Index of 19th Century Naval Vessels - R


Index of 19th Century Naval Vessels

|   A   |   B   |   C   |   D   |   E   |   F   |   G   |   H   |   I   |   J   |   K   |   L   |   M   |   N   |   O   |   P   |   Q   |   R   |   S   |   T   |   U   |   V   |   W   |   Y   |   Z   |
Miscellaneous Establishments etc.

Racehorse 1757
Racehorse 1781
Racehorse 1806
Racehorse 1830
Racehorse 1860
Racehorse 1900
Racer 1805
Racer 1810
Racer 1812
Racer 1818
Racer 1833
Racer 1857
Racer 1884
Racoon 1795
Racoon 1808
Racoon 1857
Racoon 1886
Racoon 1910
Raglan 1915
Railleur 1797
Railleur 1804
Rainbow 1747
Rainbow 1809
Rainbow 1823
Rainbow 1856
Rainbow 1890
Rainier 1803
Raison 1795
Raisonable 1768
Raleigh 1806
Raleigh 1845
Raleigh 1873
Raleigh 1919
Ramble 1855
Rambler 1796
Rambler 1856
Rambler 1880
Rambler 1908
Ramillies 1785
Ramillies 1892
Ramillies 1916
Ramsey 1895
Raneira 1895
Ranger 1785 cutter
Ranger 1787 cutter
Ranger 1794 sloop
Ranger 1797 brig
Ranger 1799 R.C.
Ranger 1803 E.C.
Ranger 1805
Ranger 1806 cutter
Ranger 1807 sloop
Ranger 1820 sloop
Ranger 1822-48 R.C.
Ranger 1835
Ranger 1856
Ranger 1859
Ranger 1879
Ranger 1895
Rapid 1804
Rapid 1808
Rapid 1829
Rapid 1840
Rapid 1860
Rapid 1921
Rapide 1808
Rapidol 1808
Raposa 1808
Rathven 1908 drifter
Rathven Burn 1919 tug
Rattle 1801-05
Rattler 1794 - Cutter
Rattler 1795 - Sloop
Rattler 1797 - Gun brig
Rattler 1843
Rattler 1862
Rattler 1887
Rattler 1915
Rattlesnake 1791
Rattlesnake 1811
Rattlesnake 1822
Rattlesnake 1861
Rattlesnake 1886
Rattlesnake 1910
Raven 1797
Raven 1799
Raven 1804
Raven 1805
Raven 1829
Raven 1855
Raven 1856
Raven 1882
Ready 1797
Ready 1856
Ready 1872
Ready 1888
Rebuff 1805
Recovery 1798
Recovery 1907
Recruit 1806
Recruit 1829
Recruit 1846
Recruit 1855
Recruit 1896
Recovery 1798
Recovery 1907
Red Dragon 1921
Redbreast 1805
Redbreast <-1823-> Revenue cruiser
Redbreast 1855
Redbreast 1856
Redbreast 1890
Redbreast 1908
Redbridge 1796
Redbridge 1803
Redbridge 1804
Redoubt 1793
Redoubtable 1830
Redoubtable 1892
Redpole 1808
Redpole 1860
Redpole 1889
Redwing 1806
Redwing 1837
Redwing 1855
Redwing 1879
Redwing 1905
Refuge 1850
Regent 1816 RC
Regulus 1785
Reindeer 1804
Reindeer 1829
Reindeer 1866
Reindeer 1883
Reliance 1793
Reliance 1811
Renard 1797
Renard 1803
Renard 1821
Renard 1848
Renard 1856
Renard 1873
Renard 1892
Renard 1909
Renegade 1823
Renira 1847
Rennie 1813
Renommee 1796
Renown 1798 (RC)
Renown 1857
Renown 1895
Repulse 1780
Repulse 1803
Repulse (RC) <-1797-1843->
Repulse 1855
Repulse 1868
Repulse 1892
Repulse 1916
Requin 1795
Research 1846
Research 1863
Resistance 1782
Resistance 1801
Resistance 1805
Resistance 1861
Resolu� 1798
Resolute 1805
Resolute 1848
Resolute 1850
Resolute 1851
Resolute 1855
Resolution 1770
Resolution 1779
Resolution 1793
Resolution 1795
Resolution 1803
Resolution 1807
Resolution 1892
Resolution 1915
Resolve 1918
Resource 1778
Resource 1915
Resource 1910
Respond 1918-58
Restive 1916
Restless 1902
