Beavertown God's Missionary Church Cemetery
Creek Road, Beaver Township
God's Missionary Church was organized in Beaver Township in 1932
at Dreese's Schoolhouse at the initiative of Nelson Walter of
Beavertown. The church was built in 1934; the cemetery was begun in 1936.
Source of Inscriptions:
Finsterbush, 1986, 1993, 1995
Finsterbush & Joyce Fisher, 25 September 1994.
There is not a reference to this cemetery in Wagenseller's
Tombstone Inscriptions of Snyder County.
- Aurand, baby boy, 1956-1956.
- Aurand, Dayton R., March 29, 1919- . "I know that my redeemer
- Aurand, Henry D., 1899-1973. Aurand, Lottie A., [w/o Henry,]
- Aurand, Nora A., nee Thomas, w/o Dayton, March 31, 1919-Dec. 16,
1990; m. Oct. 21, 1938.
- Bailey, Allen A., 1878-1953.
- Bailey, Gertrude A., [w/o Luther,] 1918-
- Bailey, Luther A., 1914-1982.
- Bailey, Sallie C., w/o Allen, 1889-1972.
- Beachel, Cloyd I., 1920-1985. W.W. II.
- Beachel, Helen A., [w/o Russel,] July 10, 1909-
- Beachel, Jennie A., [w/o Marvin,] 1924-
- Beachel, Marvin E., 1912-1987.
- Beachel, Mildred M., [w/o Cloyd,] 1929-
- Beachel, Russel C., Jan. 12, 1911-April 26, 1986. W.W. II.
- Boyer, Edith, 1889-1974.
- Brininger, baby girl, Feb. 3, 1942.
- Brininger, John P., 1894-1979.
- Brininger, Judy Ann, d/o John H. & Betty M., Sept. 24-Nov. 30,
- Brininger, Mary E., [w/o John P.,] 1893-1984.
- Carroll, Dixie M., 1917-1981.
- Cooley, Rev. LaDette W., June 15, 1932-May 1, 1984.
- Cooley, Miriam M.S., nee Gruber, w/o LaDette, Dec. 13, 1928-April
6, 1990.
- Deabler, David, 1875-1943.
- Deabler, Sarah M., [w/o David,] 1880-1964.
- Deetz, Mark J., 1960.
- Gearhart, Clarence J., 1902-1973.
- Gearhart, Mamie A., [w/o Clarence,] 1911-1979.
- Gessner, William O., 1949-1961.
- Gilbert, Harry W., 1899-1971.
- Gilbert, Mamie S., [w/o Harry,] 1924-
- Gilbert, Prudie T., [w/o William,] 1896-1982.
- Gilbert, William F., 1886-1966.
- Gill, Bessie H., [w/o Lorenzo,] 1896-1967.
- Gill, Lorenzo D., 1880-1940.
- Goss, infant d/o Clayton & Mazzie, 1936. "First in
- Goss, baby girl, Dec. 14-Dec. 14, 1975.
- Goss, Clayton R., 1897-1968.
- Goss, Mazzie M., [w/o Clayton,] 1905-1984.
- Hackenberg, John A., 1885-1956.
- Hackenberg, Katie B., [w/o John A.,] 1886-1964.
- Haines, Barbara J., 1945-1964.
- Haines, Beatrice E., [w/o H. Erman,] 1914-1989.
- Haines, Charlotte J., w/o Ronald, 1936-
- Haines, David E., s/o Ronald & Charlotte, 1963-1984.
- Haines, Edna C., [w/o Glace,] Jan. 6, 1907-
- Haines, Glace S., Nov. 19, 1906-March 25, 1992.
- Haines, H. Erman, 1910-1979.
- Haines, Harvey A., July 25, 1928-Dec. 7, 1949.
- Haines, Jennie A., [w/o Merrill,] 1897-1970.
- Haines, Marvin F., 1915-1993.
- Haines, Merrill E., 1891-1971.
- Haines, Ronald E., 1935-
- Haines, Steryl A., 1917-1938.
- Hartman, Grace C., [w/o Harry,] 1912-
- Hartman, Harry F., 1921-1994.
- Herman, Harold D., 1943-1968.
