1909 Anderson-Clark Wedding

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Faces of Erie County

Anderson - Clark 1909 Wedding

This picture and information about it has been provided by Pamela Anderson. The picture below shows Raymond Anderson and Ethel Mae Clark Anderson sitting in the middle of the picture. It is not sure exactly when the picture was taken or who the other people in the picture might be; however, Raymond and Ethel Mae were married in Tracy, Pa., September 9, 1909, at the home of Ethel's family Albert E. Clark and Dora D. (Campbell) Clark. It is believed that Ethel's father and mother are standing off to the right of her, and that Raymond's family is on his left, but the submitter does not know for sure. Any inquiries about this family or the photo may be directed to Pamela Anderson.

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This page was last updated on  Friday, May 03, 2002 .

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