Polk County News
Extractions from the

Livingston Locals.
    "Livingston, Texas, September 5.- The protracted meeting held with the Baptist church closed
today with the baptismal services at 10 o'clock a.m.  The services have been very interesting and
largely attended.  One accession by letter and six for baptism was the result.
    "A protracted service will commence with the Methodist church on Saturday preceding the second
Sunday, which will continue some days.
    "The central committee will convene tomorrow to canvass and proclaim the result of the primary
election held on last Saturday.  The Dollardville box cast thrity-three votes, being the largest vote
in proportion in the county to the voting strength.
    "Miss Inez Meece will leave tomorrow for Waco to attend Baylor university during the next term.
Many of her friends, as well as family members, regret to see her go, but hope she will be benefitted
in the long absence, as Dr. Burleson says she is one of his most industrious and best students.
    "Rev. Mr. Rushing left for home today and carries with him the best wishes of our Baptist people
and the many others who have listened to his very interesting sermons during the meeting.
    "It is stated on good authorithy that E. A. Patten, colored, of San Jacinto county, is out as
republican candidate for representative in opposistion to Robinson, democratic nominee and Wilson,

Saturday, Sept. 6, 1890, page 2 column 4
Submitted by Cathy Fitch


Moscow  Matters-
      "Moscow, Texas, December 11, - A cold wave struck this place about 9:30 this morning.
The weather so far this month changes about every six hours, supplying nearly everybody with
bad colds.
     "Mr. Cutler, the representative of C.Grunewald, is in the city doing a nice busi ness in his line.
 Every one is highly pleased with his tuning of pianos.
     "Dr. J. J. Canon returned from the Bayou City yesterday, where he has been in attendance of
the Masonic meeting.
     "Messrs. J. C. McKinnon, J. E. Goodwin and Ed Murphy left yesterday for Houston to visit
the Masonic temple.
    "Cotton is not coming in very much the past few days."

Saturday, Dec. 12, 1891, page 4 column 5
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

City Brevities.
    "The sheriff of Polk county was here Friday, and yesterday morning left for home with John Haacke,
the man captured Thursday night when he had been but twenty minutes in the city.  The way of the
transgressor is hard."

Sunday, Nov. 27, 1892, page 14 column 3
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

Section Man's Leg Crushed.
    "Livingston, Texas, January 17. - After the arrival of train No. 12 this evening section crew
crew No. 8 started in from the day's work; half a mile north of the depot the handcar was derailed
by a rock supposed to have been placed on the track by some small negroes,  and the foreman,
George Bennett, had his right leg crushed just above the ankle by the wheels.  The bone is so badly
broken the foot may require amputation, though he insists on saving it.  He was taken to Houston.
It is supposed that the stone was placed on the track by one thoughtless person to see the car
crush it and not with malicious intent."

Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1898, page 5 column 4
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

"LIVINGSTON - D. M. Bean, B. Garvey and Clint Daughty left for Beaumont, where
they go as jurors for the Federal district court."

Saturday, Jun 18, 1898, page 5 column 6
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

   "Married at the home of the bride’s parents, the evening of the 11th, Miss Dora Hickman
and Mr. Will Sanders, Rev. J. W. Sechrest of the Presbyterian church officiating.  The bride
is the daughter of Postmaster M. T. Hickman, and Mr. Sanders, though a stranger here, has
the reputation of being an energetic and industrious young man.  They left on the morning
train for their home at Austin followed by the best wishes of a host of friends.
   "Mrs. Leo Bergman of Trinity, Mrs. _. T. Hickman of Emporia and Mrs. Bryant Hickman
of Oliphant attended the Sanders-Hickman nuptials."

Sunday, Dec 15, 1901, page 31 column 6
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

    "Mrs. E. A. Kirby, aged 67 years, died Saturday at the family residence, 1113 San Jacinto
street.  The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, with interment in Glenwood.  The surviving
children are:  Mr. W. A. Kirby, and Miss Z. E. Kirby of this city, Mr. C. W. Kirby of Waco,
Mrs. R. A. Weisizer of Splendora, Mrs. M. T. Rice of Leggett, Mrs. W. B. Walker of Nacog-
doches and Mr. R. W. Kirby of Kilgore."

Monday, Feb. 15, 1904, page 1 column 5
Submitted by Cathy Fitch

     "Mrs. J. P. Manning, Sr.,  returned Sunday after a visit to relatives at Lovelady.
     "Mrs. H. O. Love of Cold Springs ( Coldspring ) is visiting here this week, the guest
of her son, Dr. R. B. Love.
     "Miss Lida Moosett of Shepherd is visiting Mrs. Ned Adams.
     "Mrs. L. H. Warren and children have returned home after an extended stay in
Southwest Texas.
     "Mrs. Frank Parker, who has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Hughes, returned to her home
at Lufkin Monday.
     "Mrs. C. A. Noblitt ( Noblett ) and daughter, Miss Lettie, returned last week from
Dallas, where they attended the State fair.
     "Mrs. A. B. Scarborough returned Monday from a visit to relatives at Groveton.
     "Mrs. P. H. Blalock visited relatives at Grapeland last week.
     "Mrs. E. C. Carnes left Wednesday for Trinity, where she will visit her mother,
Mrs. T. W. Leggett."

Sunday, Nov 6, 1910, page 38 column 5
Submitted by Cathy Fitch


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