Crane Brothers

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Faces of Erie County

Crane Brothers

Contributed by Kathleen Ticknor Lawless

This picture and information about it has been provided by Kathleen Ticknor Lawless. As can be seen, the photo is from the Bassett Studio that was at 728 State Street in Erie. The date of the photo has not been provided. The contributor reports that the photo is labeled "Adonijah, Abiather and James Crane, Wealthy Ticknor's brothers". Abiather and James were Civil War veterans; Abiather lost his "left limb" at the Battle of Fredericksburg (not sure if it was his arm or leg). The man identified as James Crane appears to be wearing his GAR pin. There are at least two sisters - Wealthy Crane Ticknor and Nancy Crane Sawdey. In 2000, site contributor Gaylene Kerr Banister posted a biography of Abiather Crane on the Rootsweb Message Boards. Click here to go to that biography --> Biography of Capt Abiather F Crane. Any inquiries about this family or the photo may be directed to Kathleen Ticknor Lawless.

Crane Brothers

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This page was last updated on  Tuesday, January 25, 2005 .

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