Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Miner Steenberg
Contributed by Andy Pochatko
This picture and information about it has been provided by Andy Pochatko. He indicates that the picture was taken by C.O. Caughlin of Conneaut, Ohio, after 1879 and before 1884. Miner and Gleena were the children of George T., originally from New York, and Altha, from Pennsylvania. The Steenberg (sometimes spelled Steinberg) family resided in Springfield township. A road that runs perpendicular with Rtes. 5 and 20 is named for them. Any questions regarding the family or the picture should be directed to Andy Pochatko.
Additional information was provided by Andy on 2/27/05: "I did some more research on the Miner Steenberg photo and with the new information, the page needs to be updated. The name of the baby in the photograph is actually James G. Steenberg and he was born June 4, 1881 and died May 5, 1917. His sister, Glenna, was born in 1879. She married Dr. M.M. Ocshier, an optomistist in 1942. She died in 1980. Also, I found James' grave stone in Springfield Cemetery." (see below)
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This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
This page originally posted January 30, 2005.
Last updated on Sunday, February 27, 2005 .
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