Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Wescott Siblings
The information and pictures below have been provided by Betty Macdonald and are all related to children of Theodore and Margaret Ann Smock Wescott of Crawford County. The Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad is a common theme for these family members. Betty Macdonald's grandfather was Philip Wescott (1883-1941). Philip had an older sister, Rachel Belle Wescott Gehr (1879-1975), a younger sister, Lydia Lovena Wescott Shakespeare (1894-1984), and a younger brother, Frank Cecil Wescott (1892-1977). Gravestones shown are in Albion Cemetery.
Betty Macdonald's grandfather, Philip Wescott, worked for the Albion-Bessemer (Bessemer and Lake Erie RR) from 1905 to 1941. The back of the above photo is stamped: C. O. Barnes Photographer 118 N. Second St. Greenville, PA. Betty has indicated that the picture was taken at Albion and the engine shown is probably one that Philip worked on. Philip was injured at the railroad roundhouse in Albion and died in St. Vincent Hospital in Erie six days after the accident on 6 October 1941. Below is an undated photo of Philip Wescott.
Philip Wescott is buried with his younger brother, Frank Cecil Wescott in Albion Cemetery. Frank retired from the Bessemer and Lake Erie RR in 1957 and died 30 December 1977, at the Greenville (PA) Hospital. His sister, Rachel Belle (Wescott) Gehr and her husband Glenn L. Gehr are buried nearby.
Lydia Lovena Wescott was born 26 July 1894 in Shermansville, PA. She died 8 December 1984. Her husband, Robert Scott Shakespeare was born 1 February 1889. He was a retired conductor for the Bessemer and Lake Erie RR. He died 23 January 1972. They had lived at 34 Cherry Street in Albion. Below is both an undated photo of Lydia and Robert, and their gravestone.
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk
This page was last updated on Thursday, February 22, 2001 .
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