
Gallery of Persons who Lived in Alexandertal

This page was begun 6 July 2001; revised 20 Feb 2003 -- rak.

Our first entry was supplied by his great granddaughter, Janet Deason: alexandermeier.jpg (17956 bytes)  Alexander Meier died in Alexandertal, date unknown. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.

Our second entry is Marie Kaufmann.  She was a sister-in-law to Alexander Meier.  Marie Kaufman Bender.jpg (265835 bytes)  She stayed behind in Russia to take care of her parents.  She married a Bender.  She was last heard from in the early 60's.  Contact was subsequently lost.  Also supplied by Janet Deason.

Our third entry is a portrait of my great-grandparents, David and Mary (Dahlinger) Kraus, who arrived in this country on 31 July 1876 as, I believe, the first or second immigrants to the US from Alexandertal:    The picture obviously was taken later in life.  For more on them, click here.

The fourth entry is Samuel Kraus and his wife Katharina Margaretha (Roth) or "Sam and Maggie".  Sam was the youngest samkraus.jpg (91957 bytes) brother of David Kraus.  He and Maggie arrived in the US with a fairly large Alexandertaler Kraus party on 4 June 1887.  Their picture was taken about 1900 in Marion County, Kansas and was supplied by their great grandson, Keith Mueller.  

Our fifth entry is Dora (Kraus) and Jacob B. Schissler.  Dora was the daughter of Sam and Maggie dorakraus.jpg (91227 bytes) and was born in Alexandertal.  Her husband was from the colony of Walter.  They married in Marion County.  This was supplied by their grandson, Keith Mueller who also graciously supplied the only birth certificate I know of which is based on church information from Alexanderthal (Rosenberg Parish). dorabirthcert.jpg (150115 bytes) It is not in the best of shape but it is a true treasure!


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