Robins Family Links Page

Robins Family Links Page

Surname Resources


Dellinger Community - A genealogical and family history list for researchers of the DELLINGER or DILLINGER surname and various related families. This is an excellent resource and includes a database of genealogical and historical files and archives of all messages. Registration required.


ROBINS (R152) at ROOTSWEB - ROBINS resource page on Rootsweb. Mine is the only web site listed the last time I looked, but this page provides searches for a number of Rootsweb databases.

Bob & Mary Anne Robins Ancestors - This is my family site on Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project. This is the good place to search for information contained on my web site as the same information is also on WorldConnect.


Setzer Family of North Carolina - Traces the SETZER family back to their home in Germany in the early 1700s. This family is part of our DELLINGER line.


Shindels of Lebanon Co. Pa. - Ed Weaver's web page on the SHINDEL/SHINDLE/VON SHINDLE family, tracing the family back to Germany in the 1600s with even earlier historical information. This family is part of our ROBINS line. The link to the genealogy page is about halfway down the history page. Part of a much larger site.

General Resources - This is a pay site but you can do searches for free and some of the databases are free.

FamilySearch - This is the genealogy site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). From this page you can search their extensive genealogy resources. From the Family History Library Catalog page you can search the extensive microfilm holdings available through local Family HIstory Centers.

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project - A great, free resource (over 25 million names last time I checked) that gets better as additional people upload their GEDCOMs. Rootsweb gives the file owner a great deal of control over what information is visible and what, if any, portion of the GEDCOM is downloadable.

USGenWeb Project - A group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. Amount of information varies by county, but always worth checking.

... More to come, drop by later!

Last Modified: Wednesday, 29-Mar-2000 18:51:39 MST