Retiring Pensions to Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Carpenters, and Warrant Officers

Retiring Pensions to Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Carpenters, and Warrant Officers

Retiring Pensions shall be awarded to Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Carpenters, and Warrant Officers under the following regulations, established by Her Majesty's Orders in Council of 22nd February 1870, and 12th August 1875

They shall be pensioned at 55 years of age, and at any age, if found unfit for service at sea; and they may, by the permission of the Admiralty, be pensioned, at their own request, at 50 years of age.

The following shall be the scale of Pensions: -

  For each Year's Service above the Rank of Petty Officer

Addition for each as Seaman or Petty Officer, but the additional time allowed for Service as Seaman-Gunner not to count.

Maximum for Service only. Minimum for Service only
  �. s. �. s. �. s.
Chief Gunner 5 0 1 10 150 No fixed minimum
Chief Boatswain
Chief Carpenter
Warrant Officers:-           j
1st. period of 5 years . 3 10 1 10 120 40
2nd period of 5 years 3 10 1 10 120 50
3rd period of 5 years 4 0 1 10 120 75
Over 15 years . : . . 4 0 1 10 120 95

Chief and other Warrant Officers holding appointments in Her Majesty's Yards, if not entitled to civil superannuation, shall be allowed to count such service as Warrant Officer's time towards pension, on the above scale.

In the event of the above-mentioned officers having sustained injuries on duty not nearly equivalent to the loss of a limb, or being disabled by sickness contracted in the service and not from want of proper care on their own part, an increase of not more than �10 a year may be made to whatever Retiring Allowance maybe awarded to them under the foregoing scale, provided they have not already received compensation for the same.

For ruptures and minor injuries received on duty, gratuities shall be granted under Article 16 of the Pension Regulations, at the discretion of the Admiralty, instead of the above increase.

Special Pensions, or gratuities in excess of the foregoing scale for service may, at the discretion of the Admiralty, be awarded when special services have been rendered requiring special reward ; and such lower rates of pension as the Admiralty may think proper may be granted to officers who have been guilty of mis-conduct

Time during which an officer shall not have maintained a good character in the ships in which he served shall not be allowed to reckon as service for Pension.

Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Carpenters, and Warrant Officers may, in such cases as it may be for their advantage, be pensioned on the scale for seamen. their service in the above ranks being allowed to reckon as superior petty time.

Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Carpenters, and Warrant Officers who have been dismissed from Her Majesty's service for what may be considered venial offences in the case of seamen, may, at the discretion of the Admiralty, and under the Provisions of Order in Council of 5th February 1850, be allowed Naval Pensions on the seamen's scale, provided they have twenty-one years' service, or are from age or other causes unfit for service as seamen in the Navy.

In such cases the time served as Warrant Officers may be allowed to reckon as superior single petty time.

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