New System of Keeping Ships' Books and Accounts - 1858

New System of Keeping Ships' Books and Accounts - 1858

Order in Council
6 Apr 1858
Whereas by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the seventeenth year of Your Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act for facilitating the payment of Her Majesty's Navy, and the payment and distribution of prize, bounty, salvage, and other moneys to and amongst the officers and crews of Her Majesty's ships and vessels of war, and for the better regulation of the accounts relating thereto," it is directed among other things that the Lords of the Admiralty may from time to time make such rules, orders, and regulations as may to them appear expedient for facilitating the paying of the Navy, and for keeping the accounts and expenses in relation thereto; but that the same shall not have any force or effect until they have been previously approved by Your Majesty in Council.

And whereas representations had been made to us respecting the labour required in keeping certain books and accounts appearing to be unnecessarily voluminous and complicated on board Your Majesty's ships, we beg most humbly to represent to Your Majesty that, having investigated the subject, with a view to a revision and simplification of the existing mode of recording services, and accounting for pay, clothing, and victualling in Your Majesty's Navy, we have prepared the accompanying printed circular* and regulations for the purpose of establishing a New System of Ship's Books and Accounts, which we propose shall be brought into operation in Your Majesty's Fleet on and after the 1st day of April, 1858, should Your Majesty be graciously pleased to approve of the same.

We therefore beg most humbly to submit the regulations in question to Your Majesty's gracious consideration and sanction, praying that in the event of Your Majesty being pleased to approve thereof. You will authorize us by Your Order in Council to carry them into effect.

* Admiralty Circular No. 321 (not accompanying).

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