1872 Cherry Township Map Showing Homestead Locations for the
Sick, McMahon, Murphy, Rohe and Ambs Families
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
This is the ninth portfolio of the pictorial and material history of
families originating from or having lived for extended periods of time in Sullivan County, PA. We
continue to receive stories and pictures from various contributors to the Sullivan County Genealogical
Web Page. My colleagues and I are grateful for this material and will endeavor to do our very best to
preserve it and the associated history for posterity. Once again, these materials are presented in no
particular order other than to provide you the reader with a visual and historical impression of
life in our home county from 100 to 200 years ago. Comments and reflections are encouraged and
Henry Farley on the First Irish Settlers The McMahon Family and the Murphy Family The Descendants of Samuel
Hunsinger The Neuber Family From Germany to Pennsylvania The Brieger Family History Descendants of Patrick North
** Editor's Note: On March 17, 2006, Henry Farley wrote the following
fascinating article, which bears on the family roots of many of the Irish surnames found in
Sullivan County. The story was published in the Daily Review, Towanda, PA:
I decided to
write about Albany Township when I realized that Clement F. Heverly left
the Irish settlers out of his "History of Albany Township
1800-1885." Heverly had gathered biographical information on Albany's
Irish but failed to include it in the volume and published an addendum to
the history in 1885 that included the information left out of the township
history. Several years ago my fellow historian, Doris Wilcox Hugo of New
Albany, provided me with a copy of the rare addendum printed by Heverly in
Those of us who are serious genealogists know that it is a life long
passion and we seem to navigate toward others who like ourselves are
constantly searching for information regarding our ancestors. One such
individual that I have encountered in my travels is Mrs. Ronnie Lynch
Moulthrop of Sayre.
Ronnie has been searching the Lynch genealogy for years and coordinates
with other Lynch descendants to share photographs and data. Ronnie recently
asked me to come to her home
to look at some photographs that Barnie McLean (a Lynch descendant) from
Waverly, N.Y, had in his possession.
I looked the photos over and kept going back to a group picture of six
young girls. One of the girls was in a single photo and the name Josephine
Cummiskey was written on the back of it. I went to the Bradford County
Historical Society in Towanda and researched Cummiskey and found out that
the photo was of the six daughters of Michael and Catherine Hurley
What was even more exciting to me was that Michael Cummiskey was the son of
James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey natives of County Monaghan, Ireland
who settled in Albany Township in the 1840s.
According to assessment records at the museum, the first of the Cummiskey's
to settle in Albany Township was John Cummiskey. He is listed on assessment
records starting November 13, 1841. John became a naturalized citizen in
Bradford County on Sept. 11, 1844. He filed his declaration of intent in
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on April 1, 1839 and stated then that he lived in
Northampton County, Pa.
He was 26 years old and had immigrated to this country in May of 1836. John
signed his naturalization papers showing that he could write his name -
this was not something most Irish immigrants could do. In December of 1848
we find John Cummiskey, Patrick Cummiskey, James Cummiskey and Richard
Cummiskey all living in Albany Township each on their own piece of
property. I believe that Richard Cummiskey was probably the progenitor of
the family as he is far older than any of the rest on census records.
James R. Kinsley in his "John Kinsley's Irish Settlement
1830-1986" states that Richard Cummiskey and his wife Mary purchased
63 acres of Land in Albany Township, December 21, 1847. He further stated
that the Cummiskey's came from Carbon, Pennsylvania to make the purchase.
Kinsley does not include James Cummiskey as a part of the family of Richard
but it would seem that he must have been some relation to the rest of the
Cummiskey's since he settled in the same area. I will continue to research
James and will perhaps find his family line some day.
The family of James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey were Michael, born in
Pennsylvania in 1849; John, born in Pennsylvania in 1850; James, born in
New Albany, 1851; Hugh, born in Albany Township 1854; Catherine, born in
1857; and Ellen, born in 1859. Another son, Arthur, is listed in
Catherine's obituary. I found Arthur listed in the 1890 SS. Peter and Paul
Roman Catholic Church census and he was best man for his brother John when
he was married. He is listed as living in Montana when Catherine died in
Ellen must have died as a child as she disappears from local records early.
James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey left Albany Township and moved to
Franklin Township where they appear on the census of 1860. James is listed
in "The Romance of Old Barclay" in the payroll book of the
Towanda Coal Company. Eventually, they moved to Towanda where James died
Dec. 7, 1891. Catherine died at their home on Second Street Sept. 23, 1897.
Michael, the oldest, was the father of the six young girls in the photo I
examined at Moulthrops. He married Catherine Hurley at Saint Patrick's
Church Barclay, on Oct. 6, 1875. Catherine Hurley Cummiskey was the
daughter of Patrick and Bridget Kinney Hurley of Standing Stone Township.
They were married by Michael's brother Rev. James Cummiskey. One has to
wonder how Catherine Hurley got from Standing Stone Township to Barclay.
Michael and Catherine had six daughters Mary, Cecelia, Josephine, Catherine,
Ellen and Florence. When Florence was born Nov. 1, 1893 the Bradford
Republican Newspaper announced that a 12-pound daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Cummiskey.
"Mike was treating the boys yesterday and feeling very happy over the
birth of his sixth daughter." Michael and Catherine Cummiskey started
out at Barclay and then moved to Towanda where they were engaged in the
hotel business - owning for years the Cummiskey House, a hotel which was
later known in Towanda as Doey's and even later as Jan and Bill's. The
hotel was torn down several years ago and the Red Rose Café stands in its
place on the corner of Washington and Main Streets in Towanda.
When Michael died in 1907 he was engaged in the hotel business in Dushore.
When he died in Buffalo, N.Y. on May 30, 1907, several of his daughters had
married and moved to the Buffalo area. Catherine Hurley Cummiskey died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. P.J. Finan of Dushore, on March 4, 1923.
John was the second child of James and Catherine. He married Annie Murphy
in Towanda on Nov. 29, 1877. John died November 3, 1885 in Athens. His wife
Annie died May 28, 1889. A daughter, Mary, died Nov. 10, 1883, and a son,
James, on Dec. 7, 1891. They are buried in Epiphany Cemetery in Sayre. I am
not sure if there are any other survivors of this line.
James, the third child, became a Roman Catholic priest. He was ordained in
Scranton, Pa. on July 30, 1874. Father Cummiskey served as pastor of St.
Gabriel's in Hazelton for 20 years. A 1916 history of St. Gabriel's gave
the following account of Father Cummiskey's leadership.
"Engaged as pastor for more than 19 years, the success attending his
Herculean efforts to systematize matters and to pay the debt fully
justified the expectations of his friends. Every detail of parochial
activities interested him, and he was every inch a leader whose sacrifices
were repaid by the love and loyalty of an appreciative congregation. Father
Cummiskey was a fearless exponent of righteousness and a relentless for of
wrongdoing. He flayed the misguided members of his flock who were aligned
with a tabooed secret society of his early pastorate. When a strike at the
end of the eighties brought only disaster to the hopes of the miners, their
false leaders were excoriated publicly."
Father James Cummiskey left Hazelton in June of 1896 with the purpose of
spending a season in Rome, Italy. He entered an order there and never
returned to America. He died in Rome October 10, 1913.
Hugh, the fourth child, also became a Roman Catholic Priest. Hugh became a
missionary to the West. We think of missionaries going to places like India
and Africa. In the 1860s, the Western part of our country was considered
the missions.
Father Hugh Cummiskey was ordained Nov. 2, 1877. He was a pioneer priest.
He was assigned to Saint Lawrence O'Toole Church, Laramie, Wyoming in Feb.
1879. He remained there until his death Oct. 3, 1920. He was well though of
by his superiors: he held the office of Vicar General under four bishops;
served as administrator of the diocese three different times, covering in
all a period of more than five years. During the regime of Bishop Keane, he
was named by Rome a Rt. Rev. Monsignor.
The fifth child of James and Catherine Cummiskey was Catherine. She married
Cornelius Barrett and spent her married life in Towanda. She died at her
home on Second Street February 11, 1931.
Ellen came next and then Arthur both of whom I have no information. The
reader can see from the information contained in this article how much data
can be collected on a family once you get started.
The other Albany Township Cummiskey's moved about the county as well some
purchased land in Wilmot Township where today an area of the township is
referred to as "Cummiskey."
The Irish listed in Clement F. Heverly's 1885 Addendum:
"The Irish began settling in the town in about 1840. Most of them were
poor men when they came in, but through industry and economy they have
cleared up large farms. Paid for them, and are today Albany's most
enterprising and money making citizens.
Hugh Cavenaugh, was the first to settle in the township, and is said to
have been the first Irishman to have ever put foot upon Dushore soil.
Before locating in Albany he had resided in Sullivan County a few years.
His son, James, occupies the place which he cleared up, and where he died
in 1884, at the age of 90 years. Mrs. Cavenaugh died in 1885, aged 88
Hugh Whalen, located in Albany in about 1836,
Patrick O'Neil, a native of County Longford, located on a place now
occupied by his son, James, in about 1836-37.
Stephen Murphy, a native of County Wexford, in September, 1841, settled the
place now occupied by his son Adam.
Thomas Scanlin, a native of County Cork, located on the farm now occupied
by his son Thomas, in 1841.
James D. Farrel and James Farrel, (not related), natives of Kildare,
located in Albany in 1841, The former settled the farm now occupied by his
son, Peter J., and the latter the farm where he still resides.
Martin Berry, a native of County Wexford, purchased the farm now owned by
his son, John, in 1841, and subsequently moved in his family.
Patrick North came in, in about 1841, and Thomas Cullen in about 1850.
Peter and John McKernan, brothers, and natives of County Monaghan, came to
the township in 1841.
Patrick Finan and John Kline, natives of Roscommon, settled the farms now
occupied by their widows in 1841.
Richard Cummiskey, a native of County Monaghan, came to his present
possessions in about 1847.
Henry McDermott, a native of County Monaghan, settled the place which he
now occupies in 1850.
Edward McNanney, a native of County Monaghan, settled in Albany in 1854.
Michael Tree, a native of County Cavan, came to his possessions in 1861. He
was a school teacher for some years."
Note: Henry Farley has served for many years on the board of directors of the
Bradford County Historical Society.
We are indebted to Bettyann Sick Goodyear
of Dushore, PA for this history of the McMahon and related families. Her grandparents'
names include McMahon, Murphy, Farrell, Fox, O'Neil, Brogan, Cummiskey, Whalen, and Sick. You can
look at Bettyann's separate history at The Sick Families of Cherry Mills.
Please contact her at Bettyann Sick Goodyear with
any questions, comments or suggestions. Notes can be found at the end of Bettyann's history.
Selected pictures are displayed at the end of the McMahon history.
The McMahon Family
The McMahon Family
James MCMAHON1821-1906GREAT
John W. MCMAHON 1855-1938GREAT GR GRANDPARENTSAnastasia MURPHY 1859-1928
Elizabeth Anastasia MCMAHON 1920-1980 GRANDPARENTS Joseph J.SICK 1916-1987
Elizabeth Ann SICK GOODYEAR 1945PARENTS Abraham Lincoln GOODYEAR 1940-
James MCMAHON born 3-1821 died 1906, Age 85s
married to
Ann ROGAN b.1821-1886 Age 65s, see photo #1
at end of written genealogy.
James immigrated to America
in 1844 from County DownIreland.
He worked in the New EnglandStates and Florida as a Ships’ Carpenter until 1841,
when he purchased a farm.
The farm has been in the family for over 150 years and is
one of the County’s Century Farms.
1960 ~Jack MCMAHON, his grandson owned this farm for several
Location: Overton road from Dushore, turn right on Happy’s
Road, 1st Farm on the left.
Jim McMahon’s brother-in-law James FITZSIMMONS from CountyDown
came to America
with him.
Jim’s sister was Mary Ann.(source Streby History Cherry Twp.p.35,37,71)See Note #21
James served as CountyCommissioner for two
CENSUS 1860 CherryTownship #2:James
age 38farmer, Real Val.$1,500 Per.Val
Ann 38, James 8, John W. 5, Mary 10 ½ months
CENSUS 1870 CherryTownship
#59: James age 49farmer Real Val.$2,500 Pers.Val.$450
Ann 49, James 18, John W. 15, Mary 10, Francis 7
CENSUS 1880 CherryTownship:James age 58 farmer, Ann 59, John W. 25, Mary
E. 20, Francis 18
* Editor's Note:In September 2014, Chris McMahon of Wysox, PA
sent us a photocopy of the Marriage Registry listing James McMahon and his wife Ann (Rogan) Carr. She was previously married to
William Carr. Her marriage to James took place in 1850 in Boston. Note the correction in her birth name from "Brogan". They are the last entry on
the Registry. Her father was William Rogan; his was John McMahon.
A is USUALLY 1st generation
B is 2nd generation but 1st cousins
C is 3rd
generation, 2nd cousins and so on. Birth date, I try to only use the
YEAR until someone dies, then I add the month and day.
FOR PHOTO example A6 B3 =Anastasia S. MURPHY, easier than finding 788 or
(However, I started A with 2nd generation on McMahon genealogy)
n = newspaper clipping
James and Ann had 4 children: James, John W., Mary, Francis
A1. James MCMAHONborn
1852 went ?
A2. John W. McMahonborn
April 1855, died April 7, 1938 age 82xs, married in 1883 to
MURPHY 1859 d.6-8-1928 age 69s, Her brother Stephen married John’s sister Mary.
A3.Mary E. McMahon born 1859 died 11-7-1947 married
A4. Frank MCMAHONborn
1862 married to Margaret Donovan born 1867 (Cherry twp.p.71) *
3 children Mary A., James, Eugene
A2.John W. McMahon born April 1855, died
4-7-1938 age 82xsmarried in 1883 to
Anastasia Murphy born 1859 d.6-8-1928 age 69s, lived on the
homestead.(Happy’s Rd.)Photos
Children 9 boys:
A2 B1John L. MC
MAHON 1885
A2 B2 James Adam MC
MAHON 1887 sp. Jane PELLENZ
A2 B3Joseph P. MC
MAHON1889sp.Loretta “Laura” J. OBERT
A2 B4Arthur P.
A2 B5 Edward MC MAHON1891Died/missing
in France, U.S.ARMY in France during
WW 1
A2 B6 Leonard
sp. Anna J. PERDISON U.S.ARMY in France during WW 1
A2 B7 Francis B. MC
A2 B8Charles H. MC MAHON 1896 sp. Nora CAVANAUGH
A2 B9Paul A. MC
CENSUS 1900 Cherry township
Tax #266James
age 79 born 3-1821, widowed, son
John W. 45 b.41855, John’s wife not on?
John L 15
b.5-1885, James A. 12 b. 9-1887, Joseph 11 b.1-1889, Arthur 9 b.7-1890,
Francis 5 b.4-1895, Charles 4 b.5-1896, Paul 1 b.12-1898
James emigrated in 1844 from Ireland,
naturalized citizen
A2 B1John L. MC
MAHON born 5-11-1885 d. 12-9-1916,
died from dangerous drugs.
was a pharmacist. St.Basil Cem p.A1028
A2 B2 James Adam MC
MAHON b.Sept.1887-1951 married to
PELLENZ b. died 1964, Syracuse,
NY1 child John
A2 B3Joseph P. MC
MAHONborn Jan. 1889 d.2-9-1960 age 71
“Laura” J. OBERT b.1886 d.i.3-4-1954 age 68, 2 children: Josephine, Leo
sp.Catherine WAPLES KELLY MC MAHON d.1-31-1957 age 69x
A2 B3 C1Josephine
Anna “Jo”MC MAHON YONKIN b.2-10-1926
d.4-11-1991 age 65xs married 11-25-1946 to
H. YONKIN b.3-11-1926 d.12-12-2000 age 74, both graduated St.Basil 1943,1944.
Johntook over the Electrical Shop in Dushore that
had been operated by his uncle, Thaddeus Litzelman.
He retired
in about 1990.
Jo and
Bettyann Sick Goodyear used to clean St. Basil’s Altar for many years during
the month of Oct.
Bettyannenjoyed getting to know Jo.Jo was a first cousin to my mother, Betty
McMahon Sick.
2nd Marriage:John Henry YONKIN married Marjorie Krakoski
MCDONALD, several years after both of their spouses had died. Marge born
1926When John married Marge, he became
Bettyann’s neighbor right across
Rt. 220
from us.John gave me a really nice copy
of his YONKIN information.
John & Jo Children: Larry,
Tom, Francis, Kathleen, John
A2 B3 C1 D1 Lawrence John YONKIN b.9-16-1947 d.11-15-2003
A2 B3 C1 D2 Thomas Patrick YONKIN born 1948 sp. Mary LAMBERT
born 1949, 2 ch.Patrick,Margaret
A2 B3 C1 D2 E1
Patrick YONKIN born 1974
A2 B3 C1 D2 E2
Margaret YONKIN born 1977
A2 B3 C1 D3 FrancisJohn YONKIN born 1950 sp. Bonnie FOX born 1956, 4
A2 B3 C1 D3 E1 Ina
Jean YONKIN born 1974 sp. John FASSETT
A2 B3 C1 D3 E2
Carol Ann YONKIN born 1976
A2 B3 C1 D3 E3
Connie YONKIN born 1977
A2 B3 C1 D3 E4
Shawn YONKIN born 1979
A2 B3 C1 D4 Katherine Ann Yonkin born 1951 sp. Gene Brown
A2 B3 C1 D4 E1 Eric
BROWN, b. 1979
A2 B3 C1 D4 E2
Ethan BROWN, b. 1981
A2 B3 C1 D4 E3
Emily BROWN b. 1988
A2 B3 C1 D5 John Thomas YONKIN b.sp. Katherine KEWITT
A2 B3 C1 D5 E1
Stephen M. YONKIN b. 1983
A2 B3 C1 D5 E2
A2 B3 C2 Leo J. MC MAHON b.3-15-1931 d. 10-23-1993, St.Basil
grad 1949, served NAVY Korea Married
Kracoskiborn 1-15-1932 married on
10-2-1950, living.
A2 B3 C2 D1 Carol A.MC MAHON SMITHborn 7-3-1952 2nd
sp.Wm.Smith,10-19-1992 live Abingdon,
sp. William J. Berry on 5-4-1974)
A2 B3 C2 D2 Lisa MC MAHON ALBANborn 11-25-1959sp. F.
Mitchell ALBAN, on 10-9-1982 live Lexington,
A2 B4Arthur P. MCMAHON b.7-1890
died 5-6-1952 age 61xs married to
born 2-5-1889 died 10-26-1981 age 92xs BETTYANN’S
Cemetery stone has incorrect 1882
for death date.
Two McMahon
brothers married two Farrell sisters: Art and Anna, Francis and Mary
What we now call the Murphy farm
was where Anna & her sister Mary Farrell grew up, (see Murphy genealogy)
Arthur was a lifelong resident of SullivanCounty where he engaged in farming.
McMahon farms were very well kept.
Arthur also served as road supervisor for 12 years.
Anna always attended St.Basil
Alumni Banquets, on occasion had words to share with the large crowds. 3
A2 B4 C1Mary D MC
MAHON born 10-31-1918 d.5-8-1992 age 73xs Single.Mary sold eggs.
We enjoyed it when about 100 new
baby chickens arrived.
We loved visiting the chicken
house and gathering eggs with her.
Mary was so kind and happy doing
nice things with children.
Mary also used to take all her
nieces and nephews for a horse and buggy ride.
There is
no stone for daughter Mary but I think NAME MARY is printed on concrete slab
on stone
base of her parents, at St.Basil Cem.
A2 B4 C2 Elizabeth Anastasia MC MAHON 12-22-1920
died on 7-29-1980, age 59xs married on 4-14-1941
Joseph James SICK was born
on 9-13-1916 at the family home in Cherry Mills, and died on 7-8-87, age
Soon after Joe and Betty bought
the farm from his dad, six cows were killed by lightning. Joe and Betty
continued to operate the farm until 1960. Joe worked at Miller Farm Equipment,
repairing machinery and building cabins, next at Dolly Madison as head of
maintenance, and finally retired from Penn DOT as paving foreman.
Joe and Betty were members of St.
Basil's Catholic Church. Joe was also a member of the Holy Name Society and 3rd
degree Knights of Columbus.Betty was a
member of the Altar Rosary Society and was Sacristan one month each year. Betty
was an excellent seamstress and quilt maker. She loved her children and
grandchildren. Betty was a warm host to everyone Joe would bring home. Joe and
Betty both had held political positions.
Joe was a great fisherman and
could spin a good yarn. At his cabin, he made a Plexiglas window on hinges.
When a newcomer arrived, he loved to jam a gun out this window on the pretense
of shooting a deer. He worked many nights when the Sullivan County Bow Festival
was beginning, with his cousins Dick & Vell Holcombe ( about 1957).
Together, they invented the running deer target and other events. Joe was happy
when he caught the eye of Howard Hill and was written up in an issue of the Pennsylvania Game News.
Bettyann’s mom died at TowandaMemorialHospital.We were at her bedside.(Heart problems).
Wayne & Bettyann left at 4
a.m. for Robert Packer hosp. to visit with dad before operation (Throat Cancer)
JOE and BETTY had five children: J.
Edward, Gerald, Bettyann, Wayne, Thomas
A2 B4 C2 D1 Joseph Edward SICK, born1942,
married Francis Jo MAHONEY. 3 ch.: James, Suellen, Patrick
A2 B4 C2 D1 E1 James E. SICK, born 10-31-61, died
7-28-1981, Age 19xs Bettyann's godson,
A2 B4 C2 D1 E2Suellen SICK TRACEYborn
1963Married 10-19-1985 to Roger
A2 B4 C2 D1 E2F1 Bridget Renee TRACEY born 1994
A2 B4 C2 D1 E3Patrick SICKborn
1966 sp. Kate GARLOFF
A2 B4 C2 D1 E3F1 Anja SICKborn 2000abt.
A2 B4 C2D2 Gerald Arthur SICK born 1943 married Clara
L. RICCI born 19442 children:
Stephen, Vicki
A2 B4 C2D2 E1
Stephen SICKborn 1966 married to Sue Iannone born abt.1969
A2 B4 C2D2 E1
F1 Kyle SICK born
A2 B4 C2D2 E1
F2 Sophia Kathryn SICKborn 2010
A2 B4 C2D2 E2
Vicki SICKborn 1968 married abt.2000 to Randy
A2 B4 C2D2 E2
F1 Noah CARPENTERborn 2002
A2 B4 C2D2 E2
F2 Hannah CARPENTER born 2009
A2 B4 C2D2 E2
F3 Bethany CARPENTERborn abt.1996
A2 B4 C2D3 Elizabeth Ann"BETTYANN" SICK, born 1945 married
4-27-1991 to
A2 B4 C2D3 E1 Dannylee ISBELL, born 1967 married Feb. 9,
2002, Destin, FL
Sheilah BROCKborn 1967
A2 B4 C2D3 E1
F1 Brandon BROCKborn
A2 B4 C2D3 E2 Kelly Lynn ISBELL MYERS, born 1969, married/divorced MICHAEL
S. MYERSone son
Kelly Lynn
2nd marriage to Robert FLOTTENMESCH on 777,July 7, 2007at. 7 p.m.
served U.S.AIR FORCE,born
A2 B4 C2D3 E2
F1 Zachary Taylor MYERS, born
new grandchildren:
Brydan, Brandon,
Makala b. 1993, Justice b.1996 and Jayden b.1997
A2 B4 C2D3 E3 Kimberly Ann "Kim" ISBELL, born 1971, Stf.Sgt.US ARMY,
after 13 yrs. div.Martin FAUST, PhD
Kim lives in Germany.reads/speaks English & German well. 2
A2 B4 C2E3 F1 Miriam Elizabeth FAUST, born 1992
A2 B4 C2D3 E3 F2
Alexander Frederick Tristan FAUST, born 1999
A2 B4 C2D3
E4 Ronni Jo VELARDO, born
1975, served Stf. Sgt. US AIR FORCE,
Married after 14 yrs. div. TIMOTHY
ROEDIGERtwo children:
A2 B4 C2D3
E4 F1 Drake Nicholas ROEDIGER, born 1996
A2 B4 C2D3
E4 F2 Anastasia Marie ROEDIGER, born 2001
A2 B4 C2D3
E5 Ranee Marie VELARDO, born 1976, served US AIR FORCE
married/div. MICHAEL PORTERtwo children:
A2 B4 C2D3
E5 F1 Julia Elizabeth
A2 B4 C2D3
E5 F2 Joshua Lincoln PORTER, born 2002
A2 B4 C2D3 E6 Sandra L. SHULTZ, born1955, lived with Bettyann Goodyear family
over ten years.
Sandy married Gordon F. LITZELMAN on
7-20-1985. Gordon LITZELMAN, born 1953.
great-grandparents were RALPH LITZELMAN and LYDIA SICK.
A2 B4 C2D4 Wayne Hugh SICK born 1-28-1951 died
4-29-2005 age 54xs Wayne
had recently bought a home in
PA in order to be closer to his
family; because of his poor health.Wayne had recently
completed a course in Real Estate.Theresa Walsh had a surprise birthday dinner on April 28, 2005 for Wayne’s sister.He didn’t feel good but of course he
went.Wayne died the next day of a massive heart
After 9 p.m. Abe & I went to Williamsport hospital. Wayne died before we got
there. Rev. Mayo met us there later.
Wayne was a charismatic caring reliable
man who was always there for his friends and family no matter how hectic his
own life was.
A2 B4 C2D5 Thomas John Sick, “Tommy”born
Aug. 7, 1953 died Friday, Jan. 01, 2010, age 56x, a lifelong resident of
Dushore, PA.Tom was interested in family genealogy in
1980s but he said he lost interest in later years.
Bettyann had put several
scrapbooks together with her mom when BA was in high school which pets
destroyed; books were done again.Tom attended St. Basil's School
until 1966 and graduated from SullivanCountyHigh School
in 1972.Over the course of his life Tom
was active in volunteer work with St. Basil's Church in Dushore.Tom worked for the
Department of the Auditor General, Bureau of County Audits, and retired
as an Audit Manager of the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Program.He retired from the State in December of
Tommy didn’t even get his first retirement check.
Notes:Tommy first got sick:July 15, 2008
July 20,
2008 at 7 AM, GeisingerHospital, took out gall
bladder, long operation (not Laparoscopic)
Also had a pancreas problem and kidney stones.Hospitalized again March 24, 2009.
He was taken in the ambulance Dec.
31, 2009 to GeisingerMedicalCenter,
Danville, PA
and died at 5:30 AM onJan. 1, 2010.Rev. Joseph Hornick
went to the hospital to see Tom and gave him the last rights.
A2 B4 C3 Arthur Joseph MC MAHON b. 11-27-1924 d.11-11-2005
age 80xs married on 8-28-1944 to
Mary RYAN b.1922 Art graduated at St.Basil in 1944 with cousin Rosie.
Art was a
life long farmer, taking over the operation of the family farm from his father.
Art served
as Sullivan Co. Superintendent of Highways for 8 yrs.,
SullivanCo.School Bus
Driver and as a Cherry Twp. Tax Collector
A2 B4 C3 D1 Patricia Ann MC MAHONb. 1945 married
to James KEARNEY,Pat graduated St.Basil
A2 B4 C3 D1 E1
A2 B4 C3 D1 E2
Paula Rae KEARNEY WALKERbornsp. John WALKER, JR. b.1977
A2 B4 C3 D1
E2 F1 Joseph R. WALKERborn
A2 B4 C3 D1
E2 F2 Breanna WALKERborn
A2 B4 C3 D2Raymond
Paul MC MAHONb.3-13-1948 died 6-4-1970
AGE 22xs, ARMY SSG Co C7 Cav 1 Air Div
Raymond Paul MC MAHON aged 22 of Dushore was killed in action Thursday
afternoon, June 4, 1970
In Cambodia.(Vietnam) Paul graduated from St.
Basil’s in June 1966 with the school’s last graduating class.
Paul died
saving a friend’s life by taking his place.
friend has a nice article on web site, search: military Dushore PA McMahon to
see it.
contemplated seminary school at some point.You were blessed to have known Paul.
A2 B4 C3 D3 Michael A. MC MAHON born 1951 marriedon6-7-1975to
L. FRIES born
1955,both attended St.Basil until the
school closed.
A2 B4 C3 D3 E1 Judge
Ryan MC MAHONborn 1977
A2 B4 C3 D3 E2 Erin
Margaret MC MAHON born 1975married to Joel W. Dietz
A2 B4 C3 D3 E2
F1Ethan Todd MILLERborn 2002
A2 B4 C3 D3 E2
F2Ayla Catherine MILLERborn 2004 on her Uncle Ryan’s birthday
A2 B4 C3 D3 E2
F3 Carson Ryan DIETZborn 2009
A2 B4 C3 D3 E2
F4Alexis “Lexie” DIETZborn 2002
A2 B5 Edward MC MAHON1891Died/missing in France,
U.S.ARMY in France
during WW 1
Hello Bettyann, I sent you
cemetery pictures of where Edward McMahon is buried in France.It took me sometime to find him.They sent a very nice booklet of the
cemetery, a plot info etc.This all
started when Uncle Jim was wondering if he could be brought back to the USA and be
buried in St. Basils.As we found he
cannot.There was a law passed in 1958
that would not allow it. Too bad Jim really wanted to bring him home. It’s
really beautiful there.This was the
largest battle fought in WW1, Muse Arragone. Chris McMahon (A2B6C1D4)
A2 B6 Leonard A. MCMAHON “Happy” born 5-8-1893 d.5-5-1972
age 79xs married to
b.4-16-1911 d.4-4-1975 age 64xs
Leonard served in US ARMY in France during
WW 1, he lived on the homestead near Dushore on road named after him
“Happy's Road".The farm has been
in the family for over 150 years and is one of the County’s Century Farms.
Happy and Anna had 3 children.
A2 B6 C1 John L. MC MAHON, TWIN b.7-30-1933 d. 4-7-2000 age
66xs, 2nd sp. Ann R. Nelson, Jack served in the NAVY
sp. Joan L.FIESTER MC MAHON & Jack had 7 ch: Shawn, Chris, Matt, Brenda,
Faith, Carmel,
A2 B6 C1 D1 Brenda MC MAHONLAJOIEb.1954 SCHS 1972Residence:Bethlehem, PA
A2 B6 C1 D1 E1
Neil LAJOIE,b.1972Residence: M. Canada
A2 B6 C1 D1
E1 F1 Nicholas LAJOIE b.2004
A2 B6 C1 D1
E1 F2 Kellie LAJOIEb.2002
A2 B6 C1 D1 E2Nancy LAJOIE MANKOSb.1978 sp. Sean MANKOS
A2 B6 C1 D1
E2 F1 Reese MANKOSb.2011
A2 B6 C1 D2 Faith MC MAHONb.1956
SCHS 1974Residence: Sayre, PA
A2 B6 C1 D2 E1
Luke BURGESSb.1975Residence:Sayre, PA
A2 B6 C1 D2
E1 F1 Sebastian BURGESSb.2000
A2 B6 C1 D2 E2
Andrea BURGESS HUEFTb.1977 sp.
Sean HUEFT, Residence: HiltonNY
A2 B6 C1 D2
E2 F1 Charles M. BURGESSb.1996
A2 B6 C1 D3 Shawn Patrick MC MAHONborn abt.1959 SCHS 1976 married 4-16-1983 to JoAnn PASTUSIC
A2 B6 C1 D3 E1
Amanda Rene MC MAHONborn 1985
A2 B6 C1 D3 E2
Jessica AnnMC MAHONborn 1988
A2 B6 C1 D3 E3
Emily Doreen MC MAHONborn 1997
A2 B6 C1 D4 Christopher MC MAHONb.1960 SCHS 1978 sp. Sheree WALOSIN MC MAHON
b.1958 SCHS
A2 B6 C1 D4 E1
Heather MC MAHONb.1987
A2 B6 C1 D4
E1 F1 Taci CALLANDSb.2009
A2 B6 C1 D4 E2
Corey MC MAHONb.1989
A2 B6 C1 D5 Carmel MC MAHONBUNEO b.abt.1963SCHS1981 mar.abt.2000 to
BUNEO b.6.19.1964,Owego,NY
A2 B6 C1 D5 E1
Timothy ETTEb.1996
A2 B6 C1 D6 Matthew MC MAHONb.
abt. 1967 SCHS 1985 sp. Janet TOMPKINS MC MAHON B.1961
A2 B6 C1 D6 E1
Megan MC MAHONb.
abt. 1995
A2 B6 C1 D6 E2
James COLLEYb.
abt. 1985
A2 B6 C1 D6 E3
Sean COLLEYbabt. 1988
A2 B6 C1 D7 Anastasia MC MAHONb. 1968SCHS
sp. Scott G. FARRELLb. 1971 WVHS (son of Gerald
A2 B6 C1 D7 E1
Vincent J. BAUMUNKb.1986SCHS 2005
A2 B6 C1 D7 E2
Derek C. FARRELLb.1995
A2 B6 C2 James MCMAHON, TWIN b.7-30-1933 married 1957
toPauline Hugo, 4
A2 B6 C2 D1Royce
A2 B6 C2 D1
A2 B6 C2 D2Celinda
MC MAHONbornsp. Anthony
A2 B6 C2 D2
E1 Connor
A2 B6 C2 D2
E2 Preston
A2 B6 C2 D3Nadine
A2 B6 C2 D4 Russell
MC MAHONbornsp. Michelle
A2 B6 C3 Marylou MC MAHON, b.1939 MARRIED TO
KLEM b. Marylou graduated from
St.Basil 1957 4 children: Michael,
Maryann, Karen and David
A2 B6 C3 D3 Karen KLEMb.sp. Paul SMURTHWAITE, children: Sarah,
Madelyn, Sophie
A2 B6 C3 D4 David KLEMb.sp. Heather, children: Nicholas, dgh.
Bronwin, Christopher
A2 B7 Francis B. MC MAHON b. 4-8-1895 d. 8-1-1963 age 68s
married to
Mary E.
FARRELL b.2-16-1894 d.11-20-1961 age 67sPhoto #306 children *: * Editor's Note: There appears to have been a seventh child named Elizabeth, born December 10, 1936 and passed away on January 27. 1937. Here is her
Death Certificate.
A2 B7 C1 Jane MC MAHONborndied
A2 B7 C2 Geraldine MC MAHON BATTIN bornmarried
6-25-1949 to
A2 B7 C2
D1 E3Brooke BATTINborn 1976 w/John MINIER born
A2 B7 C2
D1 E3 F1 Cash MINIER born
A2 B7 C2 D2
Stephen BATTINborn 1953sp./Fiorini/div.
