
Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Faces of Erie County

Albion Area Schools - 1930s Classes

The pictures and information on this page concerning the Albion High School Class of 1935 and the Class of 1938 are from two submitters. Please contact the submitters directly if you have any questions about these pictures. Also, if you are related to anyone in any of these pictures, let Bill Klauk know, and advise if you would like your name linked to this page in any way.

Betty Macdonald has provided 8 class pictures from her mother who was Marguerite Elizabeth Wescott of the Albion High School Class of 1935. The earliest picture is from 1927 when Marguerite was in 4th grade in Cranesville. This picture, along with a 6th and 7th grade picture from Cranesville, and 8th through 12th grades at Albion are included on a separate page which may be viewed by clicking here --> Albion Area School Class Pictures 1927-1935. The senior class picture, along with a transcription about the graduation is shown here.

Graduating Class of 1935 - Albion High School

1935 - 52 Graduated At Albion High School - Fifty-third Annual Commencement Exercises Held at Local School Tuesday Evening - Over seven hundred and fifty people gathered at the Albion High School auditorium on Tuesday evening, May 28, to witness the graduation exercise of one of the largest classes in the history of the local school.

At the conclusion of the interesting program, fifty-two students received their diplomas from Mrs. Belle M. Kingsley, secretary of the Albion Board of Education.

The high school band under the able direction of Mr. Richard W. Deverell rendered appropriate music for the event. Rev. F. W. Harthan, of the Albion High School faculty, offered the Invocation and the Rev. A. A. Jones, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church gave the Benediction.

Musical numbers were offered by I. Marie Shauberger, John Seiersen and the Senior chorus.

The program of commencement talks by the students was a rather pleasant departure from the formal type of oration customarily found in exercises of this nature. Short talks, all dealing with the various activities of the school, were presented in a highly interesting and understanding manner. The speakers included: Alberta M. Bovee, Elizabeth Harrington, I. Marie Shauberger, Harold Ball, Helen Patterson, Emily Sabela and Charles Leehan.

Principal W. F. Collins presented the class and named I. Marie Shauberger, Helen Patterson and Virginia L. Williams as the highest ranking honor students.

The graduating class included the following student: Melvin A. Adams, Harold E. Ball, Frederick Robert Barton, Alberta M. Bovee, George Burns, Jesse W. Craig, Mary Duran, Fred L. Eldridge, Dorothy E. Farrell, Joseph V. Ferguson, Mary Ferguson, Edrie Iola Forbes, John Fratalia, George J. Gage, Leslie J. Graham, Wilson Harner, Elizabeth L. Harrington, Thomas E. Harthan, Charles Bernard Hochadel, Betty M. Keane, Eva Marie Kulyk, Charles G. Leehan, Olga Lenincy, Angeline Lombardo, Leona M. Martin, Nancy E. McCommons, Conrad Maier Nagengast, Frank Onochila, Helen L. Patterson, Marion Pete Podluzne, Ardith L. Robb, Emily Teresa Sabela, Earl W. Sanford, John K. Seiersen, Zeno Seneta, I. Marie Shauberger, Robert J. Shauberger, James W. Shearer, Florence Snyder Sheiley, Emeline Eleanor Soltis, Mabelle F. Spaulding, Laura E. Steinhoff, Charles B. Stuntz, Pauline G. Swanson, Reba Leora Terrill, Virginia Burwell Ticknor, Robert W. Thompson, Margueirte Wescott, Gerald H. Williams, Virginia L. Williams, Carl F. Woodworth, Williard Young.

Source and date of above article not cited. From a scrapbook clipping submitted by Betty Macdonald.

Diana Fitzsimons has provided an 11th grade Albion High School class picture from her mother who was Myrtle Craig. The picture is from the 1936-1937 school year.

According to Diana, her mother Myrtle, who is third from the left in the first row, wrote everyone's name down, left to right, starting in the back. The teachers name was Ruth Kingsley. Back row: Kenneth Thompson, Jack Gunter, Howard Schutt, James Wood, Robert Ball, Neil Madden, Clarence Smith, Edwin Freeman, Earl Rice, Edward Swaney, Darwin Cook, Clark McBride, Mac Thomas, Earl Johnson, Third row: Royce Knapp, Andrew Hayes, Chester Harrington, John Kulyk, John Graves, Harold Blair, Robby Carberry, Virginia Maxwell, Marian Orr, Virginia Scowden, Florence DeArment, Lois Slopff(?), Virginia Bishop, Lucinda Markham Second row: Charles Roberts, Josephine Fratalia, Josephine Lombardo, Martha English, Miss Kingsley, Gladys Hamilton, Delphine Allen, Louise Hachadel, Irene Abbott, Elton Burns, Roland Hooftalen, Forrest Hewitt, Francis Gehr, Merle Graves First row: Bertha Peck, Helen George, Myrtle Craig, Laura George, Mary Craig, Ruth Hubbard, Esther Young, Irene Ball, Ruth Jones, Norma Warner, Ruth Raymond, Mary Dowling, Kathryn Donahue, Marian Rolling(?) and Helen Redfoot.

This page has been designed, and is being maintained by Bill Klauk.

This page was last updated on  Saturday, June 16, 2001 .

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