Navy List - June 1844


Description of the Uniforms

Admiralty, 30th June, 1843.

Description of the Uniforms which, in pursuance of Her Majesty's pleasure, are to be worn in the Royal Navy.


Dress Uniform. Undress Uniform.
Coat - Blue cloth, with two rows of buttons down the front, ten in each row, and three inches apart across the breast, from the front of the button-hole to the centre of the button. White collar, sloped off in front, two-inch gold lace of the Navy pattern along the top and front edges, and one-inch lace along the bottom edge, coming partly on the coat. Blue cuffs, with two-inch lace round the top and down the front of cuff. White slash pointed flaps in the sleeve, with three small buttons, and one and a quarter inch lace round the edge. Four rows of five-eighths of an inch distinction lace round the sleeve above the cuff, at such distance from each other as place them within the length of slash. Pointed blue flaps on the skirt, laced all round with two-inch lace, and three buttons under them. One row of one and a quarter inch lace to encircle the hip buttons and form a point above them on the seam; and the bottom of lappell and the front and back edges of the skirt to be laced with the same. The skirts to begin at one-fifth the circumference from the front edge, and to be lined with white kerseymere. One button at the bottom of each plait. Blue lapelled coat, as formerly worn, with stand and fall collar; eight buttons and holes in front, regular; pointed flaps, with three notched holes, and buttons under. Round cuffs, with three notched holes, and buttons of the larger size, and four rows of five-eighths of an inch distinction lace round the cuffs, across the holes below the buttons.

Buttons - Raised, gilt, and one inch in diameter, indented with a round rim, and within, an anchor and a cable, and a crown over, between two wreaths of laurel. The small buttons to be half an inch in diameter. The same pattern as In full dress.
Epaulettes - Two gold epaulettes with forty loose bullions each ; a crescent and edging to the strap ; with silver anchor and crown, and three silver stars, two upon the crescent and one above. The devices on all Epaulettes to be embroidered. The same as in full dress.
  Waistcoat-Single-breasted, white cloth or kerseymere, with small buttons.
Trowsers - Blue cloth, with two-inch gold lace down the outside seams, to be worn over boots between the 15th October and the 22nd April ; and white duck, over boots, between the 15th April and 14th of October. Whenever blue trowsers are worn in full dress, those of Commissioned Officers, and of Warrant Officers ranking with them, shall have gold lace of the same width as that of their coats down the outside seams. Blue cloth, without lace. In warm climates, or on the home station in summer, Officers may wear white duck.

Cravat or Stock - Black silk.

Black silk.

Hat - Cocked; the flaps eight and a half inches in the back, seven and a half inches in the front, five and three quarters inches at each corner, bound with gold lace two inches wide, showing one inch on each side. Black silk cockade, five inches wide, looped with six gold dead and bright billions, three and a half eighth of inches wide, and the two centre twisted. with a button of the same size and pattern as that on the coat; and tassels with five gold and five blue bullions each. With or without lace.

Sword - The hilt solid, half basket guard, with raised bars and crown and anchor badge, lion head back piece, white fish-skin gripe, bound with three gilt wires ; outside length, five inches and three quarters; inside length, four inches and a half.

The blade slightly curved, with a round back, thirty one inches and a quarter long, one inch and three eighths wide at the shoulder, with a double-edged spear point.

The same as in full dress.

Scabbard - The top and middle lockets to be four and three inches and a half long respectively; to have loop and rings, and to be ornamented with embossed oak leaves in bas-relief; the chape to be seven inches and a half long, and to have oak leaves, as above, round the upper part, and a honeysuckle ornament at the end. The same as in full dress.
Sword Knot - Blue and gold rope, twenty-three inches long, with embossed oak leaves in bas-relief vellum basket-work head, and twelve gold bullions ; a piece of the same sort of cord fourteen inches and three quarters long, is to be fixed to the hilt, to which the knot is attached. The same as in full dress.
Sword Belt - Blue morocco leather, lined, full one inch and a half wide in the girdle ; single, one inch wide, sword slings on carriages ; the whole embroidered in gold, with oak-leaves and acorns down the middle, and margined with a straight line near each edge. Gilt mountings with circular fronts, two inches diameter, laurel embossed edges, crown, anchor, and laurel on the centre ; embossed carriage-buckles, plain girdle-buckles and rings, the latter one inch and three-quarters. diameter in the centre ; and

plain studs under the carriage-buckles, for the more easily attaching and detaching the sword, superseding the use of swivels ; a plain, strong gilt hook attached to the ring, to suspend the sword short.