A2 B7 C2 D3
Jamie BATTINborn 1965
A2 B7 C3 Rose MC MAHON OLIVER b. 1924 d. 9-4-2007 age 80x
married 11-12-1961 to
W. OLIVER, SR. b.Rose &cousin Art grad.
St. Basil 1944 Bob & Rose 4 ch.Gary,Mary,Robert,Darlene
A2 B7 C3 D1
Gary F. OLIVERbornmar.5-23-1987 Michelle BURDETT
A2 B7 C3 D1 E1 Kacie Lynn OLIVER
B7 C3 D1 E2 Abbie OLIVER
A2 B7 C3 D1 E3 Carly OLIVER
A2 B7 C3 D2
Mary Robin OLIVERbornmar. June 1990 to Jeff FITZGERALD
A2 B7 C3 D2 E1 Zachary FITZGERALD
A2 B7 C3 D2 E2 Zayne Robert
A2 B7 C3 D2 E3 Joshua Francis
A2 B7 C3 D3
Robert Wilson OLIVER, JRborn
A2 B7 C3 D4
Darlene OLIVERborn
A2 B7 C4 Francis Eugene MC MAHON b. 8-8-1929 d. 2-2-1996 age
66xs married to
Eleanor MC CARTHY b.1932 Also very good source for family history.
children: Timothy P., Thomas, Jeremiah, Francis E., Kathy, Joan, Jean, Ellen
A2 B7 C4 D1 Timothy Paul MCMAHON born 1956,married Stephanie HULIANborn1957.2 children:
A2 B7 C4 D1 E1
Corinn Carleen MCMAHONborn 1983
A2 B7 C4 D1 E2
Brandon Thomas MCMAHON born 1988
A2 B7 C4 D2 Kathleen Ann MCMAHON born 1957,married. Stanley L. BOHENSKY born 19532 children:
A2 B7 C4 D2 E1
Jolene Elizabeth BOHENSKY born 1979
A2 B7 C4 D2 E2
Stanley Eugene BOHENSKYborn 1982
A2 B7 C4 D3 Jean Marie MCMAHON born 1958, sp. Michael
HERMAN born 1951,2children:
A2 B7 C4 D3 E1
Kelsey Alice MCMAHON born 1989
A2 B7 C4 D3 E2
Abigail HERMAN born
A2 B7 C4 D4 Francis Jeremiah MCMAHON born 1960Art McMahon
sold Jerry the Murphy farm; Jerry’s mother,
Mary E.
gave him Farrell clippings. Bettyann’s gram Anna Farrell
& his
grandmother Mary grew up there.
A2 B7 C4 D5 Francis Eugene MCMAHON born 1961, sp. Beth Fraley STRATTON
A2 B7 C4 D6 Thomas Patrick MCMAHON born 1964, sp. Kathleen Patricia LUKE 1964.3children:
A2 B7 C4 D6 E1
Thomas Patrick MCMAHON II born 1991
A2 B7 C4 D6 E2
Luke Allen MCMAHONborn 1993
A2 B7 C4 D6 E3
James Michael MCMAHONborn 1995
A2 B7 C4 D7 Ellen Mary MCMAHON born 1967, sp. Nathan E. CHASE born 1967.3 children:
A2 B7 C4 D7 E1
Alexander Francis CHASE born
A2 B7 C4 D7 E2
Ryan Christopher CHASEborn 1991
A2 B7 C4 D7 E3
Alison Mary CHASEborn 1994
A2 B7 C4 D8 Joan Ann MCMAHON born 1969married
James Allen ANZER,JR. on 9-14-2001
A2 B7 C4 D8 E1
Gabrielle ANZERborn
A2 B7 C4 D8 E2
Jack Allen ANZERborn 2004
A2 B7 C4 D8 E3
Conner James ANZERborn 2010
A2 B7 C5 Edward MC MAHON b. 12-31-1927 d.7-24-1996 age 68 xs
married 10-3-1954 to
E. HOTTENSTEIN d.10-9-1994
served in NAVY AN US Korea, American Leg.#996
Robert F., Hugh M. Diane M., Ronald L. Bennett, Bonnie L.
A2 B7 C5 D1 Robert
F. MC MAHONborn sp. Susanne M. bornGranville
Summit, PA
A2 B7 C5 D2 Hugh M.
MC MAHONborn sp. Maria D.bornLockwood,
A2 B7 C5 D3 Diane M.
A2 B7 C5 D4 Ronald
A2 B7 C5 D5 Bonnie
L. BENNETTborn sp. Russell D. Lawrence
A2 B7 C6Joseph
Bernard MC MAHON born 1-17-1935 died 3-24-2006 age 71xsmarried on 4-4-1959
M. HOCHBERG b. Joe grad.1954 New
Albany, NAVY, American Leg.#996
J. MCMAHON, b. August 25, 1961.
Marriage:KATRINA MARIE MOLYNEUX August 17, 1985, daughter of
YONKIN.She was born 1963.
Residence: New Albany, Bradford
County, PA
A2 B7 C6 D1
E1Matthew Joseph MCMAHON, b.1989
A2 B7 C6 D1 E2Kyle
Royce MCMAHON, b.1991
Residence: Abt. 2006,
Lived in Birdsboro, Berks County,
J. MCMAHON,Marriage:SUE?.
Abt. 2006, Lived in Orefield, Lehigh
County, PA
A2 B7 C6 D4 SHARON M. MCMAHONborn single
Virginia(worked for Pentagon during 911)
A2 B8Charles H. MC
MAHON b.5-1896 d.2-9-1954 age 58 married to
CAVANAUGH b.1900 d.9-26-1963 age 63.1
A2 B8 C1 Helen Marie MC MAHON b.4-6-1926 d. 12-27-2010 grad.
NAHS 1943, married on Nov.9, 1946 to
Walter Lee
MANLEY5 children: Dave,
Burt, Bonnie, Joni, Dina
A2 B8 C1 D1 David MANLEYbornsp. Reta Bouse
A2 B8 C1 D1 E1
Wade MANLEYbornState
College, PA
A2 B8 C1 D1 E2Natalie MANLEYbornNew Albany,PA
A2 B8 C1 D2 Burt MANLEYbornsp. Sheila Rider
A2 B8 C1 D2 E1
Nikki MANLEYbornsp. Angelo Pedro, Jr.
A2 B8 C1 D3 Bonnie MANLEY bornsp. Michael FOX
A2 B8 C1 D4 E1
Kristen TOWNSENDborn
A2 B8 C1 D4 E2
Casey TOWNSENDborn
A2 B8 C1 D5 Dina MANLEYbornsp. Keith PETERSON
A2 B8 C1 D5 E1
Karly Petersonborn
A2 B8 C1 D5 E2
Kelsey Petersonborn
A2 B9Paul A. MC
MAHON b.12-5-1898 d.12-24-1968 age 70s married to
lived Syracuse, NY had 3 children
Paul served as
Pvt. U.S. ARMY WW 11
A2 B9 C1Raymond MC
A2 B9 C2Edward MC
20. Ann ROGAN, GR.GR.GR.Grandparent ? Brogan or Bergan,
Gene McMahon thinks it is Brogan while John Yonkin. The death certficate for Frank McMahon proves the name was "Rogan". See Notes below.
thought Bergen. Streby history on page 35 has Brogan
but on page 71 it is Bergan.Bergan’s
are also buried atSt.
Basil’s near McMahon, Bergen’s
are next to McMahon on old Census Cherry township records ???
Mrs. James
McMahonObituarySullivan ReviewOct.22, 1886
Mrs. James McMahon, of Cherry township, died Monday,
aged about 70 years.
Funeral and interment at St. Basil’s Wednesday
Deceased was very highly esteemed by her numerous
friends and relatives and the funeral services were largely attended.
Her husband, two sons, John and Frank, and daughter,
Mrs. Stephen Murphy, of Laddsburg,
survive her.
21.Stephen Murphy born 1794
died 11-26-1864 age 80Bettyann Great
Born in Ireland,
Parish Coolcull, Taghmon,CountyWexford, see Streby’s
Cherry Twp.p.35. married to
Anastasia O’Neil in Ireland born 1787 died 11-14-1851
age 64. (Brother Rev. J.P.O’NEILL)
Anna born in Ireland,
WexfordCounty, Parish Tagmare or Cookcull
23, 1841 Liverpool to New York City
on the ship New Hampshire
They immigrated with Nicholas O”NEILL and family,
Nicholas O”NEILL born about 1781 died before 1860
married to
Mary BRENNAN born about 1762 died before 1860
BOOK, Clement F. Heverly:Stephen MURPHY settled in AlbanyTownship
Sept 1841, son Adam now occupies farm.
22. McMahon, Arthur, my grandfather watched for planes
during WW 11, men took turns doing this
one night
a week.
23. McMahon, Art, Anna, during 1944 war, people gathered at
their home toplay cards.
from St.Basil Card parties came from these games.
Anna usually poured the tea at St. Basil Card parties
24. McMahon, Michael b.5-1951 was ran over by a tractor when
he was 3 yrs. old.
had a broken pelvis but recovered to fine health.
25. McMahon, Rose born, died Mar 17, 1854 age 22 St.Basil
Cemetery Row 2, Stone 1
26. McMahon, Hugh born Mary 17, 1779 hard to read St.Basil
Cem. Row 2, Stone 3
27. McMahon, Francis Hugh b. died Sept.1,1858 son of James
& Anna McMahon -- my great
parents, hard to read
28. McMahon, Jane b.d.May 24,1894 age 69 yrs. Same stone as
Michael St.Basil R2 S13 Photo 16
McMahon, Michael b.d.
May 2 18? On same stone as Jane
29. McMahon, Augustine 1857-1958 sp Mary 1886-1981 also on
St.Basil cemetery stone
Leo Rouse 1888-1952 and Nora 1892-1958
30. McMahon, Hugh came with his family from Ireland to
N.J., then to Cherry twp. In 1833 settling on a farm near Dushore
owned by Dr. M. E.Herrmann in
1900, source Streby,Cherry page 34.
McMahon, Rose of Ireland,
McMahon, James, deceased of New Jersey
McMahon, Robert, deceased of
McMahon, Elizabeth
married to John Collins of BradfordCounty
McMahon, Michael, deceased of
McMahon, Mary Ann married to
Patrick Brislin of Cherry
McMahon, Catherine married a
McMahon from Towanda
31.McMahon, William b.d.2-14-1903 age 47x Mary d.Jan.17,
1972 age 63s
32.Census 1850 Cherry township Tax #118
McMan, Hugh 71 farmer Per.Val
500,Ann,Mary Collins 12, James Collins 10 lived with
Hugh and Ann
33.Census 1850 Cherry township Tax #119
McMan, Michael age 30 farmer,
McMan, Jane age 15, yes 15, McMan, James age 8 ½, McMan, Hugh age 2
34. Census 1860 Cherry Twp. Tax page 690 #82
Mahan, Michael M.
40 farmer, R.$1200, P.$300 Ireland
Jane 35,Hughe 12,James 11,Catherine9,John 6,Michael 4,Mary 2
35.Census 1850 Cherry township Tax #75
McMan, Robert age 35 farmer
P.V.300, Ireland
McMan, Eliza 21,McMan, Mary 8 ½,McMan, Jane 4,McMan, James 2
36. Census 1860 Cherry Twp. Tax page 746 #42
McMahan, Robert
W. 42, farmer $1000 P.$100, Ireland
Eliza 32, Jane
14,James 12,Mary 10,Rosanna9,Ellen 6,William 4
37. CENSUS 1870 Cherry Twp. Tax #51
McMahan, Michael age 57 farmer,
Real $3,000 Per.1000, Ireland
Jane 45, John 16, Mary Ann 14,
Rosa Jane 12, Elizabeth 9, Hugh 6
Check Census Barclay Mt. later
38.CENSUS 1870 Dushore Boro Tax #52tax roll lived next to Hoffa, Church Hill by
St.Basil ?
McMahon, Robert 50, farmer R.$300
Elizabeth 48, Mary 20, Rosemary
19, Ellen 16, William 14, Robert 11 ½ Mo. TWIN, Boyle 11 ½ mo. TWIN
Nancy MC MAHON 85
39. PRITZ, THOMAS JOHN SR. age 73 of MuncyValley
b.4-26-1930 d.7-20-2003 sp.
Patricia MC MAHON of Philadelphia, had nice
farm on Rt.220 intersection Rt.42 on left.
40. McMahon, Frank J. died April 1944, Athens, PA,
born in Cherry twp.
James McMahon 1821-1906
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Original McMahon Homestead Cherry Township, Sullivan County, PA
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
John W. and Anastasia (Murphy) McMahon Family and Descendants Top row: Joe McMahon, Aunt "Lizzie" Murphy, John W. McMahon, Father Flynn, and
Jim McMahon (John and Paul McMahon are not present) Middle row: Jane (Pellenz) McMahon (Jim's wife), Anastasia (Murphy) McMahon, and Anna Obert Front row:
Frank, Charles, Art, Ed and Leonard McMahon Taken Before 1914
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
John and Elizabeth (Fox) Farrell Great-grandparents to Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Arthur P. McMahon Grandfather to Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Two Pictures of Anna (Farrell) McMahon Grandmother to Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Joseph James Sick Father of Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Elizabeth "Betty" Anastasia (McMahon) Sick Mother of Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Joseph and Betty Sick Wedding Day April 14, 1941 Best Man: Paul Farrell
Maid of Honor: Mary McMahon
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Mary Lou (McMahon) Klem and Anna J. Perdishon
Daughter and Mother
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Mary, Betty and Arthur McMahon Children of Arthur McMahon and Anna Farrell With
Joseph Lynch (on right)
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Mary and Arthur McMahon, and Betty (McMahon) Sick Children of Arthur
McMahon and Anna Farrell
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
The Arthur McMahon Farm McMahon Road, Dushore, PA July 2003
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear Location: Go up Church Hill Road a few miles past St. Basil's; turn left onto McMahon Road, about one mile on the left.
L to r: Edward, Bettyann and Gerald Sick Children of Joe and Betty (McMahon) Sick Note: Both suits on the sons were
made by Betty McMahon Sick
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
L to r: Patricia (McMahon) Kearney, Marylou (Farley) Murray
and Bettyann (Sick) Goodyear 1951
Note: All three dresses made by Betty McMahon Sick
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
McMahon Family Postcard Back row, l to r: Jane (Pellenz) McMahon (Jim's wife); Joe McMahon; Aunt Lizzy Murphy; Gr-grandfather John W. McMahon with hand on his wife, Anastasia; Jim McMahon; and Laura McMahon
Front row, l to r: Frank McMahon; Art McMahon; Charles McMahon; Gr-grandmother Anastasia (Murphy) McMahon; Laura Obert; Ed McMahon; and Leonard McMahon
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
McMahon Brothers L to r: Charles, Frank, Paul and Leonard McMahon Sons of John W.
McMahon and Anastasia Murphy
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Leonard McMahon's Barn Located on McMahon Family Homestead Farm Happy Road, Dushore, PA
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
John McMahon and Sons During War of 1917
L to r: Charles, Frank, Art, John W., and Leonard
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Jane (Pellenz) McMahon Wife of Jim McMahon
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Grandfather Arthur McMahon Seated Holding the Baby Other Parties Unidentified
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Maime, Gus and Joe
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Sister Mary Anna Murphy, IHM Daughter of Stephen S. Murphy and Mary E. McMahon
With Mother, Mary McMahon
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
The Murphy Children Geraldine (Sister Mary Anna), Leonard, Annie and Frank Children of Stephen S. Murphy and Mary E. McMahon
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
The Fitzgerald Children Postcard Catherine, Mary and Margaret ("Peg")
Children of Charlie and Bridget (Murphy) Fitzgerald
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
Rose and Mary McMahon Front and Back of Picture
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
McMahons at Battin Wedding L to r: Grandparents Art and Anna McMahon, Great Uncle Frank McMahon,
Great Aunt Mary McMahon, Amber and Harold Battin
Picture taken at Wedding of Justin and Gerry Battin on June 25, 1949
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
The Sick Children Children of Joseph and Betty (McMahon) Sick
L to r: Edward, Gerald, Bettyann, Wayne and Thomas 1955
Contributed by Bettyann Sick Goodyear
A6Adam MURPHYborn
1829 Ireland, Taghmon, CountyWexford
, sp. Kate CUMMISKEY
Stephen C. MURPHYborn 3-24-1830 Ireland,
Taghmon, CountyWexford, sp. Elizabeth FARRELL
John MURPHYborn 4-1832 Ireland,
Taghmon, CountyWexford, sp. Kathryn FOX
A is USUALLY 1st generation
B is 2nd generation but 1st cousins
C is 3rd
generation, 2nd cousins and so on. Birth date, I try to only use the
YEAR until someone dies, then I add the month and day.
FOR PHOTO example A6 B3 =Anastasia S. MURPHY, easier than finding 788 or
(However, I started A with 2nd generation on McMahon genealogy)
n = newspaper clipping
A6Adam MURPHY b.1829 d.12-22-1899 age 70,
born 1829 Ireland, Taghmon, CountyWexford,
married to
Catherine CUMMISKEY b. 1832 died
1-5-1899 age 68.
Kate was born PottsvillePA buried St. Basil (R12,S20
Photo #320 also dgh. Mary)
Kate’s parents were Arthur Richard and
A6 B1 Stephen
S. MURPHY b.1855 sp. Mary E. MC MAHON b. 8-1859
A6 B2Patrick
MURPHY b.1856 sp. GILLIGAN married 1885first name ?
A6 B3 Anastasia
S. MURPHYb.1859 sp. John W. MC MAHON b. 1855
A6 B4 Mary
A. MURPHY b.1861
A6 B5 Catherine
MURPHY b.1862
A6 B6 Elizabeth
R.MURPHY b.1865
A6 B7 Ellen
MURPHY b.1868
A6 B8 Adam
J. MURPHY b.1870
A6 B9 Bridget
G. MURPHY b.1872
Murphy 42, Kate 41, Stephen 15, Patrick 12, Anastasia 11, Mary 9, Catherine 6,
Ellen 2
missing - on 10 yrs. later. Mary CUMMISKEY, 80 lived with them.
B3 Anastasia S. MURPHY b. 1859 died 6-8-1928 age 69s married 1883 to
John W. MC MAHON b. 1855 d. 4-7-1938
lived on the
homestead.(From Dushore, Overton Rd, then
Happy’s Rd.)Photos #3,4,18,21
A3NEWSPAPER:July 1883,John McMahon
of Cherry & Miss Anastasia Murphy
A3of Albany
were married a short time ago.
CENSUS 1880, Anna was 21
yrs.Children 9 boys in 13
yrs., 1885 to 1898:
B3 C1John L. MC MAHON 1885
B3 C2 James Adam MC MAHON1887
sp. Jane PELLENZ
A6 B3 C3Joseph
P. MC MAHON1889sp. Loretta “Laura” J. OBERT
B3 C4Arthur P. MCMAHON 1890sp.
Anna F. FARRELL (BA grandp. Anna related to Murphy’s)
B3 C5 Edward MC MAHON1891Died/missing
in France, U.S.ARMY in France during
WW 1
B3 C6 Leonard MCMAHON1893
sp. Anna J. PERDISON U.S.ARMY in France during WW 1
B3 C7 Francis B. MC MAHON1895sp. Mary E. FARRELL
A6 B3 C8Charles
B3 C9Paul A. MC MAHON 1898 sp.
1900 Cherry township
#266James age 79 born 3-1821,
widowed, son John W. 45 b.41855,
John’s wife not on?
John and Anna’s
children:John L 15 b.5-1885, James A.
12 b. 9-1887, Joseph 11 b.1-1889,
9 b.7-1890,Francis 5 b.4-1895, Charles
4 b.5-1896, Paul 1 b.12-1898
James emigrated in 1844 from Ireland, naturalized citizen
B3 C1John L. MC MAHON born 5-11-1885 d. 12-9-1916, died from
dangerous drugs.
John was a pharmacist. St. Basil Cem
B3 C2James Adam MC MAHON
b.Sept.1887-1951 married to
Jane PELLENZ b. died 1964, Syracuse, NY1 child John
B3 C3 Joseph P. MC MAHONborn Jan. 1889 d.2-9-1960 age 71 married
Loretta “Laura” J. OBERT
b.1886 d.i.3-4-1954 age 68, 2 children: Josephine, Leo
2nd sp. Catherine
WAPLES KELLY MC MAHON d.1-31-1957 age 69x
B3 C3 D1Josephine Anna “Jo”MC MAHON YONKIN b.2-10-1926 d.4-11-1991 age
65xs married 11-25-1946 to
John H. YONKIN b.3-11-1926
d.12-12-2000 age 74, both graduated St. Basil 1943,1944.
Johntook over the Electrical Shop in Dushore that
had been operated by his uncle, Thaddeus Litzelman.
He retired in about
Jo and Bettyann Sick
Goodyear use to clean St. Basil’s Altar for many years during the month of Oct.
Bettyannenjoyed getting to know Jo.Jo was a first cousin to my mother, Betty
McMahon Sick.
2nd Marriage:John Henry YONKIN married Marjorie Kracoski
MCDONALD, several years after both their spouses had died. Marge born 1926When John married Marge, he became Bettyann’s
neighbor right across
Rt. 220 from us.John gave me a really nice copy of his YONKIN
John & Jo Children: Larry, Tom, Francis,
Kathleen, John
Lawrence John YONKIN b.9-16-1947 d.11-15-2003 sp. 10-14-1967 Linda A. FARRELL
born 1968
F2 Mariann YONKIN BUTLER sp. Mr. Butler
G1 Zachary William Butler
born 1994
F3 Mark YONKIN, born 1978
Thomas Patrick YONKIN born 1948 sp. Mary
LAMBERT born 1949
F1 Patrick YONKIN born
F2 Margaret YONKIN born
E3 FrancisJohn YONKIN born 1950 sp. Bonnie FOX born 1956
F1 Ina Jean YONKIN born
1974 sp. John FASSETT
F2 Carol Ann YONKIN born
F3 Connie YONKIN born 1977
F4 Shawn YONKIN born 1979
E4 Katherine Ann Yonkin
born 1951 sp. Gene Brown
F1 Eric BROWN, b. 1979
F2 Ethan BROWN, b. 1981
F3 Emily BROWN b. 1988
E5 John Thomas YONKIN
b.sp. Katherine KEWITT
F1 Stephen M. YONKIN b.
B3 C3 D2Leo J. MC MAHON b.3-15-1931 d.
10-23-1993, St. Basil grad 1949, served NAVY Korea Married to
Marian Kracoskiborn 1-15-1932 married on 10-2-1950,
E1 Carol A.MC MAHON SMITHborn 7-3-1952 1st sp. William
J. Berry on 5-4-1974
2nd sp. Wm.Smith,10-19-1992 live Abingdon, MD
11-25-1959sp. F. Mitchell ALBAN, on 10-9-1982 live Lexington, SC
B3 C4Arthur P. MCMAHON b.7-1890
died 5-6-1952 age 61xs married to
Anna E. FARRELL born 2-5-1889 died
10-26-1981 age 92xs Note:BETTYANN’S GRANDPARENTS
Cemetery stone has incorrect 1882 for death date.
Two McMahon brothers married two Farrell
sisters: Art and Anna, Francis and Mary
What we now call the Murphy farm was where
Anna & her sister Mary Farrell grew up.(A6 B3 C7 D4owner 2011)
Arthur was a lifelong resident of SullivanCounty
where he engaged in farming.
McMahon farms were very well kept. Arthur also
served as road supervisor for 12 years.
Anna always attended St. Basil Alumni Banquets, on
occasion had words to share with the large crowds. 3 children
A6 B3 C4 D1Mary D MC MAHON born 10-31-1918 d.5-8-1992
age 73xs Single.Mary sold eggs.
We enjoyed it when about 100 new baby chickens
We loved visiting the chicken house and gathering
eggs with her.
Mary was so kind and happy doing nice things with
Mary also use to take all her nieces and nephews
for a horse and buggy ride.
There is no stone for
daughter Mary but I think NAME MARY is printed on concrete slab
on stone base of her
parents, at St.BasilCemetery.
A6 B3 C4 D2 Elizabeth Anastasia MC MAHON 12-22-1920 died on
7-29-1980, age 59xs married on 4-14-1941
Joseph James SICK was born on 9-13-1916 at the
family home in Cherry Mills, and died on 7-8-87, age 70xs.
Soon after
Joe and Betty bought the farm from his dad, six cows were killed by lightning.
Joe and Betty continued to operate the farm until 1960. Joe worked at Miller
Farm Equipment, repairing machinery and building cabins, next at Dolly Madison
as head of maintenance, and finally retired from Penn DOT as paving foreman.
Joe and Betty were members of St. Basil's Catholic
Church. Joe was also a member of the Holy Name Society and 3rd degree Knights
of Columbus.Betty was a member of the
Altar Rosary Society and was Sacristan one month each year. Betty was an
excellent seamstress and quilt maker. She loved her children and grandchildren.
Betty was a warm host to everyone Joe would bring home. Joe and Betty both had held
political positions.
Joe was a great fisherman and could spin a good
yarn. At his cabin, he made a Plexiglas window on hinges. When a newcomer
arrived, he loved to jam a gun out this window on the pretense of shooting a
deer. He worked many nights when the Sullivan County Bow Festival was
beginning, with his cousins Dick & Vell Holcombe ( about 1957). Together,
they invented the running deer target and other events. Joe was happy when he
caught the eye of Howard Hill and was written up in an issue of the Pennsylvania Game News.
Bettyann’s mom died at TowandaMemorialHospital.We were at her bedside.(Heart problems).
Wayne & Bettyann left at 4 a.m. for Robert
Packer hosp. to visit with dad before
operation (Throat Cancer)
B3 C4JOE and BETTY had five children: J.
Edward, Gerald, Bettyann, Wayne, Thomas
E1 Joseph Edward SICK, born1942,
married Francis Jo MAHONEY. 3 ch.: James, Suellen, Patrick
F1 James E. SICK, born
10-31-61, died 7-28-1981, Age 19xs Bettyann's godson,
F2 Suellen SICK TRACEYborn 1963Married 10-19-1985 to Roger TRACEY
G1 Bridget Renee TRACEY born 1994
F3 Patrick SICKborn 1966 sp. Kate GARLOFF
Anja SICKborn
E2 Gerald Arthur SICK born 1943 married Clara L. RICCI born 19442 children: Stephen, Vicki
F1 Stephen SICKborn
1966 married to Sue Iannone born abt.1969
G1 Kyle SICK born 2008
Sophia Kathryn SICKborn 2010
F2 Vicki SICKborn
1968 married abt.2000 to Randy J. CARPENTER
Noah CARPENTERborn 2002
G2 Hannah CARPENTER born 2009
G3 Bethany CARPENTERborn abt.1996
B3 C4 D3 Elizabeth Ann"BETTYANN" SICK, born 1945 married 4-27-1991 to
L. GOODYEARborn1940servedU.S.NAVY, SHIP US
E1 Dannylee ISBELL, born 1967 married Feb. 9,
2002, Destin, FL
Sheilah BROCKborn
F1 Brandon BROCKborn 1990
born 1969, married/divorced MICHAEL
S. MYERSone son
F1 Zachary Taylor MYERS, born 1994.
Kelly Lynn 2nd
marriage to Robert FLOTTENMESCH on 777,July 7, 2007at. 7 p.m.
Robert served U.S.AIR
FORCE,born 1959Bettyann’s new grandchildren:
Robert, Brydan, Brandon, Makala b. 1993,
Justice b.1996 and Jayden b.1997
E3 Kimberly Ann
"Kim" ISBELL, born
1971, Stf.Sgt.US ARMY,
Married after 13 yrs.
div.Martin FAUST, PhD
lives in Germany.reads/speaks English & German well. 2
Miriam Elizabeth FAUST, born
1992 F2 Alexander Frederick Tristan
FAUST, born 1999
A3E4 Ronni Jo VELARDO, born 1975, served Stf.Sgt. US AIR FORCE,
A3Married after 14 yrs. div. TIMOTHY
ROEDIGERtwo children:
Drake Nicholas ROEDIGER, born 1996
Anastasia Marie ROEDIGER, born 2001
A3E5 Ranee Marie VELARDO, born 1976, served US
A3married/div. MICHAEL PORTERtwo children:
A3F1 Julia Elizabeth
A3F2 Joshua Lincoln PORTER, born 2002
E6 Sandra L. SHULTZ, born1955, lived with Bettyann Goodyear family
over ten years.
Sandy married Gordon F.
LITZELMAN on 7-20-1985. Gordon LITZELMAN, born 1953.
GORDON is the son of GEORGE
His grandparents were
His great-grandparents were
B3 C4 D4 Wayne Hugh SICK born 1-28-1951 died 4-29-2005 age 54xs Wayne had recently bought
a home in
Williamsport, PA in order to be closer to
his family; because of his poor health.Wayne had recently
completed a course in Real Estate.Theresa Walsh had a surprise birthday dinner on April 28, 2005 for Wayne’s sister.He didn’t feel good but of course he
went.Wayne died the next day of a massive heart
After 9 p.m. Abe & I went to Williamsport hospital. Wayne died before we got there. Rev. Mayo met
us there later.
Wayne was a charismatic caring
reliable man who was always there for his friends and family no matter how
hectic his own life was.
A6 B3 C4 D5 Thomas John
Sick, “Tommy”born Aug.7,1953 died
Friday, Jan. 01, 2010, age 56x, a lifelong resident of
Dushore, PA.Tom was interested in family genealogy in
1980s but he said he lost interest in later years.
Bettyann had put several scrapbooks together with
her mom when BA was in high school which pets destroyed; books were done
again.Tom attended St. Basil's
School until 1966 and graduated from SullivanCountyHigh School
in 1972.Over the course of his life Tom
was active in volunteer work with St. Basil's Church in Dushore.Tom worked for the
Department of the Auditor General, Bureau of County Audits, and retired
as an Audit Manager of the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Program.
retired from the State in December of 2009.
didn’t even get his first retirement check. Notes:Tommy first got sick:July 15, 2008
July 20, 2008 at 7 AM, GeisingerHospital, took out gall bladder, long
operation (not Laparoscopic)
Also had a pancreas problem and kidney stones.Hospitalized again March 24, 2009.
He was taken in the ambulance Dec. 31, 2009 to GeisingerMedicalCenter, Danville, PA
and died at 5:30 AM on Jan. 1, 2010.
B3 C4 Arthur Joseph MC MAHON b. 11-27-1924 d.11-11-2005 age 80xs married on
8-28-1944 to
Catherine Mary RYAN b.1922 Art
graduated at St. Basil in 1944 with cousin Rosie.
Art was a life long farmer, taking
over the operation of the family farm from his father.
Art served as Sullivan Co.
Superintendent of Highways for 8 yrs., ,
SullivanCo.School Bus Driver and as a Cherry Twp. Tax
D1 Patricia Ann MC MAHONb.
1945 married to
James KEARNEY bornPat graduated St. Basil
F1 James KEARNEY JR.born
F2 Paula Rae KEARNEY WALKERbornsp.
John WALKER, JR. b.1977
G1 Joseph R. WALKERborn 2005
G2 Breanna WALKERborn 2008
Paul MC MAHONb.3-13-1948 died 6-4-1970
AGE 22xs, ARMY SSG Co C7 Cav 1 Air Div
Sgt. Raymond Paul MC MAHON aged 22
of Dushore was killed in action Thursday afternoon, June 4, 1070
In Cambodia.(Vietnam) Paul graduated from St.
Basil’s in June 1966 with the school’s last graduating class.
Paul died saving a friend’s
life by taking his place.
This friend has a nice
article on web site, search: military Dushore Pa McMahon to see it.
He contemplated seminary
school at some point.You were blessed
to have known Paul.
D3 Michael A. MC MAHON born 1951 marriedon6-7-1975to
Nancy L. FRIES b.abt.1956both attended St. Basil until the school
E1 Judge Ryan MC MAHONborn 1977
E2 Erin Margaret MC MAHON born 1975married
to Joel W. Dietz
F1Ethan Todd MILLERborn 2002
F2Ayla Catherine MILLERborn
2004 on her Uncle Ryan’s birthday
F3 Carson Ryan DIETZborn 2009
F4Alexis “Lexie” DIETZborn 2002
B3 C5 Edward MC MAHON1891Died/missing in France,
U.S.ARMY in France
during WW 1
Hello Bettyann, I sent you
cemetery pictures of where Edward McMahon is buried in France.It took me sometime to find him.They sent a very nice booklet of the
cemetery, a plot info etc.This all
started when Uncle Jim was wondering if he could be brought back to the USA and be
buried in St. Basils.As we found he
cannot.There was a law passed in 1958
that would not allow it. Too bad Jim really wanted to bring him home. It’s
really beautiful there.
This was the largest battle fought in
WW1,Muse Arragone.FROM Chris McMahon
B3 C6 Leonard A. MCMAHON “Happy” born 5-8-1893 d.5-5-1972 age 79xs married to
Anna J. PERDISON b.4-16-1911 d.4-4-1975
age 64xs
Leonard served in US ARMY in France during
WW 1, he lived on the homestead near Dushore on road named after him
“Happy's Road".The farm has been
in the family for over 150 years and is one of the County’s Century Farms.Happy and Anna had 3 children.
D1 John L. MC MAHON, TWIN b.7-30-1933 d. 4-7-2000
age 66xs, married
Joan L.
Fiester, had 7 children: Shawn, Chris, Matt, Brenda, Faith, Carmel, Anastasia
sp. Ann R. Nelson, Jack served in the
E1 Brenda MC MAHONLAJOIEborn1954 sp. LajoieSCHS
1972 Residence: Bethlehem, PA
Neil LAJOIE,b.
1972Residence: M. Canada
Nicholas LAJOIE b.2004
G2 Kellie LAJOIEb.2002
F2 Nancy
LAJOIE MANKOS b. 1979sp. Sean
MANKOS, Residence: Slatington,
Reese MANKOSb.
E2 Faith
MC MAHONborn 1956
SCHS 1974 Residence: Sayre,
1975Residence: Sayre, PA
Sebastian BURGESSb. 2000
Andrea BURGESS HUEFTb. 1977 sp.
Sean HUEFTResidence:HiltonNY
Charles M BURGESSb. 1996
E3 Shawn
Patrick MC MAHONborn abt.1959
SCHS 1976 mar.4-16-1983 to JoAnn PASTUSIC b.1959
Amanda Rene MC MAHONborn 1985
Jessica AnnMC MAHONborn 1988
Emily Doreen MC MAHONborn 1997
Christopher MC MAHONborn1960,SCHS 1978 sp. Sheree WALOSIN MC
MAHON b.1958
Heather MC MAHONb. 1987
Taci CALLANDSborn 2009
Corey MC MAHONb.1989
Carmel MC MAHONBUNEOb.1963,SCHS 1981 mar.abt.2000 to Randy BUNEO b.6-19-1964, Owego, NY
Timothy ETTEb.1996
Matthew MC MAHONb. abt. 1967
SCHS 1985 sp. JanetTOMPKINS MC MAHON B.1961
Megan MC MAHONb.1995
James COLLEYb.1985
Sean COLLEYb.1988
Anastasia MC MAHONb.1968 SCHS 1986
sp. Scott G. FARRELLb.1971WVHS(son of Gerald FARRELL)
VINCENT J.Baumunkb.1986SCHS 2005
Derek C. FARRELLb.1995
D2 James MCMAHON, TWIN b.7-30-1933 married 1957 to
Pauline Hugoborn
E2Celinda MC MAHONbornsp. Anthony
E4 Russell MC MAHONbornsp. Michelle
D3 Marylou MC MAHON, b.1939 MARRIED TO
KLEM b. Marylou graduated from St.
Basil 1957 4 children: Michael,
Maryann, Karen and David
Michael KLEMb. sp. Christine, Children: Michael, Max, Joe,
Ed 11-1842 age 57Joseph J.
3-1879 age 21, Annie 5-1881 age 19
NEWSPAPER:May 19,1881: Ned's wife died on the 9th
(baby?) and he is dangerously ill with typhoid fever.
