Searching For Our Roots 2 - Homepage


Your Source For Quality Puerto Rican Genealogy CLUES!

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Whether you’re tracing your family history or researching the history of our Island, or just interested in Puerto Rico or Puerto Ricans, we are the place to visit. Searching For Our Roots is free to use and open to everyone.

This site is an archive site with millions of clues collected by us to help you discover your Puerto Rican heritage. The information found on this site is primarily from Puerto Rico. However, many other nationalities can be found through out the site. We hope that you find information here that fills in some blanks in your research.

About the Databases

These databases are a collection of names brought together from various sources, Books, Magazines, Censuses, Newspapers among others, to assist you in locating information on your ancestors. The individuals listed here are from the 15th through the present century.

Information for each individual is quoted exactly as it is found and only you as a researcher with more certain knowledge of your family names can sort out the occasional error. Our purpose is not to rectify the authors but rather to make you aware of the information as we find it. Because of this, the references have been extracted as given by the author making no corrections of any kind even when we disagreed with the publication.

We invite you to explore the collections as there is a good chance that your ancestor may appear in our records in one form or another.

Good Luck!



Last Updated: Jan 30, 2016 6:16 PM
Copyright © 2016-2016 Priscilla Colon Martinez
Dedicated to helping YOU discover your Puerto Rican Heritage