Newport Mercury, May 20, 1882  
Newport Mercury Masthead 1882 - click to enlarge
Newport Mercury, May 20, 1882
VOLUME CXXIII—No. 49. Newport, R. I., May 20, 1882. WHOLE NUMBER 6,446.

Carriage from 1882 ad - click to enlarge

The Newport Mercury,
188 Thames, Cor. Pelham St.,

THE NEWPORT MERCURY was established in June, 1758, and is now in its one hundred and twenty-third year. It is the oldest newspaper in the Union, and, with less than half a dozen exceptions, the oldest printed in the English language. It is a large quarto weekly of fifty-six columns filled with interesting reading -editorial, State, local and general news, well-selected miscellany and a valuable farmers' and household department.-- Reaching so many households in this and other States, the limited space given to advertising is very valuable to business men.


A Correspondent's Recollections of That Memorable Trip to California in '49 – Lists of those who took Part.

In your column of deaths published in this week's issue will doubtless appear that of "William A. Coggeshall, a native of Newport, Rhode Island," who died in San Francisco, California, on the 7th inst. This notice carries the memory of the writer back to the time of the California gold fever, when it was epidemic throughout New England, and the voyage of the ship Audley Clarke from this port to San Francisco, with a party of our townsmen. The writer, who was one of the three originators of that scheme proposes, briefly to give for the benefit of your readers, a sketch of that enterprise with a list of names of the participators therein, many of whom will be recognized as being among our respected fellow citizens at the present time. So much by way of preface.

In the winter of 1848, news was received of the discovery of gold in California, a region of which but comparatively little was known, and expeditions of fortune hunters were being fitted out from several of our New England seaports, and the fever reached Rhode Island, increased rapidly, and was the all-absorbing topic of conversation in our streets, back shops, in fact everywhere. – The late Capt. Charles Cozzens, James R. Newton and the writer were one evening conversing upon the subject, when one of the number proposed something like this, "I believe a company could be raised in Newport to buy and fit out a vessel for an expedition; suppose we try the experiment." The proposition was agreed to and a notice calling for a meeting was inserted in the newspapers for conference upon the subject. The meeting was held in the sail-loft, on Devens’ (now Commercial) wharf, occupied by the late Benjamin Freeborn, which was largely attended, and great enthusiasm prevailed. – The meeting was organized by the election of a president, secretary and treasurer. Several meetings were held and action was taken, and in the Newport MERCURY of January 6, 1849, the following notice appeared: "Ho for the Land of Gold."—We understand the whaling ship Audley Clarke has been purchased by a company in this town for an expedition to California."

The ship was repaired, refitted and supplied with a large quantity of provisions and everything necessary for a long voyage, and in the afternoon of February 15, 1849, under command of Capt. Ayrault Wanton Dennis, her sails were set, her bows pointing seaward, she commenced her journey to the far off "Golden Gate," with the following persons on board:

*Wm. A. Coggeshall William T. Dennis
*George Vaughan *Irving H. Knowles
*Isaiah Crooker *Charles R. Clarke
*Charles Cozzens William H. White
Levi Johnson †Charles Fales
*Ayrault W. Dennis *Robert Graham
James H. Demarest *George H. Wheaton
*Oliver Carpenter Josiah M. Barstow
George Crandall *George W. Babcock
*J. Hudson Spooner George B. Slocum
*George J. Staigg John Y. McKenzie
Michael Cottrell William Stevens, 3d
†Elisha P. Kinyon *Edwin Chambers
*Joseph King Moses A. Lewis
John C. Caswell *Amos T. Whitford
Benjamin A. Sayer *Zachariah Chaffee
Stephen R. Goffe *Corn’s E. Cummings
*Thomas Cranston *Richard Barstow
†Weld Hatch *Fred’k A. Murphy
*Aaron F. Dyer *Samuel Young
*Jacob Lake *Freeman M. Hoxie
Robert P. Clarke George H. Tilley
*George W. Langley †Edson Stewart
John Tompkins George Beatty
*Jos. Southwick, Jr. William K. Lawton
*John S. Hudson Benjamin Brown
*William Welsh †Benjamin Malbone
Benjamin Cozzens *Oliver Hazard
William H. Fludder J. M. K. Southwick
Thomas Barlow Joseph M. Lyon
*John H. Cox †Nath’l F. Wardwell
*Joseph M. Riggs †Joseph W. Arnold
Joseph P. Barker *Arnold Pierce
John Freeborn *Jeremiah C. Bliss
*William Weysser †William W. Morris
Hiram C. Harrington †Wm. H. Gardner
Wm Engs Dennis *Walter Murphy.

