PolandGenWeb |
Rafał's Surname List
What is this surname list?
In August 2007, Rafał Prinke gave PolandGenWeb permission to add the surname list to our site, and it officially came online on 1 October 2007. The entries prior to 1 October 2007 were not added by PolandGenWeb.
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It is an alphabetical list of surnames submitted by those researching ancestors of Polish ethnicity or those who lived in Poland (occupied territories or present-day boundaries). This includes ancestors of Lithuanian, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, or German ethnicity living in the former Russian-Poland, German-Poland, Austrian-Poland, Galicia, Silesia, and East/West Prussia. Rafał T. Prinke originally created this list on 1 January 1996, and it was maintained by Kathi White until 1 May 1998. After Ms. White resigned in 1998, Guido Buldrini took over as list coordinator with the assistance of Tom Wodzinski. The list appeared on Mr. Prinke's website until the site went off-line in 2005. While off-line, Mr. Buldrini continued to maintain the list.
Why can't I view the entire list on one web page?
There are more than 37,000 (yes, thirty-seven thousand) entries in this list, and having a page including all entries would be enormous. A file containing all entries would be the equivalent of about 600 pages in a Microsoft Word document. As you can imagine, a web page of this size would be huge, would take a good bit of time to load (even with high-speed internet service), would likely not display in its entirety due to its enormous size, and paging down the list would likely be slow and cumbersome.
How do I submit my surnames for inclusion on this surname list?
At present, PolandGenWeb is not accepting new submissions.
How do I correct the info found in my entries or update my email address?
Naturally, PolandGenWeb will be pleased to update your information. Send an email to polandgenweb@comcast.net with Surname List Update in the subject. List each surname entry as it appears in the surname list and provide the info that needs correcting. If your email address needs to be updated, please include the new email address as well as the old one in the body of your message. It's necessary to include the old email address in order to verify the correct entries are being changed.
How do I remove some or all of my entries in the surname list?
Inclusion in the surname list is entirely voluntary. If at any time you want your information removed from this list, PolandGenWeb will comply. Send an email to polandgenweb@comcast.net with Surname List Deletion in the subject. List each surname entry as it appears in the surname list.
How do I contact someone who has submitted names to this list?
Send an email to the address included with the entry, of course. Please, when contacting others in regards to info found on this list, be sure to inform them that you found the email address here on Rafał's Surname List at PolandGenWeb! Most folks like to know exactly how you found them.
What if an email address in the list is invalid?
If a contact address is bouncing, refusing mail, or otherwise unreachable, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd contact PolandGenWeb at polandgenweb@comcast.net with that information. Once it's been verified that the address is indeed "bad", all entries with that same contact email address will be removed from the list.
How do I search the list of surnames?
You can search the list two ways. You can search an individual page by using the Find function in your browser, or you can search all pages of the list by using the search box at the top of this page. You may search by surname, place name, or email address.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 06-Oct-2015 00:49:12 MDT