Registry of Maine Toolmakers Listings

Key to the Registry Listing

All toolmakers with no asterisk (* or **) were found in the Directory of American Toolmakers (DATM). Text information comes primarily from that source, with the exception of additional information on the planemakers derived from Pollak's guide. All (*) names were found in Yeaton, but were not located in the DATM. Toolmakers located by the Museum or other sources are denoted by ** and include the information source or donor's identity.
? Work dates that are preceded or followed by a (-) dash indicate that they were probably working before or after those dates, but those were the most solid dates attributed to them. If a ca. (circa) precedes a date, it means that this is an estimated approximate date; the earlier the date the less accurate. For instance, in the case of a particular listing with a work date ca. 1790, the true time the toolmaker was working may actually have been 10 years or more to either side of that date. If the birth or death dates are known, they are located to the right of the work dates or within the text.
? On the web version, planemakers have been marked with blue. Toolmakers who are residents of Liberty and Montville have been marked with red.
? As information becomes available, biographical and other relevant information will be posted on individual Maine toolmaker web pages with a link to it from the Registry Listing. If you have a biographical sketch or any other important information about any Maine tool maker please contact the Museum or mail us your biographical/bibliographic data, and we will post it under the appropriate name. Needless to say, new information on any Maine toolmakers not listed in DATM, Yeaton or Pollak would be greatly appreciated.

Name - - Town - - Work Dates - - Birth/Death Dates

Peavey Brothers* Bangor -1874-1879
Tools Made: Axes

Peavey Mfg. Co.* Bangor 1857-
Tools Made: Axes, logging, pruners, saws, ice scrappers, shovels, crow bars, pry bars
Remarks: Peavey Mfg. Co. is listed among Yeaton's axe makers in his directory Axe Makers of Maine. From 1900 to 1918, the company was in Bangor, then in Brewer from 1918 to 1923, then in Oakland from 1927 to 1965. The DATM (1999) mentions them under Peavey Tool Co. which was apparently bought out by them in 1928. The Peavey Manufacturing Company is now located in Eddington, Maine. The company claims to have been in operation since 1857.

Peavey Tool Co. Bangor/Oakland -1928
Tools Made: Peaveys
Remarks: Supposedly started by two grandsons of Joseph Peavey, creator of the "peavey" cant-dog around 1860, this possibly pre-1900 company continued to make that tool until around 1928 when it was taken over by a Peavey Mfg. Co. in Brewer, Maine. This is curious because the mark being used prior had been THE PEAVEY MFG. CO. | OAKLAND, MAINE. The names, relationships and sequence of Peaveys' who apparently made this tool are confusing.

Peavey, A. & J.H.* Bangor 1879-1896
Tools Made: Axes

Peavey, Andrew** Liberty -1850-
Tools Made: Blacksmith
Remarks: Listed as the son of William, living in the same household in the 1850 census.

Peavey, Frank Smithfield -1879-
Tools Made: Rakes

Peavey, James Henry 1879-1900-
Tools Made: Other
Remarks: James Henry may have been associated with Peavey Tool Co. and/or possibly a Peavey Mfg. Co. He reportedly patented a cant-dog, an improved version of Joseph Peavey's tool, however their relationship is not known, and his modifications may have come after 1900.

Peavey, Joseph Stillwater 1858
Tools Made: Other
Remarks: Joseph, a blacksmithing inventor, was the original creator of the "peavey" cant-dog lumberman's tool. Other inventions that have been accredited to him (but may not necessarily have been his) are: hay press, clapboard machine, water wheel, shingle machine, hoist, wooden vise and an unspillable inkwell. See the Davistown Museum's information file on lumbering in Maine for a description of the invention of the peavey.

Peavey, S.H.* Bangor -1874-1897
Tools Made: Axes

Peavey, Thomas J.** Liberty, Montville -1850-1870-
Tools Made: Blacksmith
Remarks: Thomas is listed as the son of William and living in the same household as William in the 1850 census. By the 1860 census, he is listed as a blacksmith in Montville.

Peavey, Warren* Burlington 1879-1891
Tools Made: Axes
Remarks: He is listed in the 1881 Maine Business Directory as Warren Peavy.

Peavey, William** Liberty -1850-
Tools Made: Blacksmith
Remarks: Listed in the 1850 census.

Peavy, William** Burlington -1867-
Tools Made: Edge Tools
Remarks: He is listed in the 1867 Maine Business Directory.