not a sub-group of an existing multi-area society?  If not, why not?

Our neighbors USGenWeb sites
USGenWeb Project

South Carolina SCGenWeb Project

North Carolina NCGenWeb Project

Spartanburg County South Carolina SCGenWeb Project (a parent county)

Union County South Carolina SCGenWeb Project (a parent county)

York County South Carolina SCGenWeb Project (a parent county)

Cleveland County North Carolina NCGenWeb Project

Rutherford County North Carolina NCGenWeb Project

The several family history search engines some of these have both paid and free services

Family Tree SoftwareI've used Family Tree Maker, Family Origins, Personal Ancestral File, and Legacy Family Tree.  I've found that each had advantages and disadvantages and I've also found that each has a truly loyal following.  I presently use Legacy Family Tree version 4 almost exclusively, I like it - it has all of the tools that I need - it meets my needs well.  Some people don't like it and prefer something else.  Only you can decide which you like best.If cost is among your primary considerations then check out Personal Ancestral File or Legacy Family Tree.  They are both full featured programs that are available for download free.  If what you want is a high availability of supporting CDs then Family Tree Maker is a good bet.  In my opinion, Family Origins has the best file merging function out there.

Links to the Rootsweb message boards for the several Cherokee Counties:

Cherokee County, South Carolina

Cherokee County, Georgia

Cherokee County, Alabama

Cherokee County, Iowa

Cherokee County, Kansas

Cherokee County, Oklahoma

Cherokee County, Texas

Cherokee County, North Carolina

Genealogy Forms and Tables
Family Tree Magazine has posted some forms online in .doc format.  You need a word processor like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect in order to download a .doc file.

Duane and Mary have presented some fantastic forms online.

Need to calculate relationships?  2nd cousin or 1st cousin once removed?
Try this chart.

Need a quick understanding of what is a "First Cousin twice removed" versus a "Second Cousin"?  Try this article...

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