B6 C I Mary Ellen FARRELL born 1878
d. Oct l892 issue, died at age 17
B6 C2 Joseph J. FARRELL b.3-19-1879
d.6-17-1964 age 85, mar. Elizabeth HARNEY, 6
children St. B #1331,1215
D1 Patrick P. FARRELL b.2-4-1905 d.2-20-1990 mar. Agnes M. WHITE
b3 d.1-31-1983 Age78 St. B
E1 Helen FARRELL married Lawrence KELLEY (Chris Kelley
D2 Edward J. FARRELL b. 1908 d.2-23-1994 StB.p.1331 Elizabeth
1881-1961, Joseph J. 1880-1964
D3 Frank J. FARRELL b.6-4-1917 d.1-24-1 999 CPL US ARMY WW
U ST.B.1331
D4 John FARRELLkilled
at Normandy WW U, 1944?
D5 Leo P. FARRELL b. 1-4-1927 died 4-15-1995 US Army
mar. Kathryn (Billie) MC DONALD, 2 ch.
EI John FARRELL born 1954
E2 Julie FARRELLborn 1968 died June 1998
D6 Helen FARRELL b. 9-12-1912 d. 9-1 -2002 age 89x mar.
Walter Clarence KARGE 11-28-1930. Walter
died 5-13-1959, 4 children
E1 Eunice E. KARGE married
F1 Francis RICHARDS, JR.
E2 Irene H. KARGE
E3 W. Douglas KARGE, Sullivan
County Sheriff for several years (Bettyann worked with Doug)
E4 John R. KARGE wife Cathy
F1 Jennifer KARGE
F3 Jamie KARGE
B6 C3 Anastasia FARRELL b. May 1881 married Bill O’ROUKE,
had 2 children.They lived at Pittsburgh, PA
Bill died and Anna married
Edward MURRAY & had 1 son.
D1 William O’ROUKE born 1-29-1915
died 2-6-1974
2-10-1917 died 1-20-1995 age 77x, married 1954 to
Robert OLIVER.Our Pittsburghers (Bettyann’s Grandma Anna
Farrell McMahon’s relative)
Mary member of St
.Bernadette’s Catholic Church, buried ShepherdHillsCemetery,
Monroeville, PA.
2ND sp. Pat
Oliver was a band leader and music instructor specializing in music from the
“Big Band” era.
E1 Maryann CHERICKborn 1936sp. Robert MITCHELL, Bethel Park,
Pittsburgh, PA. 3 ch., 5 gr.ch.
D3 Edward MURRAY was killed
in World War 11, 1944.
1900, Cherry Twp:John M.b.11-1844 age 55, Elizabeth 10-1857 age 42, Lawrence
2-1887 age 13, Annie 2-1890 age 10, Hue I. 10-1892 age7
B7Catherine “Kate” MURPHY b. 71851
d.3-18-1931 age 81 mar.1872 to
d. 3-13-1935 age 85,11 CHILDREN
William MURRAY2-1860 age 60,Catherine 7-1851 age 50,
James W. 1-1880 age 20, Catherine 3-1884 age 16,
Richard 4-1886 age 14, Esther 2-1888 age 12, Francis M.?1889 age 10, Joseph F.
5-1894 age 6, Ida M. 11-1896 age 3
C1Lawrence J. MURRAYb.New York, Streby History, Cherry Twp. Page 71
William T.MURRAYb.1877New
York, Streby
History, Cherry Twp. Page 71
D1 LawrenceMURRAYb. 1904
D2 William MURRAY b.1907
D3 Kathryn MURRAYb.
H.E.MURRAYb.Cripple Creek, ColoradoStreby History, Cherry Twp. Page 71
C4James W. MURRAYb.1-1880 New York, Streby History, Cherry Twp. Page 71 St.B.#657
Margaret MURPHY St.B.#658 no dates on stone
Mary MURRAYdeceasedStreby History, Cherry
Twp. Page 71
Catherine MURRAYb.3-1884
Richard MURRAYb.4-1886
Ester MURRAYb.2-1888
Francis M. MURRAYb.1889 “Frank”
C10 Joseph F. MURRAYb.5-1894 married 4-29-1919 to
Mary C. TAFFE b.8-1891 Wilmot,Joe worked at Dushore Creamery
D2 Joseph
1920 sp. Alice P. b.1917 Bettyann worked
w/Joe at Harrington’s Creamery
Alice was beautiful lady
babysat for many children over the years.
D3 Eugene
B. MURRAY b. 1925
D4 Catherine MURRAYb. 1929
C11 Ida M. MURRAYb.11-1896
B8Stephen D. “Fiddler” MURPHY b. 3-1955
married to Catherine CUMMISKEY b.2-1860
May12, 1880 Stephen D. MURPHY
married Kate Cummiskey of Laddsburg
at St.
Basil’s byRev. Father Kaier.(Bettyann thinks Jen Bowers fits here)
1900 CHERRYTOWNSHIP: Stephen D. MURPHY b.3-1855 age
45, Catherine 2.1860 age 40
Catherine 15 b.8-1884,
Richard 14 b.4-1886, Mary 10 b.6-1889, Raymond 6 b.1-1893,
Eugene 5,b.1-1895, Genevieve 3 b.1-1897
History, Cherry Twp. p.87:Stephen lived
on homestead 1900, also owns adjoining farm.
Webster of Bradford, PA. She can be reached
for discussion at [email protected]
.Dorothy is the daughter of Herschel E. Farrell and Florence Denson VanGorder.
Herschel was a policeman in Corning,
NY, where Dorothy was born.
Herschel was the son of Francis Farrell and Catherine Norton, and the grandson
of Patrick Farrell, the immigrant, and Bridget Kinsley, both of County Longford, Ireland.We
are indebted to Dorothy for this family history and thank her for her ongoing
FARRELL FAMILY #4:JAMES D. FARRELLb. April 7, 1816 d. Aug.9, 1912
married July 31, 1842 to Catherine O'FARRELL b.
March 25, 1823, d.Dec.2, 1909
Whalen, located in Albany
in about 1836
D. Farrell and James Farrell, (not related), natives of Kildare, located in
Albany in 1841, The former settled the farm now occupied by his son, Peter J.,
and the latter the farm where he still resides.
and relatives: Anna Farrell McMahon, Betty McMahon Sick, Tom Sick, Mary Eleanor
Sick’s County map of 1872 with locations of taxed properties.
John H. Yonkin, d.12-12-2000, I ALWAYS
19.Grandmother Anna FARRELL MC MAHON, & FOX Family Tree
1 John FARRELL married Ellen WHALEN (Mary?)
3 John W. FARRELL who married Elizabeth FOX Picture 5 Had 4 children:
FOX parents were:
FOX married Mary FARLEY born 1806 and had 8 children:
John FOX
Frank FOX
Patrick FOX
4 Elizabeth
FOX married John W. FARRELL above
Marianne FOX married David CULLEN (Sister Laurena and Jay CULLEN grandfather)
Katherine "Kate" FOX b.1842 Pottsville,married John MURPHY b.4-1842(son of Stephen)
Helen FOX married William GALLERGHER
Jane FOX married Pat DONNELLY, Now back to John W. and Elizabeth FOX Farrell
29.Grandmother McMahon was a Anna FARRELL MC
MAHONresearching her parents???
are several FARRELL families in the history of SullivanCounty,
CHERRY TWP 1900.:John F. FARRELL b.5-1855 age 45, Moulder,
Mary E. b.12-1860 age 39,
A. b.2-1884 age 16, Lucy b.12-1885 age 14, Anna b.8-1888 age 11Elizabeth
b.3-1894 age 6, Catherine b.2-1898 age 2,Niece Mary M. b.3-1881 age 19
RAYMOND J.b.9-2-1948 d.4-10-2001 sp.
Rose M. b. 11-24-1947 son of Joe/Valeria
back of his stone, military?
family played baseball Sunday nights at McMahons
we were all young.
JAN.1899 newspaper:Hon. Bryan S.
COLLINS, died Jan. 13th. He was born in Ireland 27 Aug. 1852 and was 46
years, 4 months and 16 days of age. When he was 2 years old, his parents
immigrated to America and
settled first in Lackawanna Co., coming to Sullivan when Bryan was about 10 or 11 years old. In 1886,
he married Miss Ella, daughter of John H. FARRELL, of this place, and
they were blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters. Funeral from St. Basil's Church
on Monday. Among the relatives form a distance who were here were a brother -
P. H. COLLINS, and two nephews, Mary and Henry COLLINS, of Jermyn, and four
brothers of Mrs. COLLINS, from Binghamton and Lestershire, M. P., J. W.,
J. A. and Arthur FARRELL.(For more on his life - see full article.)
FARRELL, Mrs. James K. died Mon., leaves a large family,
sister Mrs. Murphy of WashingtonD.C. home Sullivan Review 4-1 1883
Selected obituaries:
Patrick J. Finan
The Sullivan Review
December 14, 1967
Patrick J. Finan, 84, New Albany
RD, died Friday December 8, 1967. He had been a
guest at the Stopyra Nursing Home.
Mr. Finan, a lifelong resident of AlbanyTownship, was born July
14, 1883, the son of Patrick J. and Mary Jane Donahue Finan.
He was a farmer until his retirement in 1955, farming in team of horses and a
small herd of choice cows. The farm was located between Rouse’s Switch and
Shaffer’s Notch.
He was a member of St. Basil’s Church Dushore, and its Holy Name Society, and
he is survived by his wife, the former Anna Murphy; three daughters, Mrs.
Kenneth (Mary) McCarty, Mrs. Arthur (Rita) Rohe, both of Dushore, and Mrs.
Geraldine Abrams, Mildred; two sons Leonard (Pop) Finan and Vincent (Pete)
Finan; 23 grandchildren; ; nine great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. William
Cummiskey and Mrs. Frank Cowley, both of Painted Post, New York; several nieces
and nephews.
Funeral services were held Monday, December 11, 1967, from the Tubach funeral
Home, Dushore. Requiem High Mass was celebrated and interment was in the ParishCemetery.
Pallbearers were Gerald Cain, Jack Coyle, Robert Heath Jr., John Jerkes, James
B. McGee and Richard Saxe.
Geraldine F. Arey
Daily Review
October 22, 2008
Geraldine F. Arey, 87, of Dushore,
Pa., passed away at her home in
the Sullivan Terrace on Monday, Oct. 20, 2008.
Geraldine was the daughter of the late Patrick J. and Anna Murphy Finan III,
born on Oct. 24, 1920 in AlbanyTownship.
She was a graduate of St. Basil's High School and had worked for many years
throughout the area, including at the Endicott Johnson Shoe Company and most of
the local garment factories. Geraldine was a former member of St. Francis of
Assisi of Mildred. She enjoyed reading, quilting, and was a wonderful
Geraldine was the loving wife of the late Joseph Arey of Mildred, and a mother
and grandmother. She is survived by: two children and their spouses: Dewitt and
Barbara Abrams of Sugar Run, Pa., and Anita and Richard Ottaviani of Hernando,
Fla.; eight grandchildren: Tammy Stetes, Keith Abrams, Ginger Granitzki, Kerry
Abrams, Richard and Victor Ottaviani; 17 great-grandchildren, and several
nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Joseph, two
sisters: Mary McCarty and Rita Rohe, and two brothers: Vincent and Leonard
Finan. A graveside service will be held in the St. Basil's Cemetery at the
convenience of the family.
Memorials may be directed to the Dushore Ambulance Company, Julia St., Dushore, Pa.18614
Arrangements are under the direction of the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, Dushore, Pa.
Mrs. Helen Karge,b. 9-12-1912d. 9-1-2002
3, 2002
Mrs. Helen Karge, age 89, of
Ringdale, SullivanCounty, passed away
peacefully on Sunday, Sept. 1, 2002, at home with her family.
Helen was born Sept. 12, 1912, in CherryTownship, a daughter of
the late Joseph J. and Elizabeth Harney
Farrell. Helen attended St. Basil's School in Dushore. She married Walter
Clarence Karge of Ringdale on Nov. 28, 1930. Walter predeceased her on May 13,
Helen worked for eight years for the former Weldon Manufacturing Co. of Dushore
until her husband's death. At that time she took over the management of the
family dairy farm. Helen milked, drove tractor and operated the farm until
Helen was a member of the St. Basil's Catholic Church in Dushore and a member
of its former Altar and Rosary Society, now the Catholic Women's Guild.
Surviving are two sons and a daughter-in-law, W. Douglas Karge, at home, John
R. and Cathy Karge of Ringdale, Pa.; two daughters and a son-in-law, Eunice E.
and Francis Richart of Dushore and Irene H. Karge, at home; a sister-in-law,
Kathryn Farrell of Dushore; grandchildren, Francis Richart Jr. of Dushore,
Jennifer Wettlaufer of Mildred, and Jody and Jamie Karge of Ringdale; and
several nieces and nephews.
Helen was predeceased by five brothers, John Farrell, who died in action in
World War II; Patrick P. Farrell, on Feb. 20, 1990; Edward J. Farrell, on Feb.
23, 1994; Leo P. Farrell, on April 15, 1995; and Frank J. Farrell, on Jan. 24,
Funeral services will be held on Thursday, Sept. 5, at 9:30 a.m. at the P. Dean
Homer Funeral home, 206 Water St.,
Dushore, and will be followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St.
Basil's Church, Dushore, with the Rev. Michael B. Harris, her pastor,
presiding. Interment will be in PeaceCemetery, Dushore.
Friends may call on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2002, at the P. Dean Homer Funeral
Home, 206 Water St.,
Dushore, from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. The Catholic Women's Guild will
recite the Rosary at 3 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon at the funeral home.
Memorials are directed to St. Basil's Restoration Fund, P.O. Box 307, Dushore, Pa.18614;
or the Laporte Ambulance Association, P.O.
Box 31, Laporte, Pa.18626;
or the Mildred Ambulance Association, P.O.
Box 74, Mildred, Pa.18632.
Mrs. Mary M. Oliver, b. 2-10-1917d. 1-20-1995Newspaper clipping, 1995
Mrs. Mary M. Oliver, 77, ofMonroeville died Jan. 20, 1995, at ShadysideHospital,
Pittsburgh. She
was born Feb. 10, 1917, in Pittsburgh,
a daughter of William O’Rourke and Anastasia
Farrell O’Rourke Murray.
was raised in Pittsburgh and worked as a hostess
and cashier at numerous nightclubs in the Pittsburgh
area.In 1954 she married Patsy Oliver,
a band leader and music instructor specializing in music from the “Big Band”
Oliver had numerous relatives and friends in Dushore and Wyalusing and visited
here almost every summer.
was a member of St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church in Monroeville.
are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Marianne) Mitchell of Bethel Park;
three grandchildren, Robert M. Mitchell, Kathleen Robbins, and Lorraine Bogden,
all of Pittsburgh; five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by two
brothers, WilliamO’Rourke and Edward
Mass of Christian Burial was held Jan. 23 at her church.Burial was in ShepherdHillsCemetery,
the services from Dushore were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMahon, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
McMahon and Thomas Sick
Linda Crawford is the primary author of the following history of Samuel Hunsinger and his descendants. The pictures presented here are attributed to the appropriate sources and we invite further comment, questions or suggestions. Please direct remarks to Bob Sweeney, the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page coordinator.
JOHANN GEORG HUNTZINGER born August 18, 1715 in Germany; Unknown death date
Married Maria Magdalena Schweitzer on March 9, 1736.
He arrived in Philadelphia on October 2, 1749. Eventually settling in what is now Schuylkill County, PA.
Children of Johanna George Huntzinger:
Johann Michael Huntzinger
Maria Clara Huntzinger
Georg Michael Huntzinger
Maria Dorothea Huntzinger
Johann George Huntzinger
BERNARD HUNSINGER (George Hunsinger) born 1753; died February 6, 1832
Married 1st Eva Margretha Reich She died 1818. Both are buried in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Mountain Grove, PA.
Married 2nd >Mary ______.
Children of Bernard & Eva M. Hunsinger:
Peter Hunsinger 1777-1855
Bernard Hunsinger 1779-1858
Elizabeth Hunsinger 1780-
Jacob Hunsinger 1785-1849
Catherine Hunsinger 1787-1818
John Hunsinger 1789-1863
Solomon Hunsinger 1793-1872
Mary Hunsinger 1794-1831
Powell Hunsinger 1797-1871
Christina Hunsinger
GEORGE HUNSINGER (Bernard, George Hunsinger) born July 17, 1775; died January 19, 1855 of "dropsy and old age" in Campbellville, Sullivan County, PA per his death record.
Married Anna Maria born 1773; died April 4, 1848 (death date was taken from Zion Lutheran Church Records, Dushore, PA. Age 75 years at the time of death)
Death Notice George Hunsinger (1775-1855) Son of Bernard and Eva Margretha (Reich) Hunsinger Contributed by Linda Crawford Source: Sullivan County, PA Courthouse Records
Children of George & Mary Ann Hunsinger:
Christian Hunsinger 1798-1859
Catherine Hunsinger 1799-1834
George Hunsinger 1802-1874
Jacob Hunsinger 1804-1870
SAMUEL HUNSINGER about 1809-1876
Bernard Hunsinger 1811-
Solomon Hunsinger 1812-1872
Charles Hunsinger 1814-1877
SAMUEL HUNSINGER born about 1809; died 1876
Married SARAH BROBST. She was born December 15, 1808; died May 21, 1900; buried in Peace Cemetery; Dushore, PA.
Funeral Card Sarah Brobst (1808-1900) Wife of Samuel Hunsinger Contributed by John Robert Hunsinger
Be it remembered that I Samuel Hunsinger of the township of Forks in the County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania being at present of sound and disposing mind and of good memory and understanding do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to day.
First: I will and direct that all of my just debts and funeral expenses be fully discharged and paid as soon as they concurrently can be after my decease.
Second: I do hereby give devise and bequeath all of my Estate real personal and annexed to my dear wife Sarah Hunsinger so long as she lives.
Third: After the decease of my said wife Sarah than I do give devise and bequeath my Real Estate consisting of the farm on which I now reside containing about seventy five acres and all farming utensils, wagons, sleighs, horses and cattle and live stock generally to my beloved son Levi Richard Hunsinger subject to the following bequests which he is to pay at the death of my said wife:
To my daughter Rebecca wife of John Saam the sum of five dollars: To my daughter Mary wife of Henry Bedford the sum of five dollars; To my daughter Ann wife of Levi B. Thrasher the sum of five dollars; To my son Barney the sum of five dollars; To my son Charles P. the sum of five dollars; to my daughter Sarah wife of Joseph Kester the sum of five dollars. To my son William the sum of five dollars; to my daughter Susannah wife of T. Rinebold the sum of five dollars; To my daughter Lydia wife of Manasseh Seaman five dollars; and to my daughter Catherine wife of O. Bird the sum of five dollars.
Fourth: The remainder and residue of my property including all household furniture and not disposed of as above and which may be remaining at the death of my wife is to be at the exclusive disposition and disposal of my wife as she may direct.
Fifth: I hereby appoint my friend George D. Jackson of Dushore as my executor of this my last will and testament and I declare this only to be my last will and testament written on two sides of one sheet of legal cap paper and hereby revoke all wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made in witness whereof I have here to at my hand and seal this the 7th day of October A.D. 1876
Witness Geo. Wright
Joseph Warburton
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel Hunsinger the testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us and at his request and in the presence of each other we have hereunto subscribed our names and witness thereto this 7th day of October A.D. 1876. Geo. Wright
Joseph Warburton
Sullivan County S.S. Before me C.C. Finch Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for said county personally appeared Joseph Warburton and George Wright the subtending witnesses to the foregoing will who being duly sworn doth depose and say that they were present and saw Samuel Hunsinger the Testator sign and seal and heard him declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his testament and last will, and that at the time of so doing he was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation and belief. Geo. Wright
Joseph Warburton
Sworn & sub___ before me this 11th day of November A.D. 1876
C.C. Finch Register
Geo. Wright
Joseph Warburton
And now to February 10, 1877 Letter Testamentary with copy of the will annexed, were in due form of law granted to George D. Jackson the Executor named in the last will and testament of Samuel Hunsinger late of Forks township deceased the said George D. Jackson having first been duly sworn according to law as executor. C.C. Finch Register.
March 10, 1877 Inventory filed Amount $430.50
Final account of George D. Jackson Executor examined passed and filed August 19th 1878.
September 26, 1878 Confirmed (By the court)
January 2, 1879 confirmed finally, by the Court
The Sullivan Review
May 24, 1900
Mrs. Sarah (Brobst) Hunsinger died at the residence of her son, B.P. Hunsinger, on Bahr's Hill, Monday evening, May 21, 1900, aged 91 years, and six months. She was born in Germany and came to this country when a young girl. She was married to Samuel Hunsinger, November 18, 1827, but has been a widow for a good many years. She was the mother of eleven children, all living, and there are 44 living grandchildren, and 60 great grandchildren. She has lived with her son near this place for the past seven or eight years, and until within the last four years had retained her physical and mental faculties to a remarkable degree.
The funeral was held Wednesday morning, May 23, the interment being at Peace (Germany) cemetery.
Lois Green Neuber
For any corrections, additions,
or suggestions, please email Lois Neuber. Out of
respect for the living, she has tried to eliminate their birth dates. The Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page is
grateful to Lois for this valuable contribution to the history of the Neubers and Sullivan County.
First Generation
1. UnknownNEUBERBorn in
Germany. Children:
2i.Valentin (1803-1878)
3ii.George (~1813-1880)
Second Generation
of Unknown NEUBER (1)
2. Valentin NEUBERBorn on 21 Jun 1803 in Germany. Valentin died in Dutch Hill, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA on 16 Aug 1878, he was 75. Buried in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery,
Wilmot, Bradford Co. PA. Occupation: shoemaker.
Because of the age of
their children, they must have come to America between 1834 & 1836.However I found a Valentin Neuber who
arrived at the Port of Philadelphia, PA in 1838 and a Declaration of Intent for
Naturalization Sept 8, 1838 at the Quarterly Session of the Court in
To the left of
Valentin's headstone is Christian Neuber
and Elizabeth Fulmer,
wife.To the left of Christian is
Leonard Neuber and wife,
Valentin married Anna
Martha ?Born on 1 Dec 1806 in
Germany. Anna Martha died in Dutch Hill, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on 9 Oct
1873, she was 66. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
Her headstone lays on
the ground. It reads:
Anna M., wife of
Valentine Neuber
Died: Oct 1873age 66 yrs 10 days
They had the following
5ii.Christian (1835-1916)
3. George NEUBERBornabout 1813 in Baden,
Wurtemburg, Germany. George diedaft
1880, he was 67. Occupation: farmer in Wilmot Twp.
Dorothy Hunsinger White says
the family name was originally "Neupert" and that they came from
Worms, Germany
A Johann George Neuber
arrived at the Port of Philadelphia, PA 1848.My records show that Valentine Neuber was born in PA in 1842.
1850 Wilmot Census
George Neuber
/Neiberage 38farmerBorn: Germany
Eliza Neuber/Neiberage 38Born: Germany
Eliza Neuber/Neiberage 9Born: Germany
Valentine Neuber /Neiber
age 7Born: PA
Neuber/Neiberage 3Born: PA
Neuber/Neiberage 2 mo.Born: PA
In the 1850 Census,
Schock family is listed right after Valentine & George Neuber family.They were probably neighbors.
1870 Wilmot Twp Census,
Bradford Co, PA shows: Property # 141.Census was listed as Cully & Elwell area
George Neuberage 57 farmerBorn: Germany, R E Value 1,500 Personal Value 600
Elisabeth Neuberage 58keeping houseB: Germany
1880 Census Wilmot Twp:
George Neuber, age 68,
husbandarmer, born Germany, parents born Germany
Elizabeth Neuber, age
68, wife, housekeeper, born Germany, parents born Germany
George married Elisa
?Bornabout 1812 in Baden, Wurtemburg, Germany. Elisa diedaft 1880, she was 68.
They had the following
8ii.Valentine (1842-1914)
Third Generation
of Valentin NEUBER (2) & Anna Martha ?
Christianne/Christeanna NEUBERBorn on 12 Sep
1833 in Hesse-Kassell, Germany. Christianne/Christeanna died in Pleasanton Twp,
Manistee, MI on 25 Jul 1918, she was 84.
Census records say she
was born in PA
1920 Census Record of
her son Renaldo Norconk says his mother was born in Germany and spoke German
On 11 Feb 1851 when
Christianne/Christeanna was 17, she married Samuel NORCONK, M, son of William
NORCONK (about 1802-28 Nov 1883) & Henrietta MORRISON(Sep 1811-23 Aug 1904), in Danville, PA.
Born on 16 Dec 1829 in Danville, PA. Samuel died in Pleasanton Twp, Manistee,
MI on 6 Feb 1913, he was 83. Occupation: Lumberman.
According to the Norconk
Family History, a Samuel Norconk married Christianne Neuber.1870 Census they were listed in Wilmot Twp.
Samuel was the son of
William and Henrietta Norconk
1860 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford Co, PA:
Samuel Norconk, age 30,
born PA, Lumberman
Christianne Norconk, age
26, born PA
_ ralipta Norconk,age 7, born PAemale
Chester Norconk, age 5,
born PA
Alonzo Norconk, age 3,
born PA
Renaldo Norconk, age 1,
born PA
John Boyle, age 32arm
They had the following
12ii.Alonzo (1855-)
13iii.Chester Arthur (1856->1892)
14iv.Renaldo (1857-)
15v.William (1862-1930)
17vii.Harry W. (Twin) (1867-)
18viii.Harvey (Twin) (1867-)
19ix.John George (1870-)
20x.Charles Leonard (~1873-)
21xi.Bertha Caroline(~1875-1952)
22xii.Anna Blanche
5. Christian NEUBERBorn in Sep 1835 in PA.1 Christian died in Nov 1916, he was 81. Buried in St. John Lutheran
Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA. Occupation: farmer.
1870 Census Wilmot
Twp:Property # 140
Christian NeuberAge 34Born: PAarmer, R E Value 1,000Personal 400
Elisabeth NeuberAge 28Born: PAKeeping House
Elisabeth A. NeuberAge 2Born: PA, at home
1880 Census Wilmot Twp:
Christian NeuberAge 43armer, Born PA:Parents born Germany
Elizabeth Neuber, Age
39, Housewife, Born PAParents born PA
Elizabeth A. Neuber, age
12, daughter, born PA
Lenord Neuber, age 9,
son, born PA
Kattie Neuber, age 7,
daughter, born PA
Anansatha Neuber, age 5,
daughter, born PA
Christian Neuber, Jr.
age 3, son, born PA
1900 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA:
Christian Neuber, age
64, born Sept 1835 PA, married 40 yrs.
Elizabeth Neuber, age
59, born Oct 1840 PA
Christian Neuber, Jr,
age 22, born May 1878 PA
Addie Neuber, 18, born
Sept 1881 PA
1910 Census, Bradford
Co, PA:
Christian Neuber, age
73, Head of Household, born PA
Lizzie Neuber, age 70,
born PA
Christian Neuber
Obituary was listed in The Sullivan Review on Nov 22, 1916
1900 Directory, Wilmot
Christian Neuber, route
46 1/2armer 50
about 1860 when Christian was 24, he married
Elizabeth FULMER, in PA.1 Born in
Oct 1840 in PA.1 Elizabeth died in 1914, she was 73.
Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
They had the following
23i.Elizabeth A.(1868-)
24ii.Leonard (1871-1926)
27v.Christian (1878-)
6. Dorothea NEUBERBorn in Nov 1845 in PA. Dorothea died on 12 Aug 1860, she was 14. Buried
in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA.
Her headstone is to the
right of Anna M. Neuber.
Nov. 1845
daughter of Valentin
NeupertAug 12, 1860
of George NEUBER (3) & Elisa ?
7. Elisa NEUBERBornabout 1841 in Baden,
Wurtemburg, Germany.
8. Valentine NEUBERBorn in Dec 1842 in PA. Valentine died in Wilmot, Bradford, PA on 23 Jun
1914, he was 71. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
Occupation: farmer.
In a letter received
from Clara Neuber Sayman, she tells me that her father, Daniel Valentine Neuber
had 4 brothers and 2 sisters but does not recall their names.
1870 Census Wilmot
Twp:Property # 142
Valentine Neuber,
Jr.Age 28Born: PAwork on farm,
Personal400 (prob. worked on his
father's farm)
Amanda NeuberAge 24Born: PAkeeping house
John NeuberAge2Born: PA
Hannah NeuberAge2Born:PA
EmilyHouseAge 22Domestic Servant
An article that appeared
in the Sullivan Review August 1894 - Valentine Neuber of
Cummiskey, raised 40
bushels of buckwheat on the Lackawanna Railroad.Aunt Betty Horton says Valentine and Amanda lived on the
farmin Wilmot (known as Cummiskey )
before Jacob and Belvia moved there
Listed in 1900
Directory, Wilmot Twp:
Valentine Neuber,
Cummiskey, route 46 1/2armer 60
1900 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA:
Valentine Neuber, 56,
born Dec 1843, born PA, parents born Germanyarmer, married 34 years, 7
children born, 7 children still living
?Neuber (Amanda), 54, born Dec
1845, born PA, parents born PA
Nelson Neuber, 28, born
Oct 1871 PAarm laborer
Jefferson Neuber, 14,
born Aug 1882 PAarm laborer
1910 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA:
Valentine Neuber, 67,
born PA
Amanda Neuber, 63, born
Daniel Neuber, 32, born
In Jul 1867 when
Valentine was 24, he married Amanda HUNSINGER, daughter of Powell
"Paul" HUNSINGER (31 Aug 1823-1873) & Lydia DRESHER/THRASHER(1823-1894), in probably Wilmot, Bradford,
PA. Born in Dec 1843 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Amanda died in Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA on 3 Mar 1916, she was 72. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery,
Wilmot , Bradford , PA. Occupation: homemaker. Religion: Lutheran Church, Wilmot,
Confirmed June 18, 1864
in Evangelical Lutheran Church Wilmot, Bradford Co. PA by Rev. Carl Erle.
(Certificate in the possession of Betty Neuber Horton2
Her obituary that
appeared in The Sullivan Review March 8, 1916 states: She was a pleasant and kind-hearted
Christian woman and had a large circle of friends, who will regret to learn of
her death.The funeral service was held
at 10:00 A.M. at the Lutheran Church, Wilmot, PA Rev. Fehr officiating.
They had the following
29i.John George (1867-1930)
30ii.Hannah Elizabeth(1869-1946)
31iii.Harvey Nelson (1871-1919)
33v.Jacob (1875-1938)
34vi.Daniel Valentine (1876-1949)
35vii.Jefferson (1882-)
9. Christianna NEUBERBorn in 1847 in PA. Christianna died in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on 22
Sep 1903, she was 56. Buried in Cummiskey Cemetery, Wilmot, Bradford, PA.
Listed as Christimore on
the cemetery records
Christianna married John
F. SAXE, M, son of John SAXE (31 Jan 1811-7 Aug 1882) & Lucretia
LAUPHFRUM(23 Jan 1814-16 Nov 1877).
Born in 1835 in Philadelphia, PA. John F. died in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on
23 Mar 1923, he was 88. Buried in Cummiskey Cemetery, Wilmot, Bradford, PA.
Occupation: farmer.
1880 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA:
John Sax, Jr. age 44,
farmer, born PA, parents born Germany
Christian Sax, age 33,
wife, born PA, keeping house, parents born Germany
Francis Sax, age 14,
born PA, son
Edward Sax, age 5, born
PA, son
Blanch Sax, age 2, born
PA, dau
Mary Fulmer, age 49,
They had the following
36i.Francis (~1866-)
37ii.Edward A. (1875-1933)
39iv.Myron T. (~1883-)
10. Catherine NEUBERBorn on 12 Nov 1849 in Colley Twp, Sullivan, PA.3 Catherine died on 10 Nov 1938, she was 88.3 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp,
Bradford, PA.3,4
On 3 Mar 1866 when
Catherine was 16, she married John Jacob MESSERSMITH, M, son of John Thomas
MESSERSMITH (8 Mar 1818-6 Feb 1890) & Katherine HOFFA(6 Oct 1824-1 Jan 1895). Born on 29 Sep 1846
in Cherry Twp, Sullivan, PA. John Jacob died on 24 Jan 1930, he was 83.3 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp,
Bradford, PA.3,4 Occupation: Ferryman; Lumber
Business; Banker. Religion: Lutheran Church in Scranton, PA.
1880 Census Terry
Twp:They were living in Terry Twp and
Jefferson Messersmith, age 29 was living with them.
In 1874-1883 Jacob
worked as a ferryman for MH Welles & GH Welles; then moved to Dushore to
work for Barth & Kester Planing Mill; then moved to Scranton to work for
the Lackawanna Trust Company.He was
also a farmer in Wyalusing area and did carpentry work on the side.In 1898 he was an Inspector of Elections for
the Boro of Dushore and a Councilman. 3
They had the following
40i.Harriet"Hattie" Marian(1872-1958)
41ii.Mary Catherine(1877-1879)
42iii.George Howard (1880-1949)
43iv.Charles Jefferson (1883-1969)
Fourth Generation
of Christianne/Christeanna NEUBER (4) & Samuel NORCONK
11. Melissa NORCONKBorn in Jul 1852 in Danville, PA. Melissa died in PA on 5 Oct 1863, she
was 11. Buried in Norconk Cemetery, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
12. Alonzo NORCONKBorn in 1855 in Danville, PA.5
1910 Census, Empire Twp,
Leelanau, MI, :
Alonzo Norconk, 58,
widowed, head of family, born PAoreman in lumber mill
Lillian Norconk, 18,
daughter, born Michigan
Tillie Norconk, 17,
daughter, born Michigan
Georgia Norconk, 15,
daughter, born Michigan
Blanche Norconk,13, daughter, born Michigan
Alonzo Norconk, 9, son,
born Michigan
Gladys Norconk, 7,
daughter, born Michigan
1920 Census, Leelanau
Twp, Empire Co, Michigan:
Alonzo Norconk, 62,
widowed, born PAather born PA, mother born Germany
Blanche Norconk, 22,
daughter, born MIather born PA, mother born Illinois
Alonzo Norconk, 19, son,
born MI, laborer - farm at homes
Gladys Norconk, 16,
daughter, born MI
& 1930
Alonzo married ? ?Born in Illinois. ? diedaft 1903 in MI.
They had the following
48v.Alonzo (~1901-)
13. Chester Arthur
NORCONKBorn in Sep 1856 in Danville, PA.5 Chester Arthur diedaft 1892, he was 35. Occupation: Doctor.
In 1890 when Chester
Arthur was 33, he married Mariah Genevieve "Jennie" ANDERSON,
daughter of Simeon ANDERSON (6 Feb 1831-abt 1877) & Salome KINNEY(7 Jul 1833-), in Bear Lake, Michigan.5 Born on 26 Jun 1861 in Oxford Co, Ontario, Canada.5 Mariah Genevieve "Jennie" diedaft 1930, she was 68.
