Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Reed Manufacturing Tool Room
This picture and
information about it has been provided by Barbara Root Seyler.
She has advised that she does not have any additional information, but has
provided the following:
"The back of the photo reads: Tool Room Reed Mfg. Company During WWI
(doesn't appear to be in specific order)
John Becker, Leo Yochum, Cy Mogel,
Clyde Way (he is the 2nd from right peeking through),
Red Kester, Al Becker
Clyde Way was my grandfather. The other names I cannot put with specific
inquiries about this photo may be
directed to Barbara.
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
This page was last updated on Thursday, September 18, 2003 .
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