Juniata County PAGenWeb Land Records

Cumberland County Warrants

The 1755 Land Rush

Text = Lands of the 1754 Treaty
Bold Text = Lands on Tuscarora Creek (also part of 1754 Treaty)
Blue = Lands not part of the 1754 Treaty

Monday, February 3rd, 1755

Armstrong, William - 100 acres - Forks of Kishacoquillas Creek
Armstrong, William - 100 acres - On Lost Creek
Armstrong, John - 300 acres - 6 miles from mouth of Tuscarora Creek
Armstrong, John - 300 acres - South branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Armstrong, John - 100 acres - 6 miles from forks of Kishacoquillas Creek
Armstrong, John - 100 acres - On Big Mahanoy Creek, 15 miles from Susquehanna River
Armstrong, James - 100 acres - On north side of John Penn Creek
Armstrong, James - 100 acres - 6 miles below forks of Penn Creek
Armstrong, George - 100 acres - South side Tuscarora Creek opp. Indian Settlement
Allison, Guyan - 100 acres - In Sherman Valley near Buffalo Creek
Alexander, Hugh - 200 acres - In Sherman Valley
Armstrong, George - 50 acres - On Susquehanna River
Blaine, James - 100 acres - In Sherman Valley
Bawter, George - 50 acres - On Middle Creek over Susquehanna River
Barnes, Barnabas - 300 acres - On Old Traders Road on Tuscarora waters
Biggam, Samuel - 150 acres - On branch Tuscarora Creek

Brocard, Michael - 100 acres - On Cocolamus Creek
Brocard, Michael - 100 acres - On Cocolamus waters
Boilstone, Wendell - 100 acres - On Big Mahanoy Creek
Blythe, William - 50 acres - Near Frankstown
Burge, Samuel - 100 acres - In the Big Cove
Cammell, Valentine - 100 acres - On Cocolamus waters
Cammell, Valentine - 100 acres - On Big Cocolamus Creek
Cathy, George
Crogan, George - 400 acres - Raystown Branch of Juniata
Dunwoody, William - 20 acres - Peter’s Township
Dougal, John - 40 acres - Antrium Township
Eash, Peter - 100 acres - Greenwood Township
Eash, Peter - 100 acres - On branch of Mahantango Creek

Elliot, Thomas - 200 acres - Forks of Buffalo Creek
Elliot, Edward - 200 acres - On Cocolamus Creek, 3 miles from Juniata
Fear, Jacob - 100 acres - On Middle Creek
Fawts, John - 150 acres - On North branch of Cocolamus Creek
Fawts, John - 100 acres - On Cocolamus Creek
Fawts, John - 100 acres - On Susquehanna River near mouth of Penn’s Creek
Grass, William - 20 acres - Guilford Township
Gilnockey, William - 50 acres - At sources of Lost Creek
Gilnockey, William - 50 acres - 5 miles from mouth of Kishacoquillas Creek
Hoover, Philip - 200 acres - On Cocolamus Creek
Irwin, William - 25 acres - Antrium Township
Jackson, Josiah - 200 acres - On Buffalo Creek near Proprietary survey
Jackson, Josiah - 300 acres - On Traders’ Path adjacent Tuscarora Creek
Jackson, Josiah - 200 acres - Below falls of Juniata
Johnson, Edward - 100 acres - At Big Spring of Franktown Hill
Kenny, James - 100 acres - near Tuscarora Creek
Kenny, James - 200 acres - South side Tuscarora Creek
Kenniston, William - 150 acres - In Tuscarora Valley (See Renniston)
Kenny, James - 50 acres - On Tuscarora Creek at mouth of Hogg’s Run

Lauder, James - 100 acres - Lurgan Township
Lycans, John - 100 acres - South side of Juniata River
Logan, Alexander - 50 acres - In Sherman Valley six miles cross run
Logan, Alexander - 200 acres - In Sherman Valley six miles cross run
Leyninger, Sebastian - 100 acres - Branch Mahoney Creek, 20 miles from Susquehanna
Long, James - 50 acres - East Pennsburg Township
Lowry, James - 300 acres - On Juniata at Frankstown
Lowry, Alexander - 400 acres - On big road in Tuscarora Path
Mitchell, James - 100 acres - On Sherman Creek
McFarland, Patrick - 100 acres - North Branch Kishacoquillas Creek
Mitchell, Ross - 100 acres - On Sherman Creek
McCracken - 50 acres - Antrium Township
Miller, David - 100 acres - On Big Mahanoy Creek
McGinty, Alexander - 150 acres - On Buck Spring, Northwest side of Tuscarora Crk
Mitchell, Guyan - 100 acres - Lurgan Township
Mitchell, Alexander - 100 acres - Lurgan Township
McBryar, David - 100 acres - Antrium