They had one child:
50i.Ward Herman (1892-1951)
14. Renaldo NORCONKBorn in May 1857 in Bradford Co, PA.5
1920 Census, Pleasanton,
Manistee Co, MI
Renaldo Norconk, age 60,
born PAarmer
Sarah Norconk, age 51,
wife, born Canada
Milford R. Norconk, age
19, son, born Michigan, laborer on farm
In 1886 when Renaldo was
28, he married Sarah McKINSTRY, daughter of James McKINSTRY (1839-) &
Margaret ?(1839-), in Pleasanton Twp,
Manistee, MI.6,5 Born in Jan 1868 in Ontario,
They had the following
51i.Chester Arthur (1887-1978)
52ii.Prentiss E. (1893-)
53iii.Milford R (1900-1990)
15. Dr. William
NORCONK D.D.S.Born on 6 Jul 1862 in Bradford Co, PA.5 William died on 22 Jun 1930, he was 67. Occupation:
On 4 Mar 1894 when
William was 31, he married Lizzie J. INGERSOLL, in Pleasanton Twp, Manistee,
MI.7 Bornabout 1871 in Southfield, Oakland, MI.7,8
Dau of Ezra Lewis
Ingersoll & Ann Eliza Claxton
16. GillisaBell NORCONKBorn in 1865 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
1930 Census, Bear Lake
Village, Bear Lake Township, Manistee Co, MI:
Tillissa B. Green, age
64, widow, married at age 21, Head of Family
Bertha C. Norconk, age
54, single, sister
On 8 Sep 1885 when
Gillisa Bell was 20, she married Stillman Henry GREEN, M, in Manistee Co, MI.
Born on 6 Sep 1851 in Hadley, Lapeer, MI.7
They lived in Michigan
Stillman was the son of
Nathan Green & Martha Cranston
Stillman was listed as
one of the Executive Board for the first fair held in Bear Lake, Manistee Co,
17. Harry W. NORCONKBorn in 1867 in PA.
1920 Census, Platte Twp,
Benzie Co, MI:
Harry W. Norconk, 52,
born PAarmer, home farm
Agnes I. Norconk, 45,
born Mi
Harvey M. Norconk, 17,
born MIarm laborer
Harold L. Norconk, 14,
born MI
Eldon C. Norconk, 10,
born MI
Thomas C. Taylor, 83,
widowedather in law, born Scotland, parents born Scotland
Harry W. married Agnes
I. TAYLOR, daughter of Thomas C. TAYLOR (about 1837-). Bornabout 1875 in MI.9
They had the following
54i.Harvey M. (~1903-)
55ii.Harold L. (~1906-)
56iii.Eldon C. (1909-1995)
18. Harvey NORCONKBorn in 1867 in PA.
1920 Census, living in
Empire Twp, Leelanau Co, MI
Harvey married Frances
?Bornabout 1878 in MI.9
19. John George
NORCONKBorn in 1870 in PA.
1920 Census, Empire Twp,
Leelanau Co, MI:
John Norconk, 50, born
Anne Norconk, 39, born
Fern Norconk, 14, born
Tracy Norconk, 9, born
MI (son)
John George married
Annie M. GILLESPIEBornabout 1881 in MI.9
They had the following
58ii.Tracy (~1911-)
20. Charles Leonard
NORCONKBornabout 1873 in PA.6
Occupation: Dentist-Bear Lake, Michigan.
1930 Census, Pleasanton
Twp, Manistee Co, MI:
Charles L. Norconk, age
56, born PA, single
21. Bertha Caroline
NORCONKBornabout 1875 in PA.6 Bertha
Caroline died in 1952, she was 77.5
1920 Census she was
living with brother, Charles Leonard Norconk
22. Anna Blanche
of Christian NEUBER (5) & Elizabeth FULMER
23. Elizabeth A.
NEUBERBorn in 1868 in PA.
24. Leonard NEUBERBorn in 1871 in PA. Leonard died on 26 Nov 1926, he was 55. Buried in
St. John's Cemetery, Wilmot, Bradford Co. PA.
1910 Census, Berwick,
Columbia Co, PA-Leonard Neuber, boarder, at Louis McDowell residence
1920 Census , Wilmot Twp
- Leonard and Sophia are listed right before Jacob Neuber family
On 29 Jul 1908 when
Leonard was 37, he married Sophia KAUFMANN, daughter of Ludwig Fredrick
KAUFMANN (20 Jul 1835-20 Feb 1912) & Catherine Barbara SCHOCK(1842-1920). Born on 18 JUN 1868/1869 in
Wilmot. Sophia died in 1944, she was 75. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery,
Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
They had the following
60ii.Harry Leo (1898-1988)
25. Kattie NEUBERBornabout 1873 in PA.
26. Anansatha NEUBERBornabout 1875 in PA.
27. Christian NEUBER
Jr.Born in May 1878 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
I found a Christian
Neuber, age 33, born PA, parents born U S, as an inmate in South Heidelberg
Twp, Berks Co, PA
28. Addie NEUBERBorn in Sep 1881 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.1
of Valentine NEUBER (8) & Amanda HUNSINGER
29. John George
NEUBERBorn in Mar 1867 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA.1 John George died in 1930, he was
62. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA.
Occupation: farmer.
Lived in New Era area,
Terry Twp
1900 Census, Terry Twp,
Bradford Co, PA:
Dan G. Neuber, 33, born
March 1867 PA, married 6 years
Isabell Neuber, 26, born
March 1874 PA, married 6 years, 3 children born, 2 living
George J Neuber, 4, son,
,bornOct 1895 PA
Lena I Neuber, 1,
daughter, born April 1899 PA
Rose S. Schock, 12,
sister in law, born Aug 1884 PA
1930 Census, Terry Twp,
Donald C. Neuber, nephew of John George Neuber, was
living with him
In 1894 when John George
was 26, he married Isabella SCHOCK, daughter of John SCHOCK (23 Mar 1837-1
Feb 1912) & Rozena Sevilla EBERLIN(23 Aug 1846-10 Jul 1910).6 Born in Mar 1874 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.1 Isabella died in Jan 1933, she was 58. Buried in St.
John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
They had the following
61i.George J. (1895-1918)
62ii.Charles Daniel (1897-1898)
63iii.Lena Isabelle(1899-1975)
64iv.John H. (1901-1946)
65v.Ruth M.(1903-1987)
66vi.Dora R(1906-1921)
67vii.Lucy Arlene(1909-1998)
30. Hannah Elizabeth
NEUBER10Born in 1869 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Hannah Elizabeth died on 14
May 1946, she was 77.10 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery,
Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.
about 1892 when Hannah Elizabeth was 23, she
married Harry Benjamin LEMONS, M, son of Charles E. LEMONS (1847-1931) &
Anna Deborah WANDELL(1848-1924). Born
on 25 Jul 1869 in Hollenback , Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Harry Benjamin died in
Hollenback,Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on
4 Apr 1948, he was 78.10 Buried
in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Farmer.
Lived in
Hollenback.Also lived where Dale
Salsman lives near county line on Rt. 187.Member of the Lutheran Church of Wilmot; Masonic Lodge of Wyalusing.
Funeral Services were
held at Tiffany Funeral Home, Wyalusing. Rev. John D. Keener of Dushore
officiated.The Masonic Lodge conducted
a service at the gravesite.There is a
Masonic Emblem on the headstone.
They had the following
68i.Charles Valentine (1893-1918)
69ii.Rodney Clyde (1894-1965)
70iii.Guy Francis (1896-1962)
71iv.Ralph B. (1902-1989)
31. Harvey Nelson
NEUBERBorn on 21 Oct 1871 in PA. Harvey Nelson
died in Athens, Bradford, PA on 8 Mar 1919, he was 47.11 Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery,
Athens, Bradford, PA.
1900 Census Wilmot Twp.
1910 Census - I cannot
find Harvey or Hulda listed.They must
have married about 1905 but I do not know where they were living.
At the time of his
mother's death, he was living in Pulaski, N Y
about 1905 when Harvey Nelson was 33, he
married Hulda Mary BOWMAN, daughter of Elbert A. BOWMAN (25 Apr 1848-) &
Mary Diana BARBER(6 May 1852-). Born
on 2 Nov 1882 in Michigan. Hulda Mary died in East Smithfield, Bradford, PA on
24 Sep 1921, she was 38.11 Buried
in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
Headstone says Hulda Mae
1900 Census, Colley Twp,
Sullivan Co, PA says she was Hilda M. Bowman, born PA
1920 Census, Smithfield
Twp, Bradford Co, PA:
Hulda M. Neuber, age 37,
housekeeper, widowed, born Michigan
Cecil Neuber, age 10,
son, born NY
Lila D. Neuber, age 2 ?
months, daughter, born PA
1920 Census, Orwell Twp,
Bradford Co, PA:
These children were
listed as living in a Children's Home run by Mrs. Montague Browning in Orwell
Leon Neuber, age 10,
born PA, inmate
Hazel Neuber, age 12,
born PA, inmate
Alton Neuber, age 8,
born PA, inmate
Donald Neuber , age 4,
born PA, inmate
They had the following
72i.Hazel Hannah(1906-1968)
73ii.Leon Alfred (1907-1977)
74iii.Cecil Elbert (1909-1975)
75iv.Alton Jefferson (1911-1973)
76v.Donald Chester (1915-1983)
77vi.Dorothy Lila(1917-1988)
32. Emma NEUBERBorn on 7 Mar 1873. Emma died on 9 Dec 1909, she was 36. Buried in
Elwell Cemetery, Wilmot Twp, Brad, PA.
Died of a heart attack
leaving 7 day old twins, John & Pearl
On 11 Apr 1892 when Emma
was 19, she married William Henry VOSE, M, son of Thomas VOSE (20 Apr 1834-14
Jul 1917) & Anna ?(about 1843-).
Born on 22 Jan 1872. William Henry died in Nichols, Tioga, N Y on 16 Jan 1957,
he was 84.10 Buried in Elwell Cemetery, Wilmot
Twp, Brad, PA. Occupation: farmer.
They had the following
78i.Gertrude Amanda(1895-1959)
79ii.Blanche Audel(1896-1984)
80iii.Mame Elsie(1898-1990)
81iv.HowardFrancis (1902-1984)
82v.Eva Grace(1905-1992)
83vi.Viola Virginia(1907-1907)
84vii.Pearl Winifred (Twin)(1909-1988)
85viii.John Floyd (Twin) (1909-1957)
33. Jacob NEUBERBorn on 6 Feb 1875 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Christened on 10 Apr
1875 in Dushore, Sullivan, PA. Jacob died in Wilmot, Bradford, PA on 23 Dec
1938, he was 63.10 Buried on 26 Dec 1938 in Colley
Cemetery, ColleyTwp, Sullivan, PA.
Occupation: farmer. Religion: Lutheran.
Aunt Betty Horton tells
me that Jacob and Belvia were
probably married at St.
John's Lutheran Church because
they both went
there.Jacob sang in the church choir.
Jacob was a farmer in
Wilmot area of Wilmot Township.At one
time his parents
lived in a small house
on the lower side of the road past John Huffman going toward
Dutch Hill.When Jacob and Belvia were married they
lived on Neuber Road, Wilmot Twp.The
house is gone now but the barn still stands.
1900 Census Colley Twp,
Lopez District:
Jacob Neuber, age 25,
boarder, single, Born PA, listed as Hostler living with James P. McGee family.James McGee was listed as a hotel keeper
Jacob first married
Olive "Berniece" LEMONS, daughter of Charles E. LEMONS (1847-1931)
& Anna Deborah WANDELL(1848-1924).
Born in Oct 1882 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Olive "Berniece" died
in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on 25 Mar 1904, she was 21. Buried in 1904 in
Elwell Cemetery, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
Obituary listed in
Sullivan Review on March 31, 1904.
They had one child:
86i.Debbie Berniece(1904-1904)
On 26 Dec 1907 when
Jacob was 32, he second married Belvia Mae HUNSINGER, daughter of Reuben
HUNSINGER (4 Jan 1861-24 Aug 1926) & Rosena SAXER(3 Apr 1863-25 Dec 1938), in Dushore, Sullivan, PA. Born on 20
Dec 1890 in Colley, Sullivan, PA. At the age of 2, Belvia Mae was baptized on 2
Jul 1893. Belvia Mae died in Troy Community Hospital, Troy, Bradford, PA on 30
Oct 1974, she was 83.10 Buried on 2 Nov 1974 in Colley
Cemetery, Colley Twp, Sullivan Co, PA. Occupation: housewife. Religion:
Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran Church, Towanda, PA.
Her name was spelled
Belva Mae in the Family Bible.
Belvia was a homemaker
and in her later years moved off the farm to Athens, where she worked at Robert
Packer Hospital .Heryoungest daughter, Betty Jean, lived with
her in Athens until she married and thenBelvia moved in with Dana and Betty Horton on the farm at Ghent Hill
(near Ulster).She died at the Bradford
County Manor, Burlington, PA
They had the following
87i.Reuben Jacob (1908-1997)
88ii.Lewis Frederick (1910-1989)
89iii.Genevieve Gladys(1912-1992)
90iv.Pauline Rosena
91v.Betty Jean
34. Daniel Valentine
NEUBERBorn on 30 Sep 1876 in PA. Daniel Valentine
died in PA on 21 Apr 1949, he was 72.10 Buried in Colley Cemetery, Colley Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.
Lived in Colley,
Sullivan Co, PA
1930 Census, Colley Twp,
Sullivan Co, PA:
Daniel Neuber, age 53,
born PA, Real Estate 600, age at first marriage 33
Edna Neuber, age 41,
born PA, age at first marriage 23
Clara Neuber, age 17,
Before 1912 when Daniel Valentine was 35, he
married Edna Victoria LANDBACK, daughter of George Samuel LANDBACK (6 Jan
1865-13 Mar 1925) & Euphia "Sophia" SHOEMAKER(8 Jun 1855-22 Aug 1899). Born on 2 Jul
1888. Edna Victoria died in Sullivan Co, PA in 1960, she was 71. Buried in
Colley Cemetery, Colley Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.
They had one child:
92i.Clara Sophia
35. Jefferson NEUBERBorn in Aug 1882 in PA.1 Buried in Lime Ridge Methodist Cemetery, S. Centre Twp, Columbia Co,
PA.12 Occupation: Tool Maker-Car Factory.
Lived in Berwick, PA and
raised Dorothy Neuber, daughter of Jeff's brother, Harvey Nelson Neuber.
Neuber Family Reunion
Records list an address for 409 East 4th Street, Berwick, PA 18603
1900 Census Wilmot Twp.
1930 Census, Berwick
Boro, Columbia Co, PA:
Jefferson Neuber, age
47, born PA, lived West Second Street, Tool Maker at Car Factory
Annie E. Neuber, age 44,
born PA
Dorothy L. Neuber,
niece, age 12
about 1912 when Jefferson was 29, he married
Anna E. LYNN6 Born on 18 Apr 1885 in PA. Anna E.
died in Boynton Beach, Palm BeachL in Mar 1981, she was 95. Buried in Lime
Ridge Methodist Cemetery, S. Centre Twp, Columbia Co, PA.12
They had no children.
of Christianna NEUBER (9) & John F. SAXE
36. Francis SAXEBornabout 1866 in Wilmot,
Bradford, PA.
37. Edward A. SAXEBorn in 1875 in Wilmot, Bradford, PA. Edward A. died in 1933, he was 58.
Buried in SS Peter & Paul Parish Cemetery, N Towanda, Bradford, PA.
Occupation: School Teacher (1900 Wilmot Directory).
Listed in 1910 Census,
Towanda, Bradford Co, PA- Grace F. Saxe born about 1906
is listed as daughter
Listed in 1920 Census,
Terry Twp, Bradford Co, PA.Grace is
not listed but a daughter, Alene S. age 13 is listed.
about 1903 when Edward A. was 28, he married
Myrtle B. ?, in PA.6 Born in
1881 in PA.13 Myrtle B. died in 1964, she was 83.
Buried in SS Peter & Paul Parish Cemetery, N Towanda, Bradford, PA.
They had one child:
38. Blanche SAXEBornabout 1880 in Wilmot,
Bradford, PA.
39. Myron T. SAXEBornabout 1883 in PA.13
1910 Census shows Myron
and wife, Marie living with his father, John
1920 Census listed in
Sayre, Bradford Co, PA
On 14 Apr 1910 when
Myron T. was 27, he married Marie HOGANBornabout 1882 in PA.13
They had the following
94i.Raymond Gerard (1910-1941)
95ii.Donald Edward (1913-1993)
97iv.John E. (1919-1995)
of Catherine NEUBER (10) & John Jacob MESSERSMITH
40. Harriet"Hattie" Marian MESSERSMITHBorn on 5 Apr 1872 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Harriet"Hattie" Marian died in Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA on 26 Dec 1958, she was 86.14,3 Buried on 29 Dec 1958 in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA.
On 29 Apr 1891 when
Harriet"Hattie" Marian was
19, she married Charles Gilbert OLIVER, M, son of Albert Porter OLIVER (about
1837-) & Sarah Ann CRANDALL(about
1841-), in Dutch Hill, Sullivan, PA. Born on 29 Jun 1865 in Grant Hill in
Hollenback, Wilmot Twp, Bradford , PA. Charles Gilbert died in Waverly, Tioga,
N Y on 12 Jun 1934, he was 68.14 Buried on 15 Jun 1934 in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.
Occupation: Farmer.
They had the following children:
98i.Arthur Clayton (1892-1962)
99ii.Claude Clifford (1895-1967)
100iii.Bertha May(1897-1983)
101iv.Boyd Charles (1904-1983)
41. Mary Catherine
MESSERSMITHBorn on 8 Aug 1877 in Colley Twp, Sullivan,
PA.3 Mary Catherine died on 2 Oct 1879,
she was 2. Buried in Thrasher Cemetery, Cherry Twp, Sullivan, PA.3
42. George Howard
MESSERSMITHBorn on 8 Apr 1880 in Terry Twp, Bradford
Co. PA. George Howard died on 5 Mar 1949, he was 68.10 Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Bahr
Hill, Dushore, Sullivan, PA. Occupation: Clerk.
On 4 Sep 1907 when
George Howard was 27, he married Adda "Addie" Mae HONNETTER,
daughter of George HONNETTER & Vilina REESER(9 Feb 1851-1 Sep 1910).3 Born in 1870 in Conyngham, Luzerne, PA. Adda "Addie" Mae died
in Dushore, Sullivan, PA on 12 Feb 1943, she was 73.3 Buried in Bahr Hill Cemetery, Sullivan, PA.
Daughter of George H.
Honnetter & Valinda Reeser.They
came to Dushore when Addie was 3 years old.
43. Charles Jefferson
MESSERSMITHBorn on 16 Feb 1883 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Charles Jefferson died in Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton, Lackawanna, PA
on 13 Dec 1969, he was 86.3 Buried
in Abington Hills Cemetery, Clarks Summit, Lackawanna, PA.3 Occupation: Salesman.
Worked for Adai Motors
andGetman & Muller Refrigeration3
On 18 Jun 1912 when
Charles Jefferson was 29, he married Esther HARRON3 Born on 14 Jul 1889 in Scranton, Lackawanna, PA.3 Esther died in Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton,
Lackawanna, PA on 27 Sep 1959, she was 70.3 Buried in Abington Hills Cemetery, Clarks Summit,
Lackawanna, PA.3
They had one child:
102i.Mildred Anne
Fifth Generation
of Alonzo NORCONK (12) & ? ?
44. Lillian NORCONKBornabout 1892 in MI.13
45. Tillie NORCONKBornabout 1893 in MI.13
46. Georgia NORCONKBornabout 1895 in MI.13
47. Blanche NORCONKBornabout 1897 in MI.8 Occupation: School Teacher.
48. Alonzo NORCONKBornabout 1901 in MI.13
49. Gladys NORCONKBornabout 1903 in MI.13
of Chester Arthur NORCONK (13) & Mariah Genevieve "Jennie"
50. Ward Herman
NORCONKBorn on 7 Jan 1892 in Bear Lake Twp,
Manistee, MI.5 Ward Herman died in Bear Lake Twp,
Manistee, MI in 1951, he was 58.5 Occupation: Physician-General Practice.
Lived at Bear Lake Twp,
Manistee Co, MI in 1930 Census.Listed
as single
Ward Herman married Amy
WETHERBYBorn on 3 Jun 1889. Amy died
in Michigan on 7 Sep 1988, she was 99.15
She lived at Detroit,
Michigan when she died.
of Renaldo NORCONK (14) & Sarah McKINSTRY
51. Chester Arthur
NORCONKBorn on 2 Sep 1887 in Pleasanton Twp,
Manistee, MI.5 Chester Arthur died in Pleasanton
Twp, Manistee, MI on 22 Aug 1978, he was 90.5,16
Soc Sec No. 371-36-0129
In 1919 when Chester
Arthur was 31, he married Helen Isabel ALLEN, daughter of James M. ALLEN (4
Sep 1836-) & Henrietta HARRISON, in Pleasanton Twp, Manistee, MI.5 Bornabout
1895 in Pleasanton Twp, Manistee, MI.5 Helen Isabel died in 1970, she was 75.5
They had the following
103i.Tillissa G.
104ii.Doris D.
52. Prentiss E.
NORCONKBorn in Mar 1893 in Pleasanton Twp,
Manistee, MI.17
53. Milford R NORCONKBorn on 22 Feb 1900 in Michigan. Milford R died in Manistee, Manistee,
MI on 2 Mar 1990, he was 90.15
In 1930 when Milford R
was 29, he married Myrtle L. ?, in MI. Born on 20 Sep 1901 in MI. Myrtle L.
died in Manistee, Manistee, MI on 16 Mar 1977, she was 75.15
of Harry W. NORCONK (17) & Agnes I. TAYLOR
54. Harvey M. NORCONKBornabout 1903 in MI.9
55. Harold L. NORCONKBornabout 1906 in MI.9
56. Eldon C. NORCONKBorn on 13 Apr 1909 in MI.9 Eldon C. died in Platte, Benzie Co, MI on 9 Nov 1995, he was 86.18
of John George NORCONK (19) & Annie M. GILLESPIE
57. Fern NORCONKBornabout 1906 in MI.9
58. Tracy NORCONKBornabout 1911 in MI.9
of Leonard NEUBER (24) & Sophia KAUFMANN
59. Florence HOBANBorn in 1894. Florence died in Cancer on 23 Jul 1951, she was 57. Buried
in White Marsh Cemetery, Limekiln Pike, Prospectville, PA. Occupation: school
teacher, Philadelphia, PA.
On 3 Jul 1931 when
Florence was 37, she married Edward HOCKMAN
60. Harry Leo FROSTBorn on 11 Aug 1898 in Scranton, Lackawanna, PA. Harry Leo died on 17
Aug 1988, he was 90. Buried in Vestal Hills Cemetery, Vestal, Broome, N Y.
1930 Census, Dushore,
Sullivan Co, PA:
Harry L Frost, 31, born
PA, married at age 26
Lenora M Frost, 29, born
PA, married at age 24
Dorothy M. Frost,
daughter, 4 yrs 8 mo.
Leonard D. Frost, son ,
2 yrs. ? mo.
Wane H. Frost (Wayne),
less than 1 year
Sophia Neuber, 60,
widowed, mother
Harry Leo married Lenora
M. Norconk, daughter of John W. and Emma J. (Gibbs) Norconk. She was born on 19 Sep 1900 in PA and died in Vestal, Broome, NY on 8 Jan 1997, she was 96.16
They had the following
105i.Dorothy M.
106ii.Leonard D. (1927-1996)
107aiii.Wayne H.
107biv.Boyd, born July 04, 1931
107cv.Florence, born January 29, 1935; married Glen Ellis, son of Glen Griff Ellis and Edna Alice Moore and grandson of
Charles Grant Ellis and Arminta Marbaker [see The Marbaker Family Bible Page for more on this family.]
of John George NEUBER (29) & Isabella SCHOCK
61. George J. NEUBERBorn on 16 Oct 1895. George J. died in France on 17 Jun 1918, he was 22.
Buried in American Military Cemeteryrance.
George was gassed in
France during WW I.Private,
Company G314 Infantry, 79th Division, Army
62. Charles Daniel
NEUBERBorn on 12 Oct 1897 in New Era, Bradford Co.
PA. Charles Daniel died on 1 Jan 1898 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Buried on 4
Jan 1898 in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
63. Lena Isabelle
NEUBERBorn on 29 Apr 1899 in Terrytown, Bradford
Co. PA. Lena Isabelle died in Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co. PA in Apr 1975, she was
75. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
Never Married
64. John H. NEUBERBorn on 16 May 1901 in PA. John H. died on 18 Feb 1946, he was 44.10 Buried in Thrasher Cemetery,
Sullivan Co, PA.
In 1922 when John H. was
20, he married Addie LAMBERSON, daughter of Ransom R. LAMBERSON (Aug 1858-14
Apr 1927) & Amanda STEINER(7 Dec
1873-16 Jul 1947). Born on 17 Jan 1899 in PA. Addie died in Dushore, Sullivan ,
PA on 13 Jul 1993, she was 94. Buried in Thrasher Cemetery, Sullivan Co, PA.
They had the following
108i.Ruth Doris(1923-1992)
109ii.Dorothy M.(1925-1992)
110iii.Leo G. (1927-2004)
112v.James A. (1933-1992)
65. Ruth M. NEUBERBorn on 6 Jun 1903. Ruth M. died in Jun 1987, she was 83.10 Buried in St. John Lutheran
Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
Ruth M. married Rufus
Fay FENTON, M, son of Louis FENTON (Jun 1876-1941) & Anna BAKER(Feb 1876-1941). Born on 15 Aug 1902. Rufus
Fay died in Apr 1980, he was 77. Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot ,
Bradford , PA.
Found a Miss Anna Bella
Fenton who died May 15, 1945 - who is this ?10
They had the following
115iii.Arthur, M
117v.Donald John, M
119vii.Tracy (1938-2004)
120viii.Lyle R., M
121ix.Lula Belle
66. Dora R NEUBERBorn on 18 Mar 1906. Dora R died on 4 Feb 1921, she was 14. Buried in
St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
67. Lucy Arlene
NEUBERBorn on 12 Jun 1909. Lucy Arlene died in
Memorial Hosp, Towanda, Bradford, PA on 6 Jan 1998, she was 88. Buried in St.
John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford , PA.
Lucy Arlene married
Harry Jacob GANGLOFFBorn in 1903.
Harry Jacob died on 27 Apr 1946, he was 43.10 Buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Wilmot , Bradford ,
of Hannah Elizabeth NEUBER (30) & Harry Benjamin LEMONS
68. Charles Valentine
LEMONSBorn in 1893 in PA. Charles Valentine died
in Germany on 11 Dec 1918, he was 25. Buried in Philadelphia NationalCemetery, Drexel Hill, Philadelphia, PA.
Pfc, 67th CO 5th
Marines, 2nd Div
Listed in Soldiers of
the Great War, Volume 3
Charles V Lemons, Sugar
Run, PA
69. Rodney Clyde
LEMONBorn on 13 Oct 1894 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Rodney Clyde died in Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ on 15 Mar 1965, he was 70.16 Buried in Prescott National
Cemetery, Yavapai Co, AZ.
Joined Masonic Blue Lodge
2-2-1917 Wyalusing Lodge #618
Rodney Clyde first
married Myrtle CROCKERMyrtle died in
1928. Buried in Poe Cemetery, Medina, Medina, OH.
They had the following
122i.Charles Myron (1926-1997)
123ii.Kathryn Eileen
124iii.Paul James (1928-1968)
Rodney Clyde second
married Pearl CLARKBorn on 9 Jan
1910. Pearl died in Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ in Dec 1993, she was 83. Buried in
Phoenix, AZ.
S# 526-34-2243
70. Guy Francis
LEMONSBorn on 6 Dec 1896 in Hollenback, Wilmot
Twp, Bradford, PA. Guy Francis died in AZ on 4 Feb 1962, he was 65.10 Buried in Prescott National
Cemetery, Yavapai Co, AZ.
Sgt, U S Army
1920 Census, El Paso
Military District, El Paso Co, Texas
82nd Field Artillery,
Enumerated Jan 24, 26, 27, 1920 by Sgt D.M. Stephens:
Guy H. Lemons, age 23,
Single, born PA, parents born PA, U SArmy Sergeant
1930 Census, Anaheim,
Orange Co, CA:
Guy Lemons, 33, born PA,
first married at age 30
Maud Lemons, wife, 26,
born VAirst married at age 23
about 1926 when Guy Francis was 29, he
married Maude L. CONRAD8 Born on
24 Jul 1904 in VA.8 Maude L. died in Phoenix, Maricopa,
AZ on 24 Mar 1996, she was 91. Buried in Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ.
S# 208-28-5066
They had the following
125i.Sherman Harry, M
126ii.Rupert Guy, M
127iii.Amber Gail
128iv.Ralph, M
129v.Roy, M
71. Ralph B. LEMONSBorn on 11 Nov 1902 in PA. Ralph B. died on 29 Jan 1989, he was 86.
Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.
No children
U S Marine Corps-
Ralph B. married Lillie
BROWNBuried in Wyalusing Cemetery,
Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.
They had no children.
of Harvey Nelson NEUBER (31) & Hulda Mary BOWMAN
72. Hazel Hannah
NEUBERBorn on 21 Apr 1906 in Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA. Hazel Hannah died on 30 Apr 1968, she was 62. Buried in Vaughn
Cemetery, Mehoopany, Wyoming, PA.
1920 Census lists Hazel,
Alton, Leon, and Donald as living in a children's home in Orwell, Bradford Co,
PA run by Mrs. Montague Browning
On 25 Sep 1926 when
Hazel Hannah was 20, she married Oliver DICKINSON, M, son of Israel Charles
DICKINSON (30 Oct 1872-1937) & Lulu Louise BROWN(Feb 1885-1962). Born on 12 Nov 1904 in Tuscarora Twp, Bradford, PA.
Oliver died in Wyalusing , Bradford, PA on 27 Dec 1972, he was 68. Buried in
East Herrick Cemetery, Herrick Twp, Bradford, PA.19 They were divorced.
Dickinson Family History
also says he was buried Springhill.I
don't know which cemetery is correct.
Oliver and Hannah
separated or divorced.
They had the following
130i.Dorothy Mae
131ii.Leland Oliver (1928-1989)
132iii.Erma Arlene
133iv.Nelson Louis (1933-1992)
134v.William Arthur
135vi.Harry (~1936-1937)
136vii.Grace Uleta
137viii.Lula Irene
138ix.Charlotte Lorraine
139x.David Russell (1950-1991)
73. Leon Alfred
NEUBERBorn on 21 Jun 1907 in PA. Leon Alfred died
in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co, PA in Jan 1977, he was 69.15
SNumber 162-03-9215issued PA
1920 Census lists Leon,
Alton, Hazel and Donald as living in a children's home run by Mrs. Montague
Browning in Orwell, Bradford Co, PA
1930 Census,
Williamsport Twp, Lycoming Co, PA: (census was taken on 4-9-1930)
living on Light Street,
Leon Neuber, age 22,
born PA, twister in silk mill
Caroline Neuber, age 19,
born PA
Neuber Family Reunion
Book lists an address as 444 Sheridan St. Williamsport, PA
about 1930 when Leon Alfred was 22, he
married Caroline ?Bornabout 1911 in PA. They were divorced.
They had the following
140i.Jack L (1930-2004)
74. Cecil Elbert
NEUBERBorn on 1 Aug 1909 in N Y State. Cecil
Elbert died in Cogan Station, Lycoming Co, PA in Jan 1975, he was 65.
75. Alton Jefferson
NEUBERBorn on 6 Feb 1911 in N Y State. Alton
Jefferson died in Cogan Station, Lycoming Co, PA on 5 Aug 1973, he was 62.15,10
1920 Census lists Alton,
Leon, Hazel and Donald as living in a children's home run by Mrs. Montague
Browning in Orwell, Bradford Co, PA
1930 Census he was in
Smithfield Twp, Bradford Co, PA
76. Donald Chester
NEUBERBorn on 31 May 1915 in Pulaski, Oswego, N Y.
Donald Chester died in Cogan Station, Lycoming, PA on 11 Jul 1983, he was 68.15,10
There is a Donald Neuber
who graduated from Troy H S 1934
1920 Census lists
Donald, Hazel, Alton, Leon as living in a children's home
in Orwell Twp, Bradford
Co, PA
1930 Census lists Donald
as living with John G. Neuber family
77. Dorothy Lila
NEUBERBorn on 24 May 1917 in Sayre, Bradford, PA.
Dorothy Lila died on 20 Apr 1988, she was 70.
She was raised by her
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Anna Neuber.
Information about
Dorothy was obtained from Dick Hunsinger.
Last residence according
to the Social Security was Lake Panasoffkee, Sumter CoL
On 6 Nov 1937 when
Dorothy Lila was 20, she married Fillmore George UTLEY, M, in Syracuse,
Onondaga, N Y. Born on 15 Jul 1915. Fillmore George died on 12 Jun 1990, he was
SNumber issued in New York State
They had one child:
143i.Marilyn Demis
of Emma NEUBER (32) & William Henry VOSE
78. Gertrude Amanda
VOSEBorn on 6 May 1895 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Gertrude Amanda died in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on 22 Nov 1959, she was
64.20,10 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery,
Wyalusing. Twp, Bradford Co, PA.
On 24 Aug 1925 when
Gertrude Amanda was 30, she married Hiram William STODDARD, M, son of Joseph
STODDARD (18 Sep 1854-27 Nov 1929) & Orpha M. POND(19 Sep 1863-5 Jan 1947), in PA. Born on 22
Jan 1888 in Elwell, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co. PA.20 Hiram William died in Memorial
Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA on 13 May 1963, he was 75.20,10 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery,
Wyalusing. Twp, Bradford Co, PA.
1930 Census, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford Co, PA:
Hiram Stoddard, 40,
first married at age 36, born PAarmer
Gertrude A. Stoddard,
34irst married at age 30, born PA
Martin J. Stoddard, 3,
born PA
Hila M. Stoddard, 2,
born PA
Lahman L. Stoddard, 1,
born PA
Albert Stoddard, 24,
brother, born PAarm laborer
They had the following
144i.Martin Joseph (1926-1988)
145ii.Hila Mae
146iii.Lahman Lee
147iv.Roy William
79. Blanche Audel
VOSEBorn on 16 Nov 1896 in Hollenback, Wilmot
Twp, Bradford, PA. Blanche Audel died in Waverly, Tioga, N Y on 13 Jan 1984,
she was 87. Occupation: worked in Coat Factory.
about 1928 when Blanche Audel was 31, she
married John S. CHURCHMAN, M, son of Charles CHURCHMAN & Elizabeth MULLEN,
F.6 Born on 24 Aug 1894 in VA. John S.
died in Waverly, Tioga, N Y on 1 May 1970, he was 75. Buried in Tioga Point
Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA. Occupation: worked at Railroad Shop.
Social Security Death
Index says Long Time or Retired Railroad Worker
1930 Census, Sayre,
Bradford Co, PA:
John Churchman, age 32,
born VA, married at age 30, boiler maker in railroad shop
Blanche Churchman, age
32, born PA, married at age 30, sewing in coat factory
They had the following
149ii.Paul Henry
150iii.Mamie Joyce
151iv.John Harold (1936-1936)
80. Mame Elsie VOSEBorn on 20 Feb 1898 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Mame Elsie died in
Heritage Nursing Home, Athens, Bradford Co, PA on 21 Jan 1990, she was 91.
Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
1920 Census, Sayre,
Bradford Co, PA:
The Robert Packer
Mamie Vose, age 21, born
PA, servant, waitress-hospital
On 29 May 1920 when Mame
Elsie was 22, she married James HORTON, M, son of Frank HORTON (31 Dec
1856-1942) & Sarah Augusta "Gussie" CARRINGTON(about 1867-9 Jul 1948). Born on 16 Sep
1896. James died on 6 Nov 1970, he was 74. Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery,
Athens, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Conductor, blue Diamond Passenger Train.
