Portzline Family Cemetery
Perry Twp., Snyder Co.
"The land on which the Portzline cemetery is located was
warranted by the Shetterlys and they were listed as living on the
tract. One can surmise that this burial plot was established by its
first owners as early grave markers for the Shetterly family, that still
remain, pre-date any existing marker. When Francis Portzline
purchased part of the Shetterly tract, this cemetery was located within
the parcel. The land remained with the Portzline heirs ...
The cemetery was stipulated as 'set aside,' becoming a separate
parcel. The adjoining lands remained with the heirs of Portzline
descendants up to 1942, when it was sold by George Washington Portzline
to the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The cemetery, 1/10 of an acre,
was subject to 'rights of ingress and regress for the purpose of
maintaining and utilizing the same.' ... It is usually cleaned
once a year on the Saturday following Ascension Day, by Portzline
descendants." - Ruthann Hubbert, "Francis Portzline
The Snyder County Historical Society
Bulletin, 1982, p. 25.
Source of Inscriptions:
S.B. Gellnett, (Wagenseller,) 1904. Finsterbush, 5 July 1994.
Finsterbush & Swanger, 2 September 1995.
- [Dressler, Adam, d. July 21, 1821; 57 y., 3 m., 14 d.]
- Gelnett, Anna Maria, w/o Jonathan, Aug. 15, 1808, Canton Orgau,
Switz.-Aug. 1, 1874; 65 y., 11 m., 16 d.
- Gelnett, Catharine, d/o Jonathan & Anna M., Aug. 28, 1840-Sept.
19, 1858; 18 y., 21 d.
- Gelnett, Hannah, d/o Jonathan & Ann M., March 2, 1843-May 11,
1862; 19 y., 2 m., 9 d.
- Gelnett, Jonathan, Feb. 16, 1810-April 8, 1885; 75 y., 1 m., 22 d.
- Gelnett, Jonathan, s/o Jonathan & A.m., May 25, 1848-Jan. 15,
1867; 18 y., 7 m., 15 d.
- Hornberger, Barbara, d/o Abner & Lydia, Nov. 20, 1838-Dec. 13,
1857; 19 y., 23 d.
- Klinger, John W., s/o J. & S., d. July 24, 1855; 1 m., 5 d.
- Limbert, Henry, s/o Henry & S., June 1, 1833- Feb. 16, 1855; 21
y., 8 m., 15 d.
- Limbert, Mary S., d/o Andrew S. & Lydia Ann, d. Aug. 12, 1868;
1 y., 7 m., 8 d.
- Limbert, Peter, [s/o H. & S.,] Jan. 7, 1842-Dec. 14, 1863; 21
y., 11 m., 7 d.
- Limbert, Sarah D., d/o Andrew S. & Lydia Ann, d. March 24,
1870; 7 m.
- Limbert, Susannah, w/o Heinrich, Nov. 1, 1804-May 8, 1863; 58 y., 6
m., 7 d. Matt. 24:44.
- Limbert, Viola L., d/o Andrew & Lydia, d. Jan. 4, 1862; 2 y., 7
m., 8 d.
- [Portzline,] CH[as., s/o Wm. & Gertrude,] 1849-1850; [1
y.] "FR + CH, B 1849, DI 1850."
- Portzline, Edward, s/o W. & G., d. Sept. 16, 1865; 5 y., 2 m.,
18 d.
- Portzline, Francis C., 1771-1858. "Married Sabina
Heiges, born in Dusseldorf, Germany, surveyor, teacher, businessman,
artist, ancestor of the Portzlines."
- Portzline, Henry F., s/o Wm. & Gertrude, Aug. 28, 1844-May 29,
1861; 16 y., 9 m., 1 d.
- [Portzline, Rebecca, w/o Frank, d. May, 1865; 65 y.]
- Portzline, Silas, [s/o Frank & Rebecca,] Aug. 9, 1836-Nov. 9,
1863; 27 y., 3 m. Co. B, 7th Pa.
Res. G.A.R.
- Portzline, Wm., Oct. 7, 1812-Sept. 24, 1865; 52 y., 11 m., 17 d.
- Rathfon, infant d/o G.W. & P.A., d. Feb. 26, 1858; 8 d.
- Schet.; 1 y., 4 m., 8 d. [German.]
- Schetterly, Barbara; 3 y., 20 d. [German:] "Hir
rut in Gott ..." [sic]
- Schetterly, Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1836-Nov. 21, 1838; 2 y., 3 m., 20
d. [German.]
- Schetterly, Heinrich, May 9, 1767-Jan. 17, 1835; 67 y., 8 m., 8
d. [German:] Text Philliper 1 C., 24 V. Christus ist
mein Leben, Sterben ist mein gewin."
- Shetterly, And'w., [s/o H. & F.,] May 22, 1796-May 12,
1873; 76 y., 11 m., 20 d.
- Shetterly, Feronica, [w/o Henry,] Aug. 12, 1770-Aug. 21, 1844; 74
y., 9 d. [German:] Text Offenbarung Johannes Capitel 7,
Vers. 9."
- Shetterly, Mary, w/o Andrew, Feb. 12, 1807-Aug. 10, 1855; 48 y., 5
m., 27 d.
- T[revitz], C[onrad], d. 1830; 80 y.
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