From “The Venture “ The Magazine ot the Sheerness Technical Institute March 1923 Price 5d



An informal meeting of those interested in Wireless was held on the 21st of November, 1922, to form the above Society. The following officers were elected: —

Chairman: Mr. B. Thomsett, B.Sc.

Secretary: Mr. H. Franklin (Naval Wireless Section).

Treasurer: Mr. H. J. Gibson, B.Sc.

1st December, 1922. On this date 30-10 members attended for the first meeting of the Society. Mr. H. Gibson, B.Sc., gave a practical demon­stration of elher wave propagation. A short lecture was given on the prin­ciples of reception and transmission of Hertzian waves. It was decided to hold future meetings on Tuesdays.

12th December, 1922. About 26 members were present on this occasion, when the Secretary opened with a few practical remarks on "How to learn the Morse Code." At the conclusion, Mr. Franklin gave a short lecture on the construction and principles of an induction coil. Mr. Welland, a mem­ber, followed, with an account of how to make one's own apparatus.

On Wednesday, 20th December, 1922, an Exhibition was held at the Institute, when some simple receiving apparatus was on view.

The first meeting of the New Year took place on 16th January, when about 20 members were present. The first twenty minutes were occupied by the Secretary with general informative remarks. The remainder of the evening was occupied by Mr. Harrison, who had brought his own apparatus to be tested on the Institute's temporary aerial.

23rd January, 1923. Over SO members were present on this occasion and showed considerable interest in an hour's lecture on "The Electron Theory" given by the Secretary.

Now comes some interesting news for all students. On January 26th the Institute's receiving set was tested by the Secretary on the aerial at Garrison Point. Excellent results were obtained; although only a crystal detector was used, the London Broadcasting Station came in loud and clear, and at the same time, another station, believed to be the Birmingham Broadcasting Station, was also heard. Great credit is due to the maker of the apparatus (Mr. Woodley), especially as he is not a wireless expert.

30th January, 1923. After announcing to the Society the results of the trial of the Society's apparatus, the Secretary delivered a simple lecture on " Inductance and Capacity. " The Principal followed with a very interesting lecture on simple wireless transmission and reception.

6th Feb., 1923. Twenty members were interested in a lecture on "Trans­formers," given by the Secretary. He paid special attention to tlie uses of "Step-up" and "Step-down" transformers as used in receiving sets. A very instructive demonstration was given by Mr. Bell on the magnetic and inductive properties of an electrical circuit. In particular, the magnetic spring and the "Nail Devourer" caused much amusement.

Members will be pleased to know that Mr. Woodley has now well in hand the construction of a two-valve receiver. One valve has already been purchased out of the funds of the Society. Very shortly it is honed to instal a "Loud Speaker" in the Physics Lab.

The Secretary will be pleased to place any information at the disposal of members with regard to the Society or their own private sets. All com­munications should be addressed :

Mr. H. fhanklin, H.M. Wireless Station, Garrison Point, Sheerness.