Matthias, Henry et. al. - 100 acres -
Miller, Matthias - 100 acres - On Big Mahanoy Creek
McClure, John - 100 acres - On Sherman Creek
Rankin, James - 300 acres - Up east branch of Juniata
Renniston, William - 150 acres - Tuscarora Valley (see Kenniston)
Sterrat, James - 400 acres - On Juniata River at Hart’s cabin
Sterrat, James - 400 acres - at Beaver dams
Smith, John - 200 acres - At head of North Branch of Lost Creek, N of Juniata
Smith, Nicholas - 100 acres - on Penn Creek
Smiley, William - 150 acres - On Sherman Creek
Smiley, William - 100 acres - On a small run into Sherman Creek
Sample, John - 20 acres - Peters Township
Smith, John - 100 acres - Sherman Valley
Spear, Edward - 150 acres - Peter’s Township
Smith, Samuel - 100 acres - In forks of N Branch of Beaver Dam Creek
Stewart, William - 100 acres - On South side Tuscarora Creek
Sharron, James - 100 acres -
White, William - 100 acres - North Side of Juniata
West, Francis - 50 acres - Middle Township
West, Francis - 50 acres - In Sherman Valley
White, William - 100 acres - North Side of Juniata including “Big Meadows”
Wilson, Thomas - 150 acres - At mouth of Tuscarora Creek, South side Juniata R.
Walton, Richard - 100 acres - On Penn Creek - 18 miles from Susquehanna
Waldpeezer, Frederick - 200 acres - On Penn Creek, 2 ½ miles from Susquehanna R.
Woods, Thomas - 100 acres - On Tuscarora Creek
Williams, James - 60 acres - On Tuscarora Creek

Wilson, Robert and James - 400 acres - Montour Run
Zimmerman, Ulrich - 150 acres - On small run near Hutt Land

Tuesday, February 4, 1755

Alexander, James - 300 acres - North branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Alexander, George - 200 acres - North branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Arbuckle, William - 100 acres - Tuscarora Creek
Alexander, William - 100 acres - North branch Kishacoquillas Creek, near N. Mtn.
Alexander, John - 100 acres - In Kishacoquillas Valley at Sinking Run
Barnes, Barnaby - 200 acres - Below falls of Juniata at “Long Bottom”
Cowen, James - 100 acres - On Little Juniata River
Garner, John - 200 acres - On Cedar Spring branch of Sherman Creek
Huston, William - 100 acres - South side Sherman Creek near barren hill
Irwin, John - 200 acres - On Tuscarora Creek
Lowry, Daniel - 250 acres - on main Juniata River at Canoe Place
Laird, Ladowich - 100 acres - in Sherman Valley
McCowen, Finly - 100 acres - in Sherman Valley
Parker, James - 200 acres - On Cedar Spring Branch of Sherman Creek
Patterson, James - 200 acres - On Stream from Cedar Spring Branch on Big
Juniata River Rankin, Richard - 100 acres - On Tuscarora Creek
Sterrat, James Jr - 150 acres - North branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Sanderson, Alexander - 100 acres - in Sherman Valley
Sook, John - 50 acres - adj. Blue Mountains
Sanderson, John - 150 acres - On run into Sherman Creek
Sanderson, Robert - 50 acres - at head of Sherman Creek
Taylor, Robert - 100 acres - at head of middle branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Taylor, Robert - 100 acres - On south branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Waddell, James - 200 acres - Tuscarora Creek

Wednesday, February 5, 1755

Coats, Richard - 100 acres - On south branch of Kishacoquillas Creek
Denniston, Alexander - 100 acres - On Juniata River
Laird, Ladowich - 50 acres - South side Sherman Creek
Patterson, William - 200 acres - On Juniata
Patterson, James - 100 acres - On Hunters Run at the Juniata
Torringtine, Alexander - 50 acres - In Kishacoquillas Valley
Torringtine, Samuel - 50 acres - In Kishacoquillas Valley

Thursday, February 6, 1755

Brouse, John - 100 acres - On Middle Creek
Bell, Joseph - 100 acres - On Juniata River
Forster, Arthur - 100 acres - Near Kishacoquillas Creek
Horbuch, Jacob - 100 acres - About 7 miles from Susquehanna
Patterson, James - 150 acres - North Side Juniata River
Sterrat, William - 100 acres - South Side of Juniata River
Sterne, Valentine - 400 acres - On Juniata River
Toafe, Michael - 100 acres - Near North Mountain
Toafe, Michael - 100 acres - At head of Great Spring, 3 miles from Kishacoquillas Creek

Friday, February 7, 1755

Harris, John - 200 acres - On Buffalo Creek
Harris, John - 200 acres - On Mahanoy Creek
Lee, Rebecca - 50 acres - West side of Susquehanna river
Lee, Edward - 50 acres - On run into big Mahanoy Creek, 15 miles from Susquehanna

Saturday, February 8, 1755

Gray, John - 120 acres - South side of Tuscarora Creek
McClean, Daniel - 50 acres - On Licking Creek above mouth of Tuscarora Creek

The above data was compiled from the Warrant Registry Index of Cumberland County, found in the Bureau of Archives and History, Pennsylvania State Archives, RG-17, Records of the Land Office, WARRANT REGISTERS, 1733-1957. {series #17.88}

Phil McGinty
January 5, 2008

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