Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Farr's Red & Black Melody Boys
This picture and information about it has been provided by Gaylene Kerr Banister. Any inquiries about the photo may be directed to her.
Farr's Red & Black Melody Boys
It is unknown when this picture was taken, but believe it was probably around 1930, give or take a few years. Walton Robert Banister is the trumpet player (fourth from left). Walton, born in Erie in 1903, is a son of Louise (Steiner) and Joseph Henry Banister.
We don't know the names of any of the other band members. If you can identify anyone else or if you would like a higher resolution version suitable for printing, please let me (Gaylene Kerr Banister) know.
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 .
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