Erie County (PA) Genealogy
Faces of Erie County
Benjamin Allen
Contributed by Larry Combs
These pictures and information about them have been provided by Larry Combs. From information provided, the subject of this feature, Benjamin Allen, was Larry's 2nd Great Grandfather. Benjamin Allen was the fourth child of Henry Allen and Sallie Barney who came to Erie County in 1838 from St. Lawrence Co NY. Benjamin Allen was born 20 Aug 1841 in Greene Twp, Erie Co. PA and died 9 May 1912 in Erie Co. Benjamin is buried at Union Cemetery at Phillipsville on Turner Road. Benjamin is also listed in "Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book on Erie County" page 787 - 788 including his service with the 83rd PA Volunteers in the Civil War. This biographical sketch also indicates that Benjamin Allen was a Justice of the Peace in Greene Township. Any inquiries about this individual or the photos may be sent directly to Larry Combs.
Benjamin Allen
Benjamin Allen in his Civil War uniform
This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.
This page was last updated on Sunday, March 24, 2002 .
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