1873 Business Directory - North Springfield

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

1873 - 1874 Directory - North Springfield

Contributed by Evelyn Baker

The following information has been extracted from the GAZETTEER & BUSINESS DIRECTORY of ERIE COUNTY, PA. This directory was published by The Journal Office, Syracuse, New York, 1873. The listings have been transcribed by Evelyn Baker who wishes to thank Joan Fiesler of the Fairview Historical Society for assistance in locating and researching this document. A listing is being presented for each of the three Post Offices in Springfield Township in 1873 - 1874. This listing is for those with a North Springfield address. Please contact Evelyn Baker directly with any comments or questions.


ABBEY,  ELIJAH  ............ farmer

ABBEY, THOMAS ........... farmer

ABELL, ALEXANDER  ... farmer

ANDERSON, P. W. .......... school director, Harbor Creek Insurance agent, farmer


BADGER, GEORGE ....... farmer

BOVEE, CHARLES  D.  .. farmer

BRINDLE, A. H. .............. SHERMAN & BRINDLE  store

BRINDLE, G. W. ............. farmer

BRINDLE, JOSEPH ........ farmer

BROOKS, OSCAR .......... farmer

BROWER, JOHN L. ....... carpenter & farmer

BROWN, DAVID ............ egg dealer


CALKINS, ISAAAC ........ lumberman & farmer

CREW, J. H.  .................... produce dealer & 8th division master L. S.& M. S.  RxR

CROUCK, H. C.  .............. telegraph operater for the L. S. & M. S.  RxR

DAY, WARREN ............... farmer

DeVORE, A. ..................... farmer

DeVORE, JOHN  ............. farmer

DOTY, ALBERT  ............. farmer & blacksmith

EAGLEY, A.  .................... farmer

EAGLEY, DANIEL  ......... farmer & blacksmith

EAGLEY, JOHN  ............. farmer

EAGLEY, JOSEPH  ......... farmer

ELLIS, JESSIE C.  ........... farmer

ELLIS, JOSEPH  .............. farmer

ELLIS, LEONARD .......... farmer & carpenter


GERRED, CHARLES  .... farmer

GERRED, H. C.  .............. farmer & cooper

GERRED, LEVI  ............. farmer

GRAHAM, S. W.  ............ farmer

GREEN, C. W.  ................ farmer

GWIN, C. E.  .................... baggage agent


HALL, JOHN H.  ............. farmer

HARRIS, DANIEL  ......... farmer

HAYT, CHARLES  ........... farmer

HEWITT, A. D.  ................ farmer & brick mason

HEWITT, G. L.  ................ farmer, mason, & carpenter

HOLLIDAY, CHAS. C.  ... farmer

HOLLIDAY, SAMUEL  ... farmer

HOLLIDAY, S. V.  ............ farmer

HURD, GILBERT  ........... farmer, Notary Public, pension agent, pension notary


IVES, HIRAM  ................. farmer

IVES, JAMES C.  ............. farmer & carpenter


JACKSON, L. P.  .............. JACKSON  &  McKEE  store

JACKSON & McKEE  .... dry goods, groceries, produce ... farmers

JOHNSON, HENRY  ....... farmer


KANE, PATRICK  ........... night watchman at depot

KEEP, A. B.  ..................... farmer, gardener of sweet potatos & tomato plants


LETSCH, ADAM  ............ farmer

LOVERIDGE, E. W.  ....... station agent

LYNCH, JOHN  ................ farmer


MANSELL, JOHN  .......... farmer

MARTIN, G. W.  .............. carpenter & shoemaker


McDONALD, L. M.  ......... farmer

McINTIRE, B. H.  ............. farmer

McINTIRE, SAMUEL  ..... farmer

McINTIRE, JAMES  ........ farmer & house painter

McKEE, T. J.  .................... farmer & postmaster


NOEF, WILLIAM  ............ farmer

NORTON, JOHN  ............ groceries


PORTER, SIDNEY  .......... farmer


REYNOLDS, H. M.  ......... farmer

ROBINSON, A. A. ............ farmer


SCOTT, CYRUS W.  .......... farmer

SCOTT, JONAS  ................ farmer

SHERMAN & BRINDLE.. dry goods, groceries, boots & shoes

SHERMAN, M. Z.  .............  "  & farmer

SMITH, A. H.   .................... farmer

SMITH, CHARLES  F.  ...... farmer

SMITH, LYMAN  ............... farmer

SMITH, NELSON  ............. farmer & auctioneer

STEVENSON, JOHN  ........ farmer

STRONG, JOSEPH M.  ..... farmer


TAYLOR, J. W. ................... farmer


WALKER, JOHN  .............. farmer

WELLS, L. C. ...................... farmer & thresher



This page was last updated on  Tuesday, March 18, 2003 .

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