Those marked a * are known to be dead, those unmarked are known to be living, and those marked with a † cannot be accounted for by the writer. The officers of the company were as follows: President, William A. Coggeshall; Treasurer, Aaron F. Dyer; Secretary, George W. Langley; Directors, William A. Coggeshall, George Vaughan, Isaiah Croker, Charles Cozzens, Levi Johnson, Ayrault w. Dennis, James H. Demarest.

The officers of the ship were Captain, Ayrault W. Dennis; First Mate, Chas. Cozzens; Second Mate, George B. Slocum; Cooks and Stewards, William W. Morris, Oliver Hazard, Benjamin Malbone, William H. Gardner. The ship was owned by the company and was held in trust by Edward F. Newton and Benjamin Finch, for their benefit.

The Newport MERCURY of May 26, 1849, says: We are informed that letters were received yesterday from the California adventurers from this place. The ship arrived at St. Antonio, one of the Cape de Verde Islands, in 39 days from this port, and after procuring refreshments and stopping a small leak, had sailed for her destination. They were all well." The ship proceeded on her voyage, doubled Cape Horn, sighted Juan Fernandez and the mountains of Chili [sic], and dropped her anchor in San Francisco Bay September 1, 1849, 198 days from this port. The first death from this ship’s company was that of William Welsh, at San Francisco, Sept. 20, 1849, the last, that of William A. Coggeshall, at San Francisco, May 7, 1882.

C. L. S.
Newport, May 18, 1882.


Jottings of Newport and Newporters.



The Body of Mrs. Wm. S. Vose Found at the foot of the Cliffs Yesterday Morning.


A sad tragedy occurred yesterday morning. At about half past four o’clock Mrs. Williams, a daughter of Mrs. Wm. S. Vose, living on Bath road, heard her mother pass out of the house. Search was begun at once, and Officer Freeborn tracked the unfortunate lady across the Beach to the creek and then back again as far as the bathing-houses, where all trace of her was lost. Officers Steele and Ackers next took up the search, and about eight o’clock the former found the body of Mrs. Vose in the water at the foot of the Cliffs near the Livingston cottages. It appears that Mrs. Vose must have gone to the water’s edge, and thrown herself face down into the shallow water. She was fully dressed, even to her bonnet.

Coroner Topham empaneled [sic] the following jury: David M. Barker, foreman; Benj. Easton, Jr., Wm. H. Underwood, James H. Goddard, Wm. S. Bryer and Theophilus Topham, who rendered a verdict that Mrs. Vose came to her death while laboring under temporary insanity.

Mrs. Vose’s husband died some years ago. For several months past her mind has been affected, but her melancholy death was wholly unlooked for. She was 78 years old.



"Governor" Cambridge Gardner, one of Newport’s old-time characters, died on Monday, aged 76 years. Gardner in the days before the adoption of the present State constitution, which first gave colored men in this State the privilege of voting, was elected by the colored people their "Governor" at this mock ‘Lection. He was in every way a worthy representative of a generation that is fast passing to the "realm of the dead."

Col. Wm. A. Stedman, of this city, and Mr. J. N. Stanley, of Brooklyn, have been granted a patent for a furnace for reaorts. [sic]


Business of the May Session.