The belt to be worn over the coat.

Black patent leather, of the same width as in full dress, but without embroidery; the mountings and edges to be also the same as in full

dress, but the carriage-buckles to be plain instead of embossed.


The same uniform and appointments as the Admiral or the Fleet, except that there are to be three stars only on the epaulettes, and three rows only of distinction lace on sleeves. The same as the undress uniform appointments of the Admiral of the Fleet, with three rows only of distinction lace on the cuff's.
The same as an Admiral. With two stars only on the epaulettes, and two rows only of distinction-lace on sleeves. The same as an Admiral, with two rows of distinction-lace on the cuffs.
The same as an Admiral, with one star only on the epaulettes, and one row only of distinction-lace on sleeves. The same as an Admiral with one row of distinction-lace on the cuffs.
The same as a Rear-Admiral with the epaulettes hereafter described, for Captains of three years standing, The same as a Rear-Admiral, but with the Captain's epaulettes.


Coat - The same as Rear-Admiral with the following exceptions:- The distinction-lace on the sleeves, and the lace on bottom a edge of lappell and front and back edges of skirt to be omitted The lace round top edge of the collar to be one and a half inch wide, and three-quarters of an inch along the bottom; one and a half inch lace round the flaps and cuff, and three quarters of an inch on slash flaps in sleeve ; and one inch to encircle the hip buttons. The lace round the hip buttons to be omitted for Commanders.

The same as a Rear-Admiral, but without the distinction-lace on the

cuffs. Buttons the same as in Captain's full dress.

Epaulettes - The same pattern as the Admiral's.- Captains of three years standing to be distinguished by a silver anchor and crown over on the strap ; those under three years standing, by the crown alone, and Commanders by the anchor alone, within the crescent.

The same as in full dress.


Hats.-The same as the Admiral's, but bound with black silk instead of gold lace, of the oak-leaf pattern, and looped with four gold bullions - the two centre twisted.

The same as in n full dress.
Scabbards - The same as the Admiral's, but the chape to be only six inches and a half long; both lockets and chape to be ornamented with fluted threads

and scrolls instead of oak-leaves.

Commanders and Officers below that Rank to have the lockets plain, and the chape threaded, six inches long, with horse-shoe bottom.  
Sword-Belts - Black Morocco leather, lined, the same dimensions as the Admiral's ; embroidered in gold, with three straight lines, one down the middle, and one at each margin near the edge:- gilt mountings with circular fronts, with embossed laurel edges, crown and anchor in the centre; plain carriage and girdle buckles with studs under, and plain gilt ring and hook. The same as the Admiral's, omitting the laurel in the centre of the ornament.


The same uniform and appointments as Commanders with the following exceptions :-The lace to be only one inch, and half inch broad, instead of 1� inch and �.

The same as Commanders.
Epaulettes.-The same pattern as Commanders, but smaller, and without the anchor, the bullion to be only 3 inches long and one inch and an eighth in circumference. The same as in full dress.

Hat.- The same as the Commanders, but looped with two gold bullions twisted. The same as in full dress.
Sword-Belt.- The same as Commanders, but with two straight lines, one near each edge.  
The same Uniform and Appointments as Commanders but the coat to be single-breasted at angles with the skirts, with only eight buttons and holes regular, and the anchor on the epaulettes to be omitted.

The same as Commanders, but coat single-breasted at angles with the skirts.

Epaulette.-Same as in full dress.

The same, with nine buttons, and to be placed by threes.

The same, but with nine buttons and holes-placed by threes.

The same as Surgeons, but with two epaulettes its above. The same.
The same as Master of the Fleet, with eight buttons and holes down the front. placed in pairs. The same, with eight buttons and holes in pairs.
The same Uniform as Pursers, or the Uniform of the Rank they may hold. The Undress Uniform of Pursers or of the Rank they may hold.
The same Uniform and Appointments as Lieutenants but the coats to be single-breasted at angles With the skirts; and with only eight buttons and holes regular. The Undress Uniform of Lieutenants but single-breasted at angles with the skirts.
Epaulette.- The same as Master of the Fleet; to be

worn on the right shoulder, with a strap only on the left.

Epaulette.-The same as in full dress, but no strap on the left shoulder.

