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Black Oak Ridge Cemetery II


Stage Road, east of St. John's (Ridge) Church, West Beaver Twp., Snyder Co.


Formerly St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, St. Paul's Lutheran Church separated from St. John's congregation in 1873 over the issue of revivalism in the Lutheran Church.  The church became part of the United Lutheran Church in 1918, but closed by 1930.  A cemetery association was formed at this time to provide care for the cemetery and the church building was removed in 1938.  St. Paul's Cemetery Association merged with the Black Oak Ridge Cemetery Association of the St. John's Church on May 23, 1965.

Source of Inscriptions:

J.J. Steely, (Wagenseller,) 1904.
Finsterbush, 1986, 1993.
Finsterbush & Diane Gilligan, 22 April 1997.
Finsterbush, 1997.


© 2003 by Thomas E. Finsterbush. All rights reserved.
Posted Monday, 10-Sep-2018 12:01:30 MDT to Snyder County PAGenWeb by permission of the author.