The May term of the Court of Common Pleas was opened on Monday by Justice Tillinghast. The grand jurors were empaneled with Wm. A. Stedman, of Newport, foreman, and the same afternoon returned two indictments: One against John Roach and Jas. P. Horgan, for breaking into the store of Thos. C. Clark, Washington square; they were arraigned and pleaded not guilty; and also one against John Quinn for larceny committed at Coen’s store on Long wharf.—Quinn pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in State prison. Roach subsequently pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months in prison. Horgan entered the same plea, and was released on bail, with Mayor Slocum as surety.

The following cases were continued: John A. Hazard, appt., vs. Town Council of Middletown; W. J. Swinburne vs. Joseph Bradford & Co., Mary Jane Handy vs. Joseph Watson, appt., State vs. Thomas Malloy, State vs. Wm. Slavin, appt., State vs. Jas. H. Chappell, appt., State vs. Thomas Murphy, appt., State vs. Patrick Coffee, appt., John Blair and wife vs. Sarah Briggs, State vs. A. Frank Gardner, appt., State vs. James Eldridge, Jr., State vs. Thomas Carrigan, appt., Albert Chase vs. James Sweet.

Case of State vs. Geo. N. Lineham was discontinued, of State vs. Certain Liquors was dismissed, and of State vs. Daniel Graham, appt., was discontinued. In the case State vs. A. Frank Parker, appt., fine and costs were paid and case discontinued. In the case of Isaac Levy vs. Chas. A. Trager, a payment of $6.08 was acknowledged, and case was continued. The case of the state vs. Wm. A. Barker was discontinued. In the case of Jeremiah Brown vs. Isaac L. Church, the defendant submitted to judgment of $200 and costs, and appeals.

The breach of promise case of Bridget M. Caner vs. William Brophy was assigned as the first jury trial at the November term.

The case of Justin Thomas vs. Winfield S. Dodge was continued. In the case of Stephen H. Arnold, executor and trustee, vs. John J. Hayes, judgment of $102.45 for plaintiff was given. In the case of Wm. L. Fish vs. Luther Maddock, judgment of $109.70 and costs of plaintiff was given. In the case of George Jelly vs. Cortes Bolles, the jury, of which A. J. Ward was foreman, disagreed. It appears that Bolles, who was an employee at Ocian View Hotel, Block Island, drove off Jelly from the hotel piazza, while Jelly, who is a hack driver, alleges he was directed to come there, on an order from the proprietor of the hotel. Jelly sued for $500. The defence claimed that the regulations of the hotel justified Bolles’ conduct.

In the case of John N. A. Griswold vs. Joseph Endicott, a verdict of $1713.58 and costs for plaintiff has been entered, and execution has been issued. The case of State vs. Wm. Shea, has been discontinued. Yesterday noon, the jury, D. S. Mayberry, foreman, in the case of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell vs. Hiram Murray, rendered a verdict for the defendant. It appears that Dr. Mitchell hired a horse of Mr. Murray, and sued for damages and loss of use of his carriage, in consequence of the alleged vicious conduct of the horse. This was the second trial, the first resulting in a disagreement.

Yesterday afternoon the case of Asa B. Anthony, adms., vs. Elizabeth P. Hall, a Portsmouth matter in which it is claimed Mrs. Hall is indebted to the estate of her late son, in the sum of about $1600, was put on trial, and is pending.



COURT of PROBATE.—The regular meeting was held on Monday with all the members present.

Inventory of the personal estate of Philip Peckham, amounting to $1869.45 was allowed and ordered recorded. On the petition of Edward E. and George Anthony, devisees in fee tail of a certain farm in Portsmouth, by the will of the late James Chace, a decree was entered giving the consent and approval of this Court to the sale of said farm in two separate parcels are to be sold being limited to a specific sum and the petitioners being required to give bond to this court in a fixed amount with satisfactory sureties to pay over the proceeds of such sale to the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company. The guardian’s final account with the estate of Amos B. Van Alstyne was continued to 3d Monday of June next. The first account of George A. Brown, administrator on the estate of Pardon Brown was referred to the 3d Monday of June next and notice ordered thereon….

