Provisional Examination of Interpreters


Circular No. 2.-C.

Admiralty, 4th January, 1866

My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have been pleased to direct that Officers of the undermentioned grades* be permitted to pass a provisional examination for the appointment of Interpreter, under the regulations laid down in Circular No. 31._C, of 1865.

The provisional examination is to be conducted on board a Flag or Senior Officer's Ship by an experienced Teacher of Languages, or by an Officer who has passed for Interpreter at the Royal Naval College, in the presence of a Captain and Naval Instructor.

The successful candidate is to be granted a certificate, and will be required to pass a final examination at the Royal Naval College, within one month after his arrival in England, or being paid off, as the case may be.

Should his services be required on board a Flag or Senior Officer's Ship, the successful candidate is to be ordered to act as Interpreter, and will he allowed extra pay accordingly.

All provisional examinations and appointments are to be forthwith reported to their Lordships

By command of their Lordships, C. Paget.

* Executive Officers - Marine Officers - Paymasters - Assistant Paymasters.

Officers who have been twice rejected on examination for appointment as Interpreter will not be allowed to go up again for examination, whether such examinations have been provisional or not.-25th April, 1866.

Examinations of Candidates for the appointment of Interpreter will take place on the third Thursday of each month, except July and December.-30th January, 1867.

Source: Navy List for June 1870

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