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Sanders Family Cemetery


Rt. 104, north of Centreville, Centre Twp., Snyder Co.


"The old homestead of the Sanders family in [Limestone Township.,] Union county is beautiful for situation, lying along the bank of Penn's creek, just below the Bridge at Centerville.  It has been in the possession of some member of the family ever since September 26, 1796, when Henry Sanders, Sr.,...came from Cocalico township, Lancaster county, Penn., to make his home in this section.  He was a blacksmith by trade, and prominent among the early settlers.  His death occurred February 17, 1850, at the age of eighty-two years.  His wife in her maidenhood was Eva Franz, and they reared a family of eight children, among whom were four sons, viz.; Henry, Jr.,...David, ...John,... and Jacob..." - Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, p. 967.

Sources of Inscriptions:

Tom & Kathy Finsterbush, 18 March 2001.


© 2003 by Thomas E. Finsterbush. All rights reserved.
Posted Monday, 10-Sep-2018 12:01:30 MDT to Snyder County PAGenWeb by permission of the author.