The Road tax assessed in May instant and to be expended in the repairs of the highways of this town was apportioned to the several Road Districts as follows, viz:

District Surveyor  
No. 1 Stephen P. Weaver
No. 2 Clark Henry Congdon
No. 3 Joseph L. Chace
No. 4 William Smith
No. 5 George Coggeshall
No. 6 Elisha C. Peckham
No. 7 Charles H. Hazard
  Amount of Road tax assessed



OBITUARY.—Mrs. Richard Borden’s funeral was held Friday, the 12th inst., from the residence of her son, Benjamin C. Borden. She died Tuesday morning after a short and painful illness, at the advanced age of 82 years, 1 month and 12 days. The funeral of Mrs. Potter, who has long resided with her son, Mr. Jerome Potter, was held Thursday of last week. Her remains were deposited in the Bateman family lot, near Portsmouth.

SOCIAL MEETING.—The Nonquit Social Circle has been organized with E. P. Stimson, President; Mrs. Joseph D. Humphrey, Vice President, and Miss Geneva Cook, Secretary. It starts with a membership of twelve.


Will be sold at public auction, on TUESDAY June 6, 1882, at 10 o’clock A. M., if fair, if not, the next fair day on the Stock Tilley place, so called, in Middletown, lately occupied by the late Philip Peckham, deceased.

ALL THE PERSONAL ESTATE of the said deceased, consisting, in part, of 1 Ox Cart, 1 Wheel Rake, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Grindstone, 1 Grain Box, 1 Sorrel Mare, 1 Brown Hors, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, 1 Plow, Iron and Vice, 1 Hay Knife, Haimes, lot of Harnesses, Whiffletree, Trace Chains, Scythe and Stick, 1 Garden Cultivator, 1 Seed planter, Bits and Bit Stocks, Meat Saw, Tongs and Sudries, Stove and Pipe, and other articles, too numerous to mention.

By order of GEO. W. PECKHAM,


Nathaniel Peckham, Auctioneer.


WILL BE SOLD at public auction, on the premises hereinafter described, on

MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1882.

At 2’o’clock, P. M., if fair, if not the next fair day, a ONE STORY AND A HALF HOUSE, in good order, with an acre of land, situated on the east shore in Jamestown, about half way between Conanicut Park the ferry landing, the said place belonging to the estate of the late Philip Peckham.

Sold by order of GEO. W. PECKHAM, Adm’r.



There was a $7000 fire in Goff’s mills, Pawtucket, Saturday.

Frederick Moran was sent to the Providence Jail, Monday, for ninety days for robbing a woman, who is sick abed, of $10, which was in a bag around her neck.

The Rev. D. G. Anderson, of Great Barrington, Mass., formerly rector of a church at Cranston Print Works, died Monday. He was prominent in Masonic circles, and was at one time Chaplain of the grand Lodge, which Monday took appropriate action on hearing of his death.

The illness of the Hon. W. F. Teston, of Woonsocket, had a fatal termination in Washington, D. C., Sunday morning.



Joseph Green, a French citizen of Swaton, is 101 years of age, and his wife is 90 years old. They have lived together as man and wife 75 years, have had 12 children, all of whom are now living, the oldest being 70 years old. They have had 84 grandchildren. The old gentleman is crippled, but his memory is not impaired.



Margaret Francis, who died recently at East Machias, aged ninety-eight years, was a daughter of the late Governor Francis of the Passaquamoddy tribe of Indians.



Capt. John Brightman, one of the oldest and best known sea captains of Fall River, died at his home in that city Monday afternoon, aged 69 years.

Newport Mercury, May 20, 1882 Continued: Grinnell Trial

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