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March 30, 1769 The Pennsylvania Gazette
Lancaster County, March 17, 1769.
WHEREAS an Attachment some Time since issued out of the County Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster, against JOHN LONG, late of the said County, Storekeeper; whereupon the subscribers were duly appointed by the said Court, Auditors to settle and adjust the Affairs of said Long: This, therefore, is to give Notice to all Persons who are indebted to the said LONG, to meet us, the said Auditors, at the House of the said LONG, in Drummore Township, in the said county, on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, being the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Days of April next; at which times and Place, as also on every Saturday in the said Month of April, due Attendance will be given by the said Auditors. And all those who are indebted to the said LONG and do not then and there attend and settle their Accounts, and pay their respective Ballances, may be assured that their Accounts, Notes, &c. will be immediately put in suit, without further Notice.
April 27,1769 The Pennsylvania Gazette
Drummore Township, Lancaster County, April 10, 1769.
To be sold by way of public vendue, at the late dwelling house of JOHN LONG, Store keeper, in Drummore township, Lancaster county, on Saturday, the 20th day of May next, by 2 o'clock in the afternoon, A PLANTATION and TRACT of warranted LAND, containing about 226 acres, situate in the said township of Drummore, now in the possession of John Carson, and belonging to the said JOHN LONG, who has absented himself from those parts, without paying his creditors; which land is seized by attachment, and to be sold by the subscribers, as auditors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, held for the said county; and attendance will be given for that purpose, by us ISAAC SAUNDERS, GEORGE McCULLOUGH, and << THOMAS PORTER , Auditors.



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