Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Gifford Reunion
This picture and information about it has been provided by Myrtice Gifford Forsythe. Any inquiries about this family or the photo may be directed to her. This picture is of a GIFFORD reunion in or around Erie, PA. The picture has been in possesion of Martha Gifford Harris. Unfortunately, neither Martha or Myrtice have been able to identify any of the individuals, and they do not know even an approximate year of the photo. They are quite sure the reunion was in Erie County, but they can not determine where. They are aware of three other family reunion pictures from 1899, 1902 and 1906 but without locations, and two other undated reunion pictures from Phillipsville and Wattsburg.
Does anyone recognize the place, or any of the people in the picture.
Martha Gifford Harris and Myrtice Gifford Forsythe are descendants of William and Elizabeth Gifford. William Gifford was a Revolutionary War soldier and died at age 89 in 1846 at the residence of his son, James M. Gifford, of Greenfield Township. William did not come to Erie County (PA) until about 1820. William had nine sons. Myrtice descends from his first one, Benjamin. Martha descends from his last one, John. Martha thinks that the man standing under the porch gable with the bow tie is her Great Uncle Eugene Gifford, brother to her Grandfather Frank A. Gifford. Martha Gifford Harris is the Great Grand daughter of Orson F. Gifford, the 2nd Gr Grand daughter of John Gifford, and 3rd Gr Grand daughter of William Gifford, Rev. War soldier. The picture below was in the possession of Eugene Gifford at hte time of his death.
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
This page was originally created on Wednesday, March 07, 2001.
This page was last updated on Monday, February 26, 2007.
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