Retaliation 1800
Retort 1794
Retort 1918
Retribution 1800
Retribution 1814 convict ship
Retribution 1844
Retribution 1890
Reunion 1793
Revenge 1805
Revenge 1859
Revenge 1892
Revenge 1915
Revolutionaire 1794
Reynard 1808
Reynard 1828
Rhadamanthus 1832
Rhin 1806
Rhoda 1804
Rhodian 1806
Ribble 1904
Richmond 1757
Richmond 1806
Richmond R.C. 1817
Rickmer 1915
Rifleman 1804
Rifleman 1809
Rifleman 1846
Rifleman 1872
Rinaldo 1808
Rinaldo 1860
Rinaldo 1900
Ringarooma 1900
Ringdove 1806
Ringdove 1833
Ringdove 1856
Ringdove 1867
Ripple 1856
Ripple 1904
Rippon 1812
Rivoli 1812
Roamer 1908
Roas 1805
Rob Roy 1848
Robert 1803 HEIC armed transport
Robin 1897
Robust 1764
Robust 1860
Robust 1907
Rochester 1759
Rochester 1841
Rochfort 1814
Rocket 1842
Rocket 1855
Rocket 1856
Rocket 1868
Rocket 1894
Rodney 1809
Rodney 1833
Rodney 1884
Roebuck 1774
Roebuck <-1801-> cutter
Roebuck <-1807-1811-> Hired
Roebuck <-1801-1832-> RC
Roebuck 1841 Quarantine Cutter
Roebuck 1856
Roebuck 1897
Roebuck 1901
Roedean 1897
Rolla 1808
Rolla 1829
Rollicker 1919
Roman 1808
Romney 1762
Romney 1815
Romulus 1785
Rook 1806
Rosa 1801
Rosa 1811
Rosamond 1807
Rosamond 1832
Rosamond 1846
Rosario 1797
Rosario 1800
Rosario 1808
Rosario 1860
Rosario 1898
Rose 1783 (frigate)
Rose R.C. 1790 (Revenue Cutter)
Rose 1790 (Cutter)
Rose 1793 (Hired Cutter)
Rose 1794 (Hired Cutter)
Rose 1803 (Hired Cutter)
Rose 1805 (sloop)
Rose 1811 (tender)
Rose 1821
Rose R.C. 1821
Rose 1856
Rose 1857
Rose A 1805
Rosina 1804
Rosita 1900
Rosyth No. 1 1921
Rota 1807
Rother 1904
Rover 1796 Hired Armed Sloop
Rover 1798 Lugger
Rover 1800 Privateer
Rover 1801 Hired Sloop
Rover 1805 Sloop
Rover 1808 Sloop
Rover 1814 Schooner
Rover 1832
Rover 1853
Rover 1874
Rover 1921
Rowcliffe 1799 Hired armed vessel
Rowena 1808 Hired armed brig
Roxburgh 1904
Royal Adelaide 1828
Royal Adelaide 1833
Royal Albert 1854
Royal Alfred 1864
Royal Arthur 1891
Royal Charles <-1814-> Excise Cutter, Scotland
Royal Charlotte <-1761-> Royal Yacht
Royal Charlotte <-1799-> Excise Cutter, Scotland
Royal Charlotte <-1793-1830-> Excise Cruizer / Revenue Cutter
Royal Frederick 1839
Royal Frederick 1848
Royal George 1756
Royal George 1788
Royal George <-1799-> Revenue Cutter, Scotland
Royal George <-1799-> Excise Cutter, Scotland
Royal George 1804 Revenue Brig
Royal George 1808 Yacht
Royal George 1809 (Lake Ontario)
Royal George 1817
Royal George 1827
Royal George 1830
Royal George <-1826-1848-> Revenue cruiser
Royal Oak 1769
Royal Oak 1802
Royal Oak 1809
Royal Oak 1862
Royal Oak 1892
Royal Sovereign 1786
Royal Sovereign 1804
Royal Sovereign 1857
Royal Sovereign 1891
Royal Sovereign 1915
Royal William 1719
Royal William 1833
Royalist 1794
Royalist 1798
Royalist 1803
Royalist 1807
Royalist 1823
Royalist 1841
Royalist 1861
Royalist 1889
Roysterer 1919
Ruby 1776
Ruby 1842
Ruby 1854
Ruby 1877
Rupert 1872
Russell 1764
Russell 1822
Russell 1901
Ruthenia 1901

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