1920 Central High Yearbook - Text

Erie County (PA) Genealogy  
Schools - Public & Private

City of Erie - Central High School 1920 Yearbook

Contributed by Audry Schlindwein Mascharka

The information below has been provided by Audry Schlindwein Mascharka. She has scanned just about the entire copy of the 1920 edition of THE SPOKESMAN, the yearbook of the old Central High School in downtown Erie. From other school history provided earlier, the 1919-1920 school year was supposed to have been the year when Erie High School split to become "Central" and "Academy". There is still some additional research needed, but a phrase in the yearbook - "New Central High School" seems to imply that this was the first year of the split.

This book belonged to Audry's mother-in-law and 1920 graduate, Elsie Grappy Mascharka. The pages have not been transcribed as yet, except for a class listing that Audry provided some time ago to the mail list. The class listing is shown below. If anyone would like to do a transcription of any of the pages, so then names on that page will show up in the Pico Search engine for Erie County, please contact Bill Klauk.

Bill Klauk has created 'thumbnail' index pages from the scanned images. Since this page would be too slow to load with all the images, they are being shown on separate pages. Click on this underlined text to view Part 1 - Introductions and Senior Class - Up to page 67.

If anyone would like more information concerning the contents of the yearbook, please contact Audry.

Senior Class, Central High School, 1920

Fred Aquino, Gladys Allison, Hallie Avery, Gilberta Babcock, Janet Bacon, Helen Bach, Richard Bear, Dorothy Baker, Elsie Banghart, Walton Bannister, Thomas Barber, Dorothy Bartz, Arvilla Bean, Philip Becker, George Behan, Alice Bell, Mattie Babbit, Ethel Bond, Helen Boutall, Marcia Bowser, Elizabeth Brakeman, Marion Brown, Eugene Burger, Chester Burghart, Martha Burns, Carl Carlson, Ina Chellis, Marguerite Clough, Anne Coatoam, Ardelle Cone, John Craig, Edwin Crook, Margaret Crossley, Kathryn Crotty, Mary Crotty, Lenore Conrath, Dorothy Cook, Doris Cooper, Laura Cooper, Leo Jerome Cornish, Ina Cummings, Louise Cunningham, Helen Cuthbert, William Dale, Margaret Daly, Henry Davis, Leon De Cecco, James Derby, Ida Detzell, Frieda Diekhoff, Isabell Douglas, Nellie Driscoll, Mary Dugan, Ruth Durfee, Ruth Easlesfield, Margaret Edgin, Francis Ehret, Ruth Eighmy, Marjorie Evans, Marjorie Jessie Evans, Priscilla Evans, Mabel Eyers, Orin Farnsworth, Marion Fischer, Madeline Flaven, Bernard Foley, Margaret Foran, Joseph Fratus, Monzella French, Helen Gaeckle, Jack Gallagher, William Gardner, George Garlich, Dorothy Garvin, Gordon Gibson, Thelma Gingenbach, Dorothy Gleeson, Marion Frances Godfrey, Frances Goodnouch, Bernard Gottlieb, Harry Gorton, Elsie Grappy, Ruth Greenwood, Stella Griffin, Kathleen Gruber, Marie Gruelich, William Hamilton, Ernest Hansen, Mildred Harper, Marina Hawker, Rosanna Hayes, Roscoe Hays, Walter Hendrickson, Katherine Herman, Agnes Herbst, Edna Hogan, Ethel, Holtsberger, Janet Hubbell, Isabel Hudson, Marjorie Hughes, Gertrude Jarvis, Stephen Jamorawicz, Roy Jensen, Thora Jensen, Clara Johannesen, Carl Johnson, Herbert Johnson, Gladys Jones, Dorothy Keil, Helen Kennedy, George Kimberley, Mary Kingsbury, Grace Klenk, Ellis Knobloch, Kenneth Knobloch, Kathryn Keohler, Robert Kolbe, Marie Kress, William Krill, Jack Lawkowicz, Alice Lannan, Robert Lechtner, Marguerite Lee, Marian Lehan, Frieda Leistner, Mathilda Leonetti, Leon Lesh, Vera Lewis, hilma Linden, Edwin Loeb, Lewis Manley, Louis Mascharka, Sylvia Masiroff, Emma Mason, Clifton Mathews, Catherine McAllister, Agnes McCarty, Margaret McCarthy, John McCormick, Porter McDonnell, Louise McMahon, Thomas McMahon, Grace McSparren, Frances Mertens, Elizabeth Michaelis, Robert Michael, John Milne, Thelma Mook, Ellen Mooney, Vivian Morgan, Burton Morgan, Anna Mount, Cassimer Nagorski, Florence Nelson, Pansy Nisbet, George Nevice, Andrew Nowak, Lester Mystrom, Thomas O'Dea, Charles Padoll, Ephriam Padolf, Leslie Peck, Bernard Piotrowski, Dorothy Foehlman,Elsin Price, Gladys Pulling, George Quigley, Cecilia Quinn, Della Raid, Lola Rasmussen, Harvey Reed, Mechtilde Regan, Marion Reynolds, Alice Riblet, Grace Riehl, Mary Riley, William Rodgers, Mildred Roland, Lynn Roney, Ruth Rosenberg, Pauline Rowan, William Scarlett, Mildred Schaefer, Dorothy Schoneman, Fred Scildmacher, Luther Schnur, Maxwell Schoenfeld, Viola Sechrist, Dorothy Semmence, Helen Shaffer, Blanche Shakelton, Charlotte Sherwood, Florence Shirr, Necha Silin, Jerome Smith, Louis Smith, Theophilis Smith, Shoney Sobel, Erwin Spahr, Mildren Spanton, Gertrude Stafford, George Starsky, Selma Stern, Edward Sterrett, Sarah Stewart, Audrey Strangways, Marie Strick, Earl Sullivan, Mildred Stuart, Alice Sturtevant, Mary Sullivan, Neil Sullivan, Clemens Schwab, Margaret Swabb, Amelia Swanson, Emily Thomas, Gladys Thomas, Mary Tobin, Florence Trost, Leona True, Amelia Umnitz, Frank Natta, Margaret Vigrass, Thelma Volland, John Walker, Robert Ward, Soloman Weiss, Raymond Wemyss, Mildred Wesley, Kennedy Whitley, Esther Wilson, Walter Wicker, Herman Wolff, Mary Woods, Matthew, Wright, Mary Yard, Ethel Yokes, Edward Young, Leona Zuern, William Bruce.


From an old Post Card - Date Unknown but probably about the time of this feature article.

This page was last updated on  Tuesday, September 17, 2002 .

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