The same as Masters, with nine buttons and holes placed by threes. The same as Masters, but the buttons and holes to be placed by threes.
The same as Masters; the buttons and holes to be placed by pairs. The same as Masters, but the buttons and holes to be placed by pairs.
Unless in holy orders. The same as Masters, but without epaulettes or lace to the trousers.

The same Uniform and Appointments as Lieutenants, but without the epaulettes or gold lace on the trousers. The lace on the coats to be three quarters of an inch wide. The same as Lieutenants, without the epaulettes.
The same Uniform and Appointments as Surgeons, but without the epaulette, or gold lace on the trowsers. The lace on the coats to be three-quarters of an inch wide The same as Surgeons, without the epaulette.
The same Uniform and Appointments its Masters, but without the epaulette, or gold lace on the trowsers. The lace on the coats to be three-quarters of an inch wide. The same as Masters, without the epaulette.
The same Uniform and Appointments as Pursers, but without the epaulette, or gold lace on the trowsers. The lace on the coats to be three-quarters of an inch wide The same as Pursers, without the epaulette.


Coat.- Blue cloth ; if lined. to be with serge, fall-down collar, blue lapels to button across, and round cuffs; nine buttons on the lapels, and three on each cuff and pocket, with corresponding blue twist button-holes, and three buttons in the folds of the skirts. Plain gilt buttons, with an anchor and cable engraved thereon.
Waistcoat.- White.
Cravat or Stock. - Black.
Hat.- Plain round.
Sword.- Of the same pattern and length as Commissioned Officers, but the back-piece of the handle is to be plain, with a flute round the top and down the back; with a black fish-skin gripe bound with three gold wires:; the etchings on the blade not blued or gilt
Sword Knot.-Of blue silk, mixed with gold fringe, but no bullion.
Sword Belt.- the same as Mates.

ENGINEERS. Admiralty, 21st Dec. 1841.

Coat.- Blue cloth, double-breasted ; buttons having a Steam-Engine with a Crown above embossed on them, to be placed four and four, and a larger button of the same kind upon the collar.
Waistcoat.- With buttons similar to those on the coat.
Trousers.- Plain blue cloth.
Cap - With narrow gold-lace band.


Coat.- Blue cloth, single-breasted, with nine notched holes on each breast and three on each cuff and pocket-flap, with buttons to correspond, lined with white serge, stand-up collar, with a white turn-back on each side of the collar. Swords.- Of the same pattern as Mates, but of such length as maybe convenient.
Sword Belt -The same as the Lieutenant's undress waist-belt.


The same as Midshipmen, but instead of the white turn-back, a button-hole of white twist on the collar, with a corresponding button, and to wear dirks instead of swords.


The same as Naval Cadets, and the button-hole on the collar to be blue twist.


Who have not an Uniform are to wear a mark of distinction on the upper part of the left sleeve of their Jackets, viz. :

Those of the 1st Class: an Anchor surmounted by a Crown.
Those of the 2nd Class: an Anchor represented in white cloth.


Full Dress is always to be worn on State occasions and at Courts Martial, by all Naval Officers.

On all occasions of Full Dress, Officers shall wear White Trowsers over boots between the 23rd of April and the 14th of October, and Blue Trowsers between the 15th of October and the 22nd of April.

The Great Coats for Officers in the Royal Navy are to be of blue cloth; double or single breasted, according to the uniform Assigned to their respective ranks, with stand and fall collar; the number and arrangement of the buttons to be according to their undress uniform - to be worn with or without epaulettes, as convenient.

The blue morning coat now in use is abolished.

All Officers may wear in undress, with Blue Trowsers, a Blue Cloth or Kerseymere Waist-coat, single breasted with small uniform buttons, and on board their ships, a round jacket without skirts, with their appropriate buttons and a round black hat, with a narrow black silk band and a black buckle, and a black silk or leather cockade, with a loop of the same material and half the width of the lace of their respective coats, or if they have no lace on their coats, or black silk ribbon (except Midshipmen, Masters'-Assistants, and Naval Cadets, who are to have a loop of gold twist) ; or a blue cloth cap, with a band round it, of the width and material of the lace of their coats; Officers who have no-lace to their coats, to have a band of gold lace, one inch wide, round their caps.

Patterns or drawings of each article of dress are to be seen at this Office, and at the Offices of the several Port Admirals.

By Command of their Lordships,


MEMORANDUM. Admiralty, 18th March, 1842.

All officers serving in inferior ranks are to wear the uniform of the rank to which they belong.

By Command of their Lordships,


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