Paymasters and Clerks, R.N. - Re-Organisation

Paymasters and Clerks, R.N. - Re-Organisation

Circular No. 185.
Admiralty 3 March 1855.

My Lords have been pleased to establish the following Rules and Regulations respecting the Paymasters, Clerks, &c., of the Royal Navy, under Her Majesty�s Order in Council of the 28 ultimo ; and they are to come into operation on the 1st day of April next.

A limited number of probationary Assistant Naval Clerks will be kept constantly in training at Somerset House and employed in the various Offices where Ships� Books and Accounts are dealt with, under such regulations as my Lords from time to time may think fit to establish.

All Naval Clerks who have passed the required examination as to their qualifications to fill the office of Paymaster, R.N., are to be designated "Assistant Paymasters," and divided into two classes ; and as it is to these Officers that the Paymaster must look for ability and experience to assist him in conducting the duties of the ship, they are to have authority over the Clerks, and to be trusted with the superintendence of the Office duties, under the Paymaster.

Paymasters are to be constituted Accountant Officers for Cash to the Accountant General of the Navy, and are no longer to be considered exclusively under the direction of the Comptroller of the Victualling ; and as the Accountant Officers of the ship in which they are serving, the Paymasters are to have, under the control of the Commanding Officer, the direction and superintendence of all Assistant Paymasters, Clerks, and Assistant Clerks, on board.

Annexed is a scheme of the Classification of Assistant Clerks, Clerks, Assistant Paymasters, and Paymasters of the Royal Navy, and their Rates of Pay.

By Command of their Lordships
R. Osborne
To all Commanders in Chief, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships and Vessels.

Designations Minimum period of service in each rank. Rate of Pay - Present Rate of Pay for the new designations, Proposed Increase per annum for each individual Remarks
Present Proposed Per day Per annum Per day Per annum
      �. s. d. �. s. d. �. s. d. �. s. d. �. s. d.  
Clerk� Assistant Assistant Clerk 2 years 0 2 0 36 10 0 0 2 6 45 12 6 9 2 6 -
Clerk unpassed Clerk 3 years 0 3 6 63 17 6 0 4 0 73 0 0 9 2 6
Clerk, passed, under 4 years� Full Pay Service as such Assistant Paymaster 2nd Class 5 years 0 4 2 76 0 10 0 5 0 91 5 0 15 4 2
Do. Above 4 years Do. 1st Class 2 years 0 4 10 88 4 2 0 7 0 127 15 0 39 10 10
Clerk in Charge Assistant Paymaster in Charge   0 7 6 136 17 6 0 8 6 155 2 6 18 5 0
Paymaster, Sloops. &c. 6th Rate Paymaster 4th Class
130 in No.
5 years 0 10 6 191 12 6 0 13 8 249 8 4 57 15 10 The existing allowance to Paymasters of Flag Ships, and also that for Victualling troops are abolished
0 13 8 249 8 4
5th Rate
4th Rate
Do. 3rd Class
80 in No.
5 years 0 16 5 299 12 1 0 19 2 349 15 10 15 3 9
0 19 2 349 15 10
3rd Rate
2nd Rate
Do. 2nd Class
80 in No.
5 years 1 1 11 399 19 7 1 6 0 474 10 0 74 10 5
1 4 8 450 3 4 24 6 8
1st Rate Do. 1st Class
80 in No.
  1 7 5 500 7 1 1 12 11 600 14 7 100 7 6

Circular No. 259

Paymasters' Extra Pay for doing Clerks' Duty

Admiralty, 31st July, 1856

In vessels commanded by a Commander, and having a complement of 100 men and upwards, the Paymaster is to have an allowance of Two Shillings and Sixpence a day for doing Clerk's Duty, in cases where no Assistant Paymaster or Clerk was borne, although an Assistant Clerk may have been borne in lieu of one.

The same allowance is to be granted to Paymasters of vessels commanded by a Commander, with complements of between 80 and 100 men, when neither Clerk nor Assistant Clerk has been borne.

By Command of their Lordships
R. Osborne
To all Commander in Chief, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships and Vessels.

Circular No. 376.

Admiralty, 16th June, 1859.

Assistants Clerks - Extension of Age for Entry.

Her Majesty having been pleased by Her Order in Council of the 6th instant to establish the following Regulations with regard to the Entry of Assistant Clerks in the Royal Navy, above the age of 17, My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby make known the same, for the information of all whom it may concern.

1. The age for entry of Gentlemen as Assistant Clerks will in future be from 15 to 19.

2 The examination of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Clerk, who may be between the ages of 15 and 17, will continue to be that established by Her Majesty's Order in Council of 5th April, 1852 ; but Candidates nominated between the ages of 17 and 19, will be required, in addition to such examination, to have a competent knowledge of the practice of Bookkeeping, by single and double entry, and such a knowledge of the rules of English Composition as will enable them to write a letter from general instruction.

3. Such Candidates as may be entered between the ages of 17 and 19, will, after one year's service, be considered eligible for examination for the rating of Clerk; and, after three years' service in the latter capacity, be eligible for examination for the rank of Paymaster.

By Command of their Lorships,
H. Corry,
To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.

Circular No. 411.

Admiralty, 23rd February, 1860.

Paymasters &c. - Pay &c.

My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have been pleased, under the authority of Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 22nd instant, to establish the following Regulations with regard to the Pay, Half Pay, &c., of the Paymasters and Assistant Paymasters of the Royal Navy.

I. Full and Half-Pay.

All time served as Acting Paymaster, and four years of time served as Assistant Paymaster to reckon towards increase of half-pay.

The Full-pay of Paymasters is not to be regulated by length of service. but according to the class in which, by standing on the List, the Paymaster may be, as settled by Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 28th February, 1855.

The Full-pay of Assistant Paymasters-in-Charge is to be Ten Shillings a day.

  Per diem
  s. d.
Paymasters having less than three years' service, to receive 5 0
Paymasters having more than three and less than six years' service to receive 6 0
Paymasters having more than six and less than nine years service to receive 7 6
Paymasters having more than nine and less than twelve years' service to receive 9 0
Paymasters having more than twelve and less than fifteen years' service to receive 10 6
Paymasters having more than fifteen and less than twenty years' service to receive 11 0
Paymasters having twenty years' service and upwards 14 0

With reference to the above rates of Half-pay if a Paymaster shall be proved, after the necessary inquiry, to have been negligent of the duties entrusted to him, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty reserve to themselves the power to place him on the lowest or any intermediate rate of Half-pay they may deem proper.

II. Allowance in Flag Ships, Troop Ships &c.

Paymasters of flag ships, of troop ships when actually conveying troops, and of steam guard-sips, will be allowed, under special circumstances, a sum varying from Two Shillings and Sixpence to Five Shillings a day, in consideration of the extra duty entailed by such service.

III. Retirement

All Paymasters retiring in future, whether with the rank of Paymaster-in-Chief or Paymaster, are to receive such rate of half-pay only as they may have earned by service, without any addition.

Time served as Secretary is to count as time served as Paymaster ; but Secretaries having served twelve years as such, are to be entitled to Twelve Shillings a day, as at present, unless otherwise entitled to n higher rate.

Those Paymasters only who may have been serving at the date of Her Majesty's Order in Council authorizing these Regulations. or who may boreal hereafter serve, are to be entitled to the benefit of these Regulations.

$y Command of their Lordships.
C. Paget,
To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.

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