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Brubaker Mennonite Cemetery


Southeast end of McNess Road, Union Township


Jacob Brubaker came to Snyder Co. from Juniata Co. in 1818 and married Mary E. Blosser of Port Trevorton. He became the first Mennonite bishop in Snyder Co. and was the first bishop of the Stauffer Mennonite Church in 1846. His first wife Mary died in 1830 and is the first marked grave in this cemetery. The last grave in 1917 was also that of a Mary Brubaker. Three early bishops of the Stauffer Mennonite Church are buried here: Jacob H. Brubaker, Daniel B. Brubaker, and Michael Brubacher. Daniel B. Brubaker organized a Brubaker Church in 1855 when he was expelled for signing a petition to build Peiffer Valley Road. With the building of the Susquehanna Mennonite Church and the return of some members to Lancaster Co. the Brubaker Church, which met in homes and did not have a building, was dissolved about 1890.

Source of Inscriptions:

J.C. Shaffer & M.P. Arnold, (Wagenseller,) 1904.
Finsterbush & Swanger, 1 August 1998.


See the cemetery listing from Wagenseller's Tombstone Inscriptions of Snyder County.


© 2003 by Thomas E. Finsterbush. All rights reserved.
Posted Monday, 10-Sep-2018 12:01:30 MDT to Snyder County PAGenWeb by permission of the author.