Served in Army, World
War II. Social Security Death Index says born: 9-14-1897
Co. 314 , Inf 79
Division, WW I - according to Cemetery records
They had the following
152i.Frances L. (Adopted)
154iii.Emma Jean(1927-1932)
155iv.Rita Marie(1929-1973)
156v.Wayne Royal (1933-1991)
81. HowardFrancis VOSEBorn on 26 Aug 1902. HowardFrancis died in Orlando, OrangeL on 20 May 1984, he was 81. Buried in
Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.4 Occupation: farmer; carpenter.
farmed in Hollenback
until 1940. Moved to Grant Hill, Wilmot Twp, PA and farmed.
Moved to Benton,
Lycoming ,PA 1949 and moved to Orlandolorida later where
he died.
On 6 Apr 1927 when
HowardFrancis was 24, he married Lydia
Alice AREY, daughter of Elmer G. AREY (14 Nov 1879-12 Oct 1978) &
LeliaMay POTTER(12 Aug 1882-19 Aug 1952), in Towanda,
Bradford, PA. Born on 17 Jul 1906 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Lydia Alice died
in Florida on 11 Sep 2004, she was 98. Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA.
They had the following
157i.Donald Francis
158ii.Richard Burton
159iii.Max Edward
82. Eva Grace VOSEBorn on 2 May 1905. Eva Grace died in Owego, Tioga, N Y on 8 Nov 1992,
she was 87. Buried in Broadway Cemetery, Day Hollow Road, Owego, Tioga, NY.
Eva Grace married Albert
Russell CARRINGTON, M, son of Edwin Burton CARRINGTON (15 Mar 1875-1922) &
Della E. CHAPMAN(21 Oct 1889-1969).
Born on 28 Aug 1908 in Bradford Co, PA. Albert Russell died on 2 May 1991, he
was 82. Buried in Broadway Cemetery, Day Hollow Road, Owego, Tioga, NY.
Occupation: Mechanic, I B M.
They lived in Owego, N Y
There is also
information that they were to be buried at Wyalusing.4
They had the following
160i.Beverly Ann
161ii.Linda Lee
83. Viola Virginia
VOSEBorn on 7 Jan 1907. Viola Virginia died on
14 Mar 1907. Buried in Elwell Cemetery, Hollenback, Wilmot, PA.
84. Pearl Winifred
VOSEBorn on 7 Dec 1909 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Pearl Winifred died in Sarasotalorida on 11 Nov 1988, she was 78. Buried
in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
Death Certificate 119080
Living with Harry B.
Lemons family 1910 Census.
On 2 Jan 1932 when Pearl
Winifred was 22, she married Fred Leslie DEPUE, M, son of George L. DEPUE
(1884-1958) & Anna Belle BROWN(1881-1951). Born on 18 Dec 1911 in Athens, Bradford, PA.6 Fred Leslie died in Sarasotalorida on 21 Feb
1984, he was 72. Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
Occupation: employee -Ingersol Rand.
They lived in East
Athens, Bradford Co, PA
They had the following
162i.Howard (1932-1932)
165iv.Ronald, M
85. John Floyd VOSEBorn on 7 Dec 1909 in Hollenback, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. John Floyd
died on 20 Oct 1957, he was 47.10 Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA. Occupation:
farmer, milk hauler.
Lived on the homestead
in Hollenback, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA. 1950
bought a farm near
Sayre, PA
In 1933 when John Floyd
was 23, he married Vivian DEPUE
They had the following
166i.Viola Marie
167ii.JeffreyThomas, M
of Jacob NEUBER (33) & Olive "Berniece" LEMONS
86. Debbie Berniece
NEUBERBorn in Mar 1904. Debbie Berniece died in
Mar 1904. Buried in Elwell Cemetery, Hollenback, Wilmot Twp, Bradford County,
gravestone says 18 days
of Jacob NEUBER (33) & Belvia Mae HUNSINGER
87. Reuben Jacob NEUBERBorn on 25 Dec 1908 in Wilmot, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Reuben Jacob
died in Towanda Memorial Hospital, Bradford, PA on 21 Apr 1997, he was 88.
Buried on 26 Apr 1997 in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford County,
PA. Occupation: farmer, milk truck driver, school bus driver. Education:
Norconk School, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA. Religion: Lutheran; later joined
Wyalusing Presbyterian Church.
Wyalusing Lodge F&AM
Irem Temple Shrine,
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Williamsport Consistory
Bradford County Shrine
Towanda Scottish Rite
1940 Reuben had one
kidney removed at the Rothfuss Clinic in Williamsport, PA.
On 6 Jun 1936 when
Reuben Jacob was 27, he married Belle Kathryn POTTER, daughter of Emery
Charles POTTER (4 Dec 1862-20 Feb 1935) & Eliza Jane GAMBLE(7 Feb 1861-22 Jun 1948), in Elmira,
Chemung, N Y. Born on 12 Feb 1909 in Sugar Hill, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
Belle Kathryn died in Skilled Nursing Unit, Memorial Hospital, Towanda, PA on
12 Sep 1989, she was 80. Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford
County, PA. Occupation: Elementary School Teacher. Education: Mansfield
Teachers College-1929. Religion: Methodist; later joined Wyalusing Presbyterian
Church. Here is a picture of Belle, taken in 1935-6, when she was the teacher at the Grant Hill School in Wilmot, PA.
Grant Hill School Class of 1935-1936 Front, l to r: Raymond Tuttle, Harry Ely, Anne Kinsley _____ , Betty Tuttle Howard Middle section: Martin Stoddard, Lahman Stoddard, Harriet Ely Girven, Jack Kinsley [looking over girl's shoulder], Emogene Ely Adams, Marie Tuttle Moody, Hila Stoddard Hunsinger, Christian Bullock [hands in pockets] Back: Donald Ely [partially concealed behind Martin Stoddard], Joe Douglas [partially concealed], ____ , Belle Potter Neuber [teacher], Donald Weed [in far back behind Belle], Reva Douglas Bosworth, Helen Kinsley Heath, Ellen Bullock Long, Theresa Kinsley Huffman
Contributed by Carol Brotzman Source: Rocket-Courier, Wyalusing, PA, December 7, 2006
Reuben and Belle had one child:
168i.Charles Lewis
88. Lewis Frederick
NEUBERBorn on 12 Sep 1910 in Colley, Sullivan, PA.
Lewis Frederick died in Troy Community Hospital, Troy, Bradford, PA on 31 Aug
1989, he was 78. Buried in Colley Cemetery, Colley Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.
Occupation: farmer; retired from Sylvania Electric, Inc. Towanda, PA.
Education: Norconk School, Wilmot, Bradford Co. PA. Religion: Lutheran.
Member of Evergreen
Lodge #163 F&AM,Monroeton, PA
Towanda Scottish Rite
Williamsport Consistory
Irem Temple of the
Shrine, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Headstone shows symbols
for Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star and Pennsylvania Grange
60 year member of PA
He farmed and drove a
milk truck and was employed by Harrington Creamery of Dushore for 25 years.
Funeral Services were
held at Zion Lutheran Chapel, Dushore with Rev. Richard A. Reeser, his pastor
On 10 Jun 1939 when
Lewis Frederick was 28, he married Margaret Arlene NORCONK, daughter of
Charles Morrison NORCONK (12 Nov 1896-25 Dec 1983) & Mary Millie
LAMBERSON(14 Jan 1896-5 May 1992), in
St. John's Lutheran Church, Wilmot, PA. Bornin Wilmot, Bradford, PA. Occupation: housewife; cook at Wyalusing
Elementary School. Education: Towanda High School, Towanda Bradford, PA.
Religion: Lutheran.
Order of Eastern Star,
Wyalusing Chapter
Order of Eastern Star,
Towanda Chapter
They had the following
169i.Judy Irene
170ii.Burton Lewis
171iii.Raymond Reuben (1946-1989)
89. Genevieve Gladys
NEUBERBorn on 27 Aug 1912 in Wilmot Twp,
Bradford, PA. Genevieve Gladys died in RPH, Sayre, Bradford, PA on 21 Aug 1992,
she was 79. Buried in Bradford County Memorial Park, Luther Mills, PA.
On 2 Nov 1936 when
Genevieve Gladys was 24, she first married John Seymour TAYLORBorn on 13 Feb 1896 in Greensboro, Hale, AL.
John Seymour died in Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, Tioga, N Y on 14 Feb
1960, he was 64.10 Buried in Colley Cemetery, Colley
Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.
John S. Taylor, 61, of
New St. Monroetonormerly of New Albany RD, died Sunday evening in the Tioga
General Hospital, Waverly, after a long illness.
Mr. Taylor was born in
Greensboro, Alabama.For some years he
and his wife operated a general store in Wilmot.He was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church of Colley,
Evergreen Lodge No. 163 F & AM Monroeton, Towanda Chapter of Scottish Rite,
Williamsport Consistory, New Albany Men's Club, Dushore Lutheran Brotherhood.
He is survived by his
wife, Genevieve Neuber Taylor, three brothers, Talmadge, Watson and Marvin, all
of Alabama; three sisters, Mrs. Algie Thompson, Mrs. Nell Manausa and Mrs.
Helen Walker, all of Alabama.Funeral
services will be held Thursday with prayer service at the McHenry Funeral Home,
Dushore, at 9:45 a.m. with further service at Zion Lutheran Church, Dushore at
10 a.m.The Rev. H. Joseph Slusser will
officiate.Interment will be in Colley
cemetery.Masonic graveside services
will be conducted by Evergreen Lodge.
They had no children.
On 22 Feb 1964 when
Genevieve Gladys was 51, she second married Archie Cox SMITH, M, son of Fred
SMITH & Addie BOGUE, in Towanda, Bradford Co. PA. Born on 18 Feb 1893 in
Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. Archie Cox died in Bradford Co, PA on 2 Jul 1972, he
was 79.10 Buried in Bradford County Memorial
Park, Luther Mills, PA. Occupation: Owner-A C Smith Auto Parts, Towanda, PA.
Aunt Betty Horton tells
me that Arch had a brotherred W. Smith of San Antonio, TX; a brother Vernon
F. Smith of Towanda, PA;and a sister,
Louise Widlake,lived in Oklahoma. I
found a Louise Widlake, born 11-2-1894died Sept 1980 Norman, OK.
His first wife is buried
in Philadelphia, PA. Vernon and his
wife, Rita ?(from Dushore) are buried Oak Hill Cemetery.
Towanda, PA.
Cemetery Records state
he was Sgt in Medical Corps, U S Army, WW I
On 23 Aug 1941 when
Pauline Rosena was 26, she married William John ROUSE, M, son of Harry ROUSE
(24 Oct 1886-Oct 1975) & Anna SULLIVAN(6 Sep 1888-Jul 1975). Born on 27 Jun 1917 in Wilmot, Bradford, PA.
William John died in Dushore, Sullivan, PA on 1 Sep 2000, he was 83. Buried on
4 Sep 2000 in St. Basil's Cemetery, Dushore, Sullivan County, PA. Occupation:
farmer; Dept of Transportation foreman.
They had the following
172i.William Raymond (1942-1996)
173ii.Kathleen Mae
174iii.Rosemary Genevieve
175iv.James Richard
176v.Dolores Ann (Twin)
177vi.Richard Eugene (Twin)
91. Betty Jean NEUBERBorn in Williamsport, Lycoming, PA. Occupation: telephone operator;
school bus driver; Athens HS Cafeteria. Education: Dushore High School,
Sullivan, PA -Class of 1948. Religion: Lutheran.
On 13 Oct 1956 when
Betty Jean was 26, she married Dana Francis HORTON, M, son of Howard Ray HORTON
(18 Mar 1896-Jul 1974) & Pauline Belle SCHULTZ(1905-1965), in St. John's Lutheran Church, Sayre, Bradford Co.
PA.10 Born onin Sayre, Bradford, PA. Occupation: farmer; school bus driver.
Education: Ulster High School, Bradford, PA -Class of 1945. Religion: Lutheran.
They had the following
178i.Richard Dana
179ii.Robert Charles
180iii.Roger Lee
of Daniel Valentine NEUBER (34) & Edna Victoria LANDBACK
92. Clara Sophia
NEUBERBorn on 4 Sep 1912.
In 2004 she was a
resident of The Highlands Nursing Home, Laporte, Sullivan Co, PA
On 22 Nov 1946 when
Clara Sophia was 34, she married Marvin Crawford SAYMAN, M, son of Levi
Sylvester SAYMAN (25 May 1873-24 Sep 1946) & Maud Anna CRAWFORD(23 Feb 1885-21 Apr 1962). Born on 4 Nov
1911. Marvin Crawford died in Nov 1973, he was 61. Buried in Colley Cemetery,
Colley Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.
No children born to
them.Linda Karge McDonald says he was
born 4-28-1911
Forks Twp, Sullivan, PA;
died 1-29-1973 and married Clara on 11-22-1946.
She also says Clara was
born Sept 19, 1920
Marvin spoke German
while growing up and had trouble learning the English language
when he went to
They had no children.
of Edward A. SAXE (37) & Myrtle B. ?
93. Arlene SAXEBorn in 1906 in PA. Arlene died in 1982, she was 76. Buried in SS Peter
and Paul Parish Cemetery, Towanda, Bradford, PA.
Arlene married ?
of Myron T. SAXE (39) & Marie HOGAN
94. Raymond Gerard
SAXEBorn in 1910 in PA.9 Raymond Gerard died in Sayre, Bradford, PA on 16 Dec
1941, he was 31. Buried in Epiphany Catholic Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
killed in auto accident
at Owego, NY
95. Donald Edward
SAXEBorn on 14 Nov 1913 in Sayre, Bradford, PA.
Donald Edward died in Ridgebury Twp, Bradford, PA on 4 Oct 1993, he was 79.
Buried in Epiphany Catholic Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
On 28 Dec 1935 when
Donald Edward was 22, he married Elvira CANNAVINO, in Albany, N Y. Born on
28 Aug 1912 in Sayre, Bradford, PA. Elvira died in Sayre, Bradford, PA on 30
Aug 1999, she was 87. Buried in Epiphany Catholic Cemetery, Athens, Bradford,
Dau of Angelo Cannavino
& Concetta Dabberio
96. RitaC. SAXEBorn on 1
Mar 1917 in PA.9 RitaC. died in Sayre, Bradford, PA on 8 Aug 1987, she was 70. Buried
in Epiphany Catholic Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
RitaC. married Paul T. BIRD
97. John E. SAXEBorn on 4 Aug 1919 in PA.16 John E. died in Elmira, Chemung, NY on 20 Mar 1995, he was 75.16
of Harriet"Hattie" Marian
MESSERSMITH (40) & Charles Gilbert OLIVER
98. Arthur Clayton
OLIVERBorn on 9 May 1892 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Arthur Clayton died in Tyler Memorial Hospital, Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA on
4 Jul 1962, he was 70.3 Buried
in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Clerk; Store Owner.
Registration for Bradford County lists him as being born May 9, 1892
On 15 Nov 1916 when
Arthur Clayton was 24, he married Lorena Mae CANFIELD, daughter of Charles
McKee CANFIELD (24 Aug 1862-1 Jul 1925) & Lottie Lois GOODELL(6 Mar 1868-4 Sep 1947), in Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA. Born on 23 Jul 1896 in Spring Hill, Tuscarora Twp, Bradford, PA.3 Lorena Mae died in Wyalusing , Bradford, PA on 30
Nov 1992, she was 96. Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford,
They had one child:
181i.Donald Clayton
99. Claude Clifford
OLIVERBorn on 29 Aug 1895 in Grant Hill, Wilmot
Twp,Bradford, PA.3 Claude Clifford died in Wyalusing , Bradford Co, PA
on 10 Nov 1967, he was 72. Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp,
Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Wyalusing Creamery;
Railroad Worker; Truck driver.
WI Registration for Bradford County lists him
as being born Aug 29, 1894
On 21 Oct 1918 when
Claude Clifford was 23, he married Beatrice M. WILLSON, in Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA.3 Born on 27 Feb 1899 in Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA.3 Beatrice M. died in Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA on 23 Dec 1975, she was 76.3 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Telephone operator.
Daughter of George W.
Wilson & Catherine Robinson
They had the following
182i.Betty Marie
183ii.Harriet Louise(1922-1971)
184iii.Claude Clifford (1924-1975)
185iv.Edward Charles (1927-1927)
186v.Robert Wilson
100. Bertha May
OLIVERBorn on 12 Jul 1897 in Hollenback, Wilmot
Twp, Bradford, PA.21 Bertha May died on 28 Jul 1983, she
was 86. Buried in Utah.3
On 28 Jul 1915 when
Bertha May was 18, she first married Fred ELLSWORTH, M, in Wyalusing, Bradford,
They had one child:
187i.Jesse Lewis
On 15 Feb 1974 when
Bertha May was 76, she second married Lorenzo Steed WALKER, M, in St. George,
Washington, UT.3 Born on 31 Mar 1901 in Farmington,
Davis, UT.3 Lorenzo Steed died in Blackfoot,
Bingham, ID on 23 Sep 1994, he was 93.3 Buried in Afton, Lincoln, WY.3
101. Boyd Charles
OLIVERBorn on 22 Jul 1904 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Boyd Charles died in Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, Monroe, N Y on 17
Feb 1983, he was 78.3 Buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, Town
of Canandaigua, Ontario, N Y.3 Occupation: Guernsey Farmer; County Supervisor; 4-H Leader.
On 17 Jul 1929 when Boyd
Charles was 24, he married Alice Burgess MOORE, in Algonquin, NY.3 Born on 6 Mar 1903. Alice Burgess died in Stanley,
Ontario, N Y on 27 May 1989, she was 86. Occupation: Teacher.
Daughter of Thomas A.
Moore.Alice was teaching in Wyalusing,
PA when she met Boyd.3
They had the following
188i.Thomas Charles
189ii.John Boyd
190iii.Norman Duane (1935-1952)
of Charles Jefferson MESSERSMITH (43) & Esther HARRON
102. Mildred Anne
MESSERSMITHBorn on 3 Jun 1913 in Scranton, Lackawanna,
PA. Occupation: Secretary.
Found a Mildred Muller,
214 Swartz St, Scranton, PA
On 4 Nov 1939 when
Mildred Anne was 26, she married Karl M. MULLER, M, in Scranton, Lackawanna,
PA.3 Born on 10 Sep 1909. Karl M. died
in Lackawanna Co, PA on 31 Dec 1995, he was 86. Buried in Abington Hills
Cemetery, Clarks Summit, Lackawanna, PA.3
Son of Fred Muller &
May Carey.
SNumber 176-22-5010
They had the following
191i.Judi Ann
192ii.Barbara Ellen
Sixth Generation
of Chester Arthur NORCONK (51) & Helen Isabel ALLEN
103. Tillissa G.
NORCONKBornabout 1920 in Pleasanton, Manistee, MI.8
Tillissa G. first
married ? LORANGER
Tillissa G. second
married ? ANDERSON
104. Doris D. NORCONKBornabout 1928 in Pleasanton,
Manistee, MI.8
Doris D. married Arthur
Carl MEDBURYBorn on 21 May 1926.
Arthur Carl died in Muskegon, MI in May 1978, he was 51.15 Occupation: Retired-Western
Electronic Supply. Religion: Woodmere Church of God, Muskegon, MI.17
Served in U S Navy
1945-46 and 1950-1952
Arthur and Doris have 3
Son of A C Medbury &
Grace Hoffman
of Harry Leo FROST (60) & Lenora M. Norconk
105. Dorothy M. FROSTBorn in 1930 in PA.
106. Leonard D. FROSTBorn on 18 Oct 1927. Leonard D. died in Binghamton, Broome, NY on 18 Sep
1996, he was 68.16
107a. Wayne H. FROSTBorn in 1930.
107b. Boyd FROSTBorn in July 04, 1931.
107c. Florence FROSTBorn Jaunary 29, 1935.
of John H. NEUBER (64) & Addie LAMBERSON
108. Ruth Doris
NEUBERBorn on 24 Aug 1923 in PA. Ruth Doris died
in CA on 4 Mar 1992, she was 68. Buried in Mt Vernon Cemetery, Citrus Height,
California Death Index
shows Ruth Doris Libbee as being born 24 Aug 1923 in PA
and died 26 Feb 1978
Sacramento, CA
Ruth Doris married Harry
LIBBEEBorn on 23 Feb 1914.
I found a Harry L Libbee
living in Fair Oaks, CA in 2000
They had one child:
109. Dorothy M.
NEUBERBorn on 30 Dec 1925 in Terry Twp, Bradford,
PA. Dorothy M. died in Smithfield, Bradford, PA on 4 Mar 1992, she was 66.
Buried in Wysox Cemetery, Wysox, Bradford, PA.
Dorothy M. married
Gordon Watson STEVENS Jr., M, son of George Watson STEVENS, Sr (1902-1970)
& Gussie E. ?(1904-1961). Born on
9 Aug 1924 in Asylum, Bradford, PA. Gordon Watson died in Towanda, Bradford, PA
on 22 Oct 1979, he was 55. Buried in Wysox Cemetery, Wysox, Bradford, PA.
S Marine Corps. Pfc
They had the following
197iv.James, M
110. Leo G. NEUBERBorn on 10 Sep 1927 in Sullivan Co, PA. Leo G. died in Gettysburg
Hospital, Gettysburg, PA on 14 Jan 2004, he was 76. Occupation: Newway Mfg Co,
Hanover, PA. Religion: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Biglerville, PA.
Leo was a veteran of Vietnam
War; member of Biglerville American Legion Post 262; VFW Post 15; retired
Master Sergeant U S Air Force (22 years); avid woodworker and gardener.Leo was predeceased by a son, Jon H. Neuber
Memorial Services held
Jan 17, 2004 St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Leo G. married Eloise M.
They had the following
198i.Terry Leigh
199ii.Joanne S.
200iii.Jon H., M
111. Rozena NEUBERBorn in 1932. Rozena died in 1934, she was 2. Buried in Thrasher
Cemetery, Sullivan Co, PA.
112. James A. NEUBERBorn on 3 Dec 1933. James A. died on 4 Jul 1992, he was 58. Buried in
Thrasher Cemetery, Sullivan Co, PA.
SP3U S Army in Korea
James A. married
Margaret FOSTER
She lives inPalm BeachL
They had the following
of Ruth M. NEUBER (65) & Rufus Fay FENTON
113. Dollie FENTONBorn in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
On 28 Jul 1951 when
Dollie was 23, she married Lewis E. SHAFFER, M, son of Albert Nathan SHAFFER
(16 Jun 1897-20 Feb 1967) & Anna SNYDER(about 1898-).10 Born on 3 Dec 1920. Lewis E. died
in Watkins Glen, Schuyler, N Y on 31 Jan 1994, he was 73. Buried in Glenwood
Cemetery, Watkins Glen, NY.
lived in Watkins Glen,
They had the following
204i.Janet Rose
205ii.Susan Marie
114. Harold FENTONBornBradford Co, PA.
On 27 Feb 1954 when
Harold was 22, he first married Patricia FISKE10 They were divorced.
Daughter of Claude E. Fiske
& Alice E. Lyke of Spring Hill, Tuscarora Twp, Bradford Co, PA
Pat remarried Wayne
Parsons of Wilmot Twp.
They had the following
206i.David [see obituary below], married Susan D. Detrick
207aii.Linda, married Brian Tewksbury, son of Ralph Capwell and Betty Jane Brown Tewksbury
207bii.Laurie, married Jeff Sands, son of James and JoAnn Repsher Sands; they had one daughter Joy Marie Sands
207cii.Ronald, married Dana _________
Daily Review
Towanda, PA
February 16, 2009
Mr. David D. Fenton, age 51, of RR 2 Box 2478, Laceyville, Pa. (North Flat), passed away at his home in Windham Township, Wyoming County, on Sunday morning, Feb. 15, 2009, surrounded by his loving and caring family.
Dave was born in Meshoppen, Pa., on Jan. 23, 1958, the son of Harold and Betty Fenton of Dushore, Pa., and the former Patricia Fiske and Wayne Parsons of New Albany, Pa. Growing up in the Laceyville and Wyalusing area, Dave was a graduate of the Wyalusing Valley High School, class of 1975. Dave continued his education at Mansfield University. For more than 30 years, Dave was employed as a technician at Procter and Gamble in Mehoopany, Pa., in its diapers facilities (DOS). On his days off, Dave enjoyed the outdoors, where he would love to help his family and friends, with various jobs around their homes, as well as enjoying working around his own home. In his spare time, Dave enjoyed hunting and especially fishing, in Pennsylvania, and his favorite New York state fishing retreat, in Oswego, N.Y. He was also the caretaker of the Arrowhead Sportsman's Club in Laceyville.
He was a member of the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, and for more than 28 years, Dave was a driver for the Laceyville Ambulance Association. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, the former Susan D. Detrick Fenton of Laceyville; his daughter and son-in-law, Lisa F. and Ken Mapes of Laceyville; and his son and his companion, Brian D. Fenton and Samantha Smith of Laceyville. He was also the Grandpa of his three grandchildren, Mckenna Mapes, Hailey Smith-Fenton and Kenny Mapes. Dave is also survived by two sisters and their husbands, Linda and Brian Tewksbury of Laceyville and Laurie and Jeff Sands of Laceyville, and a brother and his wife, Ronnie and Dana Fenton of Wyalusing, Pa.; and his extended family, of his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Lorraine and Bud Detrick of Inverness, Fla; sisters-in-law and brothers-in-laws, Amy and Jeff Huffman of Laceyville, Nancy McLaughlin of Cortland, N.Y., and H. David and Diane Detrick, of Syracuse, N.Y.; as well as many nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19, at the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Barry Ballard of the church officiating. Interment will be in the North Flat Cemetery in Laceyville.
Family and friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Sheldon Funeral Home, Main Street, Laceyville.
The Fenton family has requested that they furnish their own flowers, but those wishing may make memorial contributions to the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, C/O Mrs. Marilyn Ross, PO Box 25, Wyalusing, Pa. 18853 or to the Caring Bridge (host of Dave's Web Page), C/O First Liberty Bank, Main Street, Laceyville, PA 18623.
Harold second married
115. Arthur FENTON
Arthur married Marjorie
They had the following
211iv.Matthew Lee, M
116. Edith FENTON
Shehad the following children:
Edith married Howard
Edward STROPE, M, son of Howard Lee STROPE (1916-23 Oct 1992) & Charlotte
M. RICHARDS(20 Sep 1912-12 Jun
1999).Education: Northeast Bradford H
S, Rome, Bradford Co, PA.
117. Donald John
On 7 Jul 1951 Donald
John first married Lucille Johanna ERLE, daughter of Stanley M. ERLE (29 Feb
1896-1 Jun 1966) & Rachel E. LAMBERSON(23 Jun 1897-4 Dec 1989).10 They were divorced.
They had the following
214i.Martin Leo
215ii.Debra Louise
216iii.Regina Lynn
217iv.Michele Lisa
Donald John second
married Linda KISNER, daughter of Jesse David KISNER (22 Jun 1920-15 Jun
1968) & Helen Mae CARR(Aug 1923-3
May 1999). They were divorced.
Linda had previously
been married to Robert Ambrose Voda from Silvara, PA. He was the son of Ambrose and Elizabeth (Tokasz) VOda. PA.They had a son, Robert Voda
who married Sandy Yurgatis. Robert and Sandy had three children: Dustin, Marisa, and Makayla Voda.
Donald Fenton & Linda divorced, she remarried Stanley Brown from Rome,
They had one child:
118. Joan FENTON
Joan married Donald
SIRANNIThey were divorced.
They had the following
219i.Diane Dee
119. Tracy FENTONBorn on 3 Oct 1938 in Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA. Tracy died in
Hollenback, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on 11 Feb 2004, he was 65. Buried on 16
Feb 2004 in Colley Cemetery, Sullivan, PA. Occupation: Arrow United Industries,
Wyalusing (Retired 2001)served 20 years. Education: Camptown High School.
Religion: Member-St. John's Lutheran Church, Wilmot.
Served in U. S. Marine
Member-Penn York Marine
Wyalusing American
Legion Post No. 534
Group Leader-Arrow
United Industries
Loved hunting and
working around his house
Tracy first married
Sally DECKERThey were divorced.
On 29 Jul 1967 when
Tracy was 28, he second married Kathryn KISNER, daughter of Jesse David
KISNER (22 Jun 1920-15 Jun 1968) & Helen Mae CARR(Aug 1923-3 May 1999).
They had one child:
221i.Tracey Lynn
120. Lyle R. FENTON
Lyle R. married Margaret
PIPHERThey were divorced.
They had one child:
222i.Lyle R.
121. Lula Belle
Lula Belle married Gene
They had the following
223i.Daryl, M
226iv.James, M
of Rodney Clyde LEMON (69) & Myrtle CROCKER
122. Charles Myron
LEMONBorn on 6 May 1926. Charles Myron died in
Mesa, Maricopa, AZ on 1 Jan 1997, he was 70. Buried in Phoenix, AZ.
Social Security Death
Index has him listed as Lemon
Charles Myron first
married Donna FRANKLINEducation:
Grad 1944 Wyalusing H S.
They had the following
228ii.Michael, M
Charles Myron second
married Jan ?
123. Kathryn Eileen
LEMONSBornin Pratt Co, KS.
On 20 Nov 1948 when
Kathryn Eileen was 21, she married Ralph Dale COOLEY, M, son of Reed D. COOLEY
(19 Jul 1897-Mar 1982) & Mildred C. ?(4 Oct 1900-Jul 1985), in Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, Wyalusing,
Bradford, PA.10 Bornin Litchfield Twp,Bradford, PA.
They had the following
229i.Norvin Ralph
230ii.Theron Dale
231iii.Rena Myrtle
124. Paul James LEMONBorn on 18 Dec 1928 in KS. Paul James died on 30 Aug 1968, he was 39.
Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.
Information about Paul
and Margery’s family was obtained from Eileen Cooley.
Lived in Endwell, Broome
Co, NY at one time
On 2 Sep 1951 when Paul
James was 22, he married Margere McCARTY, daughter of Donald Cameron McCARTY
(11 Jul 1900-1967) & Florence E. SCHRANN(about 1904-).10
They had the following
232i.Gary K.
234iii.Donald C.
of Guy Francis LEMONS (70) & Maude L. CONRAD
125. Sherman Harry
He goes by the name
Harry and lives in Carson, Washington
126. Rupert Guy
127. Amber Gail
In Jun 1963 Amber Gail
married ? ?10
128. Ralph LEMONS
129. Roy LEMONS
of Hazel Hannah NEUBER (72) & Oliver DICKINSON
130. Dorothy Mae
Dorothy Mae first
married ??
They had the following
236i.Nancy Margaret
237ii.Mark Wheaton
On 20 Jun 1980Dorothy Mae , she second married Alfred
George KITCHENBorn on 26 Sep 1925.
Alfred George died in Wyalusing , Bradford, PA on 20 May 1997, he was 71.
131. Leland Oliver
DICKINSONBorn on 19 Oct 1928. Leland Oliver died on
15 May 1989, he was 60. Buried in East Herrick Cemetery, Herrick Twp, Bradford,
U S Army, Private, Korea
132. Erma Arlene
On 16 Apr 1964Erma Arlene, she married Gordon Ellwood
MOSIER, M, son of James MOSIER & Margaret ROSS
They had the following
238i.William Russell
239ii.Gordon Paul
240iii.Eugene Carl
241iv.David Todd
133. Nelson Louis
DICKINSONBorn on 25 Mar 1933 in Middletown,
Susquehanna, PA. Nelson Louis died in Towaco, N J on 29 Nov 1992, he was 59.
Buried in Cole Cemetery, Towanda, Bradford Co, PA.
USAF, A2C, Korea
On 8 Feb 1955 when
Nelson Louis was 21, he married Shirley Ann BENJAMIN, daughter of Albert
They had the following
242i.John William
243ii.Debra Ann
244iii.James Louis
245iv.Kathryn Arlene
246v.Marjorie Lynn
247vi.Lisa Eileen
248vii.Christine Marie
134. William Arthur
On 25 Oct 1957William Arthur first married Arlene
Keithline OSBORNE, in Vestal, Broome, N Y.They were divorced.
They had the following
249i.Randy William
250ii.Gary Lee
251iii.Penny Michelle
252iv.Bradley Allen
In Sep 1974William Arthur second married Darlene BROWN,
F, in PA.
They had one child:
253i.Scott Oliver, M
On 3 Apr 1976William Arthur, he third married Debra
"Kay" DECKER, in Towanda, Bradford, PA.
They had one child:
254i.Daniel Dean
135. Harry DICKINSONBornabout Sep 1936. Harry died
in May 1937.
136. Grace Uleta
On 22 Oct 1963 Grace
Uleta married Norman Richard MOSIER, M, son of James MOSIER & Margaret
ROSSBorn on 10 May 1935. Norman
Richard died in N J on 19 Sep 1999, he was 64.
They had the following
255i.Lori Beth
256ii.John Richard
257iii.Ray William
258iv.Steven Nelson
137. Lula Irene
On 20 Dec 1958 Lula
Irenemarried Edward Harrison MINER, M
They had the following
259i.Patricia Marie
260ii.Edward David
261iii.Janise Carol
262iv.Patrick Dale
138. Charlotte
On 18 Jun 1960 Charlotte
Lorraine married Charles Oscar DULL, M, son of Clyde R. DULL (28 Jul 1911-1 Oct
1997) & Ivah Alice ROOF(14 Oct
1918-30 Sep 1999).
Charles graduated from
Wyalusing Valley High School.
They had the following
263i.Michael Charles, M
264ii.Clyde Alan
265iii.Christopher Carl
266iv.Tina Marie
139. David Russell
DICKINSONBorn on 27 Apr 1950. David Russell died on
30 Jun 1991, he was 41.
On 27 Jul 1970 when
David Russell was 20, he married Barbara Hanne Lore KUNZE
They had the following
267i.David Russell
268ii.Jennifer Marie
of Leon Alfred NEUBER (73) & Caroline ?
140. Jack L NEUBERBorn on 20 Apr 1930. Jack L died in University Community Hospital,
CarrollwoodL on 8 Jun 2004, he was 74.
I found a Jack L Neuber,
age 74 & wife, Nora A. age 62living inGolden Meadow Drive,
Tampalorida in 2000.I also found a
death index for Jack L Neuber, age 74,born Apr 20, 1930died June 8, 2004 Zephyrhills, Pasco Co,
FL.S# 178-26-9762 was issued in Pennsylvania.
Jack L. Neuber, 71 of
Wesley Chapel died Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at University Community Hospital in Carrollwood.Born in Guam he came here in 1989 from
Pennsylvania.Survivors include his
wife, Nora, a daughter Julie of Centreville, VA
two sisters, Janice Wool
of Baltimore, MD; Judi Neece of Williamsport, PA.
Loyless Funeral Home,
Land O'Lakes.
Jack L married Nora A.
They had one child:
141. Janice NEUBER
In 2004 she was living
in Baltimore, MD
Janice married ? WOOL,
142. Judi NEUBER
In 2004 she was living
in Williamsport, PA
Judi first married ?
LAUBACHThey were divorced.
Judi second married ?
of Dorothy Lila NEUBER (77) & Fillmore George UTLEY
143. Marilyn Demis
On 14 Aug 1965 Marilyn
Demismarried Richard P. GUNSALUSBornabout 1939. They were divorced
They had one child:
270i.Catherine Elizabeth
of Gertrude Amanda VOSE (78) & Hiram William STODDARD
144. Martin Joseph
STODDARDBorn on 15 Sep 1926 in Towanda, Bradford,
PA. Martin Joseph died in Sugar Run, Wilmot, Bradford, PA on 17 Jul 1988, he
was 61. Buried in Bradford County Memorial Park, Luther Mills, Bradford, PA.
