Navy List - June 1844


Naval College


Admiralty, 20th Dec. 1838.

Her Majesty having been graciously pleased to sanction, by Order in Council of July 8th, 1838, the establishment of further means of scientific education for a certain number of Officers and Mates of Her Majesty's Naval Service, under such regulations as the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty may frame from time to time:

Their Lordships have directed that for this object - Thirty additional Mates, who have passed both the Examination in Seamanship and in Navigation, shall be borne on the books of the Excellent.

They will receive Sea-pay, and be in all respects under Naval discipline; but they will receive the usual allowance instead of being victualled, and be lodged in the Royal Naval College. Any further expense will be defrayed by themselves.

They will be selected from such as have passed the Ordinary Examination on board the Excellent, and a preference will be given to those who shall have passed the best Examination.

They will receive Instruction at the Royal Naval College for the space of one year, and then be discharged.

An Examination will take place at the end of every six months.

The Mate who passes the best Examination, provided he produces satisfactory Certificates of character and professional ability from the Captains with whom he has served and during the period of his Instruction, will receive a Lieutenant's Commission ; provided always he attains a certain fixed degree of proficiency.

A limited number (Ten) of Commissioned Officers of any Rank may avail themselves of the instruction thus afforded, for the space of one year. No expense will be incurred on their account ; and they will be expected to pass the ordinary examination of the Excellent before they are admitted to the Instruction at the Royal Naval College.

By Command of their Lordships,

C. Wood

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