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Poland's Roman Catholic Dioceses
New dioceses were created in February 2004. See New Dioceses for more information.
For maps of former diocesan boundaries in Poland's history, see this web page.
Archdioceses of Białystok
Diocese of Bielsko-Żywiecka
Archdioceses of Częstochowa
Diocese of Drohiczyn
Diocese of Ełk
Diocese of Gdańsk
Diocese of Gliwice
Archdioceses of Gnieźno
Diocese of Kalisz
Archdioceses of Katowice
Diocese of Kielce
Diocese of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg
Archdioceses of Kraków
Diocese of Legnica
Archdioceses of Lublin
Diocese of Łomża
Diocese of Łowicz
Archdioceses of Łódź
Archdioceses of Olsztyn-Frombork (Warmia)
Diocese of Opole
Diocese of Pelplin
Diocese of Płock
Archdioceses of Poznań
Archdioceses of Przemyśl
Diocese of Radom
Diocese Rzeszów
Diocese of Sandomierz
Diocese of Siedlce
Diocese of Sosnowiec
Archdioceses of Szczecin - Kamień Pomorski
Diocese of Tarnów
Diocese of Toruń
Archdioceses of Warszawa (Warsaw)
Diocese of Warszawa-Praga
Diocese of Włocławek
Archdioceses of Wrocław
Diocese of Zamość - Lubaczów
Diocese of Zielona Góra - Gorzów
Diocese of Bydgoszcz
Diocese of Świdnica
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map of deanery boundaries and information about the archdioceses; click on "PARAFIE" in the menu at the top to find addresses for parishes in the archdioceses; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "O DIECEZJI" to find a map of deanery boundaries and addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on the "PARAFIE" button on the left column and then on "PARAFIE" in the drop-down menu to find addresses for parishes in the archdioceses; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PODZIAŁ ADMINISTRACYJNY" in the right column to find the deaneries in this diocese then click on the name of the deanery; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "W SERWISIE" in the menu halfway down the page on the left, then on "ADRESY W DIECEZJI", then on "PARAFIA" below the subheading "Wyniki szukania" near the top of the page; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "Dekanaty i parafie" to find a list of the deaneries or click on "Parafie według nazw" to find a list of the parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "SCHEMATYZM DIECEZJALNY" and then on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" to find a list of the deaneries; click on a deanery name to see a list of its parishes or click on "SPIS PARAFII WG MIEJSCOWOŚCI" to see a list of all parishes in the diocese; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; a list of deaneries can be found by clicking on "Parafie" on the left side of the page under the heading Świątynie i Parafie; click on the name of the deanery (dekanat) to see a list of parishes in that deanery; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" in the menu at the left to find a list of parishes in each deanery below the diocese map; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on a range of letters beneath "Parafialne Strony www:" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PARAFIE" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
[Koszalin Kol~obrzeg]
info about the diocese; click on "porządek alfabetyczny" under the heading "PARAFIE" on the right of the page to find an alphabetical list of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "Strony www parafii" below the deanery map to find addresses for parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "DEKANATY" to find a map of deaneries or "PARAFIE" for parish addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "STRUKTURA DIECEZJI" to find a deanery map and click on the name of the deanery to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "DIECEZJA LOMZYNSKA" then click on "PODZIAL ADMINISTRACYJNY" for a map of the deanery boundaries and to find parish addresses and a list of deaneries; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on PARAFIE W DIECEZJI to find a list of parishes in the diocese; click on the appropriate letters of the alphabet to find more info, including a photo of the church; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "SPIS PARAFII" under the subheading "Dekanaty i parafie" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "Dekanaty i Parafie" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PARAFIE DIECEZJI" and choose the name from the drop-down menu to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click anywhere to enter the site, then on "DEKANATY" at the top of the page. Click on the deanery map to find addresses for parishes in that deanery; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "Informacje o parafiach" beneath the heading "struktura dekanatów" on the left; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on the seal to enter the site and the click on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" at the top of the page or on "PARAFIE" in the menu on the left side to find a map of deanery boundaries and/or a list of parishes and their addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" to see a map of deanery boundaries and a list of parishes and their addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PARAFIE" at the right to see a list of deaneries; click on the deanery name to see a list of parishes and their addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PARAFIE DIECEZJI" near the top of the page to find a map of the deanery boundaries and addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "Parafie" under the heading "STRUKTURY PODSTAWOWE DIECEZJI" to see a list of parishes or click on "Dekanaty" to see the deaneries and a map; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "Parafie" under the heading "Diecezja" and choose the name from the drop-down menu to find parishes within the deanery; click on the parish name to find info about the parish and a photo of the church; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on the town name from the list on the right to find info about parishes; this site is in Polish
[Szczecin - Kamien~ Pomorski]
info about the archdioceses; click on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" and then on "Parafie Szczecina" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on PARAFIE to find parish addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "PARAFIE I DEKANATY" to find parish addresses; this site is in Polish
info about the archdioceses; click on "INSTYTUCJE" and then click on "PARAFIE WARSZAWSKIE" and "PARAFIE POZAWARSZAWSKIE" to find deanery boundaries and addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "NASZE STRONY" to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
info about the diocese; click on "KSIĄŻKA ADRESOWA" then click on "SPIS PARAFII" to find parish addresses and a list of deaneries; click on "WWW - Parafie" to see a list of links to websites for the parishes; this site is in Polish
At present, this website is offline.
info about the archdioceses; click on "DEKANATY I PARAFIE" then choose a deanery name to find addresses of parishes; this site is in Polish
[Zamos~c~ - Lubaczo~w]
info about the diocese; click on the map of the deaneries to find parish addresses; this site is in Polish
[Zielona Go~ra - Gorzo~w]
info about the diocese; click on "DIECEZJA" to find a list of deaneries and links to parish addresses; this site is in Polish
territory taken from the archdiocese of Gniezno and from the dioceses of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg and Pelplin
info about the diocese; click on "parafie" to see a map of the diocese then either click on a deanery on the map to the right or click on the name of the deanery in the list on the left to see the parishes in each deanery or click on "Alfabetyczny Spis parafii" to see an alphabetical list of all parishes; this site is in Polish
territory taken from the archdiocese of Wroclaw and the diocese of Legnica
info about the diocese; click on "O DIECEZJI" and choose "MAPA DIECEZJI" from the drop down menu to see a map of the diocese; or click on "PARAFIE" under the heading "INSTYTUCJE" to see a list of parishes in each deanery; this site is in Polish
Last Modified: Sunday, 16-Sep-2012 07:26:04 MDT
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