Occupation: farmer-Grant Hill, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA.
WII, Pfc, Co H, 161st Inf. Regiment
On 30 Sep 1950 when
Martin Joseph was 24, he married Dorothy FINAN, daughter of James FINAN
(about 1905-) & Blanche O'NEIL(15
Mar 1909-4 Jan 1996).10
They had the following
271i.Leona Catherine
272ii.Steven Hiram
273iii.Marilyn Marie
274iv.Janet Mary(1966-1966)
145. Hila Mae
On 27 Sep 1947 Hila Mae
married Richard George HUNSINGER, M, son of Harry Barney HUNSINGER (3 Jan
1893-19 Feb 1965) & Agnes Frances KARGE(13 Feb 1897-Feb 1973), in Dushore, Sullivan, PA.10
They had the following
275i.Raulston Richard (1949-1988)
276ii.Wanda Marie
277iii.Linda Lou
278iv.Pamela Mae
146. Lahman Lee
STODDARDOccupation: farmer, Grant Hill, Wilmot Twp,
Bradford Co, PA.
On 3 Jul 1950Lahman Lee married Darlene Rose FINAN,
daughter of James FINAN (about 1905-) & Blanche O'NEIL(15 Mar 1909-4 Jan 1996).10 Born on 16 Jan 1931 in New Albany
Twp, Bradford, PA. Darlene Rose died in Grant Hill, Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA on
11 Aug 1984, she was 53. Buried in St. Basil's Cemetery, Dushore, Sullivan Co,
PA. Religion: St. Basil's Catholic Church.
They had the following
279i.Kathleen Sue
280ii.James Lahman
147. Roy William
STODDARDOccupation: retired from Welles Mill Co,
Wyalusing, PA
On 27 Feb 1963Roy William married Rita A. GAINER, daughter
of Edward James GAINER & Mary O'NEIL
They had the following
281i.Stanley William
282ii.Sharon Marie
283iii.Susan Marie
284iv.Joanne Mary (Twin)
285v.Joyce Ann (Twin)
286vi.Randy Joseph, M
287vii.Ronald Steven (1970-1998)
of Blanche Audel VOSE (79) & John S. CHURCHMAN
148. William
William married Miriam
They had the following
289ii.Diane Ruth
149. Paul Henry
Neuber Family Reunion
Records list an address at one time as Anaheim, California
Paul Henry married
Eunice BENNETTEunice died in May
They had the following
290i.James, M
292iii.Valerie K.
150. Mamie Joyce
Neuber Family Reunion
Records list an address for Mamie Benjamin and boys as Waverly, NY
In 1953Mamie Joycefirst married Ward BENJAMINThey
were divorced.
They had the following
Mamie Joyce second
married Harvey ALLIGER
151. John Harold
CHURCHMANBorn in 1936. John Harold died on 16 Sep 1936.
of Mame Elsie VOSE (80) & James HORTON
152. Frances L.
Served in Army Waves,
World War II.
John and Frances lived
in New Jersey and later moved to Apalachin, Tioga Co,N Y
Frances L. married John
T. FISHER, M, son of John FISHER & Ellen ?Born on 30 Jul 1924. John T. died in Appalachian, Tioga, N Y on
20 Dec 1999, he was 75. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC.
Occupation: employed at Agway.
Served Army, World War
They had the following
297iii.Dennis James
298iv.Jacklyn Lisa
153. Blanche HORTON
Living at Tioga Nursing
Home, Waverly, N Y since 1984
154. Emma Jean HORTONBorn on 6 Dec 1927. Emma Jean died in 1932, she was 4. Buried in Tioga
Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
155. Rita Marie
HORTONBorn on 7 May 1929. Rita Marie died on 12
Apr 1973, she was 43. Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA.
On 3 Jul 1947 when Rita
Marie was 18, she married Norman NOBLES, M, son of Raymond N. NOBLES (about
1886-) & Susan L. SQUIRES(about
1891-).10 Born on 28 Apr 1927 in Sayre,
Bradford, PA. Norman died in Sayre, Bradford, PA on 25 Jul 1979, he was 52.
Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Fireman,
truck driver.
Served Navy
Address in 1973 was
listed asSayre, PA
Died as a result of an
auto accident
They had the following
299i.Cheryl Lee
300ii.Norman James (1950-1969)
301iii.Susan Mayme
302iv.Wayne William
303v.Mary Ann
156. Wayne Royal
HORTONBorn on 31 Mar 1933 in Nichols, Tioga, N Y.
Wayne Royal died in Nichols, Tioga, N Y on 3 Mar 1991, he was 57. Buried in
Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA. Occupation: farmer, mail carrier.
Lived at RD # 1, River
Road, Nichols, N Y. Remarried Karen Middletonand built a house on the homestead 1981.
Wayne had to put his mom
in a nursing home, Athens, PA and burned the big beautiful homestead
house.Wayne got lung cancer 1987, went
to his brain and he died 3-3-1991 6 P.M.
Wayne Royal first
married Sally DELORM, daughter of Rev. Robert DELORM (1902-1991) &
Kimberly ?They were divorced in 1975.
They had one child:
304i.Terri Laurine
of HowardFrancis VOSE (81) & Lydia
Alice AREY
157. Donald Francis
VOSEBorn Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PAOccupation: carpenter.
Neuber Family Reunion
Records - Address was listed as Orangeville, PA
Livesin Orlandolorida . No children.
On 23 Mar 1958Donald Francismarried Janice E. WHITENIGHT
158. Richard Burton
VOSEBornin Wilmot Twp, Bradford, PA.
Neuber Family Reunion
Records list an address at one time as Orangeville, PA (near Bloomsburg)
Lives in Orlando,
Dick told me in a phone
conversation June 2004 that he was born in the Jackson house down the road from
Elwell Cemetery.The house is no longer
On 23 Apr 1955 Richard
Burton married Dorothy KARSHMERBorn
in Greenwood Twp, Columbia, PA.
They had the following
305i.Roger Kerschner
306ii.Denise Marie
307iii.Darwin Ray, M
159. Max Edward VOSE
Max lives in Orlando,
On 6 Jun 1962Max Edward married Sharon B. MACY,
daughter of Bernard MACY & Ella ?They were divorced.
They had the following
308i.Christopher Edward
309ii.Mark Allen
310iii.Kimberly Alice
of Eva Grace VOSE (82) & Albert Russell CARRINGTON
160. Beverly Ann
In 1950 Beverly Ann
first married LaVerne M HOWE, M, son of H. Meyer HOWE (20 Jan 1897-7 Jun 1981)
& Anna ?Occupation: farmer,
Columbia Cross Roads, PA. They were divorced.
They had the following
311i.Bonnie Jean
312ii.Terry Dean
313iii.Ricky Gene
314iv.Jody Dan
315v.Garry Lee
Beverly Ann second
married David BROWN
Live in Van Etten, N Y
They had one child:
161. Linda Lee
On 24 Jun 1978 Linda Lee
married Wesley TANNER
They had one child:
317i.Brooks Wesley
of Pearl Winifred VOSE (84) & Fred Leslie DEPUE
162. Howard DEPUEBorn in 1932. Howard died in 1932.
163. Gerald DEPUEOccupation: car salesman.
Address listed as East
Athens, PA
Gerald married Phyllis
164. Gene DEPUE
Moved to Arizona
Gene married Marilyn
They had one child:
165. Ronald DEPUE
Lived on the homestead
in Athens, PA. Divorced with children.
of John Floyd VOSE (85) & Vivian DEPUE
166. Viola Marie VOSEOccupation: Corning Glass, Corning, N Y.
Viola Marie married
Howard STONEBorn in 1934. Howard died
on 2 Feb 1981, he was 47. Occupation: Corning Glass, Corning, N Y.
He was on disability
when they moved to Slater, Missouri 1978
They had the following
321iii.Floyd, M
323v.Lee, M
324vi.Mark, M
167. JeffreyThomas VOSE
Married with a child,
Jeffrey, Jr.Lives in Florida.
I found a Jeffrey Vose
living at Pompano Beachlorida
of Reuben Jacob NEUBER (87) & Belle Kathryn POTTER
168. Charles Lewis
NEUBERBornin Mills Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA. Christenedin Sugar Run Church, Wilmot Twp, Bradford,
PA. Occupation: farmer, school bus driver, machine operator. Education:
graduate, Wyalusing Valley High School. Religion: Wyalusing Presbyterian
Charlie attended the
early grades at the Sugar Hill School ( now across the road from Wilbur Houck
residence).He walked to school with
his mother who was a teacher.
Attended school at Sugar
Run and then went to Camptown to school before being sent to the old Wyalusing
Elementary School (where the post office is located today)
and was the first class
to graduate from the new Wyalusing High School (present school today).
Charlie stayed on the
farm with his dad after high school.
He learned to drive milk
truck, when the farmers were sending canned milk to the local creameries.Charlie and Reuben had a milk route on Sugar
Hill and Quicks Bend and took the milk to the Wyalusing Creamery which was
located on John Street in back of the town park (it is now the site of the Sewer
Plant and Park Place, a retired apartment complex.)
He bought his first used
school bus in Feb. 1960 from Ed Brown and that began his occupation as a
long-time school bus contractor in the Wyalusing School District.
In August 1977, Lois
started driving school bus and in August 1982 they added a third bus under
contract.Charlie was the first driver
in Wyalusing Area School
District to purchase a
72 passenger school bus and the first driver to purchase a 32 passenger
minibus.He was the youngest driver at
Wyalusing when he started driving
and the first driver to
have a bus with amber flashinglights
on the bus and a seat belt for the driver; all of which are standard equipment
now and we take for granted
when we see them.
On 28 Jul 1961 Charles
Lewisfirst married Shirley Ann
STRICKLAND, daughter of Edward STRICKLAND (12 Mar 1917-Apr 1979) & Mary
BRADLEYin Presbyterian Church,
Towanda, PA. Born on 1 May 1940 in Towanda, Bradford Co. PA. Shirley Ann died
in Omaha, NE in Apr 2005, she was 64. Education: Towanda High School. They were
divorced in 1967.
They had the following
325i.Bryan Lee
326ii.Melissa Anne
On 23 Aug 1969 Charles
Lewissecond married Lois Louise
GREEN,F, daughter of Everett E. GREEN
(27 Aug 1921-14 May 2000) & Dorothy Marguerite CHILSON(3 Jul 1920-18 Mar 1994), in Neath Welsh
Congregational Church, Pike Twp, Bradford, PA. Bornin Mills Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA. Christened in Neath
Welsh Congregational Church, Pike Twp, PA. Occupation: homemaker, secretary,
bookkeeper, school bus driver. Education: Ridley Business School; Northeast
Bradford High School. Religion: Welsh Congregationalist.
They had the following
327i.Wayne Everett
328ii.David Charles
of Lewis Frederick NEUBER (88) & Margaret Arlene NORCONK
169. Judy Irene
NEUBERBorn in Williamsport, Lycoming, PA.
Religion: Lutheran. Occupation: Government in DC; Cook; owner of Shady Nook,
New Albany, PA at one time. Education:Wyalusing Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA.
On 17 Nov 1962 Judy
Irene married Robert Harry EPLER, M, son of Harry E EPLER (19 Jan 1917-9 Jun
2004) & Mary E BLEILER(25 Nov
1918-4 Jul 1991), in Zion Lutheran Church, Dushore, Sullivan Co. PA.10 Bornin Sayre, Bradford, PA. Occupation: farmer. Education: Wyalusing
Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA.
They had the following
329i.Penny Lynne
330ii.Scott Robert
170. Burton Lewis
NEUBERBorn in Williamsport, Lycoming, PA.
Occupation: retired from Osram-Sylvania in Towanda, PA. Education: Wyalusing
Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA. Religion: Lutheran.
On 22 Jan 1965 Burton
Lewismarried Patricia Ann PRESTON,
daughter of Herbert PRESTON & Doris Eileen NEILEY(24 Nov 1923-2 Aug 1999). Bornin Towanda, Bradford, PA. Occupation: retired from Osram-Sylvania in
Towanda, PA. Education: Wyalusing Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA; Keystone
College. Religion: Lutheran.
They had the following
331i.Brenda Kay
332ii.Cindy Ann
333iii.Todd Joseph,
171. Raymond Reuben
NEUBERBorn on 22 Mar 1946 in Mills Hospital,
Towanda, Bradford, PA. Raymond Reuben died in New Albany, Bradford, PA on 23
Feb 1989, he was 42. Buried on 27 Feb 1989 in Colley Cemetery, Colley Twp,
Sullivan, PA. Education: Wyalusing Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA 1964.
Religion: Shepard of the Hills Lutheran Church, Dushore, PA.
served in U. S. Air
Force - Vietnam
On 29 Nov 1969Raymond Reubenfirst married Peggy Ann BARTO, daughter of George E. BARTO
& Delores ACKLEY, in Wysox Presbyterian Church, Wysox, Bradford, PA.
Bornin Sayre, Bradford, PA. Education:
Wyalusing Valley High School, Wyalusing, PA. They were divorced.
They had one child:
334i.Christopher George
On 19 Apr 1986 when
Raymond Reuben was 40, he second married Jeanne M. JENNINGSThey were divorced.
of Pauline Rosena NEUBER (90) & William John ROUSE
172. William Raymond
ROUSEBorn on 18 Jun 1942 in Williamsport,
Lycoming, PA. William Raymond died in Austin, Travis, TX on 13 Jul 1996, he was
54. Buried in St. Basil's Cemetery, Dushore, PA. Religion: Catholic.
On 26 Jul 1969 when
William Raymond was 27, he married Shirley Ann SMITH, in Mansfield, Tioga,
PA. Born in Philadelphia, PA.
They had the following
335i.Karen Ann
336ii.William Travis
337iii.Craig Robert
173. Kathleen Mae
ROUSEBorn in Sayre, Bradford, PA. Occupation:
Retired fromU S Government in
Washington, D C. Religion: Catholic.
On 12 Jun 1971 Kathleen
Mae first married Glenn John FRIEDENREICH, M, son of Arnold FRIEDENREICH &
? UNKNOWN, in St. Basil's Catholic Church, Dushore, Sullivan , PA. Born in
Englewood, Bergen, N J. They were divorced.
They had no children.
On 1 Jul 1994 Kathleen
Mae second married Mark Carpenter ARPA, M, in Fairfax, VA. Bornin Manila, Philippines.
They had no children.
174. Rosemary
Genevieve ROUSEBorn in Sayre, Bradford, PA. Religion:
On 27 Jun 1970 Rosemary
Genevieve first married Martin Joseph KELINSKY, M, in St. Basil's Church,
Dushore, Sullivan , PA. Born in Washington, D C. They were divorced.
They had no children.
On 13 Feb 1981 Rosemary
Genevieve second married David Edward MEISNERBornin Rifle, Garfield, CO.
Occupation: works for Government.
They had the following
338i.Daniel Edward
339ii.Jessica Ann
175. James Richard
ROUSEBornin Sayre, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Teacher;. Education: Mansfield State
College. Religion: Catholic.
176. Dolores Ann
ROUSE(TWIN)Born in Sayre, Bradford, PA.10 Religion: Catholic.
On 16 Nov 1985 Dolores
Annmarried William Frederick INCHBornin Ironwood, Gogebic, MI.
Bill and Doty live in
They had the following
340i.Stephen William
341ii.Kimberly Ann
177. Richard Eugene
M.(TWIN)Bornin Sayre, Bradford, PA.10 Religion: Catholic.
On 24 May 1980 Richard
Eugene first married Dawn Denise CRAWFORDBorn in Washington, D C. They were divorced.
They had no children.
On 28 Jun 1989 Richard
Eugene second married Patty Lynn ANDERSON, in Manasseh, VA.22 Born in Dumfries, Prince William,
They had the following
342i.Jennifer Lynn
343ii.Stephanie Nicole
344iii.Richard Bradley
of Betty Jean NEUBER (91) & Dana Francis HORTON
178. Richard Dana
HORTONBorn in Waverly, Tioga, N Y. Occupation:
Osram Sylvania. Education: Athens High School, Bradford Co, PA
On 10 Jul 1982 Richard
Dana first married Rosemary Regina WEBSTER, in Trinity Lutheran Church,
Towanda, PA. Born in Troy, NY. They were divorced.
They had the following
345i.Raelyn Mae
346ii.Rachelle Julia
On 15 Sep 2001 Richard
Dana second married Mary Kathryn COOK, daughter of Walter E. COOK& Joyce Louise BISHOP(12 May 1932-28 Oct 2002), in Trinity
Lutheran Church, Towanda, Bradford, PA. Bornin Towanda, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Osram Sylvania. Education: Towanda
H S.
They had no children.
179. Robert Charles
HORTONBorn in Waverly, Tioga, N Y. Occupation:
Leprino Foods, Waverly, N Y. Education: Athens High School
On 22 May 1982 Robert
Charles first married Donna "Kim" HUNSBERGER, daughter of Donald
P. HUNSBERGER & ? UNKNOWN, in Trinity Lutheran Church, Towanda,
Bradford, PA. Born in Lansdale, Montgomery, PA. They were divorced.
They had the following
347i.Sarah Jean
348ii.Katrina Beth
On 13 May 1988 Robert
Charles second married Lisa Ann GODSHALL, in St. John's Lutheran Church,
Sayre, Bradford, PA. Bornin
Quakertown, Bucks, PA.
They had the following
349i.Jacob Robert
350ii.Amanda LeAnn
180. Roger Lee HORTONBorn in Waverly, Tioga, N Y. Occupation: Osram Sylvania. Education:
Athens High School
On 27 Jul 1991 Roger Lee
married Sharon Marie HINKSON, daughter of Thomas Vance HINKSON& Joyce Arlene ROGERS, in First
Presbyterian Church, Towanda, PA. Bornin Sayre, Bradford, PA. Education: Towanda H S; Mansfield State College.
They had the following
351i.Kiersten Marie
352ii.Roger Lee
353iii.Brock Austen
354iv.Christopher Matthew
of Arthur Clayton OLIVER (98) & Lorena Mae CANFIELD
181. Donald Clayton
OLIVERBorn in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Lt. Commander-U. S. Navy.
Navy Pilot stationed in
Pensacolalorida and Saipan, Marianna Islands, West Pacific, Barbers
Point.Served 22 years
On 29 Oct 1947 Donald
Clayton first married Dorothea Jane RAETZMANN, in Yuma, AZ.3 Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. Dorothea Jane died
on 1 Feb 1969 in Coronado, San Diego, CA.3 Buried in Glen Abbey Memorial Park, Chula Vista, CA.3
They had the following
355i.Barbara Lee
356ii.Curtis Clayton
357iii.Mark Douglas
On 17 Jun 1969 Donald
Clayton second married Marianne Kinne YOUNG, in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Teacher.
Daughter of Louella Mann
of Wyalusing
of Claude Clifford OLIVER (99) & Beatrice M. WILLSON
182. Betty Marie
OLIVERBorn in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Bendix Corporation, South Montrose, PA.
On 9 Apr 1942 Betty
Marie married Frank B. ALLEN, M, in Church of Christ, Sayre, Bradford, PA.3 Born on 16 May 1918 in Meshoppen, Wyoming, PA.3 Frank B. died on 27 Jan 1999, he was 80. Occupation:
Farmer; Mail Carrier.
Son of Bird Lyle Allen
& Ruth Bunnell.
Served in World War II -
Entered the Army Air Corps Sept 1942; served in European Theater, Italy, and
Germany; promoted to Staff Sergeant.
They had the following
358i.Barbara Ann
359ii.Mary Ann
183. Harriet Louise
OLIVERBorn on 4 Feb 1922 in Wyalusing, Bradford,
PA.3 Harriet Louise died in Bradenton,
FL on 9 Jan 1971, she was 48.3 Buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing Twp, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Beautician; Telephone Operator.
Education: Wyalusing.
On 28 Feb 1941 when
Harriet Louise was 19, she first married John H. HARDENSTEIN, M, in
Presbyterian Church, Ulster, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Pipefitter at Lehigh Shops, Sayre, PA.3
Son of Henry H.
Hardenstein & Vera Squires
They had one child:
360i.John Henry, M
On 23 Dec 1947 when
Harriet Louise was 25, she second married James E. MAHONEY, M, in Elmira,
Chemung, N Y.3
They had the following
361i.Dennis Edward
362ii.Theresa Louise
184. Claude Clifford
OLIVER Jr.Born on 24 Feb 1924 in Wyalusing, Bradford,
PA.3 Claude Clifford died in Towanda,
Bradford, PA on 24 Jul 1975, he was 51. Buried in Bradford County Memorial
Park, Luther Mills, Burlington Twp, Bradford, PA.3
USAF - served WW IIAAC Corporal, Sq B, 1377th , AAF Base Unit
On 23 Sep 1950 Claude
Cliffordmarried Alice June STRAUSSER,
F, in Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
They had the following
363i.Nancy Lou
364ii.Richard Claude
365iii.Janice Marie
366iv.David William
185. Edward Charles
OLIVERBorn on 22 May 1927 in Wyalusing, Bradford,
PA.3 Edward Charles died on 24 May 1927
in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.
186. Robert Wilson
OLIVERBornin Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3
On 12 Nov 1960Robert Wilson married Rose McMAHON, in
Cherry Twp, Sullivan, PA.3
Education: St. Basil's School
Dau of Francis B.
McMahon & Mary E. Farrell of Dushore
They had the following
367i.Gary F.
368ii.Mary Robin
369iii.Robert Wilson, M
of Bertha May OLIVER (100) & Fred ELLSWORTH
187. Jesse Lewis
FANCOURTBorn in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3
On 26 Nov 1938 Jesse
Lewis married Eleanor Donaldson WRIGHT3
They had the following
370i.Charles, M
371ii.Eleanor Lou
372iii.Roxanna Dixon
of Boyd Charles OLIVER (101) & Alice Burgess MOORE
188. Thomas Charles
OLIVERBorn in Algonquin, Ontario, N Y.3 Occupation: N Y State Highway Department.
On 18 Aug 1951Thomas Charlesmarried Louise Marie CASE3
They had the following
373i.Kevin Duane
374ii.Jo Ann
375iii.Lisa Marie
189. John Boyd OLIVERBorn in Algonquin, Ontario, N Y.3 Occupation: farmer.
worked on the farm with
his father and raised Purebred Guernseys in Canandaigua, NY
On 3 Dec 1955 John
Boydmarried Dorothy KIPP3
They had the following
376i.Carol Lynn
377ii.Dale Norman
378iii.Linda Dianne
379iv.Marilyn Suzanne
190. Norman Duane
OLIVERBorn on 30 Sep 1935 in Algonquin, Ontario, N
Y.3 Norman Duane died in Hopewell
Center, Ontario, N Y on 20 Dec 1952, he was 17.3
Died in an auto accident
on the way home from a game. He was a member of the basketball team, yearbook
staff and school band
of Mildred Anne MESSERSMITH (102) & Karl M. MULLER
191. Judi Ann MULLERBornin Scranton, Lackawanna,
On 10 May 1962Judi Annfirst married CharlesMichael
HERBERT3 They were divorced.
They had the following
380i.Charles Michael
On 21 Jun 1978 Judi Ann
second married Edgar RANDOLPH3
192. Barbara Ellen
MULLERBorn in Scranton, Lackawanna, PA.3 Occupation: Social Worker. Education: University of
On 12 Jan 1980Barbara Ellenmarried Alexander JOHNSTON3
They had one child:
Seventh Generation
of Ruth Doris NEUBER (108) & Harry LIBBEE
193. Linola LIBBEE
Linola married Wallis
They live in California
They had the following
of Dorothy M. NEUBER (109) & Gordon Watson STEVENS Jr.
194. Rose STEVENS
195. Mary STEVENS
196. John STEVENS
197. James STEVENS
of Leo G. NEUBER (110) & Eloise M. HUGO
198. Terri Leigh
NEUBEREducation: Biglerville H S; York College of
On 18 Jun 1994 Terry
Leigh married (1) Gerald Nelson HARTLAUB; later they divorced. She then married (2) Michael Fabrizio on September 25, 2004.
Son of Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald A. Hartlaub
They had one child:
199. Joanne Marie NEUBER
twin to Jon H. Neuber; she lives in VA and has two masters degrees from Georgetown University
Joanne Marie married Keith
200. Jon H. NEUBER
twin to Joanne Marie Neuber; he died in 1970
of James A. NEUBER (112) & Margaret FOSTER
201. Barbara NEUBER
Barbara married Wayne
They had the following
202. Marie NEUBER
On 25 Dec 1980Marie married Michael ARNOT
They had the following
203. Carol NEUBER
On 23 Sep 1988 Carol
married Eric FLOYD
They had the following
392ii.Christopher, M
of Dollie FENTON (113) & Lewis E. SHAFFER
204. Janet Rose
Janet Rose married
205. Susan Marie
Susan Marie married Chet
of Harold FENTON (114) & Patricia FISKE
206. David FENTON
David married Susan ?,
They had one child:
207. Linda FENTON
Linda married Brian
"Buck" TEWKSBURY, M, son of Ralph TEWKSBURY & Betty Jane
BROWN(28 Jan 1924-21 Feb 1999).
They had one child:
394i.Catherine Mae "Catie"
of Arthur FENTON (115) & Marjorie LEE
208. Arthur FENTON
209. Christopher
210. Jeffrey FENTON
211. Matthew Lee
On 21 Jul 2001 Matthew
Lee married Amanda Lynne TUNNICLIFF, in Dunlap's Grove, Mehoopany, Wyoming,
daughter of Sevelon
& Kay Tunnicliff
of Edith FENTON (116) & ? ?
212. Timothy FENTON
Timothy married ?
UNKNOWNThey were divorced.
They had one child:
213. Tammy FENTON
of Donald John FENTON (117) & Lucille Johanna ERLE
214. Martin Leo
Martin Leo married
They had the following
396i.Jennifer Kathleen
397ii.Lucas Martin
215. Debra Louise
Debra Louise married
They had one child:
398i.Shawn Steven
216. Regina Lynn
Regina Lynn married
Lloyd CASSELBURYThey were divorced.
They had the following
399i.Rebecca Lynn
400ii.Rachelle Lee
217. Michele Lisa
of Donald John FENTON (117) & Linda KISNER
218. Todd FENTON
of Joan FENTON (118) & Donald SIRANNI
219. Diane Dee
220. LeeAnn SIRANNI
of Tracy FENTON (119) & Kathryn KISNER
221. Tracey Lynn
Tracey Lynn married
They had the following
401i.Dillon, M
402ii.Nicholas, M
of Lyle R. FENTON (120) & Margaret PIPHER
222. Lyle R. FENTON
Lyle R. first married
Jenny UPDEGRAFFThey were divorced.
They had one child by
Pamela Knolles:
of Lula Belle FENTON (121) & Gene LAWRENCE
223. Daryl LAWRENCE
224. Doreen LAWRENCE
225. Doris LAWRENCE
226. James LAWRENCE
of Charles Myron LEMON (122) & Donna FRANKLIN
227. Patricia LEMON
228. Michael LEMON
of Kathryn Eileen LEMONS (123) & Ralph Dale COOLEY
229. Dr Norvin Ralph
COOLEYOccupation: Clinical Psychologist in Oregon
City, OR.
Norvin Ralph married Marilyn MILFORD
They had one child:
404i.Melissa Renee
230. Theron Dale
Lives in New York City
231. Rena Myrtle
On 3 Sep 1973 when Rena
Myrtlemarried John VANALLEN
They had the following
405i.Austin John
406ii.Preston David
of Paul James LEMON (124) & Margere McCARTY
232. Gary K. LEMON
On 6 Sep 1975Gary K. married Susan GAVIGAN
They had the following
407i.Ryan P.
408ii.Kristin M.
409iii.Corey T.
233. Paula LEMON
On 24 May 1986 Paula
married Larry R. COMSTOCK
They had the following
410i.Megan N. (Twin)
411ii.Melissa L. (Twin)
234. Donald C. LEMON
On 9 Jun 1984 Donald C.,
married Laura A. REPASKY
They had the following
412i.Jessica E.
413ii.Paul James
235. Staci LEMON
On 20 Sep 1997 Staci
married Gregory S. TENHAVE
They had the following
414i.Justin G.
415ii.Trevor J.
of Dorothy Mae DICKINSON (130) & UNNAMED
236. Nancy Margaret
On 14 Dec 1963Nancy Margaret married Delbert SECHRIST
They had one child:
416i.Joseph Alfred
237. Mark Wheaton
of Erma Arlene DICKINSON (132) & Gordon Ellwood MOSIER
238. William Russell
MOSIERBorn in Meshoppen, Wyoming, PA.
239. Gordon Paul
MOSIERBornin Towanda, Bradford, PA.
On 28 May 1988 Gordon
Paul married Marsha Ann BENNETT, in Rushville, Susquehanna, PA.
They had the following
417i.Karley Ann
418ii.Matthew Gordon
419iii.Kayla Marie
240. Eugene Carl
241. David Todd
of Nelson Louis DICKINSON (133) & Shirley Ann BENJAMIN
242. John William
On 6 May 1978 John
William married Deborah Marie STOCK, in N J.
They had the following
420i.John Nelson
421ii.Erik William
422iii.Andrew Robert
423iv.Joseph Benjamin
243. Debra Ann
On 27 Sep 1976Debra Annfirst married Thomas Stephen TREWITT
They had the following
424i.Jennifer Ann
425ii.Kristel Laura
On 5 Jun 1986 Debra Ann
second married Reginald Barry LAMPHERE
They had the following
426i.Jaimie Leigh
427ii.Kathleen Rose
244. James Louis
James Louis married ? ?,
They had one child:
428i.Michael James
245. Kathryn Arlene
On 3 May 1986 Kathryn
Arlenemarried Leigh Michael WITTY
They had the following
429i.Travis Ward
430ii.Danica Leigh
246. Marjorie Lynn
On 6 Jun 1992Marjorie Lynn married John Joseph
They had the following
431i.Joseph Matthew
432ii.Mark, M
247. Lisa Eileen
On 1 Jun 1991 Lisa
Eileen married Albert BISCH
They had the following
433i.Kelli Lynn
434ii.Andrew Michael
248. Christine Marie
435i.Scott Matthew
of William Arthur DICKINSON (134) & Arlene Keithline OSBORNE
249. Randy William
DICKINSONBornin Johnson City, Broome, N Y.
On 7 Apr 1979Randy William married Helen Cathy BROWN,
in Lovelton, Wyoming, PA. Born in Sayre, Bradford, PA.
Daughter of Ed and Kate
Brown of Sugar Hill, Sugar Run, Wilmot Twp, Bradford Co, PA.She lives in Mildred.
They had the following
436i.Jason Michael
437ii.Randi Denelle
250. Gary Lee
DICKINSONBorn in Binghamton, Broome, N Y.
On 23 Sep 1980 Gary Lee
first married Sue CARNEYThey were
divorced in 1982.
They had one child:
438i.Melissa Sue
On 24 Sep 1982Gary Lee second married Mona Lisa BRAUNThey were divorced on 9 May 1988.
They had one child:
439i.Kristina Rene
On 14 Jan 1989 Gary Lee
third married Sharon Marie HUFF
They had the following
441ii.Gary Lee
442iii.William Arthur
251. Penny Michelle
Penny Michelle married
They had the following
443i.Toni Shailene
444ii.Joshua Lee
252. Bradley Allen
On 16 Oct 1982 Bradley
Allen first married Joyce Nadine NORCONK, in Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.They were divorced. She was the daughter of Jim L.
Norconk and Marion Louise Johnson
They had the following
445i.James William
446ii.Jamie Nicole
In 2003 Bradley Allen
second married Kristine M. CHESLA
of William Arthur DICKINSON (134) & Darlene BROWN
253. Scott Oliver
Sgt. First Battalion,
13th Armored Regimentort Riley, Kansas.Scott served in Iraq 2003-2004 as a tank gunner.
Scott Oliver married
Jenny ?
They had one child:
of William Arthur DICKINSON (134) & Debra "Kay" DECKER
254. Daniel Dean
of Grace Uleta DICKINSON (136) & Norman Richard MOSIER
255. Lori Beth MOSIER
On 27 Mar 1986Lori Bethmarried Celal ANDICAN
They had the following
448i.Cemil Kerim
256. John Richard
450i.Travis, M
257. Ray William
258. Steven Nelson
of Lula Irene DICKINSON (137) & Edward Harrison MINER
259. Patricia Marie
MINERBorn on 11 Sep 1959. Patricia Marie died on
8 Mar 1960.
260. Edward David
261. Janise Carol
On 17 Aug 1985Janise Carolmarried Stephen PARKER
They had the following
452i.Stepheni Lynn
453ii.Lance Stephen
262. Patrick Dale
Patrick Dale married
They had the following
455ii.Adam Patrick
of Charlotte Lorraine DICKINSON (138) & Charles Oscar DULL
263. Michael Charles
On 22 Jun 1985 Michael
Charles married Laura Louise JOHNSON
They had the following
456i.Tabitha Ann
457ii.Adam Michael
264. Clyde Alan DULL
In Jun 1997 Clyde Alan
married Andrea BROWN
They had one child:
458i.Jessica Brook
265. Christopher Carl
On 9 Nov 1985
Christopher Carlmarried Sally Ann
They had one child:
459i.Nathan Christopher
266. Tina Marie DULL
On 8 Jul 1990 Tina Marie
married David LUDDY
They had one child:
460i.Aaron Zachary
of David Russell DICKINSON (139) & Barbara Hanne Lore KUNZE
267. David Russell
268. Jennifer Marie
On 26 Mar 1994 Jennifer
Marie married Shawn Patrick CHEERIE
They had the following
461i.Shawn Patrick
462ii.William Allen
463iii.Kyle Lee, M
of Jack L NEUBER (140) & Nora A. ?
269. Julie NEUBER
In 2004 she was living
in Centreville, VA
of Marilyn Demis UTLEY (143) & Richard P. GUNSALUS
270. Catherine
Elizabeth GUNSALUS
On 28 May 1994 Catherine
Elizabeth married Richard CHIOVARO
live in West Virginia
They had one child:
464i.Bradley Frank
of Martin Joseph STODDARD (144) & Dorothy FINAN
271. Leona Catherine
STODDARDOccupation: bank assistant, Peoples State
Bank, Wyalusing, PA.
On 27 Nov 1971Leona Catherine married James FITZGERALD, M,
son of Joseph FITZGERALD & Ruby GAVITTOccupation: P & G Tech.
They had the following
465i.Angela Lynn
466ii.Eric David
272. Steven Hiram
In Jun 1974 Steven Hiram
first married Pamela GREGORYThey were
They had the following
Steven Hiram second
married ? PICKETT
Her first husband, Tom
Otis, died
273. Marilyn Marie
STODDARDOccupation: Administrative Secretary,
Wyalusing Area School District
On 3 Aug 1974Marilyn Marie married Larry BURKE, M, son of
Gerald F. BURKE (2 Feb 1916-15 Sep 2000) & M. Genevieve "Jean"
SMURKOWSKI(1921-20 Dec 1996).Occupation: elem. teacher-Mehoopany, Wyoming
Co, PA (Tunkhannock School System)
They had the following
469i.John Michael
274. Janet Mary
STODDARDBorn on 11 Oct 1966. Janet Mary died on 14
Oct 1966. Buried in Bradford County Memorial Park, Luther Mills, Bradford, PA.
of Hila Mae STODDARD (145) & Richard George HUNSINGER
275. Raulston Richard
HUNSINGER SrBorn on 5 Nov 1949.10 Raulston Richard died on 8 Aug
1988, he was 38. Buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung, NY.
