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Polish Genealogical and Heraldry Societies
East European Genealogical Society, Inc.
based in Winnipeg, Manitoba
features - surname / ancestral village search
Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe
based in Calgary, Alberta
features - surname / ancestral village search
Catholic Family History Society of London, England
This society has an active Polish Interest Group.
Polish Genealogical Society of New Zealand
Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczno-Genealogiczne
Bydgoszcz Society of Heraldry and Genealogy
based in Bydgoszcz
site available in Polish and English
Galicyjskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Galician Genealogical Society
based in Przemyśl
Lubelskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Lublin Genealogical Society
based in Lublin
see also: http://www.ltg.zg.pl/
Małopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Małopolska Genealogical Society
Opolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Opole Genealogical Society
Ostrowskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Ostrów Genealogical Society
based in Ostrów Wielkopolski
Pomorskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Pomeranian Genealogical Society
many online transcribed records; site available in Polish, English, German, and Russian
Suwalskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Suwałki Genealogical Society
site available in Polish and English
Śląskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Silesian Genealogy Society
based in Wrocław
Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne "Świętogen"
Świętokrzyskie Genealogical Society "Świętogen"
based in Kielce
Towarzystwo Genealogiczne Centralnej Polski
Genealogical Society of Central Poland
based in Łódź
Towarzystwo Genealogiczne Ziemi Częstochowskiej
Genealogical Society of Częstochowa
Towarzystwo Genealogiczno-Heraldyczne w Poznaniu
Genealogical-Heraldic Society in Poznań
Towarzystwo Genealogiczne "Worsten"
Worsten Genealogical Society
researching the surname WORSTEN and variants; also specializing in researching ancestors from West and Northern Poland.
based in
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne
Warsaw Genealogical Society
Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne "Gniazdo"
Genealogical Society of Great Poland "Nest"
site available in Polish, English, German, and French
Związek Szlachty Polskiej
The Confederation of the Polish Nobility
Polish Genealogical Society of America
based in Chicago, Illinois, USA
many valuable searchable databases including Haller's Army index and PRCUA Insurance Claim File index
Polish Genealogical Society of California
based in Buena Park, California, USA
site includes Migrant Obits Index
Polish Genealogical Society Of Connecticut and the Northeast
based in New Britain, Connecticut, USA
many valuable searchable databases including cemetery and surname indexes
Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland
based in Parma, Ohio, USA
site includes cemetery index and memorial card transcriptions
Polish Genealogical Society of Massachusetts
based in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
site include a list of members' surnames of interest
Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan
based in Detroit, Michigan, USA
specializing in Michigan Polonia
Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
based in South St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
specializing in Minnesota research
Polish Genealogical Society of New York State
based in East Aurora, New York, USA
databases including obituary project and cemetery index
Polish Genealogical Society of Texas
based in Houston, Texas, USA
searchable databases include surname registry and publications index
Toledo Polish Genealogical Society
based in Toledo, Ohio, USA
site include a database of early Polish immigrants in Toledo
The Polish Nobility Association Foundation
based at Villa Anneslie, Maryland, USA
specializing in researching Polish nobility
Would you like to add or modify a link to your Polish Genealogical Society's web page? Send me an e-mail. Include the name of the organization, the link, and whatever other info you would like used to describe your site. Please put "LINK TO PGS PAGE" in the subject line.
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