Non-Entry of Men in the Navy Belonging to any Branch of the Army, &c.

Non-Entry of Men in the Navy Belonging to any Branch of the Army, &c.

Circular No. 348.

Admiralty, 28th October, 1858

Non-Entry of Men in the Navy Belonging to any Branch of the Army, &c.

My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty being desirous of preventing. as far as possible, the entry in the Navy of men who may already belong to any branch of the Army, it is hereby directed that whenever Seamen or Boys above 17 years of age are entered on board any of Her Majesty's ships from the shore, or at any naval Rendezvous, the following questions are to be put to them in order to ascertain, distinctly. that they have not previously enlisted in the Army or in the Militia :-

1st Have you ever served in the Army, Marines, Ordnance, Militia, or in the forces of the East India Company?

If the seaman volunteering to enter should state that he has so served, he is to be required to state also the particulars of his former service, and the cause of his discharge, and to produce the certificate of his discharge, if he has it with him.

2nd. Do you now belong to the Militia, or to any Regiment or Corps in Her Majesty's Army, or to the Naval Coast Volunteers ?

In putting the second question to the Seaman or Boy, and before his answer is received, the officer is to distinctly apprise him, that if he belongs to the Militia and denies the fact, he is liable to forfeit one penny a day of his pay for eighteen months, if attested ; and to fourteen days imprisonment if not attested.

3rd. Have you ever been rejected as unfit for Her Majesty�s Service, or for the service of the East India Company.

By Command of their Lordships,

W. G. Romaine.

To Commanders in Chief, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers of Her Majesty's Ships and Vessels, and Officers in charge of Rendezvous.

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