Occupation: employed-Anchor Glass.
On 22 Nov 1969 when
Raulston Richard was 20, he married Carolyn BOECHER, daughter of Harry
BOECHER & Norma GILBERTOccupation: Nurse.
They had the following
472i.Raulston Richard
473ii.Lorie Ann
474iii.Russell Lee
276. Wanda Marie
On 5 Dec 1970Wanda Mariemarried Leon David McGRAIN, M, son of Ralph McGRAIN & Elsie LEWISOccupation: Security Guard-Prison.
They had the following
475i.Marc David
476ii.Traci Marie
277. Linda Lou
HUNSINGER. Occupation: Secretary.
Linda Lou married Randy
They had the following
477i.Christopher Jay,
478ii.Karri Ann
278. Pamela Mae
On 26 Jun 1971 Pamela
Maemarried Verne Edward STAGE, M, son
of Francis STAGE & Marjorie BURROUGHS
They had the following
479i.Tammy Lynn
480ii.Danielle Mae
of Lahman Lee STODDARD (146) & Darlene Rose FINAN
279. Kathleen Sue
In 1975 Kathleen Sue
married Richard EDWARDS
They had the following
280. James Lahman
On 25 Jul 1981 James
Lahman first married Sandra Ruth SNYDER, daughter of William G. SNYDER &
Carole MANNThey divorced.
On 22 Dec 1984 James
Lahman second married Marsha JOHNSON
They had the following
483i.Lyndsay Darlene
of Roy William STODDARD (147) & Rita GAINER
281. Stanley William
STODDARDOccupation: Security Guard, Graterford
Prison, PA.Veteran U S Air Force
282. Sharon Marie
On 15 Sep 1990 Sharon
Marie married Russell "Rusty" PREVOST, M, son of Warren PREVOST &
They had the following
485i.Jonathan Ronald
486ii.Jessica Ruth
283. Susan Marie
On 1 Jul 1989 Susan
Marie married Brett DIMASSIMO, M, son of Robert DIMASSIMO & Rene BIZZORDY,
They had the following
487i.Nicole Marie
488ii.Angelia Joe (Twin)
489iii.Rebekah Sue (Twin)
490iv.Kahla Marie
491v.Brittani Rene
284. Joanne Mary
On 16 Sep 2000 Joanne
Marymarried Kenneth WETLAUFER
285. Joyce Ann
On 6 Aug 1996 Joyce
Annmarried Joseph CHIPOLIS
They had one child:
492i.Jacob Joseph
286. Randy Joseph
STODDARD born January 22, 1969, died June 30, 2011. Occupation: Welles Mill;Taylor-Taylor Packing, Wyalusing, PA.
On 14 Sep 1996Randy Joseph married Wanda Ann MORRIS,
daughter of Charles MORRIS & Beverly ?
They had the following
493i.Hailey Morris
494ii.Cassandra Leigh
Daily Review
Towanda, PA
July 6, 2011
Randy J. Stoddard, age 42, of Grant Hill, Wilmot Township, Bradford County resident, passed away at
his home on Thursday, June 30, 2011. Randy was born on Jan. 22, 1969, a son of William R.
and Rita A. Gainer Stoddard of Grant Hill. He graduated from the Wyalusing Valley High School
a member of the class of 1987. Randy was formerly employed by Welles Mill, Purina and
Taylor-Cargill and was last employed as a custodian at the Wyalusing Valley High School.
Randy was an outdoorsman and enjoyed hunting and fishing. He especially loved spending time with
his three daughters and family events. Surviving are three daughters Hailey Stoddard, Cassandra
Stoddard and Madilyn Stoddard; his parents, Bill and Rita Stoddard of Grant Hill; brother
Stanley (Michelle) Stoddard of Kane, Pa.; four sisters Sharon (Russell) Prevost
of Meshoppen, Pa.; Susan (Brett) DiMassimo, of Williamsport, Joanne (Ken)
Wettlauffer, Williamsport, Pa. and Joyce (Josesph) Chipolis of Williamsport, Pa.
and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a brother, Ronald Stoddard on
Nov. 19, 1991. A Transferral Service will be held at 9 a.m. on Friday, July 8, 2011
at the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home, 1 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, Pa., and will be followed by a
Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's of the Assumption Church, Wyalusing,
Pa., with the Rev. Joseph J. Manarchuck, pastor, presiding. Interment will be
in St. Anthony's Cemetery, Stowell, Pa Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. on
Tuesday at the Homer Funeral Home, 1 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, Pa. To send
condolences or sign the e-guestbook, please go to www.homerfuneralhome.com.
287. Ronald Steven
STODDARDBorn on 30 Nov 1970. Ronald Steven died on
19 Nov 1998, he was 27.
of William CHURCHMAN (148) & Miriam MAKI
289. Diane Ruth
of Paul Henry CHURCHMAN (149) & Eunice BENNETT
290. James CHURCHMAN
291. Paulette
292. Valerie K.
of Mamie Joyce CHURCHMAN (150) & Ward BENJAMIN
293. Glenn BENJAMIN
294. Harold BENJAMIN
of Frances L. HORTON (152) & John T. FISHER
295. Patricia FISHEROccupation: Registered Nurse.Lives in Maryland
Patricia married Michael
P. DORIOThey were divorced.
They had the following
296. Larry FISHER
Larry married Mary Ann
SCHOENERThey were divorced.
297. Dennis James
Dennis James married
They had the following
298. Jacklyn Lisa
of Rita Marie HORTON (155) & Norman NOBLES
299. Cheryl Lee
On 3 Jun 1966 Cheryl
Leefirst married Jack WALMSLEY10
In Aug 1973 Cheryl Lee
second married ? SCHRADERThey were
They had no children.
300. Norman James
NOBLESBorn on 14 Jan 1950.10 Norman James died in Vietnam on 20
Jan 1969, he was 19. Buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, PA. Another page in the
Neuber Family Reunion says Norman was born Jan 23, 1950
301. Susan Mayme
Susan Mayme married
Patrick CAKILLThey were divorced.
302. Wayne William
Wayne William first
married Eileen CARWRIGHTThey were
In 1989Wayne William second married Melissa ?
303. Mary Ann NOBLES
In 1989 Mary Annmarried Sam HORTON, M, son of Jack HORTON
& ? ?
of Wayne Royal HORTON (156) & Sally DELORM
304. Terri Laurine
Live in Sayre, PA
Terri Laurine married
They had the following
502i.Robert James
503ii.Justin Royal
of Richard Burton VOSE (158) & Dorothy KARSHMER
305. Roger Kerschner
Roger Kerschner married
Shelia Patricia CARALLE
306. Denise Marie
On 19 Sep 1978 Denise
Marie married Frank QUIGLEY
307. Darwin Ray VOSE
of Max Edward VOSE (159) & Sharon B. MACY
308. Christopher
Edward VOSE
309. Mark Allen VOSE
Mark Allen married Josie
They had one child:
310. Kimberly Alice
married and has a child
of Beverly Ann CARRINGTON (160) & LaVerne M HOWE
311. Bonnie Jean HOWEin Endicott, Broome, NY.
312. Terry Dean HOWEin Troy Hospital, Troy, Bradford, PA.
314. Jody Dan HOWEin Troy Hospital, Troy, Bradford, PA.
315. Garry Lee HOWEin Troy Hospital, Troy, Bradford, PA.
of Beverly Ann CARRINGTON (160) & David BROWN
316. LeeAnn BROWNin Military Hospital, Charleston, S C.
she married and has a
of Linda Lee CARRINGTON (161) & Wesley TANNER
317. Brooks Wesley
of Gene DEPUE (164) & Marilyn HUBBARD
318. Brian DEPUE,M
of Viola Marie VOSE (166) & Howard STONE
319. Sally STONE
Sally married ?
lived in Horseheads,
Chemung Co, N Y
320. Christine STONE
On 7 Dec 1975 Christine
married Louis COWAN
Lived Missouri
321. Floyd STONE
322. Marie STONE
323. Lee STONE
324. Mark STONE
of Charles Lewis NEUBER (168) & Shirley Ann STRICKLAND
325. Bryan Lee NEUBERBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda, PA.Education: Wyalusing Area School Dist; Keystone Jr. College.
326. Melissa Anne
NEUBERBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford Co. PA. Occupation: P & G Credit Union. Education: Wyalusing Area
School District.
U. S. Air Force July
1984 - 1986
On 19 Nov 1989Melissa Anne first married Brian Frederick
ZEIDNER, M, son of Frederick ZEIDNER& Peggy L. FURNER(30 Jun
1949-6 Oct 2002), in Pease Air Force Base, Portsmouth, N H.Occupation: Maintenance Supervisor, Nursing
Home; Claverack Electric Coop, Wysox, PAEducation: Morrisville-Eaton High School, Morrisville , N Y. Religion:
Baptist. They were divorced in Nov 1999.
Brian served in U. S.
Air Force
They had the following
505i.Benjamin Louis
506ii.Zachary Reuben
Melissa Anne second
married Ralph SCHWARTZ
of Charles Lewis NEUBER (168) & Lois Louise GREEN
327. Wayne Everett
NEUBER,M. Born in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.10 Occupation: bus driver; machine
operator-Proctor & Gamble Products, Inc. Education: Wyalusing Valley H S;
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, PA. Religion: Methodist.
Member of National Honor
Society at Wyalusing High School
Eagle Scout Court of
Honor - November 1993
On 16 Aug 2003Wayne Everett married Jennifer Lin
HOWLAND,F, daughter of Russell Kenneth
United Church of Christ, LeRaysville, Pike Twp, Bradford, PA. Born in Robert
Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA. Occupation: Teacher Aide, Northeast Elem.
School. Education: Northeast Bradford H S; Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA
Jen was a member of
National Honor Society at Northeast Bradford.
One of Jen's
grandfathers, John Howland, was with the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock,
They had one child:
507i.Maisie Louise
328. David Charles
NEUBER,Born in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.10Occupation: Farmer; Propane Delivery. Education: Wyalusing Valley High
School. Religion: Methodist.
of Judy Irene NEUBER (169) & Robert Harry EPLER
329. Penny Lynne
EPLERBorn in Towanda, Bradford, PA.10 Occupation: Animal Health Tech;
Civil Attorney-New York State.
On 19 Sep 1992 Penny
Lynne married Brian Robert CARL, M, in Lutheran Church, Dushore, Sullivan Co.
PA. Bornin Albany, Albany, N Y.
They had one child:
508i.Michaela Linea
330. Scott Robert
EPLERBorn in Towanda, Bradford, PA.10
Served in U S Army; Gulf
War and is now serving in Iraq
On 14 Mar 1992 Scott
Robertmarried Rebecca Mae ROBBINS,
in Houston, Missouri. Born in Houston, Texas, MO.
They had the following
509i.Chelsea Elizabeth
510ii.Kaitlyn Nicole
511iii.Kristie Preston
of Burton Lewis NEUBER (170) & Patricia Ann PRESTON
331. Brenda Kay
NEUBERBorn in Towanda, Bradford, PA.10 Occupation: Physician's Assistant.
Education: Masters Degree in Nursing.
On 22 Apr 1995Brenda Kay married Lane Austin MILLER, M,
son of Harold Frederick MILLER & Suzan Diane SPENCER, in Towanda,
Bradford Co. PA. Born in Heidelberg, Germany.
They had the following
512i.Marca Renee
513ii.Regan Elise
332. Cindy Ann NEUBERBornin Towanda, Bradford, PA.10 Occupation: High School Teacher.
Education: Wyalusing H S; Bloomsburg Univ.
On 26 Mar 1994 Cindy Ann
married Roger William KLEIN, M, in Zion Lutheran Church, Dushore, Sullivan, PA.
Born in Montrose, Susquehanna, PA. Occupation: High School Teacher.
They had one child:
515i.Rachel Elizabeth
333. Todd Joseph
NEUBERBorn in Towanda, Bradford, PA.10
of Raymond Reuben NEUBER (171) & Peggy Ann BARTO
334. Christopher
George NEUBERBorn in Towanda, Bradford, PA.10
Chris now lives in
On 2 Nov 1991
Christopher George married Susan Jeanette TALLEY, in Louisville, Jefferson,
KY. Born in Louisville, Jefferson, KY. They were divorced.
No children
of William Raymond ROUSE (172) & Shirley Ann SMITH
335. Karen Ann ROUSEBorn in Plattsburgh, Clinton, N Y.
Karen lives in Texas
On 3 Sep 1994 Karen Ann
married Thomas Alan ZUROVEC, M, in Austin, Travis, TX. They were divorced.
336. William Travis
ROUSEBornin Landsthul, Germany.
They live in Texas
William Travis married
Holly ?
337. Craig Robert
ROUSEBornin Austin, Travis, TX.
Lives in Texas
of Rosemary Genevieve ROUSE (174) & David Edward MEISNER
338. Daniel Edward
MEISNERBorn in Long Beach, Los Angeles, CA.
339. Jessica Ann
MEISNERBorn in Arlington, Arlington, VA.
of Dolores Ann ROUSE (176) & William Frederick INCH
340. Stephen William
INCHBornin Washington, D C.
341. Kimberly Ann
INCHBornin Washington, D C.
of Richard Eugene ROUSE (177) & Patty Lynn ANDERSON
342. Jennifer Lynn
ROUSEBorn in Fairfaxairfax, VA.
On 23 Apr 2005 Katrina
Beth married Guy Kenneth KAPICHOK, M, son of William KAPICHOK Jr. & Margery
?, in Independent Baptist Church, Towanda, PA. Education: Canton Area
Live in Towanda, PA
of Robert Charles HORTON (179) & Lisa Ann GODSHALL
349. Jacob Robert
HORTONBorn in Sayre, Bradford, PA.
350. Amanda LeAnn
HORTONBorn in Sayre, Bradford, PA.
of Roger Lee HORTON (180) & Sharon Marie HINKSON
351. Kiersten Marie
HORTONBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.
8 lb. 2 oz.
352. Roger Lee HORTON
Jr.Bornin Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA.
353. Brock Austen
HORTONBornin Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA.
354. Christopher
Matthew HORTONBornin Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA.
of Donald Clayton OLIVER (181) & Dorothea Jane RAETZMANN
355. Barbara Lee
356. Curtis Clayton
OLIVERBorn in Pensacola, EscambiaL.3
357. Mark Douglas
OLIVERBornin Barbers Point, Honolulu, Oahu, HI.3
of Betty Marie OLIVER (182) & Frank B. ALLEN
358. Barbara Ann
ALLENBorn in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre,
Bradford, PA.3
On 21 Aug 1965 Barbara
Ann married Kenneth Philip AREY, M, son of Fred T. AREY (12 Dec 1896-14 Jan
1961) & Rachel A. MANAHAN(1901-1963), in United Presbyterian Church, Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3Occupation:
They had the following
516i.Kenneth Philip
517ii.Fred Thomas
359. Mary Ann ALLENBornin Mills Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.3
On 17 Nov 1965 Mary
Annmarried Edward Judson BURGESS, M,
in Skinner's Eddy, Wyoming, PA.3
Son of Nelson Burgess
& Florence Champion
They had the following
518i.John Allen
519ii.James Kenneth
520iii.Joelle "Toony" Marie
of Harriet Louise OLIVER (183) & John H. HARDENSTEIN
360. John Henry
HARDENSTEINBornin Mills Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
of Harriet Louise OLIVER (183) & James E. MAHONEY
361. Dennis Edward
MAHONEYBorn in Elmira, Chemung, N Y.3
On 17 May 1975 Dennis
Edward married Kathy J. ROBBINS, in Cranberry Twp, PA.3
They had the following
521i.Kelly Joanne
522ii.Kevin Edward
523iii.Katherine Alanna
362. Theresa Louise
In Aug 1970 Theresa
Louise married Richard WALTERS, M, in Elmira, Chemung, N Y.3
They had the following
524i.Shannon Louise
525ii.Carrie Leigh
of Claude Clifford OLIVER Jr. (184) & Alice June STRAUSSER
On 25 Sep 1971 Nancy
Loumarried John J. McDONALD, M, in
Towanda, Bradford, PA.3 Born in Towanda,
Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Dupont, Towanda, PA.
They had the following
526i.Angela Jeanette
527ii.Catherine Ann
364. Richard Claude
OLIVERBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: DuPont, Towanda, PA.
On 22 Jun 1973 Richard
Claudemarried Lois BROSCHART, in
Dushore, Sullivan, PA.3
They had the following
528i.Richard Claude
529ii.Brian Lee Joseph
365. Janice Marie
OLIVERBornin Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA.3
On 24 Sep 1975 Janice
Mariefirst married Ralph SCHNOONOVER,
M.3 They were divorced.
They had the following
530i.Calicia Marie
531ii.Tia Anne
On 17 Jul 1999 Janice
Marie second married Richard BUSSELL, M, in Rod & Gun Club, Monroeton,
Bradford, PA.3
366. David William
OLIVERBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: PennDot.
On 21 Feb 1997 David
Williammarried Angela JOHNSTON, in
Towanda, Bradford, PA.3 Born in
Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
They had the following
532i.William Claude
533ii.Kyle Andrew
of Robert Wilson OLIVER (186) & Rose McMAHON
367. Gary F. OLIVER
On 23 May 1987 Gary
F.married Michelle BURDETT3
They had the following
368. Mary Robin
In Jun 1999 Mary
Robinmarried Jeff FITZGERALD, M, in
Wyalusing, Bradford, PA.3
Son of PeteFitzgerald & Carleen Ely
They had the following
538ii.Zayne Robert
539iii.Joshua Francis
369. Robert Wilson
of Jesse Lewis FANCOURT (187) & Eleanor Donaldson WRIGHT
370. Charles FANCOURT
371. Eleanor Lou
372. Roxanna Dixon
of Thomas Charles OLIVER (188) & Louise Marie CASE
373. Kevin Duane
OLIVERBornin Canandaigua, Ontario, N Y.3,3
On 3 Nov 1979 Kevin
Duanemarried Maryellen MICHAELSON3
They had the following
540i.Brooke Leigh
541ii.Kelli Michael
374. Jo Ann OLIVER
On 19 Oct 1974 Jo Ann
married David A. HILTON3
They had the following
542i.Janice Marie
543ii.Greg Alan
375. Lisa Marie
On 14 Jan 1977 Lisa
Marie married Kevin F. REED3
They had the following
544i.Michael Thomas
545ii.Elizabeth Marie
of John Boyd OLIVER (189) & Dorothy KIPP
376. Carol Lynn
On 20 Oct 1979 Carol
Lynn married Douglas BERGSTRESSER3
377. Dale Norman
378. Linda Dianne
379. Marilyn Suzanne
of Judi Ann MULLER (191) & CharlesMichael HERBERT
380. Charles Michael
381. Jeffery HERBERT
382. Kristen HERBERT
of Barbara Ellen MULLER (192) & Alexander JOHNSTON
383. Frederick
JOHNSTONBorn in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA.3
Eighth Generation
of Linola LIBBEE (193) & Wallis FRANDROY
384. Kurt FRANDROY
385. Erica FRANDROY
of Terry Leigh NEUBER (198) & Gerald Nelson HARTLAUB
386. Faith HARTLAUB
of Barbara NEUBER (201) & Wayne CORNELIUS
387. Kimberly
388. Daniel CORNELIUS
of Marie NEUBER (202) & Michael ARNOT
389. Jeri ARNOT
390. Jamie ARNOT
of Carol NEUBER (203) & Eric FLOYD
391. Bryan FLOYD
392. Christopher
of David FENTON (206) & Susan ?
393. Lisa FENTONOccupation: Accountant. Education: Wyalusing Valley H S 1999; Lock Haven
University 2003.
On 27 Sep 2003 Lisa
married Kenneth MAPESOccupation:
Curator of Wyalusing Valley Museum. Education: Wyalusing Valley H S 1998; Lock
Haven University 2002.
Son of Kenneth Mapes, Jr.
& Barbara Burke
They had one child:
546i.McKenna Sue
of Linda FENTON (207) & Brian "Buck" TEWKSBURY
394. Catherine Mae
"Catie" TEWKSBURYEducation:WVHS; Newport Business Institute
On 15 May 2004Catherine Mae "Catie" married
Reese Edward HATCHEducation: WVHS; PA
College of Technology
Son of Floyd Hatch &
Carol Pisaneschi
of Timothy FENTON (212) & ? UNKNOWN
395. Whitney FENTON
of Martin Leo FENTON (214) & Kathleen STEIGERWALD
396. Jennifer
Kathleen FENTON
397. Lucas Martin
of Debra Louise FENTON (215) & Richard WILDRICK
398. Shawn Steven
of Regina Lynn FENTON (216) & Lloyd CASSELBURY
399. Rebecca Lynn
400. Rachelle Lee
of Tracey Lynn FENTON (221) & Michael FERGUSON
401. Dillon FERGUSON
402. Nicholas
of Lyle R. FENTON Jr. (222) & Pamela KNOWLES
403. Tyler FENTON, M
of Dr Norvin Ralph COOLEY (229) & Marilyn MILFORD
404. Melissa Renee
of Rena Myrtle COOLEY (231) & John VANALLEN
405. Austin John
406. Preston David
of Gary K. LEMON (232) & Susan GAVIGAN
407. Ryan P. LEMON
408. Kristin M. LEMON
409. Corey T. LEMON
of Paula LEMON (233) & Larry R. COMSTOCK
410. Megan N.
411. Melissa L.
of Donald C. LEMON (234) & Laura A. REPASKY
412. Jessica E. LEMON
413. Paul James LEMON
of Staci LEMON (235) & Gregory S. TENHAVE
414. Justin G.
415. Trevor J.
of Nancy Margaret DICKINSON (236) & Delbert SECHRIST
416. Joseph Alfred
Joseph Alfred married
They had the following
547i.Joseph Albert
548ii.Breanna Yonnie
of Gordon Paul MOSIER (239) & Marsha Ann BENNETT
417. Karley Ann
418. Matthew Gordon
419. Kayla Marie
of John William DICKINSON (242) & Deborah Marie STOCK
420. John Nelson
DICKINSONBorn in New Jersey.
421. Erik William
DICKINSONBornin New Jersey.
422. Andrew Robert
DICKINSONBorn in New Jersey.
423. Joseph Benjamin
DICKINSONBornin New Jersey.
of Debra Ann DICKINSON (243) & Thomas Stephen TREWITT
424. Jennifer Ann
425. Kristel Laura
of Debra Ann DICKINSON (243) & Reginald Barry LAMPHERE
426. Jaimie Leigh
427. Kathleen Rose
of James Louis DICKINSON (244) & ? ?
428. Michael James
of Kathryn Arlene DICKINSON (245) & Leigh Michael WITTY
429. Travis Ward
430. Danica Leigh WITTY
of Marjorie Lynn DICKINSON (246) & John Joseph McCUTCHEON
431. Joseph Matthew
432. Mark McCUTCHEON
of Lisa Eileen DICKINSON (247) & Albert BISCH
433. Kelli Lynn BISCH
434. Andrew Michael
of Christine Marie DICKINSON (248)
435. Scott Matthew
of Randy William DICKINSON (249) & Helen Cathy BROWN
436. Jason Michael
DICKINSONBorn in Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA.
of Gary Lee DICKINSON (250) & Mona Lisa BRAUN
439. Kristina Rene
of Gary Lee DICKINSON (250) & Sharon Marie HUFF
440. Christina
441. Gary Lee
DICKINSON JrBorn in Macon, GA
442. William Arthur
DICKINSON IIBornin Georgia.
of Penny Michelle DICKINSON (251) & Paul PRICE
443. Toni Shailene
PRICEBornin Florida.
444. Joshua Lee PRICEBorn in Florida
of Bradley Allen DICKINSON (252) & Joyce Nadine NORCONK
445. James William
DICKINSONEducation: Wyalusing Valley H S
446. Jamie Nicole
DICKINSONBornin Rapids General Hospital, Alexandria, LA.3 Education: Wyalusing Valley H S
of Scott Oliver DICKINSON (253) & Jenny ?
447. Kensey DICKINSON
of Lori Beth MOSIER (255) & Celal ANDICAN
448. Cemil Kerim
449. Khelsae ANDICAN
of John Richard MOSIER (256)
450. Travis MOSIER
451. Karen MOSIER
of Janise Carol MINER (261) & Stephen PARKER
452. Stepheni Lynn
453. Lance Stephen
of Patrick Dale MINER (262) & Isabell RIVIERA
454. Rebecca SMITH
455. Adam Patrick
of Michael Charles DULL (263) & Laura Louise JOHNSON
456. Tabitha Ann DULL
457. Adam Michael
of Clyde Alan DULL (264) & Andrea BROWN
458. Jessica Brook
of Christopher Carl DULL (265) & Sally Ann BROZONIS
459. Nathan
Christopher DULL
of Tina Marie DULL (266) & David LUDDY
460. Aaron Zachary
of Jennifer Marie DICKINSON (268) & Shawn Patrick CHEERIE
461. Shawn Patrick
462. William Allen
463. Kyle Lee CHEERIE
of Catherine Elizabeth GUNSALUS (270) & Richard CHIOVARO
464. Bradley Frank
of Leona Catherine STODDARD (271) & James FITZGERALD
465. Angela Lynn
466. Eric David
of Steven Hiram STODDARD (272) & Pamela GREGORY
467. Shanda STODDARD
468. Lyndena STODDARD
of Marilyn Marie STODDARD (273) & Larry BURKE
469. John Michael
On 24 Jun 2000 John
Michaelmarried Angelenine Elizabeth
PODLASKI, daughter of Stanley PODLASKI & Betty ?
They had one child:
549i.Sophie Lou
470. Kelly BURKE
On 11 May 2002
Kellymarried ? ?, M, in St. Basil's
Catholic Church, Dushore, Sullivan, PA.
471. Matthew BURKE
of Raulston Richard HUNSINGER Sr (275) & Carolyn BOECHER
472. Raulston Richard
HUNSINGEROccupation: Security Guard-N C.
On 22 Dec 1995 Raulston
Richard married Terri ?Occupation:
Physical Therapist.
473. Lorie Ann
In 1997Lorie Annmarried Larry PETERS
They had one child:
550i.Vincent Alexander
474. Russell Lee
HUNSINGEROccupation: TV Cameraman.
of Wanda Marie HUNSINGER (276) & Leon David McGRAIN
475. Marc David
McGRAINOccupation: Security Guard-Prison.
476. Traci Marie
Occupation: Elem. School Teacher.
of Linda Lou HUNSINGER (277) & Randy Dale LITTLE
477. Christopher Jay
On 23 Jul 1994
Christopher Jaymarried Carrie
BELASKYOccupation: Physical
478. Karri Ann LITTLE
of Pamela Mae HUNSINGER (278) & Verne Edward STAGE
479. Tammy Lynn STAGE
On 30 May 2003Tammy Lynnmarried Roger KISSLING20
480. Danielle Mae
On 30 Aug 2003Danielle Mae married Scott BEERS
Scott & Danielle
live in Boston, MA
of Kathleen Sue STODDARD (279) & Richard EDWARDS
481. Daniel EDWARDS
482. Christine
of James Lahman STODDARD (280) & Marsha JOHNSON
483. Lyndsay Darlene
484. Brandon STODDARD
of Sharon Marie STODDARD (282) & Russell "Rusty" PREVOST
485. Jonathan Ronald
486. Jessica Ruth
of Susan Marie STODDARD (283) & Brett DIMASSIMO
487. Nicole Marie
488. Angelia Joe
489. Rebekah Sue
490. Kahla Marie
491. Brittani Rene
of Joyce Ann STODDARD (285) & Joseph CHIPOLIS
492. Jacob Joseph
of Randy Joseph STODDARD (286) & Wanda Ann MORRIS
493. Hailey Morris
494. Cassandra Leigh
495. Madelin STODDARD
of Patricia FISHER (295) & Michael P. DORIO
496. Kimberly DORIO
married and lives in
497. Michael DORIO
498. Scott DORIO
of Dennis James FISHER (297) & Ashlie VANGARDER
499. Jeffrey FISHER
500. Ashley FISHER
501. Danielle FISHER
of Terri Laurine HORTON (304) & Blane LATHROP
502. Robert James
503. Justin Royal
of Mark Allen VOSE (309) & Josie ?
504. ? VOSE, M
of Melissa Anne NEUBER (326) & Brian Frederick ZEIDNER
505. Benjamin Louis
ZEIDNERBorn in Barksdale Air Base, Bossier City, LA
506. Zachary Reuben
ZEIDNERBorn in Andrews Air Force Base, MD.
of Wayne Everett NEUBER (327) & Jennifer Lin HOWLAND
507. Maisie Louise
NEUBERBornin Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford, PA.
of Penny Lynne EPLER (329) & Brian Robert CARL
508. Michaela Linea
CARLBorn in Albany, Albany, N Y.
of Scott Robert EPLER (330) & Rebecca Mae ROBBINS
509. Chelsea
Elizabeth EPLERBornin Fort Stewart, Liberty, GA.
510. Kaitlyn Nicole
511. Kristie Preston
EPLERBornin Towanda Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.
of Brenda Kay NEUBER (331) & Lane Austin MILLER
512. Marca Renee
MILLERBorn in Elmira, Chemung, N Y.
513. Regan Elise
MILLERBorn in Elmira, Chemung, N Y.
514. Kensi MILLER
of Cindy Ann NEUBER (332) & Roger William KLEIN
515. Rachel Elizabeth
of Barbara Ann ALLEN (358) & Kenneth Philip AREY
516. Kenneth Philip
AREY IIBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3 Occupation: Taylor-Excel, Wyalusing, PA (Meat
Son of Ken & Barb
On 21 Jul 2001 Kenneth
Philip married Christie Janine ROBINSON,F, daughter of Walter Clarence ROBINSON & Karen Jeanne BEIRNE, in Presbyterian Church, Wyalusing, Bradford,
PA.They divorced.
They had one child:
551i.Kenneth Philip
517. Fred Thomas AREYBornin Memorial Hospital,
Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
Occupation: Furniture Maker.
of Mary Ann ALLEN (359) & Edward Judson BURGESS
518. John Allen
BURGESSBorn in Tyler Memorial Hospital,
Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA, Occupation:Carpenter.
519. James Kenneth
BURGESSBornin Tyler Memorial Hospital, Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA.3 Occupation: Farmer.
On 10 Oct 1997 James
Kennethmarried Wendy CROASBALE3 Occupation: Computer Programmer.
520. Joelle
"Toony" Marie BURGESSBornin Tyler Memorial Hospital, Tunkhannock,
Wyoming, PA.3 Occupation: Taylor-Excel Employee.
of Dennis Edward MAHONEY (361) & Kathy J. ROBBINS
521. Kelly Joanne
522. Kevin Edward
523. Katherine Alanna
of Theresa Louise MAHONEY (362) & Richard WALTERS
524. Shannon Louise
525. Carrie Leigh
of Nancy Lou OLIVER (363) & John J. McDONALD
526. Angela Jeanette
McDONALDBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
On 20 Sep 1997 Angela
Jeanettemarried Robert NEWMAN3
527. Catherine Ann
McDONALDBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.3
On 26 Jun 1999 Catherine
Annmarried Christopher McLEOD3
of Richard Claude OLIVER (364) & Lois BROSCHART
528. Richard Claude
OLIVER Jr.Bornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
529. Brian Lee Joseph
OLIVERBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
of Janice Marie OLIVER (365) & Ralph SCHNOONOVER
530. Calicia Marie
SCHNOONOVERBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
531. Tia Anne
SCHNOONOVERBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
of David William OLIVER (366) & Angela JOHNSTON
532. William Claude
OLIVERBorn in Memorial Hospital, Towanda,
Bradford, PA.3
533. Kyle Andrew
OLIVERBornin Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Bradford, PA.3
of Gary F. OLIVER (367) & Michelle BURDETT
534. KacieLynn OLIVER
535. Abbie OLIVER
536. Carly OLIVER
of Mary Robin OLIVER (368) & Jeff FITZGERALD
537. Zachary
538. Zayne Robert
539. Joshua Francis
of Kevin Duane OLIVER (373) & Maryellen MICHAELSON
540. Brooke Leigh
541. Kelli Michael
of Jo Ann OLIVER (374) & David A. HILTON
542. Janice Marie
543. Greg Alan HILTON
of Lisa Marie OLIVER (375) & Kevin F. REED
544. Michael Thomas
545. Elizabeth Marie
Ninth Generation
of Lisa FENTON (393) & Kenneth MAPES
546. McKenna Sue
MAPESBornin Tyler Memorial Hospital, Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA.
of Joseph Alfred SECHRIST (416) & Joan YOUNGS
547. Joseph Albert
548. Breanna Yonnie
of John Michael BURKE (469) & Angelenine Elizabeth PODLASKI
549. Sophie Lou BURKEBornin Tyler Memorial Hospital,
Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA.
of Lorie Ann HUNSINGER (473) & Larry PETERS
550. Vincent
Alexander PETERS
of Kenneth Philip AREY II (516) & Christie Janine ROBINSON
551. Kenneth Philip
1. 1900 Federal Census Records 2. Jean Burr Hunsinger 3. "The Family of Johannes Jakob
Messerschmidt" by Lucy Learn Forth in July 2003 4. Cemetery Records, Wyalusing Boro
Hall Office, Wyalusing, Bradford County, PA 5. Ancestry.Com 6. 1930 U S Census Records 7. www.familysearch.org 8. 1930 Federal Census Records 9. 1920 Federal Census Records 10. Neuber Family Reunion Book (family
reunions of the Neuber family from Bradford & Sullivan County, PA) 11. Information obtained from Marilyn
Utley 12. Information acquired from Marilyn
Utley 13. 1910 Federal Census Records 14. Family Search Library, Salt Lake
City, UT 15. Social Security Death Index 16. "Social Security Death
Index." 17. Rootsweb "World Connect
Project" 18. Michigan Death Records1971 to 1996 as recorded on Ancestry.com 19. "Dickinson Family History"
by R. W. Dickinson, Sept. 1995 20. Family Records of Hila Mae
(Stoddard) Hunsinger 21. Bradford County, PA Birth Records
1893 - 1901 22. Neuber Family Reunion Record Book
NOTE: Most of the information on the Dickinson
families was given to Lois by Erma Arlene Dickinson Mosier.
Simon F. and Wilhelmina (Pflaum) Brieger
Marriage License July 22, 1886 Dushore, PA Photo courtesy of Simon Alan Brieger
The origin of the Brieger
family of Mississippi, as we know it today,
began with whom we believe to be a young man named Simon
Oscar Brieger born in or about 1810, in Holstein, Steinburg of Upper Saxony. In or about 1828 he would later marry Mary Tressa Gehring born in Munich in or about 1812.
It seems that shortly after
their marriage the German Civil War, known as the Sixteen Year War, would begin
in the State of Holstein.
The newlywed couple decided to flee from the conflict and move farther South
into a much safer area. They would establish a new residence in Wittemburg.
It is at this point records
from the original Saxony States start to become somewhat muddled due to the
loss of countless offical records that occurred during the Second World War.
What few records that still exist today, do not qualify just how many children
were born unto the union of Simon Oscar Brieger
and Mary Tressa Gehring but we are relatively
confident there were indeed more children than the afore mentioned Charles.
Still the birth of Charles remains the only documented fact. It is known that
he was born in October of 1831 yet there is some question as to his actual
place of birth. We are left with a choice between Steinburg and Wittemburg.
