Chapter 9. |
Accused No. 5: Reason for Arrest Unknown; He was a School friend of BOOTH, a accused member of the Plot-to-Capture group. He had vanished in horror at the mention of the change of plans from kidnaping to killing. Was captured on Monday, April 17, 1865, but it was not difficult to find him since the Government had been keeping track of him, after getting wind of the Plot-to-Capture in March 1865. [REF: #5 pg188 Brought to Trial: MICHAEL O'LAUGHLIN, a tiny man with bushy black hair and luxuriant mustache, was the handsomest. During the trial he was labeled as having been assigned to kill Secretary STANTON, and someone had heard a rustling in the bushes outside Secretary STANTON's house on the assassination night. When the rustler emerged and drifted away, someone remembered he had a tiny man with a fine black mustache. All during the trial he gave the impression of anxious remorse that made people a little sorry for him. [REF: #5 pg197 Trial Sentence: MICHAEL O'LAUGHLIN was sentence to "Life in Prison"; died during the Yellow Fever epidemic in 1867, age 27 in the Dry Tortugas, Florida Prison. End of Chapter 09.
E-Mail: Paul R. Sarrett, Jr., Auburn CA.