Ryker-Riker Genealogical Database


  • Please note that the  two  family trees  to which you are about to be directed are offered "as is."  One of the databases was constructed by Judith (Myers) Kryter and her husband Robert, Vice-Pres. and Webmaster, respectively, of the Ryker-Riker Historical Society, Inc. for their personal use and, accordingly, consists of entries predominantly pertinent to the lineages of these two individuals.  This database is acknowledged to be  far from comprehensive with regard to well established Ryker-Riker lineage, since Judith's direct ancestry is emphasized to the exclusion of other family branches.  The other, much more extensive, database is displayed courtesy of Mrs. Rosalie Van Ness, who again collected these data for her personal use from many sources.  Although the two databases partially overlap in their coverage, they stand completely separate & distinct.

No claim is made as to the accuracy of the vital statistics reported in either database.  Correctness of all data cannot be proven, so use good judgment in accepting data as factual without further investigation.  Please keep this in mind as you search for names; the prudent researcher will always seek corroborating information from other sources before accepting any given item as "fact".

  • Anyone having corrections to offer on the data displayed herein  -- or who wishes to contribute information on individuals not currently represented in the family tree but who are linkable to a family already listed -- should either use the Post-em feature provided by WorldConnect or contact the Webmaster for procedures by which your information might be transmitted and appended to the existing genealogical databases.


Are you ready to search the family trees?

arrowrtx.gif (82 bytes)Access the Myers-Kryter database

Access the Van Ness database


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[This page was last updated 10/29/03]