By 1856, the German Civil
War had grown more intense and was spreading to the area where the family had
taken refuge. At this time both sides of the conflict were forcing young men to
join ranks with them to justify their cause. At this time, Charles had reached the age of
25. He had become a stonemason by trade but was suddenly faced with the
uncertainty of his future. At this point, much alike hundreds of his fellow
countrymen he elected to leave his native Saxony and his family for a better
life in a new country called America.
In or about this same time a
young lady, named Frances Kille, who was
residing in Wurtemburg, with her father Jakob Kille,
mother, Barbara Dressel, and her three brothers,
Simon,John and Thomas also decided to leave Lower Saxony for America.By some strange coincidence or you might
want to say a quirk of fate, Charles and Frances would leave Saxony together
from the port of Breman
aboard the Bark Dorette, bound for New
speculation can account that Charles must have met Frances during the voyage and the
two were suddenly attracted to one another.
It is also further
speculation that Charles was already aware of the promising attributes that lay
in store for him at Obernburg, NY or just simply as the trip progressed, He had
met Jakob Kille who informed him of the wonderful place where his family was
going.Regardless of which actually happened. The two
families disembarked together at the New YorkPort of Authority and immediately took
transportation together up the Delaware River to Fremont,
and New York
and finally made their way together to the little hamlet of Odernburg.
Upon arriving in Odernburg,
it seems the first mission of Charles was to find work.As mentioned before, he was a Stone Mason by
trade but evidently no such jobs were immediately available. Needing work
immediately, he chose to apply for a job at the Mileses Tannery. He was
initially hired as a common laborer but as the years passed he steadily gained
experience and finally gained a higher position. Finally feeling somewhat
secure in the new world, he asked Frances to be his wife.
Once again he was faced with
a major decision. Both he and Frances were of the Catholic Faith but no
Catholic church existed in Odernburg at that time. What were they to do?Once again fate stepped in. Fortunately for the young couple, a priest
from St. Patrick church
of Long Eddy’s
occasionally traveled to Obernburg to hold services.So on a Sunday in May of 1860, the traveling
Priest pronounced Charles and Frances man and wife.
Following their marriage,
they would make their first residence in a small company cabin that stood
alongside the cabin of Jakob and Barbara Kille. One can only wonder about the
mixed emotions that Charles must have had. He had achieved all of the
expectations he had of the new country but on the other hand, he had left his
family across the ocean in Saxony, probably
never to see them again. He had fled the turmoil of a civil war in Saxony only
to run head long into another one in America.
On 19 December 1862, Charles
and Frances would begin their own family with the birth of a son, Simon
Francis.Soon afterwards in May of 1865
a daughter, Emma Agnes, would be born. Two other daughters, Mary Anne born in
July of 1868 and Tressa Anne, born in December of 1871 would soon follow.
By 1870 Charles had been
promoted to foreman status in the Milses Tannery and things were going well for
him and his family in the new country.But as fate would have it, about this time due to public demands, New YorkState decided to close all of the
tanneries operating in the State.It
seems people were disturbed by the strong odor emitted by the tanneries along
with the depletion of the Hemlock forest that was required to operate them. Charles had become a dedicated and respected
employee of the Tannery by this time and was offered a transfer, as foreman, to
the Thorndale Tannery located in Laporte, Pennsylvania.With a family to support, and faced with the
sudden loss of his job, he readily accepted the new position. So in 1873, the
Brieger family began a new journey from New York
to a new residence in Laporte,
Once again fate or you might
want to call it destiny stepped in. After
arriving and settling in Laporte, it
seems that just two houses down Railroad
Street from the Brieger family another family was
also making a new life in America.
Charles Pflaum had left Baden, Wurtemburg, Saxony, in 1867 in order to establish a
better life for his wife, Mary Wilhelmina, and
daughter, Wilhelmina (Mina). He had found a
Shoemaker position at the Thorndale Tannery and after establishing a proper
residence had sent for his family to join him. Mary and Wilhemina later arrived
in New York
aboard the Steamer Hermann to meet him and then make their way on to Laporte.
In order to supplement their
income, the Pflaum family also took in borders.
Among these were Charles Landon,John Flynn
and Frank Gallagher.All would eventually play a major role in the
Brieger history in the years to come. The Brieger family had been in Laporte
for seven happy years. Then on February 10, 1881 disaster struck. Charles,
while working at the tannery, was accidentally caught in the plant’s machinery
and killed instantly.Needless to say the
family was suddenly thrust into a state of grief and uncertainty as Charles was
laid to rest in St. Basil’s Cemetery
of Dushore the following
Simon Francis, age 17 at the time, had worked as a laborer along side his father in
the same tannery but after witnessing his father’s death, he was not only in
shock and grief stricken but was suddenly thrust into the role of sole provider
for the family.Evidently he could not
bear to return to the same site where his father had been killed, so he
immediately began searching for other employment. Luckily for him the Williamsport & North
Branch Railroad was establishing a spur line from Williamsport into Dushore about that time. He
applied for a position and was hired as a fireman.
Now it’s time to remember the
borders at the Pflaum house. The family
responsibilities of Simon Francis began to decrease in March of 1882. Emma Brieger married Charles
Landon, son of Thomas and Mary (Oliver) Landon
of Dallas, Pennsylvania. They would later become the
parents of two children. In 1883 a daughter, Charlotte
Landon was born followed by a son, Harry M.
Landon born in 1884.
Then in September of 1885,
Mary Anne married John Flynn, son of Michael and MaryFlynn
of Laporte. They would become the parents of six children. A son Joseph would be born in 1886 followed by Charles, Mary, William,
Frances and
Then in 1886, Tressa married
Frank W. Gallagher, son of Dennis and Ann (Johnson)Gallagher
of Ireland.
They would become the parents of six children. A daughter, MaryAnne would be
born in 1887 followed by Emma, William, Francis,
Bridget and Theresa.
Suddenly the burdens of
family responsibilities Simon Francis had inherited were decreasing
rapidly.Within three years the only
responsibilities he now had were for his mother and himself.Finally at last, he had the opportunity for
some personal time. Over the years he
had been a close friend with the Pflaum’s daughter, Wilhelmina but lately he
had sensed an added attraction to her. He suddenly recognized Wilhemina as an
attractive and enticing lady.Following
a short courtship during which they discovered that they were meant for each
other, they were married at St. Basil’s of Dushore on July 22, 1886.
During the ensuing years,
they would become the parents of eight children.
Mary Agnes would be their first child, born in 1887.Soon Carl, Edna, Leo,
Simon Loretta,Theresa and Eugene would
be added.
How things were suddenly
changing!Between 1886 and 1905,
Inventions of the telephone, electric lights, and the introduction of the
automobile along with the openings of the first mills and factories had sparked
a great economic growth in the country. Man had even learned to fly!
The Brieger family was also
reaping these new benefits. Simon Francis had been promoted to engineer on the
railroad. All of his old bills had been paid in full and the family continued
to grow both in happiness, security and size. Then In 1905, they would once again be
Under the lead of President
Teddy Roosevelt the United
States was enjoying a tremendous economic
upswing. However, SullivanCounty seemed to be an
exception!Once again just as had
previously happened in New York, the tanneries
of SullivanCounty,
Pa. were
starting to close.To make matters
worse, the once prolific Hemlock Forests that had once supported the tanneries
and lumber companies were also becoming depleted.This downswing also produced a reduction in
the need to transport large amounts of leather goods and lumber. It became
oblivious that soon the railroad line would be operating only for occasional
freight runs and passengers.This could
only mean one thing. Fewer trains, equated to fewer railroad men.
Simon felt the need to
discuss this problem with his foreman.While discussing the problem, his foreman, offered a possible
solution.It seems the harvest of virgin
timber was underway in a place called Meehan
Junction, Mississippi.
The foreman related there was a large demand for lumberjacks, millwrights and
railroad men there. He went on to explain that he also knew Mr. J. W. Meehan,
the new operation’s owner, and if Simon was willing to move, he would supply
him with a letter of recommendation.
Simon Francis and Wilhemina
discussed the dire situation and the new opportunity for several weeks. Finally
they reached a decision.Both Charles
and Mary Pflaum had passed away and had been laid to rest at St. Basil’s.
Charles, Wilhemina’s brother, would keep the old Pflaum house and remain in
Laporte.Simon’s mother, Frances, would
move in with Mary Anne and John. The old Brieger house on Railroad Street would be sold and they
would keep only what few possessions that could be moved and take the train to Mississippi.
The Brieger Family in Laporte, PA Taken At Their Home on Railroad Street in 1904 Just Before Their Relocation to Mississippi On the ground are the twins Loretta Winfred ("Jippie") and Theresa. Above them is Eugene Theodore. The next row up shows Simon Audolph, Simon Francis and his wife Wilhelmina Pflaum, and their son Leo Oscar. The back row presents Edna Elizabeth, Mary Agnes and Carl Francis.
Contributed by Simon Alan Briefer Source: The Kille Family Collection
On March 3, 1906
they arrived. The train would stop in Meridian, Mississippi and then they would
then ride the company spur line on to Meehan Junction. As they left the
train they must have had second thoughts about their decision because Meridian
had been hit by a massive tornado ** just the day before and destruction was all
around them.Never the less, this
family was the product of a strong willed and determined people. They had
suffered hardships before and this would be no different.So together, filled with determination, they
made their way on to their final destination.Meehan Junction, Mississippi would become a very important part of the
Brieger family history just as Fremont, New York and Laporte, Pennsylvania had
been before. Thus began the history of the Mississippi
Brieger Family.
** Editor's Note: The 1906 Meridian Tornado killed fifty people and required US troops under martial law to maintain order after the storm. You can see pictures of the storm damage including the destroyed
train terminal at this link to Meridian History.
Today Meehan
Junction is only a small dot on a map. It has very few reminders of a time gone
by. What few indications of the buildings, roads and train rails that once
existed, have become hidden by the growth of new trees.
But on this day in
1906 it was a beehive of activity.
Under the direction
of Mr. J. M. Meehan, the Cotton States Lumber Company was harvesting huge
trees, turning them into lumber and delivering it by rail. To accomplish these
feats he had opened a campsite equipped with cabins for his employees, opened a
sawmill and built railroad spur lines connecting to Meridian.He had established a bustling,
self-contained community.There was a
company store, a barber- shop, a blacksmith shop and even a church!Simon Francis and family must have been
truly amazed!
Upon presenting his
former foreman’s letter of recommendation, Simon Francis along with his eldest
sons, Carl age 18 and Leo age 15 were quickly hired. Carl and Leo would move
into the company bunkhouse and be assigned to work with their father.Simon Francis was issued a cabin and
assigned the position of engineer.
Now it was time for
the family to get settled in their new home.Mary Agnes, age 19 and Edna, age 17, would help Wilhemina take care of
the household. They would also assist in taking care of the twins, Loretta and
Theresa age 9 and 4-year-old Eugene.Simon Audolph, only 13 years old, was enrolled and boarded in the Sisters
of Mercy Catholic School in Meridian to complete his eighth grade
education.Once again things were again
looking good for the Brieger family.
Then in April of
1907, Simon Francis received word from Laporte that his mother had passed away.Sadly, he made his way back to Pennsylvania
for the last time.It was while
attending the funeral of his mother that he recognized that things were not
going too well for John and Mary Anne.John was a superintendent of the Dushore Lumber Company and he had
received notice of its purposed closing.He quickly told them of the many opportunities that were available in
Meehan Junction and within a few hours, they had decided to move there also.
As Simon Francis
prepared to return to Mississippi, he probably thought this would be the last
time he would ever see his sisters, Emma and Tressa again. There was no reason
for them to move to Mississippi.Charles Landon and Frank Gallagher had both accumulated a small fortune.
Charles was a respected wheelwright and carpenter and owned several shops
throughout Sullivan County.Frank had
built and was operating the Laporte hotel.
Then between 1908
and 1909, both Charles and Frank would suffer an untimely death.It is not known what caused the men’s death
but according to the weekly newspaper, The Sullivan Review, the past two
winters in Laporte had been unusually cold and brutal.There were many accounts of either sick or
dying residents with symptoms with what we today would diagnose as influenza.
Following the
untimely deaths of Charles and Frank, Emma & Tressa had sold all holdings
in Pennsylvania and had decided to move to Binghamton, New York to live with
their eldest children.
Evidently, the
children of Charles and Frances had always been very close. Emma and Tressa,
realizing that they may not ever see their other siblings again, they took a
trip to Mississippi for one last visit with Simon Francis and Mary Anne.This indeed would be the very last time the
children would ever see each other as a group again.
About 1908 Simon
Francis began to see a reduction of his own family’s responsibilities.Simon Audolph would finish his education,
hire on with the lumber company as a fireman and move into the bunkhouse with
Carl had been
promoted to engineer and married Beulah Waggoner, who was the daughter of W. C.
and Jessie (Harvey) Waggoner from nearby Forkville.Carl and Beulah would become the parents of five children,
beginning with Annie Ruth in 1909 followed by Carl Jr., Pauline, Mildred and
Dorothy Gae.
Edna had married
Nicklos Loftus, son of William and Helena (Smuts) Loftus of Cape Colony, South
Africa. Edna and Nick would become the parents of eleven children beginning
with Beatrice in 1908 followed by Cecelia, William, Nicklos Jr., Theodore,
Wilhelmina, Woodrow, Simon, Helena, Irene, and Earline.
At this point I
must pause.It seems that every family
has at least one member that can be classified as a real character. Nicklos
Smuts Loftus had that honor in the Brieger family.Born in South Africa, he had stowed away on a ship bound for New
Orleans at the age of 17 just to see the World’s Fair in St. Louis.After traveling up the Mississippi river to
St. Louis and attending the fair he worked at various odd jobs as he toured the
country. It is said that one of these jobs was that as a professional wrestler.
At the time Nicklos
and Edna met, he was working as a blacksmith in Meehan Junction and had the
reputation of a heavy drinker and a troublemaker. Evidently Edna was a strong influence
on his life, for within two years after their marriage he had become a
minister. In the following years he would be the pastor of several churches
throughout Mississippi.
Mary Agnes had also
met a young man and marriage was being discussed. However, for reasons that we
shall never know, Wilhemina strongly objected and forbid the marriage.
Heartbroken Mary would never marry.
During the
following years, Meehan Junction began to show the signs of a production slow
down. But this time things were different than they had been in the past.It seems The Cotton States Lumber Company
had planned ahead. They knew the Meehan Junction timber would run out sooner or
later and had the forethought to begin opening several other sites across South
Mississippi. They had even started transferring employees to the new
locations.Although this meant job
security for the family, sadly, the family, that had always been together,
would be separated across South Mississippi.
In 1912, Carl’s
wife Beulah would introduce Simon Audolph to her younger sister, Nena.Simon and Nena would marry in 1913. However,
the marriage would be short. Nena and her child would die during childbirth in
In 1913, Theresa
would marry Clint Lea, son of William and Annie (Porter) Lea of Wellman. They
would become the parents of three children beginning with David in 1914 and
soon followed by Mildred and Barbara.
About this same
time, Nicklos had accepted a pastor ship at his first church and he and Edna
had moved to Woodville.
In 1916, Simon
Audolph married again. His new wife was Etoile Mayatt, daughter of Jasper and
Olivia (Harrison) Mayatt of Battlefield. They would become the parents of six
children. The first would be a son, Edwin born in 1917, who would soon be
followed by Doris, Lucile, James, Thomas Gerald and Simon Alan.
Leo would also
marry in 1916. He would marry Maude Gates, daughter of Joseph and Alice Gates
of Cato. They would become the parents of one child, Charles in born 1922.Following their marriage, Leo and Maude would
leave Meehan Junction transferring to Pearl River County. It seems Leo felt he
was not cut out to be a fireman on a train so he had accepted a bookkeeper
With all of these
changing events going on within the family, by far a greater life, altering
event was occurring in Europe.The
First World War was raging.
As strange as it
may seem every eligible male in the family registered for the U. S. Army draft
to fight against their native land of Germany but Simon Audolph would be the
only member selected.With the promise
of a job when he returned, he put away his railroad hat, bandana and overalls
in exchange for a doughboy uniform, moved Etoile and Edwin to Old Battlefield
to live with her parents and departed for France.
In 1919, Simon Audolph
would return to Mississippi. For many years afterward he would talk of the
possibility that he had encountered relatives on the battlefield.
His first item on
his agenda was to reunite with his wife and son. Then he would put away the
uniform and get out the old railroaders clothing.
Within a few days
he was at Meehan Junction to once again begin the job that was promised to him,
when he left, two years before.
Simon Audolph Brieger
In His Railroad Garb Meehan Junction, Mississipp Photo courtesy of Simon Alan Brieger
He discovered
quickly that things were just not the same as they had once been. The once prolific
camp that he left was near closing.His
father, Simon Francis had taken a superintendent position at one of the Lumber
Company sites in Quitman and had moved there with Wilhemina, Mary Agnes,
Loretta and Eugene.John Flynn had died
a few months earlier and Mary Anne had taken him back to Laporte for burial.
She then had moved with her children to Binghamton, New York to live near Emma
and Tressa.The sole Brieger Family
left in Meehan Junction was Carl, his wife, Beulah and Theresa and her husband,
During the meeting
with the company foreman, Simon was informed of the Junction’s impending last
days but was also informed of a new location in Bude that was just starting up.
After discussing the situation with Carl and Beulah, Simon Audolph, Etoile, Carl
and Beulah moved to Franklin County.
For the next ten
years, the two families would live side by side. Once again the two brothers
would be together and life would be good.As the years passed, Etoile would frequently tell the stories about what
a hard time they had convincing Edwin that the strange man now living in the
house was actually his father and how wonderful those days in Bude were.
As time passed, in
1921, Loretta married James McKeown, son of Joseph and Ellen McKeown of
McMillan, Michigan. Together over the years they would become the parents of
five children.Their first child would
be James born in 1922 followed by Michael, Patricia, Joseph, and Mary Ellen.
Following their
marriage, the couple would move to Lumberton where James would be
superintendent of yet another Cotton States Lumber Company site.
Then in 1922,
Eugene would marry Christine Hahn, daughter of Christian Hahn of Germany and
Martha Buckelew of Mississippi, and he would become a lumber grader for Cotton
States Lumber Company in Quitman.
In October 1929,
President Herbert Hoover had been in office only a few months when along with
the rest of the country, the entire Brieger family would witness their greatest
challenge. The sudden collapse of the New York Stock Exchange would signal the
start of “The Great Depression!”Times
had never been harder! Businesses went bankrupt, banks closed their doors over
night and thousands were suddenly out of work.
Needless to say,
this was the beginning of the end for the Cotton States Lumber Company. Sites
began to close down, one following the other. In the end the only family
members that were able to hold onto their jobs were Clint Lea and Simon
Francis. James Mckowen and Loretta moved to Baltimore, Maryland, Carl found
work with Franklin County operating a ditch digger, but this would only last
one year. He would then move his family to Florida in order to find work. Leo
would find work as a bookkeeper for a frozen food company in Madison. Nicklos
and Edna maintained a ministry in Smith County, Eugene became the proprietor of
a hardware store in Quitman, and Mary Agnes still lived at home with Simon
Francis and Wilhemina.
When all was said
and done, it was Simon Audolph and his family that suffered the most. For Simon
Audolph, there was absolutely no work to be found!Finally as a last resort he moved his family to Old Battlefield
to live with the parents of Etoile.
There in Newton
County, for the first time in his life, Simon would attempt to become a
farmer.Etoile’s father, Jasper, did
the best he knew how to teach Simon the skill of farming.Strange as it may seem, Simon seemed to pick
up the skill rather quickly.
By 1930, Simon and
Etoile were living in Post and were looking for just the right farmland to buy.
This would be the birthplace of James.
Around 1934 they
had found the place they were seeking. It was a small four, room house on a few
acres about 19 miles North of Meridian in place named Schamberville. This would
be the birthplace of Thomas Gerald and Simon Alan.
By 1935, Edwin had
joined the Army Air Corps and was serving in Hawaii.
In 1938 Doris had
eloped and married Arnold Ethridge, son of Richard and Malvie (Johnson)
Ethridge of Union.They would later
become the parents of three children. A son, Adrian would be born in 1939, soon
to be followed by Sylvia in 1942 and finally Janet in 1946.
It was March of
1939. Even though Germany was once again waging war in Europe, the U. S.
economy was beginning to heal under the guidance of President Franklin Roosevelt.
Once again
everything seemed to be going well for the Simon Audolph family when tragedy
struck.Thomas Gerald, only four years
old, would be struck by a truck directly in front of the new house and would
die shortly afterward.Etoile would
enter a state of depression and shock so severe that Lucile was forced to
assume the household duties.
Gradually, Etoile
was recovering and assuming more of her household chores everyday. Simon Audolph
was still struggling with the new skill of farming, but had managed to bring in
a suitable crop.Then suddenly in 1941,
the United States was back in war in Europe, which was the very place where
Simon had once fought in the “War to End All Wars!” This time he would not go but
his oldest son and both of his son-in-laws would join the fight.
Over the last few
years Simon Audolph had made a valiant attempt to become a farmer, but following
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U S government had begun work to open
military bases within the United States. Key Field, an airport, in Meridian was
one of these. Jobs were being offered to civilians. The pay was good!
It is not known at
this time if he was tired of farming, wanted to add additional security for his
family or just felt that once again he needed to help his country in it’s time
of need.
Never the less, he once again traded hats.
His old straw farmer’s hat would be put aside and replaced with what would
become his trademark for many years to come, a sleek, narrow brimmed Panama!
Then in 1944, Edwin
would marry Claudie Staley, daughter of Frank and Florence Staley of
Keithville, Louisiana.
In 1945, Lucile
would marry James Caldwell, son of James B. and Mary Lee (Joyner) Caldwell.
They would later become the parents of three children beginning with Jerry in
1946 to be followed by Gaye Nell in 1947 and finally Dianne in 1950. Lucile passed away on December 24, 2009 and both she and her
husband James are buried in Neshoba County, Mississippi.
During these times,
Simon Audolph had reluctantly returned to farming. All things considered, it
seems that he really never cared that much for farming. His only real enjoyment
of the farm atmosphere came from being able to spend more time with his
family.But at this point in his life,
what else could he do? He was 54 years old and no one was going to hire him at
this age!
By this time James
(Jim) had grown old enough to help with the chores. In fact by 1945, at the age
of 15, Jim had taken over most of the farm’s responsibilities while Simon
continued to work. Jim would continue to bring in the crops until 1947 when
Simon was released from his position at Key Field.
Once again Simon
was a full time farmer and with the loss of his additional income, he was
forced into planting an additional crop, in order to meet family expenses.Cotton was planted.For a small farmer, there is no other crop
more time consuming and less productive than cotton. The massive time spent
growing and harvesting far eclipses the profits for a single bale.
Then in 1948, James
(Jim) graduated from high school.He
thought he had enough of farm life and enlisted into the Marine Corps. Little
did he know that things would get much harder. In 1950 he would be called upon
to help repel an invader from one of the allies of the United States. The
Korean War had begun. For the next year he would be in one of the coldest,
harshest places on earth.
In 1952 he would be
discharged from the Marine Corps and would return to Mississippi. There in
1955, he would marry Dorothy Brock daughter of James and Elizabeth (Koch) Brock
of Logtown.
Meanwhile, not to
be deterred, Simon Audolph would continue to plant and harvest that acre of
cotton each year.Finally in 1952 at
the age of 59 and Etoile at 54 they came to the reality that they and a young
son of 13 could no longer depend on that crop of cotton.It was at this point when he turned to
raising additional livestock for market.There would be more calves, pigs and chickens on the farm than ever
Simon Audolph’s
family lifestyle had made an abrupt turn in order to adapt to life’s changes.
Sadly, there was still one thing that could not be changed. The Brieger family
that had once taken pride in togetherness was becoming smaller and
smaller.During the period over the
last ten years, his siblings would become more distanced from one another than
ever before.
Carl had moved to
Florida, Edna had moved to Carriere, Leo had moved to Carthage, Loretta had
moved to Chicago, and Theresa had moved to Louisville.During these same years Simon Francis and
Wilhemina would sell their old residence in Quitman and move to live with Leo
in Carthage.
Great Aunt Tressa (Brieger) Gallagher
Sister of Simon F. Brieger As a Youung Woman Photo courtesy of Simon Alan Brieger
Additional sadness
came in 1942 with the death of both Emma and Mary Agnes.In 1947 news came from Binghamton that
Tressa had died.Then in 1948, Simon
Audolph received even sadder news when Leo called to tell him their mother,
Wilhemina, had died and she would be laid to rest along side her daughter, Mary
Agnes in Quitman.
It did not stop
there. In 1950, news came that Mary Anne had also passed away and she would be
interned along side of her husband in Laporte.
Just when it seemed
things could not be any worse, on March 5th of 1956 came the news
that would induce one of the greatest moments of family grief.
Once again Leo
called but this time he was advising that the great strong pillow of strength
that had initially emerged in 1881, following the death of his father, Charles,
the man that had accepted the challenge to move his own family, against all
odds, hundreds of miles from their birthplace just to insure their security.
The man that had faithfully stood by his children through out the years had
passed away peacefully in his sleep the night before.Simon Francis, the last remaining immediate member of the family
of Charles and Frances was gone.Every
remaining member of his immediate family gathered together one last time as
Simon Francis was laid to rest along side Wilhemina and Mary Agnes in the
Quitman Cemetery.
As 1957 approached,
Simon Audolph and Etoile began to take a long look at what was in store for
them. Their only child remaining at home, Simon Alan would be graduating soon
from high school, and just as all their other children had done before, he
eventually would also leave to start a life of his own.
Simon would soon be
65 years old and Etoile 60. At this age and just the two of them, there would
be no way they could continue to farm.After much discussion, they put the old farm up for sale.Following the sale of the old place, they
found a comfortable apartment in Meridian. For the first time in their life
they enjoyed central heat and air conditioning, running water and an in door
Just as they had
thought, Simon Alan graduated and began work. Then in 1958 he would marry Wanda
Davis, daughter of Martin and Willa (Lee) Davis of Meridian. They would become
the parents of two children. A daughter, Tanya would be born in 1959 and would
be followed by Randal in 1961.
In 1976 he would
begin a new marriage with Carolyn Woods, daughter of Wesley and Imogene
(Parker) Woods of Raymond. In 1978 a son, Christopher, would be born.
A few months
following the 1958 wedding, Simon Alan would enlist in the Navy.Now Simon Audolph and Etoile were alone
together, left with only the memories of their early lives. For the next 15
years they would enjoy one of the best periods of their lives.
However, in 1961,
they would relive the agony they had once encountered over 20 years ago when
Thomas Gerald died.They received word
that their eldest son, Edwin had passed away. Once again they faced many sorrow
filled days and nights.
In a few years they
had overcome the tragedy and were once again enjoying the comfort of their new
home. It seems the frequent visits they made to see their other children had
helped them to once again return to normal. But the thing that really put them
over the top occurred in the summer of 1966 when they celebrated their Golden
Wedding Anniversary.
All of their living
children, grandchildren, old friends and other relatives came to help make
their Golden Wedding Anniversary a special day.Sadly, this would be the final time when all of the Simon Audolph
family would be together in one place.
The years passed
and then one January morning in 1973, Simon Audolph passed away. Needless to
say, the family was overcome with grief. Dozens of old friends and family bid
him goodbye in Suqualena Cemetery as he was laid to rest along side Thomas Gerald.
Etoile was now
suddenly alone. Despite the pleas of her children, she insisted on continuing
to live in the apartment and take care of herself.After a few years sickness began to take its toll and she
reluctantly agreed to enter a rest home. There she would remain until one April
night in 1982, when she once again became united with Thomas Gerald, Edwin and
Simon. Etoile had passed away peacefully in her sleep.
As the years
passed, the remaining children of Simon Audolph and Etoile, as all families do,
became occupied with establishing security and raising their own families.During these years the living Brieger
family tree continued to become smaller.Edna died in 1976 followed by Leo in 1977 and Loretta in 1978.Carl and Theresa passed away in 1983 and
Eugene in 1989.
The Simon Audolph
and Etoile family also lost members during this period. Arnold Ethridge would
die in 1988, Simon Alan’s son, Randal died in 1993, Doris would pass away in
2002 and James Caldwell would leave us in 2004.
Even though the
numbers of the family members have grown somewhat smaller, the entire family
continues to remain locked together with the memories of days gone by. The
strong courage, determination and resilience that originated with Charles and
Frances so many years ago and was passed down from generation to generation and
is still prevalent in the youngest generation today.
I am very proud
that I was able to document the family’s history for the past one hundred and
ninety years. I have no doubt that the present and the future generations will
continue the legacy with the same pride, admiration and respect.
Simon Alan Brieger,
December 2005
With much appreciation to:
Family Documents from James
and Dorothy Brieger, Catherine (Porter) Owen and Helena (Loftus) Brewer.
Historical Society Sullivan
County New York
St. Patrick’s Catholic
Church, Long Eddy New York
Historical Society Sullivan
County Pennsylvania
St. Basil’s Catholic Church
Dushore, Pennsylvania
Bob Sweeney and Carol
Brotzman, Sullivan County Pennsylvania
Historical Society
Lauderdale County Mississippi
Mississippi Department of
Sisters of Mercy Catholic
School Meridian Mississippi
United States National
United States Department of
and to everyone else who
helped this dream become a reality.
Laurel Street Dushore, PA 1910 Patrick William and Mae (Leonard) North Lived on this Street in the
Early Twentieth Century Patrick William, who owned a barber shop, was a grandson of Patrick North, the original North settler in the area.
Photo contributed by Scott W. Tilden Original RPPC Postcard auctioned on eBay in December 2015
Editor's Note: Joanie Buday is a descendant of Patrick North, our immigrant protagonist, via his son, John North, and
grandson, Dennis North. The North families tended to be large and to intermarry prodigiously with other large families in Bradford and Sullivan Counties. We are grateful to Joanie for her contribution.
1.PATRICK2 NORTH(UNKNOWN1) was born 1812 in West
Meath County Ireland1, and died 1847 in Dushore Sullivan
County PA1.He married
ANN UNKNOWN NORTH.She was born 1820 in Ireland2,
and died 27 Feb 1889 in Dushore Sullivan County3.
reading this genealogy, you will come across references to "Irish
Settlement Families".These are the
early settlers of Bradford, Sullivan and WyomingCounties who came from Ireland
throughthe 1840'sand have developed a history in these
counties. There are numerous families that are keenly recognized for their
historical contributions to these counties.
faces and families of OldSullivanCounty,
group 9rootsweb.comPA
Sull/sullivan Co. reportsthat Patrick
arrived in SullivanCounty
about 1841.An 1840 census lists
Patrick North living in Lausanne, Northampton County: 1 male is the 20 yr. old
class, and under 30 years; 1 female in the 20 year old class and under 30 and 2
children under 5 years of age.Some
records state that he arrived in 1837in
the U.S.
The following record appears:
A New York
passenger list 1820-1957 (Ancestry.com) shows an arrival date to New YorkPort:
21 Jun 1837:Patrick North, est. birth about 1812Age 25 years, 3 months, Male; occupation:
laborerPort of Departure:
Liverpool EnglandShip Name: Alexander
Also on this manifest is : Ann North,
age appears to be 27; female
James North, age 1
Assumption can be made that this is
the same Patrick North.
Notes for Patrick North:
St. Basil's CemeteryDushore Sullivan Co PA
Beginat Churchill and go up the hill, read left to right on Row 11
1. Patrick NorthAge
351847A native of ___? County Meath,
Same stone as Ann, Francis and
2.NorthAnn Age 75 yearsFeb 18, 1889
"Patrick's Wife"
Same stone as Francis, Ann, Thomas
3.McDermot, Francisage 451861 __ Ireland
Same stone as Patrick, Ann, Thomas
4.North, Thomas18411903
Same stone as Patrick, Ann,
is listed in:History of Albany
Township1800-1885 addendumPub. 1885
21 Jun 1837, Arrival New York Port on the Ship
AlexanderDeparting LiverpoolOccupation: Laborer4
the 1850 census Ann is a widow, age 50, living in Wilmot, BradfordCountyPA.Living with herare her children: Elizabeth (20), James (13),
Mary Ann (8) ,Thomas (10), John (5).After close scrutiny,this census
appears to be altered.The first name is
James, and most of the information has been partially removed.Where Ann's name is written, it seems that
the name Elizabeth
was begun, and then written over.The
assumption to me is that James, as a first entry was incorrectand the name removed to list Ann first, then
Elizabeth, then James.The original
James's age is also altered. It appears that "James"(with North partially removed) is actually
the child of the Feeley family listed above Ann North. This I believe is where
the idea began that there was a "James" North, brother to Patrick,
and he also married an "Ann".
the 1860 census Ann, widowed, is living in Wilmot, Bradford County PA(Post Office Sugar Run) with her widowed
daughter Elizabeth McDermott, age 26, son Thomas age 21, daughter Mary 18, and
son John 15.With her is a child Mary
Schavnisky , age 7 , relationship is unknown.
is found again in the 1880 census living with her son Thomas, daughter
Elizabeth McDermott and granddaughter Annie McDermott.
is buried in St. Basil's cemetery in the North Family plot with Patrick.Grave marking reads:
North Ann
75 yearsFeb 18 1889Patrick's Wife"
stone as Patrick, Francis McDermot and Thomas.
2.i.ELIZABETH3 NORTH, b. Jan 1835, Ireland; d. Mar 1920, Cherry, SullivanCountyPA.
3.ii.JAMES NORTH, b. Feb 1837, Ireland; d. 07 Mar 1907, Terry, BradfordCountyPA.
4.iii.THOMAS NORTH, b. May 1841, Pennsylvania; d. 1903, New
5.iv.MARY ANN NORTH, b. 1842, Pennsylvania; d. 06 Feb 1931, BradfordMcKeanCountyPA.
6.v.JOHN W. NORTH, b. Jul 1845, WilmotBradfordCountyPA;
d. 1936.
Generation No. 2
2.ELIZABETH3 NORTH (PATRICK2, UNKNOWN1) was born Jan 1835 in
Ireland5, and died Mar 1920 in Cherry, Sullivan County PA6.She married FRANCIS MCDERMOTT
Abt. 1858.He died Abt. 1860.
Elizabeth was 3 years of age at
the time of her immigration with her parents.
the 1850 census she is 16, living in Wilmot, BradfordCounty
with her mother Ann and siblings.
appears in the 1860 census age 26 living with her mother Ann North, widow of
Patrick, in Wilmot, BradfordTownship. (P.O. Sugar
Run). Elizabeth
isa widow.
the 1880 census. Elizabeth McDermott, age 44 and her daughter Annie, age 20 are
living with her brother Thomas North, a farmer age 40 in Albany County
Bradford, PA. She remains widowed.In
the household also is Ann North, mother of Thomas and Elizabeth and a young boy
Joseph Hagerty, adopted by Thomas.
the 1900 census Elizabeth, age 65, is listed under her maiden name
"North", living in New Albany Borough, Bradford County with her
brother Thomas, age 60, and her daughter Annie McDermott, age 35.Also in the home is a John C. McDevitt,
adopted and born in Massachusetts., age 12, farm laborer. This census records 2
children born and 2 living, however this appears to be an error as there is no
record of another child.
the 1910 census she appears again , age 72 a widow, living in Albany,
BradfordTownship, and is head of the
household.Living with her is Anna
McDermott 47, her daughter.She had 1 children
born and still living.Also in thehome is a Thomas McKernan, age 31 who seems
to be a handyman.