- Herman, Janet I., [w/o Harold,] 1947-
- Hummel, Bessie E., [w/o John H.,] 1915-1945.
- Hummel, Dora M., Aug. 28, 1920-Aug. 26, 1983.
- Hummel, John H., 1910-1977.
- Jones, Larry F., 1937-
- Jones, Margaret P., [w/o Larry,] 1936-1964.
- Jordan, Wilson, 1891-1978.
- Keister, Carrie A., [w/o Thomas,] 1905-1976.
- Keister, Scott [?] R., Nov. 12, 1963-Oct. 27, 1986.
- Keister, Thomas R., 1901-1972.
- Knepp, Cluney A., 1906-1939.
- Knepp, Mary J., w/o Cluney, 1906-1939.
- Knouse, Marvin C., 1954-1960.
- Kratzer, Florence B., Jan. 31, 1909-Dec. 5, 1982.
- Kuhns, Abraham L., 1865-1941.
- Kuhns, Ammon E., April 21, 1943-
- Kuhns, Esther P., [w/o Francis,] 1916-
- Kuhns, Ethel R., [w/o Lester,] June 20, 1910-April 10, 1980.
- Kuhns, Francis E., 1914-1994.
- Kuhns, Jay S., s/o Nelson & Mary, d. Dec. 27, 1943; 9 m., 21 d.
- Kuhns, John Ervin, Jan. 8, 1932-Feb. 19, 1992; 58 y.
- Kuhns, Lester A., April 5, 1902-June 21, 1984. "The Lord is my
- Kuhns, Lucy Jane, [w/o Abraham,] 1874-1939.
- Kuhns, Mabel S., [w/o John E.,] May 19, 1935-Nov. 11, 1993; 58 y.
- Kuhns, Martha L., Jan. 27, 1945-
- Kuhns, Mary F., nee Bailey, w/o Nelson, Feb. 22, 1912-Feb. 7, 1981.
"Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a god as our
God." Ps. 77:13.
- Kuhns, Nelson D., Nov. 2, 1904-Oct. 26, 1990. "The Lord is my
shepherd: I shall not want." Ps. 23:1.
- Kuhns, Rachel J., July 5, 1949-Dec. 16, 1989. "In my
Father's house are many mansions."
- Lantz, Carmeta June, [w/o George,] July 28, 1930-June 18, 1989.
- Lantz, George Alson, May 13, 1932-Oct. 31, 1989.
- Lantz, Lewis Henry, Nov. 17-20, 1975.
- Lantz, Ryan Paul, infant s/o Stephen P. & Elizabeth A., Feb. 4,
- Long, Curvin, 1914-1947.
- Long, Pauline, [w/o Curvin,] 1916-1954.
- Loss, Henry A., 1882-1960.
- Loss, Jonathan J., 1919-1946. "At rest."
- Loss, Sadie C., w/o Henry, 1886-1952.
- Mitchell, Charles R., Feb. 24, 1919- . M/Sgt., U.S.A.F., 26 y.
service. "Our hearts are as one."
- Mitchell, Wilma J., nee Bilger, w/o Charles, Nov. 12, 1926-March 5,
1992. "Parents of Cheryl Gaye, Charles Rudy & Cameron R."
- Motter, Hulda G., [w/o Oscar,] Aug. 6, 1908-June 7, 1989.
- Motter, Oscar L. Musser, Anna M., [w/o Roy,] June 1, 1906-June 30,
- Musser, Daryl S., Aug. 13, 1979.
- Musser, Ray W., Dec. 6-8, 1936.
- Musser, Roy I., July 7, 1910-July 6, 1989.
- Nerhood, Agnes M., [w/o Randall,] June 6, 1910-July 23, 1986.
- Nerhood, Randall D., Oct. 7, 1903-Nov. 23, 1980.
- Oldt, Josephine G., [w/o Walter,] 1927-
- Oldt, Walter L., 1922-1990.
- Phillips, Jabin A., infant s/o Daniel & Ruth, Jan. 24, 1983.
- Rothermel, infant s/o Larry & Lucille, Feb. 3, 1968.
- Rothermel, Edward L., [s/o Larry & Lucille,] May 29, 1969-Aug.
