Navy List - June 1844


Officers Serving in Command of vessels of the Revenue Service

Along with other personnel in command of Revenue Vessels *

HMRV = HM Revenue Vessel

* Where no rank is given, since no details are given, I presume this vessel is commanded by an officer
of the Revenue Service

Surname First Names                     Rank                               Appointment and Date                                        
Elwin James Lieutenant HMRV Active - 23 Aug 43
Morgan Thomas
HMRV Adder - 11 May 38
Marshall William (b) Lieutenant HMRV Adelaide - 22 Dec 41
Brown Joseph William Lieutenant HMRV Cameleon - 15 Jun 40
Roche William - HMRV Chance
Hains John Lieutenant HMRV Defence - 2 Jul 40
Moore H J - HMRV Delight
- - - HMRV Desmond
Fuller William Lieutenant HMRV Dolphin - 7 Feb 44
- - Lieutenant HMRV Dove
Ray Joseph Lieutenant HMRV Eagle - 27 Mar 40
Haswell Charles Symes Lieutenant HMRV Fox - 6 Oct 40
Dooley David Lieutenant HMRV Greyhound - 13 Jun 39
Triphook R S - HMRV Hamilton
Kiddle John Lieutenant HMRV Harpy - 29 Jan 44
Mollard Mark
HMRV Hawke
- - Lieutenant HMRV Hornet
Burke W H
Lester James Lieutenant HMRV Lapwing - 6 Oct 40
- - - HMRV Lion
Hemer Robert Lieutenant HMRV Lively - 13 Jun 39 ; Also shown as Chief Officer, Coast Guard - 15 Aug 29
Britton Robert
HMRV Maria
Howes George Lieutenant HMRV Mermaid - 22 Jun 43
- - Lieutenant HMRV Nimble
Crocker Henry Lieutenant HMRV Prince Albert - 29 Jan 44
Oliver B
HMRV Prince of Wales
Brown A
HMRV Racer
Baker William Henry Lieutenant HMRV Ranger - 18 Nov 39
McChonochy John
Miller W H
HMRV Royal Charlotte
Charlesson Ricd Williams Lieutenant HMRV Royal George - 17 Feb 43
Saxby Isaac
HMRV Scout
Goldsmith Charles Lieutenant HMRV Shamrock - 29 Jan 44
Johnson William
HMRV Skylark
- - Lieutenant HMRV Sprightly
Clarke Charles Griffin Lieutenant HMRV Stag - 17 Oct 43
- - Lieutenant HMRV Stork
Beatson Henry D
HMRV Swift
Sutton John
HMRV Sylph
Poynter Charles Willet Lieutenant HMRV Sylvia - 21 Mar 44
Westbrook George Frederick Lieutenant HMRV Tartar - 22 Mar 44
Watson James Stuart McK Lieutenant HMRV Victoria - 7 Feb 43
Gowlland R
HMRV Vigilant
Baker Charles Hougham Commander HMRV Vulcan (steam vessel) 29 Jun 44
Melville James
HMRV Wellington
Moss Charles Lieutenant HMRV Wickham - 15 Oct 41

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