Rosenburg Reunion [JSM09]

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Faces of Erie County

Rosenburg Reunion circa 1912

Contributed by Judy Smith Magons

This picture and information about it has been provided by Judy Smith Magons. Regrettably, the photo was severely damaged and a piece is missing. Judy has provided the following: "The photo below was taken probably in 1912 in Erie County of Rosenburg descendants. The Rosenburgs were farmers in Elk Creek Township. The seated older man near the center is believed to be Alexander Rosenburg, and that the man behind him is his son George Rosenburg. The woman on the right of Alexander Rosenburg is his daughter, Nancy Rosenburg Kidder. The woman on the left in light colored dress is Mary Jane Kidder Eddy, Nancy's daughter. These are daughters from the first marriage of Alexander Rosenburg to Julia Bogart. The group of children in the lower front are mostly the children of Lucy Kidder Smith, Nancy's daughter. Lucy appears with several daughters in the group behind Mary Jane. The group of men and wives behind Alexander Rosenburg are sons and step-sons by second wife, Philinda Chapin. Does anyone have a whole picture of this group or identification of people?"

Any inquiries about this family or the photo may be directed to Judy Smith Magons.

1912 Rosenburg Reunion

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Change 1 [11/9/07] Updated contributor's email address.

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This page was originally created on  Wednesday, March 2, 2005 .

This page was last updated on  Friday, November 9, 2007 .

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