
Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Faces of Erie County

Jacob Haller

The pictures below and information about them and about this family have been provided by Anne Nestlerode. Any inquiries about this family or the photos may be directed to her. Both of these photos are directly related to Jacob Haller, although he is not shown. Jacob Haller was born August 13, 1845, in Trossingen, Wurttemberg, Germany, the son of Agatha Haller, father unknown. He and his mother emigrated to Canada in 1856 and settled in Ontario where Agatha is buried.  Jacob came to Erie in 1860 and married Mary Eberhardt on October 1, 1867. They had 3 children but all died in infancy. Mary died in 1872. Fifteen months later Jacob married Sophia Schiller (pictured below) of Fairview Township on November 11, 1873. Sophia was born on December 28,1854. She and Jacob had 3 sons, Charles Jacob (1874-1959), Frank Arthur (1877-1956), and Edward William (1879-1960). On November 19, 1880, Sophia passed away at the age of 25 years and 11 months. The cause of death was listed as brain inflammation. Their youngest son Edward Haller married Anna Kern (1880-1966) and they had two children, Charles (1903-1968) and Louise (1905-1979). (see second picture).

Anne has provided the following additional information about Jacob Haller and his company. Some of the information has been extracted from the Erie Dispatch, December 1, 1956. Jacob Haller opened the Jacob Haller Co. at 1225 Peach Street in 1873. After his death in 1895 the company was moved to 1501 State Street and continued to expand under the influence of his three sons. At that time the north side of the building was occupied by the Haller Co's principal competitor, the C.A. Curtze Co. After a large fire in 1907, the company moved to 1502 Parade for four years. Then it was moved to 1717 Parade, its home for the next 45 years. By 1952, the year of the compnay's incorporation, it served 1,250 accounts, both retail and institutional. In 1956 it moved to a new 42,000 square foot building at 1717 E. 12th.

Sophia Shiller Haller (1854-1880)

Jacob Haller's son Edward, grandchildren Charles & Louise, and Edward's wife Anna Kern. Picture is guessed to be dated about 1915.

This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk. Photos and information has been provided by Anne Nestlerode.

This page was last updated on  Tuesday, April 24, 2001 .

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