6, 1987.
- Rothermel, Larry G., Aug. 29, 1945-
- Rothermel, Lucille B., [w/o Larry,] June 4, 1943-
- Scholl, Grace W., w/o Herbert, 1907-1967.
- Scholl, Herbert A., 1901-1961. W.W. I.
- Scholl, Mark R., 1959.
- Sheesley, Eugene R., 1914-1989.
- Sheesley, Hilda J., [w/o Eugene,] 1923-
- Sheesley, Joseph A., 1958-1977.
- Smith, Clarence E., 1902-1941.
- Smith, Leona N., w/o Clarence, 1910-1986.
- Teats, Richard P., July 18, 1934-
- Teats, Vesta M., [w/o Richard,] Sept. 20, 1935-Nov. 8, 1989.
- Thomas, Arthur E., 1888-1952.
- Thomas, Rev. Arthur E., 1934-1994.
- Thomas, Carl A., [s/o Raymond & Hazel,] 1944-1945.
- Thomas, Donna Louise, Nov. 17, 1949-May 6, 1954.
- Thomas, Dorothy I., [w/o Walter,] Nov. 5, 1922-
- Thomas, Hazel M., [w/o Raymond,] 1921-1983.
- Thomas, Mabel S., w/o Arthur, 1892-1963.
- Thomas, Martha E., nee Loss, w/o Paul, Oct. 20, 1917-
- Thomas, Paul A., May 14, 1917-Jan. 5, 1985. "For me to live is
Christ and to die is gain." Phil. 1:21.
- Thomas, Raymond J., 1913-1981.
- Thomas, Walter J., Feb. 3, 1922-Feb. 19, 1984.
- Trutt, Goldie M., [w/o Russell,] 1912-1993.
- Trutt, Russell E., 1910-1968.
- Try, James W., 1915-1992. W.W. II.
- Try, Mary C., [w/o James,] 1925-
- Ullom, Charles W., 1888-1959. Fireman 2/C, U.S.N., W.W. I.
- Ullom, Hanna E., [w/o Charles,] 1890-
- Wagner, Carl R., 1921-
- Wagner, Katie E., [w/o Merrel, 1902-1947.
- Wagner, Marcalline J., [w/o Carl,] 1924-
- Wagner, Merrel L., 1900-1947.
- Wagner, Robert E., 1944-1967. Co. B, Special Troops, Korean War.
- Weaver, Mary A., [w/o Warren,] 1924-1989.
- Weaver, Warren F., 1921-1990. W.W. II.
- Williams, Blanche L., July 6, 1900-April 23, 1987.
- Zechman, infant s/o E.A. & G.M., 1944.
- Zechman, infant s/o P.F. & L.C., 1970.
- Zechman, Darlene, [sister of Marlene,] 1952.
- Zechman, Edna M., [w/o Irvin,] 1908-
- Zechman, Elizabeth, w/o Lee R., 1896-1943.
- Zechman, Elwood L., July 19, 1919-March 23, 1985. U.S. Army, W.W.
- Zechman, Ethel M., nee Renard, [w/o Elwood,] Nov. 16, 1925-
- Zechman, George E., 1903-1977.
- Zechman, Glenn E., s/o Elwood & Ethel, Oct. 11, 1949-
- Zechman, Ida M., [w/o Martin,] Dec. 25, 1906-June 21, 1989.
- Zechman, Irvin M., 1899-1971.
- Zechman, John F., 1874-1954.
- Zechman, John R., 1893-1975.
- Zechman, Lee Reich, 1898-1988.
- Zechman, Mabel V., [w/o John R.,] 1897-1974.
- Zechman, Marlene, [sister of Darlene,] 1952.
- Zechman, Martin S., Jan. 5, 1901-March 11, 1981.
- Zechman, Nova D.
- Zechman, Paul D., 1950-1967. "Here beneath the sod lies the
body whose soul has gone to live with God."
- Zechman, Richard E., 1925-
- Zechman, Robert Lee, 1953-1954.
- Zechman, Sarah E., w/o John F., 1878-1957.
- Zechman, Shirley J., [w/o Richard,] 1934-
- Zechman, Vera E., [w/o George,] 1908-1974.
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