Surname Researchers & Family Websites

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the same family lines. They may be family or have an interest in your surname(s). If you have a family
website, add it to the list so others can find you, it may help your searching. Don't
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connecting to family or someone who can help.

Family Websites

Add a link to your website here. It's a great way to drive more traffic to your site. The more traffic to your site the better the chance of finding family or someone who may be able to help your research.

Just e-mail the co-ordinator and say List Me to have your website listed here.


  • Site Name
  • Site URL
  • A brief description of your site
  • Your name and e-mail address

Welcome To Gaspe Roots - David Cooke
The Cookes are related to the Beebe,Caldwell,Chatterton,Chisholm,Day,Hall, Secord and Sheppard families to name a few.
Bisson Family
Bisson from Jersey to Port Daniel, search generations, information, photos, map, links and more
Dawn's Genealogy Page - Dawn Ellis
My family history, including Gaspe families: Joseph, Whittom, Parisé, McNeil, Handcénat, Huard, Butler, & Darosbil.
Descendants of William Smith & Catherine Black - Ron Chenier
William Smith and Catherine Black appear from nowhere in Percé, Gaspé, Québec sometime in the 1788-1789 era.
Darlene's Genealogy Pages - Darlene Campbell
My roots lay deep in Bonaventure Co., Quebec, and Restigouche Co., New Brunswick. Canada
Prévost and Charron Families - Andy Prevost
Prevost family patriarch George Prevost settled in Paspébiac in the early 1800's. Direct family links to Prevost/Provost, Whittom, Chapados, Bisson, Dea, Vautier, etc.
Raymond Garrett's Page - Raymond Garrett
Genealogy & history (1763-1850) information, limited to the Gaspé peninsula of Québec Canada.
Down Home – My Gaspe History - Patricia Roberts
A website on the history, stories and people of Gaspe, Quebec.
Woodman Family Tree Connection
Woodman ~ McWhirter ~ McCormick ~ Willett ~ Dimock ~ Robertson ~ Fallow ~ Barter ~ Doddridge ~ Coull ~ Racine ~ Poulin.
The Genealogy of the Flowers, Chatterton and Related Families on the Shores of the Bay of Chaleur
Among the related families are: Beebe, Gallon, Huntington, McKinnon, Thompson, Secord.
Chapy's Realm
Researching Mac/McKENZIE in the Bonaventure area
The Restigouche River and Kempt Road Area
I have photographed the entire Kempt Road Cemetery and have loaded many wonderful old documents about the area on my web-site.

Lookup Volunteers

If you can or wish to do lookups for people , please submit your name
to the Co-ordinator. E-mail your name, e-mail address, and the type of lookups you can
do (ie. church records, archives, etc.)

PLEASE,be patient and understanding when requesting information from a volunteer. They only have so many hours
in a day to devote to genealogy, the same as everyone else.

Magdalen Islands

Dennis Boudreau ------------- E-mail
Willing to do look-ups for the Magdalen Islands / Iles-de-la-Madeleine from 1794 -1925 (in English or French). Covers families and descending genealogies of ALL the Islands' families (Acadian, Quebecois, France-French, English, Irish, Italian and Syrian) directly from each of the parish registers (Catholic and Anglican), supplemented with other information.

Lorie Begin ------------- E-mail
I have the following Cd's of BMS and am willing to do look-ups, with Specific Names and approx dates. I am unable to do lookups for all entries of a surname. (I don't speak French)

PASPEBIAC: BMS 1773-1910
MARIA: BMS 1860-1900
PORT DANIEL: BMS 1855-1910
CARLTON: BMS 1773-1900

Gaspé Peninsula

Dawn Ellis ------------ E-Mail
Willing to do look-ups in The Robins in Gaspé 1766 to 1825 by David Lee. A history of the Robin family in Gaspé.

Joan Forest ------------ E-Mail
I have Catholic church records for the localities of Chandler, 1915-1941 Newport 1869-1941 Pabos 1864-1941 and am willing to research for those to whom the information could be helpful. I would request the approximative dates of information being seeked.

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