The supply of shoes to HM ships

The supply of shoes to HM ships

Circular No. 441.

Admiralty 6 Aug 1860.

In order that shoes supplied to HM ships may, as far as practicable, be suited to the wants of the crew, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are pleased to direct that demands from ships on the Home station shall specify the sizes actually required to be supplied, and the number of pairs of each size.

The following are the sizes kept in store, viz.:-

  Length of Sole (inches) Width of Sole (inches)
Fives 10� 3�
Sixes 10� 3�
Sevens 10 ⅞ 3�
Eights 11� 3�
Nines 11⅝ 4
Tens 11� 4

On Foreign Stations demands are to be made as at present, and ships will be supplied according to the scale hitherto in force, viz.:-

10 Pairs of size Five
15 do Six
25 do Seven
30 do Eight
15 do Nine
5 do Ten

By command of Their Lordships
C. Paget
To all Commanders-in-Chief &c.

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