Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Bill & Zoe Sugden
This picture and information about it has been provided by Larry Sugden. Any inquiries about this family or the photo may be directed to him.
Larry Sugden has provided this information: "This is a photo of Thomas William "Bill" Sugden and his wife Zoe, who owned B & Z Grocery that was located at 418 State Street, Erie. The date of the photo is unknown. Bill and Zoe were married after the death of Bill's first wife in 1930. Other photos show Bill and Zoe in California from 1957 until Bill's death in 1965. Therefore, this photo was taken between 1930 and 1957."
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
Original page posted March 4, 2001
This page was last updated on Sunday, May 26, 2002 .
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